Annotote TLDR

Annotote TLDR
Author: Anthony Bardaro
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© Anthony Bardaro
This is an AI-generated exploration about whatever subjects pique my interest at any given time. Episodes usually straddle tech, media, finance, business, entrepreneurship, history, philosophy, and psychology – for which I feed the machine research and analysis from various sources to produce this synthesis.
If business and writing are the outlets of my intellectual curiosity, then consumption and reading are the inputs. As my audio professor and scrapbook, this show falls somewhere in between those ends, so I might as well share it with you!
If business and writing are the outlets of my intellectual curiosity, then consumption and reading are the inputs. As my audio professor and scrapbook, this show falls somewhere in between those ends, so I might as well share it with you!
16 Episodes
All about the psychological stew among socialization, digitalization, and mental health...
Social isolation trends, demographics, and causation
Social media, social networking, and digital communications (virtual vs IRL)
Countertrend solutions
Technological ethics
The future of socialization
This podcast is Al-generated with NotebookLM, using the following sources, research, and analysis:
Associations between social media use and loneliness in a cross-national population: Do motives for social media use matter? (Bonsaksen/et al, 2024.01)
Debate: Is Social Media Bad for Kids’ Mental Health? (Open to Debate, Odgers/Murthy, 2023.07.28)
Digital media use and mental health (Wikipedia, 2025.01.12)
Does Social Media Create Isolation? (Regis College, 2023.05.03)
Effectiveness of Technology Interventions in Addressing Social Isolation, Connectedness, and Loneliness in Older Adults: Systematic Umbrella Review (Balki/et al, 2022.10)
Estimating the association between Facebook adoption and well-being in 72 countries (Vuorre/Przybylski, 2023.08)
Exploring the impact of information and communication technologies on loneliness and social isolation in community-dwelling older adults: A scoping review of reviews (Gunnes/et al, 2024.03)
Impact of digital social media on the perception of loneliness and social isolation in older adults (Kusumota/et al, 2022.05)
In-person and virtual social interactions improve well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic (Liang/et Al, 2024.08)
Persistent interaction patterns across social media platforms and over time (Avalle/et al, 2024.03)
Social Media Use and Perceived Social Isolation Among Young Adults in the US (Primack/et al, 2017.07)
Social isolation (Wikipedia, 2025.01.12)
Social media and psychology (Wikipedia, 2025.01.12)
Social networks and social isolation: A reason and its solution in one (Gil-Or/et Al, 2011.06)
The Anti-social Century (The Atlantic, Derek Thompson, 2025.01.08)
The relationship between social media usage and loneliness among younger and older adults: The moderating effect of shyness (Wang/et al, 2024.06)
Not investment advice; do your own due diligence!
# psychology sociology mental health parenting behavioral science IRL
What happens when governments proactively lead strategic investments into specific industries of their economies?
Global resurgence
History of intervention (infant industry protection, national champions, Latin American ISI)
Regulation and the World Trade Organization (WTO prohibited/actionable/nonactionable subsidies and TRIMs)
Human capital (education and skills development)
Special Economic Zones (SEZs) and Regional Innovation Clusters
The government-industrial-academic complex
Downsides, tradeoffs, and unintended consequences
Future of industrial policy
Transparency and accountability
This podcast is Al-generated with NotebookLM, using the following sources, research, and analysis:
Analyzing industrial policy portfolios (Heinrich/Knill/Steinebach, 2024.12)
Biden's tarnished industrial legacy (Noah Smith, 2025.01.06)
Debate: Is Industrial Policy Effective? (Mike Bird and Noah Smith, 2023.08.15)
Industrial Policy and the Great Divergence (Juhász/Steinwender, 2024.04.09)
Industrial Policy and the World Trade Organization: Between Legal Constraints and Flexibilities (Shadikhodjaev, 2019.02.04)
Industrial Policy is Back But the Bar to Get it Right Is High (IMF, 2024.04.12)
Industrial Policy: A Bad Idea Is Back (Cato, 2021.07)
Industrial policy (Wikipedia, 2025.01.06)
Interview: Pritzker on how public-private partnerships can underscore the importance of skill development (McKinsey, 2018.08.09)
Perspectives on Industrial Policy: An Interview with Alden Abbott (Truth on the Market, 2025.01.07)
Perspectives on Industrial Policy: An Interview with Peter Craddock (Truth on the Market, 2025.01.06)
Perspectives on Industrial Policy: An Interview with Scott Lincicome (Truth on the Market, 2025.01.06)
Red Ink: Estimating Chinese Industrial Policy Spending in Comparative Perspective (DiPippo/Mazzocco/Kennedy/Goodman, 2022.05.23)
Scoring 50 Years of US Industrial Policy, 1970–2020 (Peterson Institute for International Economics, 2021.11)
The Emerging American Industrial Policy (Belton, 2021.03.25)
The New Economics of Industrial Policy (Juhasz/Lane/Rodrik, 2023.08)
The New Industrial Structure: Reforming Industrial Policy in the Digital Era (Choe, 2018.12.31)
The renaissance of industrial policy: Known knowns, known unknowns, and unknown unknowns (World Bank, 2024.10.29)
The return of industrial policy in data (CEPR, 2024.01.11)
What has Biden wrought? (Politico, 2024.12.23)
Not investment advice; do your own due diligence!
