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Anxiety Help With Wes

Author: Anxiety Help With Wes: Panic attacks, depersonalization derealization, and general anxiety disorder

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Specializing in panic attacks, depersonalization/derealization, and general anxiety disorder
81 Episodes
Hi folks, In Short, this is my last podcast.  I'm focusing on becoming a better counselor and enjoying down time.   And after having two panic attacks while speaking to a group, here's how I managed to get it in check quickly.   1. went to get physical and returned to medication, Setraline, an SSRI. 2. Identified stressors and changed my thoughts/behaviors around them.  3.  Shared the panic publicly, which for me, was leaning straight into the fear.  4. Radical Acceptance - complete acceptance of panic, what my body was doing, and possible consequences of being in this state. As a result, my body has greatly calmed down.  It was a good reminder of the physical component involved.  You kind of forget the feeling when you don't have it.   Thanks for coming along! 
I hope you know that regulating emotions is no small feat.  Marsha Linehan, founder of DBT, identifies 5 reasons why it ain't easy to keep our emotions in check.   Disclaimer Anxiety Help With Wes is not meant to take place of a therapist or doctor. I am not a licensed professional counselor. And while I am a school counselor, content and stories discussed reflect in no way on education or the school system in which I work. About Me I’ve found there is a great need for those facing anxiety and depression. I see many people struggle to find effective help and even then the process ain’t easy. I myself have experienced severe panic attacks and depersonalization disorder. After getting through what felt hopeless at times, I’m here to provide stories of recovery and connect with you. If you find this helpful, please rate and review. Feel free to email support@anxietyhelpwithwes if you'd like to connect further. YouTube Page (with video of this audio recording)
While we're trying to manage certain emotions, it's helpful to remember that emotions actually serve us!   Marsha Linehan, creator of DBT Therapy, lists things emotions do for us.     Disclaimer Anxiety Help With Wes is not meant to take place of a therapist or doctor. I am not a licensed professional counselor. And while I am a school counselor, content and stories discussed reflect in no way on education or the school system in which I work. About Me I’ve found there is a great need for those facing anxiety and depression. I see many people struggle to find effective help and even then the process ain’t easy. I myself have experienced severe panic attacks and depersonalization disorder. After getting through what felt hopeless at times, I’m here to provide stories of recovery and connect with you. If you find this helpful, please rate and review. Feel free to email support@anxietyhelpwithwes if you'd like to connect further. YouTube Page (with video of this audio recording)
Simone Biles famously withdrew from a number of events at the Toyko Olympics.  Based on what she's said, what may she be dealing with and how is her response helping he.      About Me I’ve found there is a great need for those facing anxiety and depression. I see many people struggle to find effective help and even then the process ain’t easy. I myself have experienced severe panic attacks and depersonalization disorder. After getting through what felt hopeless at times, I’m here to provide stories of recovery and connect with you. If you find this helpful, please rate and review. Feel free to email support@anxietyhelpwithwes if you'd like to connect further. YouTube Page (with video of this audio recording)
Self Soothing

Self Soothing


DBT, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, uses Self-Soothing with the 5 senses. (Vision, Hearing, Smell, Taste, Touch). Focus turns from emotional mind to senses, which can have a calming/grounding effect. Disclaimer Anxiety Help With Wes is not meant to take place of a therapist or doctor. I am not a licensed professional counselor. And while I am a school counselor, content and stories discussed reflect in no way on education or the students or school system in which I work. About Me I’ve found there is a great need for those facing anxiety and depression. I see many people struggle to find effective help and even then the process ain’t easy. I myself have experienced severe panic attacks and depersonalization disorder. After getting through what felt hopeless at times, I’m here to provide stories of recovery and connect with you. If you find this helpful, please rate and review. Feel free to email support@anxietyhelpwithwes if you'd like to connect further. YouTube Page (with video of this audio recording)
