Anti-Neocon Report

Exposing state propaganda, covering the Gaza War


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Just Pearly Things clip the Jonestown distraction

Just search Dawson on join my locals This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Ukraine cannot recover, the nature of the Donor class

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Yen Crisis

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit ryandawson.substack.comWith Peruvian Bull


Netanyahu painted himself in a corner

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The System doesn't loudly advertise its losses

I often hear, "oh only Epstein and Maxwell got any punishment for what they did with this giant spy ring backed by Israel." This meme is not true. Many on his client list were punished but it was done quietly. The system needs you to be broken and paralyzed with fear and dread. It relies on chaining you with your own apathy by hiding all their losses from you. They tried to do damage control over Epstein and act like only two people were punished. Wrong. More are falling now with PDiddy casting couch being overturned. In addition to Epstein and Maxwell Jen Luc Brunel (now dead) Keith Raniere, Peter Nygard, Clare Bronfman, Harvey Weinstein (yes he was in his web) were all jailed. Prince Andrew, Leon Black, Deutsche bank, JPMorgan, Barclays all lost tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars. Darren Indyke, Richard Khan and even the FBI are all still being sued. This isn't over.More billionaires punished, one sentenced to death.Get an Epstein Client List and Map shirt today Hear an inspiring speech from men wrongly jailed over their influence and political opinions. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Banning TikTok Ted said the quiet part out loud

Even if you don’t use TikTik hundreds of millions of Americans do. This bill rammed through as an attachment to the 95 billions of dollars given away to two and a half wars to finance Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan is totally unconstitutional. You can not target a specific business and force it to divest from a company. TikTok is not owned by Zionist Jews. That is why it has to be destroyed in the US. It has nothing to do with China. In fact China slaps limits too only even the communist Chinese allow more freedom than the USA. This needs to go to the Supreme Court and be ruled unconstitutional. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Shaun Attwood the Wars and their Future

now for public This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Walk and Talk

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit ryandawson.substack.comIran strikesGaza aid workers killedThe famineUkraine and TaiwanHow to talk to normiesWhy we have an advantage nowTateRoganPDiddyPutin’s riseLitvinenko died of accidental overdose 1999 apartment bombing were not a false flagAlex Jones is an idiotUS behind Moscow attackSlave trade


Christianity and Islam are older than Rabbinical Judaism.

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit ryandawson.substack.comChristianity and Islam are older than Rabbinical Judaism. Modern day Judaism isn’t a theology so much as a series of laws centered around commercialism with a religious theme. Zionism murdered Judaism.


We do not need White Nationaist allies in the Palestine movement

I fully understand the prejudices white people face in higher education and corporate hiring. There is a full on cultural assault on whites, blaming then racially for atrocities in the past as if those things were a product of DNA. Slavery was global and now a product of Whiteness. Colonialism was done by whoever had Power, Western Europe, Muslims, Japanese, Mongolians, Aztec, whoever, it is not a product of race. Likewise what is happening in the Middle East is not from Jewish DNA, one could argue there is no sych things since Judaism is a mythology. There is a crowd however of toxic and bigoted “Christian” nationalist race-realist trying to blend in with the anti-Israeli crowd. Nick Fuentes is trying to pretend like he is Cadace Owens persecuted over being anti-zionist and upholding Christian values. Candace Owens was not fired for being Christian. She was fired for not grabbing her ankles for Israel. Nick Fuentes is an ethno natioalist who thinks all Jews and in fact any non-believers go to and belong in Hell. The Slogan Christ is King fits with the Roman propaganda about him who put a crown of trons on his head and mocked him. Christ according to Christians came to be a savior not a political ruler. The ‘kingdom’ of heaven is open to all regardless of class or status.This new generation is full of grifters. They side with e-drama to get followers. Our side is not so desperate as to ally with completely toxic factions which will only end up discrediting the movement and voice for Palestine. No one can accuse me of being soft on Israel. but there is a huge difference between that State and jews as an ethnic group. This line should not be crossed. You may get more views and pick up followers but its all trash. You could do the same thing by flashing your boobs or doing street pranks. have some integirty. by the way the link the the UK trip was apparently broken so it had been fixed allegdely and I am posting it again. Im meeting with Shaun Attwood, Pearl Davis, and possibly Galloway. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Epstein, Maria Farmer & Dawson

This full interview is at ANC Report for Members tomorrow. First hour for Rainbow Frogs, 2nd hour for all members. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Scott Ritter, Larry Johnson, Ryan Dawson

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Ship hit the span, a symptom of an empire in decline

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Bloodbath to Very Fine People

The Fake News was at it again.Donald Trump was hit with a ‘Wrap Up Smear’ again. Like him or not, let’s at least be honest about what he said and didn’t say. In the past, they acted like he gave praise to neo-Nazis and currently they are pretending like he threatened to create a bloodbath if he wasn’t re-elected. What was actually said was this: “There were very fine people on both sides, & I’m not talking about the Neo-Nazis and white supremacists because they should be condemned totally.” The fine people on both sides referred to the people for or against the removal of the statue of Robert E Lee, not the communists or white nationalists.“…we are going to put a 100% tariff on every single car that comes across the line, and your not going to be able to sell those cars–if I get elected, if I don’t get elected its gonna be a bloodbath” This is referring to the economic condition for the American automobile industry. The media acted like he praised Neo-Nazis and threatened to create a bloodbath if he wasn’t elected. The second smear didn’t go very far be the woke-mob no longer runs Twitter and so they lost their monopoly over media.What difference free speech makesIf not for X and TikTok (which could be banned soon) the counter to the media’s smear would not have reached enough people. This is why banning people off of social apps who did not break any TOS rules should be considered unconstitutional. This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


2hr X Space on Dem-Boys and Iraq and 911

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You might be an AntiSemite if

Part 2 for subscribers This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


Gaza, Israel ensuring its mutual destruction

This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit ryandawson.substack.comGaza, Israel ensuring its mutual destruction


Genocide from US Natives to Gaza

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Lincoln was the Original Neocon

Audio only for members This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit


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