# geopolitics regulations WTO DARPA Bidenomics China competition corruption cronyism protectionism reshoring nearshoring supply chains national security subsidy
Everything you did and didn't want to know about the US housing supply crunch...
Causes (permitting regulation, zoning laws, NIMBY, Faircloth Limit)
Economic costs and environmental externalities
Government policy initiatives (federal, state, and local)
The missing middle of housing
Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)
This podcast is Al-generated with NotebookLM, using the following sources, research, and analysis:
California housing shortage (Wikipedia, 2025.01.01)
Executive Order Establishing a White House Council on Eliminating Regulatory Barriers to Affordable Housing (The White House, 2019.06.25)
Homelessness in the United States (Wikipedia, 2025.01.01)
Housing in the United States (Wikipedia, 2025.01.01)
Housing insecurity in the United States (Wikipedia, 2025.01.01)
Housing underproduction in the US (Garcia/Kolachalam/MacArthur/Wilkerson, 2024)
HousingWire’s 2025 housing market forecast (Logan Mohtashami, 2024.12.30)
Make it count: Measuring our housing supply shortage (Brookings, 2024.11.26)
Overcoming the Nation’s Daunting Housing Supply Shortage (Parrott/Zandi, 2021.03)
President Biden Announces New Actions to Ease the Burden of Housing Costs (The White House, 2022.05.16)
The U.S. is now short 4.5 million homes as the housing deficit grows (Zillow, 2024.06.18)
The Understated Housing Shortage in the United States (Corinth/Dante, 2022.07)
Where do the estimates of a “housing shortage” come from? (Brookings, 2024.10.21)
Why Is There a Housing Shortage in the U.S.? (Bankrate, 2024.10.17)
Not investment advice; do your own due diligence!
# homebuilders construction
The story of an early internet artifact that was speedrunning the next two decades of business on the web – in 2005, The Million Dollar Homepage was a website that displayed one million pixels in a 1000x1000 grid, each of which were sold online for $1:
Alex Tew
Pixel counter and scarcity
Distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack
Final sales via eBay auction
Link rot
Piexlotto sequel, copycats, and other inspiration
The Calm app (meditation)
The Million Dollar Homepage today
This podcast is Al-generated with NotebookLM, using the following sources, research, and analysis:
A Million Squandered: The “Million Dollar Homepage” as a Decaying Digital Artifact (Harvard Law School Library Innovation Lab, 2017.07.21)
Alex Tew (Wikipedia, 2024.12.29)
FAQs (The Million Dollar Homepage, archived 2011.07.17)
How the Million Dollar Homepage kid became the $250M app man (The Hustle, 2018.05.12)
I Bought a Million Dollar Piece of Internet History (YouTube, Nostalgia Nerd, 2021.08.08)
Story of The Million Dollar Homepage (YouTube, Tech Inspection, 2022.05.10)
The Million Dollar Homepage (Wikipedia, 2024.12.29)
The man behind the million-dollar homepage (BBC, 2016.09.15)
This Entrepreneur Skipped College and Made $1,037,100 in Five Months (Entrepreneur, 2017.04.24)
Not investment advice; do your own due diligence!
# entrepreneurship digital advertising ads
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) of 1986 is a controversial US law addressing computer crime – not only seeking to establish behavioral norms online, but also contributing to enforcement misuse/overreach with unintended consequences offline...
History of CFAA legislation
US v Matthew Keys (2012)
US v Derrick Lostutter (2017)
HiQ Labs v LinkedIn (2019)
US v Aaron Swartz (2011)
"Unauthorized access" (web scraping and who owns data?)