Paired Muscle relaxation is a skill and it takes time to practice. Really helps anxiety by teaching tolerance in a time of distress. Disclaimer Anxiety Help With Wes is not meant to take place of a therapist or doctor. I am not a licensed professional counselor. And while I am a school counselor, content and stories discussed reflect in no way on education or the students or school system in which I work. About Me I’ve found there is a great need for those facing anxiety and depression. I see many people struggle to find effective help and even then the process ain’t easy. I myself have experienced severe panic attacks and depersonalization disorder. After getting through what felt hopeless at times, I’m here to provide stories of recovery and connect with you. If you find this helpful, please rate and review. Feel free to email support@anxietyhelpwithwes if you'd like to connect further. YouTube Page (with video of this audio recording)      
TIPP  Tip the Temperature  Intense Exercise  Paced Breathing Paired Muscle Relaxation    Disclaimer Anxiety Help With Wes is not meant to take place of a therapist or doctor. I am not a licensed professional counselor. And while I am a school counselor, content and stories discussed reflect in no way on education or the school system in which I work. About Me I’ve found there is a great need for those facing anxiety and depression. I see many people struggle to find effective help and even then the process ain’t easy. I myself have experienced severe panic attacks and depersonalization disorder. After getting through what felt hopeless at times, I’m here to provide stories of recovery and connect with you. If you find this helpful, please rate and review. Feel free to email support@anxietyhelpwithwes if you'd like to connect further. YouTube Page (with video of this audio recording)
Making a decision can be difficult and confusing and can sometimes lead us to not make a decision at all, which usually does not work. Today's skill is called Pros & Cons. This may be helpful when making a tough decision. Disclaimer Anxiety Help With Wes is not meant to take place of a therapist or doctor. I am not a licensed professional counselor. And while I am a school counselor, content and stories discussed reflect in no way on education or the school system in which I work. About Me I’ve found there is a great need for those facing anxiety and depression. I see many people struggle to find effective help and even then the process ain’t easy. I myself have experienced severe panic attacks and depersonalization disorder. After getting through what felt hopeless at times, I’m here to provide stories of recovery and connect with you. If you find this helpful, please rate and review. Feel free to email support@anxietyhelpwithwes if you'd like to connect further. YouTube Page (with video of this audio recording)
STOP Skill Stop Take A Step Back Observe Proceed Mindfully   Disclaimer Anxiety Help With Wes is not meant to take place of a therapist or doctor. I am not a licensed professional counselor. And while I am a school counselor, content and stories discussed reflect in no way on education or the school system in which I work. About Me I’ve found there is a great need for those facing anxiety and depression.  I see many people struggle to find effective help and even then the process ain’t easy.  I myself have experienced severe panic attacks and depersonalization disorder.  After getting through what felt hopeless at times, I’m here to provide stories of recovery and connect with you.    If you find this helpful, please rate and review.  Feel free to email support@anxietyhelpwithwes if you'd like to connect further. YouTube Page:
DBT, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, offers extremely helpful skills to increase resilience and build a life experienced as worth living.   Today's skill is called ACCEPTS. It is a distress tolerance skill for a crisis situation.     Disclaimer Anxiety Help With Wes is not meant to take place of a therapist or doctor. I am not a licensed professional counselor. And while I am a school counselor, content and stories discussed reflect in no way on education or the school system in which I work. About Me I’ve found there is a great need for those facing anxiety and depression. I see many people struggle to find effective help and even then the process ain’t easy. I myself have experienced severe panic attacks and depersonalization disorder. After getting through what felt hopeless at times, I’m here to provide stories of recovery and connect with you. If you find this helpful, please rate and review. Feel free to email support@anxietyhelpwithwes if you'd like to connect further. YouTube Page (with video of this audio recording)
