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Angular Rocks

Author: Aliaksei KunceviÄŤ

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All things Angular podcast 🎙 by Aliaksei Kuncevič.
25 Episodes
RxJS with Ben Lesh

RxJS with Ben Lesh


RxJS (Reactive Extensions for JavaScript) is a complex and very interesting topic. The Rx (Reactive Extensions), originating from Microsoft, has been around for a very long time migrating from one platform to another. These days every programming language has its own native implementation of Rx. This episode is fully dedicated to RxJS.In this episode we are discussing:What is RxJS and what problem does it solve?Ben’s personal story with RxJS and how it all startedA quick history or RxJSWhat companies are using RxJS and how does it help them?RxJS and Angular (RxJS on Google scale)Reactive Programming and how RxJS related to that.RxJS vs another Reactive Programming libraries (BaconJS, KefirJS, etc)    Observable vs promiseWhen to use observables, when to use promiseTips and tricks for newcomersWhat is the future of RxJSObservable TC39 proposalObservables as a part of ECMAScript standardPeople mentionedEric MeyerBart De SmetMatthew PodwysockiMore from BenTwitterOther LinksRxJS DocsThe RxJS LibraryECMAScript Observable ProposalReactiveXRxVizThinkRxAliaksei's mailing
Reactive Angular

Reactive Angular


There is a lot of buzz around reactivity and reactive programming these days.All reactive Angular API is built on top of RxJS library so there is a lot of reactivity built-in within Angular. What do you think, should Angular have First-class RxJS support, should it be optional or may be Angular should support both options?Lets discuss   👉 Twitter thread LinksThe RxJS libraryProposal: Input as Observable Angular Getting Started Workshopngstart.devAliaksei's mailing
Component is the central piece in Angular. Sometimes you want to generalize a particular component, to make it shareable across your application or to move into a custom component library to share it around multiple applications. It is important to understand how to approach shareable components in your particular use-case.In this episode we are discussing:Components and Components compositionShared folder, Shared library, ngModulesTemplate contextCustom component librariesDesigning components for scaleBest practices, tips and tricks and common pitfallsArticlesCustom Angular Component Library (Best practices)Angular Library Architecture (sub-entries)Angular Application ArchitectureMore from TomasTwitterGithubWebsiteOmniboard Angular Self-Paced Workshops from 
Web Components are also known as Custom Elements. Custom Element is a web standard for defining new HTML elements in a framework-agnostic way.There are a set of different techniques that allow you to build Web Components or Custom Elements. Being an Angular Developer you can easily get into Web Components by using Angular Elements.Links:Web ComponentsCan I use Web ComponentsPolymerLitPolymer vs LitAngular ElementsAngular Self-Paced Workshops from
I split up the developer tools into multiple categories Development and productivityDebuggingPerformanceTestingIn this episode we discuss each category in details as well as answering the following questions:Why do we need developer tools?Can you imagine a dev life without modern tooling?What are the modern Tools for Angular developers?How to debug a memory leak?Also we talk about some cool insights about what Angular Team is working on right now to improve the Angular developer experience even more.Tools Angular CLIAngular language service (vscode extension)CodelyzerPrettierNgrevAngular state inspector (chrome extension)Angular DevTools  (chrome extension)JestCypressPeople mentionedMisko HaveryJohn PapaWard BellAlan AgiusDouglas CrockfordMore from MinkoTwitterBlogAngular Self-Paced Workshops from 
Every time you scaffold a new project with Angular CLI ng new command, the CLI, by default, produces an Angular CLI workspace for that project. In some cases when you are working on multiple Angular projects under the same solution you may want to try out a Multi-project Workspace. This approach is also suitable for many enterprise new my-solution --create-application falsecd my-solutionng g application my-appng g library my-shared-libraryLinksMulti-project workspaceAngular Getting Started Workshopngstart.devAliaksei's mailing
Change Detection is a mechanism built into Angular that allows Angular to decide what actions to be performed when the state of the app changes. Most of the time developers do not have to deal with change detection manually.In this episode we are talking about a quick history of change detection and what problem it solves. We also discuss change detection strategies, when you should tap in to change detection manually and tips and tricks. People mentionedJohn PapaMisko HeveryElon MuskTwitter DiscussionAngular Change Detection Edge CasesLinksAngular Change Detection InfographicChangeDetectorRefApplicationRefNgZoneMore from WassimTwitter BlogWebsiteAliaksei's mailing
Angular is continuously evolving together with the entire web ecosystem. Therefore, it is a recommended best practice to keep up your Angular projects up to date with the latest Angular version.In this episode, you will learn why updating to a new Angular version is a good idea. Also, I will provide some tips that will help you to achieve that.Links:Angular versioning and releasesAngular update guideDeprecated APIs and featuresng updateAngular,  Angular CLI, NodeJS compatibility list Angular CLI diff
Animation is a great solution to improve the application experience.You can add animations to your web applications using CSS animations, browsers web animations API or by using third-party libraries.Juan talking bout different aspects of animations, how it works and how to get from JuanTwitterWebsite
Responsive Design