Safe harbor for ethical/white hat security researchers
Terms of service (ToS) violations
"Demonstrable harm" (proportionality of crime vs punishment)
Aaron's Law
Tradeoffs of CFAA and reform thereof (free speech/privacy/AI/ML/etc)
This podcast is Al-generated with NotebookLM, using the following sources, research, and analysis:
California Comprehensive Computer Data Access and Fraud Act (Wikipedia, 2024.12.12)
Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (Wikipedia, 2024.12.12)
Critical Fixes for the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (EFF, 2013.01.29)
Department of Justice Announces New Policy for Charging Cases under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (DOJ, 2022.05.19)
Explanation of effects of Aaron’s Law with EFF proposed amendments to “access without authorization” (EFF public discussion draft, 2013.01.23)
Is It Time to Rethink the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act? (GovTech, 2023.02.15)
Justice Manual 9-48.000: Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (DOJ, 2022.05)
Legal Risks of Adversarial Machine Learning Research (Kumar/Penney/Schneier/Albert, 2020.06.29)
Rebooting Computer Crime Law Part 1: No Prison Time For Violating Terms of Service (EFF, 2013.02.04)
Rebooting Computer Crime Law Part 2: Protect Tinkerers, Security Researchers, Innovators, and Privacy Seekers (EFF, 2013.02.04)
Rebooting Computer Crime Part 3: The Punishment Should Fit the Crime (EFF, 2013.02.08)
The Case to Update the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (GW Law, 2021.04.03)
The Mirage of Artificial Intelligence Terms of Use Restrictions (Henderson/Lemley, 2024.12.10)
Why the Government Went After Matthew Keys (Vice, 2015.10.09)
Not investment advice; do your own due diligence!
# cybersecurity cybercrime hackers hacktivism felony legal regulation social media networking internet IRL 1A
What gives any object a constant identity even though its materials, components, and matter are constantly evolving and gradually being replaced over time?
Plutarch's "Theseus paradox"
Hobbes' "second ship"
Hume's "Bundle Theory"
Spatiotemporal continuity
Savage's "Gradual Replacement"
Popular public intuition
Engagement history criterion
This podcast is Al-generated with NotebookLM, using the following sources, research, and analysis:
Bundle Theory (Wikipedia, 2024.11.29)
Davidson's Swampman theory (Wikipedia, 2024.11.29)
Haecceity (Wikipedia, 2024.11.29)
How to Test the Ship of Theseus (Campdelacreu/García-Moya Marti/Terrone, 2022.11)
In the Mind of Theseus or Hobbes and the Paradox of the Second Ship (Lupascu, 2019.01)
Mereological essentialism (Wikipedia, 2024.11.29)
Neurath's boat (Wikipedia, 2024.11.29)
Perdurantism (Wikipedia, 2024.11.29)
Philosophy of self (Wikipedia, 2024.11.29)
Ship of Theseus (Wikipedia, 2024.11.29)
Sorites paradox (Wikipedia, 2024.11.29)
Teletransportation paradox (Wikipedia, 2024.11.29)
Two Ships of Theseus (Dranseika, 2024.06.08)
Not investment advice; do your own due diligence!
# philosophy biology
Little ditty about 4-D...
What is 4D?
What are higher dimensions and how many could there be?
Hypercube tesseract
Sphere packing (kissing number)
Geometric spatial dimensions (string theory) vs temporal Minkowski spacetime (time as the 4th dimension)
Fractal dimensions (Coastline Paradox)
Knots in 2D/3D/4D
Brane worlds (aka brane cosmology/membrane theory) and gravity leakage (wormholes and black holes)
Life in higher dimensions
This podcast is Al-generated with NotebookLM, using the following sources, research, and analysis:
A Mathematician’s Guided Tour Through High Dimensions (Quanta Magazine, 2021.09.13)
Four-dimensional space (Wikipedia, 2024.11.21)
Four-dimensionalism (Wikipedia, 2024.11.21)
Fractal (Wikipedia, 2024.11.21)
Fractal dimension (Wikipedia, 2024.11.21)
Higher Dimensions in physics and mathematics (UT Austin)
Large extra dimensions (Wikipedia, 20224.11.21)
Minkowski space (Wikipedia, 2024.11.21)
Spacetime (Wikipedia, 2024.11.21)
The Fractal Geometry of Invention (Durham, 2012.04.18)
The things you'll find in higher dimensions (YouTube, Zach Star, 2019.06.07)
Toward a Visualization of the Fourth Dimension (Michielli, 2022.09.25)
Not investment advice; do your own due diligence!
# physics mathematics geometry science astrology astrophysics
They promised us flying cars and instead of breaking their promise, they're probably going to deliver:
History of flying cars
Status of today's industry (How many players; who are the players; what do the cars look like; and how do they function?)
When early and mass market adoption?
Autonomous vehicles vs flying cars (Are flying cars going to be autonomous or automated? How will they compete with autonomous vehicles like self-driving cars?)
See also: Where's my flying car (Search Engine, PJ Vogt, 2024.04.19)
This podcast is Al-generated with NotebookLM, using the following sources, research, and analysis:
1935 Waterman Arrowbile Roadable Aircraft (YouTube, Story Cars, 2021.02.07)
1949 Molton Taylor Aerocar Newsreel (YouTube, Classic Airliners & Vintage Pop Culture, 2014.05.25)
Dude, Where's My Flying Car? (YouTube, IITV, 2024.11.07)
Flying car (Wikipedia, 2024.11.14)
Intermodal passenger transport (Wikipedia, 2024.11.14)
Study on flying car transportation system (Feng/Huang/Wang/Xu/Zhang, 2023.11)
Survey data on public perceptions towards flying cars and flying taxi services (Eker/Fountas/Ahmed/Anastasopoulos, 2021.10.12)
The state of urban air mobility research: An assessment of challenges and opportunities (Ahmed/Fountas/Lurkin/et al, 2023.01.26) [PREPRINT]
Toyota and Joby Aviation Complete Historic Air Taxi Test Flight in Japan (TechHub, 2024.11.05)
Transport by Land and Air Vehicles, Advantages, Literature Review and Classification of Flying Cars (Sahin, 2024.10)
Trends and Challenges in Realizing a Flying Car (Al Farsi, 2024.04)
Urban air mobility and flying cars: Overview, examples, prospects, drawbacks, and solutions (Marzouk, 2022.11.11)
Where are the flying cars? (Science News Explores, 2024.07.15)
Not investment advice; do your own due diligence!
# automobiles VTOL AV EV $joby
The state of quantum computers and their disruptive threats/benefits:
Quantum mechanics (quibits, superposition, entanglement)
Tech's cutting edge (noisy intermediate-scale quantum NISQ era, trapped ions, photonics, threshold theorem, error engineering, networking, repeaters)
Effects on cybersecurity, encryption, and cryptography (RSA, Shor's algorithm, and post-quantum cryptography PQC like quantum key distribution QKD, lattice-based cryptography, and code-based cryptography)
Effects on Bitcoin and blockchains (ECDSA 256, indistinguishability obfuscation, Ethereum account abstraction, multiparty computation MPC)
Effects on chips and AI paradigms (generalizable GPUs vs application-specific QPUs, and quantum as a complement to – not replacement of – traditional cloud-based computing)
Simulations and sensors
Other challenges (scalability, quibit decoherence, and sector-specific risks)
See also:🧵
This podcast is Al-generated with NotebookLM, using the following sources, research, and analysis:
Advancing International Collaboration in Quantum Information Science and Technology (National Science & Technology Council, 2024.08.08)
Analytical Exploration of the Effects and Implications of Quantum Computing on Cryptocurrency Systems (Zhang, 2023)
Cryptography (Wikipedia, 2024.11.06)
Current state on quantum computing: What are the major companies/startups making progress? (Reddit, r/QuantumComputing, 2024.06)
Decrypting Crypto: Cryptocurrencies and the Quantum Computer Threat (Hudson Institute, Herman/Butler/Pagano, 2022.04)
Encryption (Wikipedia, 2024.11.06)
From GPUs to AI and quantum: Three waves of acceleration in bioinformatics (Schmidt/Hildebrandt, 2024.04.23)
How Quantum Computing Could Impact the Future of Bitcoin Mining (AlexaBlockchain, 2024.09.12)
Keep Your Crypto Safe Around Quantum Computers with Guest Pierre-Luc Dallaire-Demers of Pauli Group (YouTube, Anastasia Marchenkova, 2023.08.29)
Long-Term Forecast for Quantum Computing Still Looks Bright (Boston Consulting Group, 2024.07.18)
Myth 5: Quantum Computers Will Replace Digital Computers (Medium, Chris Ferrie, 2024.05.26)
NIST Post-Quantum Cryptography Standardization (Wikipedia, 2024.11.09)
National Quantum Initiative Supplement To The President’s FY 2024 Budget (National Science & Technology Council, 2023.12.01)
Possible futures of the Ethereum protocol, part 6: The Splurge (Vitalik Buterin, 2024.10.29)
Quantum Computing: Progress and Innovation (Byrd/Ding, 2023.12)
Quantum Machine Learning Algorithms: Read the Fine Print (Aaronson)
Quantum Vision Transformers (Cherrat/Kerenidis/Mathur/Landman/Strahm/Li, 2024.02.20)
Quantum computers and the Bitcoin blockchain (Deloitte)
Quantum computing (Wikipedia, 2024.11.06)
Quantum computing: What leaders need to know now (MIT Sloan, 2024.01.11)
Quantum cryptography (Wikipedia, 2024.11.06)
Quantum key distribution (Wikipedia, 2024.11.06)
Reality check for quantum computing: One GPU can be faster (The Register, 2023.05.03)
Why quantum computing isn’t a threat to crypto… yet (Cointelegraph, 2022.09.09)
Will Quantum Computers Replace Classical Computers? (Quantum Computing Inc)
Will Quantum Computing Break Crypto? The Future at Risk (Cointelegraph, 2024.09.25)
Not investment advice; do your own due diligence!