Responsive Design


These days, people use different devices to access the web. Therefore, every web application should be adapted to all screen sizes.Responsive Design is a technique that allows screens to adjust to different sizes accordingly.There are a few techniques to make your Angular Apps responsive. You can choose from several libraries specifically built for that purpose or just do plain CSS by writing CSS Media Queries.Lets discuss that  👉 Twitter thread LinksAngular Flex LayoutAngular CDK LayoutTailwind Responsive DesignBootstrap Layout Utilities CSS Media QueriesTwitter PoolAngular Flex Layout / CDK vs Tailwind / Bootstrap Utilities vs Media Queries
Angular Material is the most popular UI library available for Angular. It contains a set of high-quality components implementing Google Material Design specification, built by the Angular Team.Think of Angular Material as a foundation that you can use to build your own custom components.Jeremy touched on a quick history about Angular Material, its continuous evolution and what to expect in the future.Linksmaterial.angular.ioguidesMore from Jeremytwitter
Angular CDK

Angular CDK


CDK stands for Component Development Kit. CDK is something that not every Angular developer knows about.CDK contains a set of building blocks for creating your own UI components that could be great foundation for your custom components of any sort or a custom component library.LinksAngular CDK
Angular has been around for many years now.  There are a lot of decisions that were made within the Angular team that made Angular so successful today.AngularJS referring to v1 - the first version of the frameworkAngular referring to v2 and up, which is the new modern framework which is completely different to AngularJSThis time Miško Hevery, the creator of Angular will tell about Angular history and share insights on his journey working at Google creating one the coolest front-end framework!Links:angular.ioPeople mentionedAdam AbronsIgor MinarMore from Miško:builder.iotwitter
Component communication is the most common challenge developers face building single page applications.There are several techniques that you can use to approach components communication building Angular applications.In this episode I am discussing basic component communication techniques.LinksInputs and OutputsAsync PipeReactive Services TechniqueRx-service
Angular router solves a lot of problems in client facing single-page web applications. The router helps to control the page content by dynamically displaying the components without a need to request pages from the server.  Without an Angular router the user navigation experience in Angular application would be hard to achieve.LinksAngular RouterRevisiting a Reactive Router with IvyPeople mentionedMike RyanBrandon RobertsVictor SavkinMichael KarénMore from JustinTwitterWebsiteAliaksei's mailing
Have you ever asked yourself the following question, what is the best way to structure an Angular application?In this episode you will find out why you should care about the folder structure and what are the benefits of the proper folder structure.LinksFeature modules
Error handling is a fundamental part of any real-world web application.In this episode, you will find everything you need to know about error handling in Angular and more.Fun fact: That is literally the first ever episode of Angular Rocks, recorded on 21 Jan 2021LinksError Handler ClassAngular Errors List Angular Debugging GuidesBest practices for Error handling in AngularPeople mentionedDavid HergesMore from MichaelTwitterBlogAliaksei's mailing
Every real-world web application has to communicate with backend API. Developers building web applications with Angular usually interact with the backend API using HttpClient.In this episode I am explaining the basic HttpClient features and HTTP methods.LinksAngular HttpClientHTTP MethodsTop 10 ways to use Interceptors in Angular
Dependency Injection is a design pattern that creates objects and provides them to consumer classes that depend on those objects. Dependency Injection is widely used in Angular.In this episode you will find everything you need to know about Dependency Injection and how it works in AngularLinksDependency InjectionDependency Injection YouTube Series by Dmytro MezhenskyiMore from DmytroTwitterYouTubeBlogAliaksei's mailing
Lifecycle hooks allow you to tap into the Angular lifecycle events to get more control.In this episode I am explaining the nature of lifecycle hooks in Angular and walking through the essential lifecycle hooks like ngOnInit and ngOnDestroy. LinksAngular Lifecycle Hooks