# innovation disruption security blockchain Bitcoin $btc Ethereum $eth
The research, development, and launch of permissionless mesh networks:
Wireless ad hoc networks (WANETs) and mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs)
Benefits, risks, and tradeoffs of mesh networking
Delay-disruption tolerant networking (DTN)
Empirical mesh networks in military, community, and commercial use (NYC's Red Hook wifi, SMesh, Spain's Guifi, and Amazon Sidewalk)
Can a fully decentralized, peer-to-peer mesh network replace incumbent ISP-intermediated internet connectivity?
Challenges to proliferation and adoption
How to setup your own small-scale mesh network
See also:🧵
This podcast is AI-generated with NotebookLM, using the following sources, research, and analysis:
A New Clustering Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks (Zanjireh/Shahrabi/Larijani, 2013)
A Survey on Trust Management for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (Cho/Swami, 2011.12)
AODV Implementation Design and Performance Evaluation (Chakeres/Belding-Ryer)
An Overview of Wireless Mesh Networks (Parvin, 2019.06)
An overview of mobile ad hoc networks: Applications and challenges (Hoebeke/Moerman/Dhoedt/Demeester, 2004.07)
Applications, Advantages and Challenges of Ad Hoc Networks (JAIR, Helen/Arivazhagan, 2014.01.08)
DTC Mesh Radios Integrated onto U.S. Army Tactical Network (UST, 2020.08.31)
DTC Offers Enhanced MANET Mesh Networkings (SoldierMod, 2018)
Delay- and Disruption-Tolerant Networks (DTNs): A Tutorial (NASA, 2015.09.14)
Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking Overview (NASA, 2023.09.20)
Everything I could find out about Amazon's Sidewalk Network (Stacey on IoT, 2022.09.16)
Experimenting with an Ad Hoc Wireless Network on Campus: Insights & Experiences", ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review (Toh/Chen/et al, 2001)
Functions and structure of a packet radio station (Tomlinson/Beeler/Burchfiel, 1975)
Future Research Challenges for Ad Hoc Mobile Wireless Networks (IEEE, Toh, 2002)
How Wi-Fi mesh networks work (Android Central, 2018)
Is it possible to use the internet without any sort of isp, like if you could build your own router without authentication from an isp or even faking the authentication of a real isp. I suppose anything is “possible” but could it realistically be done? (Reddit, 2022.12)
Long-lived Ad Hoc Routing based on the Concept of Associativity (Toh, 1999)
Mesh Networks (Cardullo/Roio, 2019.02)
Mobility Increases the Capacity of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks (Grossglauser/Tse, 2002)
Protocols and Applications of Ad-hoc Robot Wireless Communication Networks: An Overview (Jaisal, 2011.12)
Spatial Node Distribution of the Random Waypoint Mobility Model with Applications (Hyytia/Lassila/Virtamo, 2006)
The Resurrecting Duckling: Security Issues for Ad-hoc Wireless Networks (Stajano/Anderson, 1999)
The SMesh Wireless Mesh Network (Amir/et al, 2010)
Three Ways Mesh Networks with Peer-to-Peer Connections Can Revolutionize Communications without the Internet (Brookings Institution, 2014.04.25)
Want To Guarantee Net Neutrality? Join Peer-To-Peer, Community-Run Internet (Fast Company, 2017.12.19)
Wireless Mesh Networks in IoT Networks (Liu/Tong/Qiu/Liu, 2017.05)
Wireless ad hoc network (Wikipedia, 2024.11.01)
Wireless community network (Wikipedia, 2024.11.03)
Wireless mesh network (Wikipedia, 2024.11.01)
Not investment advice; do your own due diligence!
# telecom internet service providers cellular 5G nodes consumer web
All about the disruption of an American-led industry – and the creative destruction thereof:
History of whaling
Decline of the US whaling industry (causes and ramifications for jobs, politics, economics, and social stability)
Rise of commercial whaling regulation and evasion
US transition from whaling to other forms of energy and byproducts (economic benefits, detriments, and innovations)
Standard Oil
See also:🧵
This podcast is AI-generated with NotebookLM, using the following sources, research, and analysis:
“A Compact With the Whales”: New Bedford, the American Civil War, and a Changing Industry (Mello, 2020.05.01)
Anti-whaling (Wikipedia, 2024.10.29)
Catches taken under Objection since 1985 ban (International Whaling Commission, 2023)
Catches total since 1985 ban (International Whaling Commission, 2023)
Climate-driven environmental changes around 8,200 years ago favoured increases in cetacean strandings and Mediterranean hunter-gatherers exploited them (Mannino et al, 2015.11.17)
Estimating the Economic Value of Narwhal and Beluga Hunts in Hudson Bay, Nunavut (Hoover et al, 2012)
From Old Dartmouth to New Bedford, Whaling Metropolis of the World (Old Dartmouth Historical Society (2008.12.14)
Global whaling peaked in the 1960s (Our World in Data, 2022.11.30)
Prehistoric Inuit whalers affected Arctic freshwater ecosystems (Douglas/Smol/Savelle/Blais, 2023.12.09)
Productivity and the decline of American sperm whaling (Shuster)
Report of the 65th meeting of the International Whaling Commission (IWC, 2014)
Standard Oil (Wikipedia, 2024.10.28)
The Impact of Whaling on the Ocean Carbon Cycle: Why Bigger Was Better (Pershing et al, 2010.08.26)
The Subtle Changes that Destroyed the Whaling Industry (YouTube, Learn Something New, 2023.06.01)
The whale oil myth surfaces again (Environmental History, 2022.02.23)
The “Whale Oil Myth” (PBS News, 2008.08.20)
Too Much Is Never Enough: The Cautionary Tale of Soviet Illegal Whaling (Ivashchenko/Clapham)
Whale Hunting Still Exists in 3 Countries, but It Is Declining (Sentient Media, 2023.09.01)
Whale Population Estimates (International Whaling Commission, 2022)
Whale oil history (Pees, 2004)
Whaling (Wikipedia, 2024.10.26)
Whaling in the United States (Wikipedia, 2024.10.29)
Why Petroleum Did Not Save the Whales (York, 2017.10.25)
Not investment advice; do your own due diligence!
# kerosene petroleum whales innovation Rockefeller
While GPUs have the spotlight, high bandwidth memory (HBM) has an Oscar nomination for best supporting actor – but what's the state of the storage/memory market; what are the innovations therein; and who are the major players?
A trip down memory lane:
Memory vs compute
NAND/SSD and data lakes (HDD need not apply)
AI at the edge (client-side NVM SSDs)
HBM3, 3D DRAM, and LLMs (stacked packaging)
Future compute-in-memory architectures (memristor crossbar arrays)
Memory and manufacturing competitive landscape
See also:🧵
This podcast is AI-generated with NotebookLM, using the following sources, research, and analysis:
AI Workloads and Data storage solutions requirements and recommended options (Medium, Sugur, 2024.02.21)
AI at the Edge: Future of memory and storage in accelerating intelligence (IoT Now, 2024.02.07)
Flash forward: The need for AI storage and security in 2024 (Fast Company, Wu, 2024.02.29)
GDDR5 vs GDDR5X vs HBM2 vs GDDR6 vs GDDR6X Memory Comparison (Graphics Card Hub, 2023.10.29)
HBM3 Update to High Bandwidth Memory Standard (JEDC, 2022.01.27)
HBM: Memory Solution for Bandwidth-Hungry Processors (Kim/Kim, 2014.08)
High Bandwidth Memory (Wikipedia, 2024.10.23)
Historical trends in technical themes: Analog systems (ISSCC, Analog and Data Converters Subcommittees, 2014)
Memory Is All You Need: An Overview of Compute-in-Memory Architectures for Accelerating Large Language Model Inference (Wolters/Yang/Schlichtmann/Suzumura, 2024.06.12)
Micron Commences Volume Production of Industry-Leading HBM3E Solution to Accelerate the Growth of AI (Micron, 2024.02.26)
Micron earnings 2024q3 (CNBC, 2024.09.25)
SK Hynix earnings 2024q3 (CNBC, 2024.10.23)
Samsung earnings 2024q3 (CNBC, 2024.10.07)
Staying Curious: Developments in Memory Chip Technology (Telecom Review, 2024.06.19)
The Value of Data Storage for the AI Era (Janukowicz, 2024.05)
The history of SK Hynix 1983-2023 (SK Hynix, 2024.10.24)
What changes in storage will AI drive? (Micron, 2023.11)
What’s Next For High Bandwidth Memory: Different approaches for breaking down the memory wall (Semiconductor Engineering, 2019.12.17)
Not investment advice; do your own due diligence!
# GPU IoT HCP hyperscale cloud datacenter edge computing Micron Samsung SK Hynix Taiwan Semiconductor $mu $tsm
Could Laplace's demon to be the theory of everything in the universe?
Evaluating a counterfactual to free will:
What is Laplace's demon?
Attempt to both prove and disprove Laplace's demon
Steelman Laplace's demon and causal determinism – are they logically possible, even if they're physically unachievable within our universe?
Highlight the potential conflict between determinism and the limitations imposed by the laws of physics themselves
See also:🧵
This podcast is AI-generated with NotebookLM, using the following sources, research, and analysis:
A Class of Deductive Theories that cannot be Deterministic: Classical and Quantum Physics are not deterministic (Reznikoff, 2012)
A Contemporary Introduction to Free Will (Kane, 2005)
A New Kind of Science: A 15-Year View (Wolfram, 2015)
A philosophical essay on probabilities (Laplace, 1902)
Chaos: Making a New Science (Gleick, 1987)
Complexity: A Guided Tour (Mitchell/Toroczkai, 2010)
De Broglie–Bohm theory (Wikipedia, 2024.10.23)
Does God play dice? (Hawking, 1999)
If the Universe Were a Computer (Minkel, 1999)
Information Theory and Statistical Mechanics (Bayes, 1956)
Information, Physics, Quantum: The Search for Links (Wheeler, 1989)
Laplace's demon (Wikipedia, 2024.10.23)
On the origins and foundations of Laplacian determinism (Strien, 2017.10.04)
The Fabric of the Cosmos (Greene, 2004)
Theories of almost everything (Binder, 2008)
Ultimate physical limits to computation (Lloyd, 2000)
Not investment advice; do your own due diligence!
# physics thermodynamics quantum mechanics quantum theory chaos theory black holes Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
What's the latest with artificial intelligence and models' accuracy?
Three objectives:
Compare and contrast traditional autoregressive LLMs (Gemini/chatGPT/Claude/LLaMA) vs nonautoregressive AI (NotebookLM) vs chain of thought reasoning models (Strawberry o1) – including the benefits, detriments, and tradeoffs of each
Error rates for NotebookLM vs traditional LLMs vs CoT reasoning models – focusing on accuracy benefits from a smaller corpus of curated source materials that users feed NotebookLM when promoting (vs an LLM trained on and inferencing from the entire web)
Which model (or combination of models) will be the future standard?
See also:🧵
This podcast is AI-generated with NotebookLM, using the following sources, research, and analysis:
An Investigation of Language Model Interpretability via Sentence Editing (OSU, Stevens, 2021.04)
Are Auto-Regressive Large Language Models Here to Stay? (Medium, Bettencourt, 2023.12.28)
Attention Is All You Need (Google Brain, Vaswani/Shazeer/Parmar/Uszkoreit/Jones/Gomez/Kaiser/Polosukhin, 2017.06.12)
BART: Denoising Sequence-to-Sequence Pre-training for Natural Language Generation, Translation, and Comprehension (Facebook AI, Lewis/Liu/Goyal/Ghazvininejad/Mohamed/Levy/Stoyanov/Zettlemoyer, 2019.10.29)
Chain of Preference Optimization: Improving Chain-of-Thought Reasoning in LLMs (Zhang/Du/Pang/Liu/Gao/Lin, 2024.06.13)
Contra LeCun on "Autoregressive LLMs are doomed" (LessWrong, rotatingpaguro, 2023.04.10)
Do large language models need sensory grounding for meaning and understanding? (LeCun, 2023.03.24)
Experimenting with Power Divergences for Language Modeling (Labeau/Cohen, 2019)
Exploring the Limits of Transfer Learning with a Unified Text-to-Text Transformer (Raffel/Shazeer/Roberts/Lee/Narang/Matena/Zhou/Li/Liu, 2023.09.19)
Improving Non-Autoregressive Translation Models Without Distillation (Huang/Perez/Volkovs, 2022.01.28)
Non-Autoregressive Neural Machine Translation (Gu/Bradbury/Xiong/Li/Socher, 2017.11.27)
On the Learning of Non-Autoregressive Transformers (Huang/Tao/Zhou/Li/Huang, 2022.06.13)
Towards Better Chain-of-Thought Prompting Strategies: A Survey (Yu/He/Wu/Dai/Chen, 2023.10.08).pdf
XLNet: Generalized Autoregressive Pretraining for Language Understanding (Yang/Dai/Yang/Carbonell/Salakhutdinov/Le, 2020.01.22)
Not investment advice; do your own due diligence!
# tech technology machine learning ML
What's the past/present/future of the gaming industry and Ubisoft?
Some video game macro and micro:
Overview of the video game industry – its history and evolution; market size, structure, and economics; plus current state and outlook
Ubisoft $UBSFY deep dive – its current predicament; competitive advantages/disadvantages; financials; and future, including upcoming game releases and other catalysts
This podcast is AI-generated with NotebookLM, using the following sources, research, and analysis:
The Historical Evolution of the US Video Game Industry: Applying the Industrial Organization Model (UGA, Seo, 2002)
Structure and Competition in the US Home Video Game Industry (UMichigan, Williams, 2008)
Vertical Integration, Exclusivity and Game Sales Performance in the US Video Game Industry (UCSC, Gil/Warzynski, 2010)
Technological Tying and the Intensity of Competition: An Empirical Analysis of the Video Game Industry (Carnegie Mellon, Derdenger, 2010.10.13)
The business of video games is a multi-player game: On governance choices and performance in a two-sided market in the cultural industries (Peters, 2018)
Market Structure and Trend Chasing in the Video Games Industry (Medium, Joseph Clement, 2018.05.27)
What's possible in the gaming industry in the next dimension (EY, 2022)
Unravelling the complexity of the Video Game Industry: An integrative framework and future research directions (Goh/Al-Tabbaa/Khan, 2023.12)
Essential Facts About the US Video Game Industry (Entertainment Software Association, 2024)
Gaming industry emerging technology trends (PwC, 2024.01.16)
The Tremendous Yet Troubled State of Gaming in 2024 (Matthew Ball, 2024.01.23)
Ubisoft Universal Registration Statement 2023-24FY (Ubisoft IR, 2024.06.20)
Ubisoft financial targets update 2024-25FY (Ubisoft IR, 2024.09.05)
Gaming Industry: Structure and Economics (Fiveable Study Guides, 2024.07.18)
The Success of Black Myth: Wukong And What It Means for Media (Matthew Ball, 2024.09.12)
What Is Happening To The Gaming Industry? (State of the Arc Podcast, 2024.09.23)
Assassin’s Creed maker Ubisoft faces questions over its future (CNBC, 2024.10.01)
Why is Assassin’s Creed maker Ubisoft facing questions about its future? (Invezz, 2024.10.01)
What in the world is going on at Ubisoft? (Fast Company, 2024.10.14)
Not investment advice; do your own due diligence!
# stocks tech media entertainment
How has nonbank credit affected traditional bank lending?
I'm particularly interested in three effects of nonbank lending (e.g. shadow banking and private credit):
loans and leases in bank credit(do nonbanks crowd-out or displace banks?)
bank loan performance (do nonbanks exhibit adverse selection and how do they affect broader delinquencies, chargeoffs, and defaults?)
financial conditions (do nonbanks contribute to procyclical or countercyclical loosening/tightening?)
This podcast is AI-generated with NotebookLM, using the following sources, research, and analysis:
"Is Shadow Banking Really Banking?" (St. Louis Fed, Noeth/Sengupta, 2011.10.01)
"Shadow Banking" (FRBNY, Adrian/Ashcraft/Boesky/Pozsar, 2013.12)
"Shadow Banking and Market Based Finance" (IMF, Adrian, 2017.09.14)
"Non-bank lending during financial crises" (FDIC, Aldasoro/Doerr/Zhou, 2022.01)
"Liquidity, pledgeability, and the nature of lending" (Diamond/Hu/Rajan, 2022.03)
"Nonbank lenders as global shock absorbers: Evidence from US monetary policy spillovers" (BOE, Elliott/Meisenzahl/Paydro, 2023.01.13)
"The Disparate Outcomes of Bank‑ and Nonbank‑Financed Private Credit Expansions" (FRBNY, Boyarchenko/Elias, 2023.08.20)
"Private Credit: Characteristics and Risks" (Fed, Cai/Haque, 2024.02.23)
"Financing Private Credit" (FRBNY, Boyarchenko/Elias, 2024.08)
"Bank Lending to Nonbanks: A Robust Channel Fueled by Constrained Capital?" (FDIC, Krainer/Vaghefi/Wang, 2024.09.05)
Loans and Leases in Bank Credit (St. Louis Fed/FRED, 2024.10.17)
Commercial Bank Delinquency Rates (St. Louis Fed/FRED, 2024.10.17)
Commercial Bank Chargeoff Rates (St. Louis Fed/FRED, 2024.10.17)
Financial Conditions Index "FCI" (St. Louis Fed/FRED, 2024.10.17)
Not investment advice; do your own due diligence!
# finance financials capital markets
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