A great and enlightening conversation with Dr. Z.   Online class: Personal website: Workbooks: Therapy website:   Disclaimer Anxiety Help With Wes is not meant to take place of a therapist or doctor. I am not a licensed professional counselor. And while I am a school counselor, content and stories discussed reflect in no way on education or the school system in which I work. About Me I’ve found there is a great need for those facing anxiety and depression. I see many people struggle to find effective help and even then the process ain’t easy. I myself have experienced severe panic attacks and depersonalization disorder. After getting through what felt hopeless at times, I’m here to provide stories of recovery and connect with you. If you find this helpful, please rate and review. Feel free to email support@anxietyhelpwithwes if you'd like to connect further. YouTube Page (with video of this audio recording) Suicide Hotline, avail 24/7 800-273-8255   Disclaimer Anxiety Help With Wes is not meant to take place of a therapist or doctor or any professional help. I am not a licensed professional counselor. Content and stories discussed in no way represent or reflect on education, the profession of school counseling, or the school system in which I work.  About Me I’ve found there is a great need for those facing anxiety and depression.  I see many people struggle to find effective help and even then the process ain’t easy.  I myself have experienced severe panic attacks and depersonalization disorder.  After getting through what felt hopeless at times, I’m here to provide stories of recovery and connect with you.    If you find this helpful, please rate and review.  Feel free to email support@anxietyhelpwithwes if you'd like to connect further. YouTube Page   About Me I’ve found there is a great need for those facing anxiety and depression.  As a School Counselor, I see many students look for help in these areas but it can be hard finding the right help, and even then the process ain’t easy.  I myself have experienced severe panic attacks and depersonalization disorder.  After getting through what felt hopeless at times, I’m here to provide stories of recovery and connect with you.    If you find this helpful, please rate and review.  Feel free to email support@anxietyhelpwithwes if you'd like to connect further. YouTube Page: Disclaimer:  This podcast is not meant to take the place of professional help (doctor, therapist).  Rather, it is to provide ideas and resources that may be helpful in recovering from anxiety and the other challenges in mental health discussed.   I am not a licensed professional counselor so I advise caution and skepticism for any opinions I offer.  Additionally, any ideas are my own and in no way relate to the school system in which I work.  While I sometimes offer general presenting problems I regularly, no personal meetings are ever discussed. 
Note...recorded this one a few days ago but didn't have space to post.   Watch on YouTube Today's Articles About Me I’ve found there is a great need for those facing anxiety and depression.  As a School Counselor, I see many students look for help in these areas but it can be hard finding the right help, and even then the process ain’t easy.  I myself have experienced severe panic attacks and depersonalization disorder.  After getting through what felt hopeless at times, I’m here to provide stories of recovery and connect with you.    If you find this helpful, please rate and review.  Feel free to email support@anxietyhelpwithwes if you'd like to connect further.   About Me I’ve found there is a great need for those facing anxiety and depression.  As a School Counselor, I see many students look for help in these areas but it can be hard finding the right help, and even then the process ain’t easy.  I myself have experienced severe panic attacks and depersonalization disorder.  After getting through what felt hopeless at times, I’m here to provide stories of recovery and connect with you.    If you find this helpful, please rate and review.  Feel free to email support@anxietyhelpwithwes if you'd like to connect further. About Me I’ve found there is a great need for those facing anxiety and depression.  As a School Counselor, I see many students look for help in these areas but it can be hard finding the right help, and even then the process ain’t easy.  I myself have experienced severe panic attacks and depersonalization disorder.  After getting through what felt hopeless at times, I’m here to provide stories of recovery and connect with you.    If you find this helpful, please rate and review.  Feel free to email support@anxietyhelpwithwes if you'd like to connect further.   About Me I’ve found there is a great need for those facing anxiety and depression.  As a School Counselor, I see many students look for help in these areas but it can be hard finding the right help, and even then the process ain’t easy.  I myself have experienced severe panic attacks and depersonalization disorder.  After getting through what felt hopeless at times, I’m here to provide stories of recovery and connect with you.    If you find this helpful, please rate and review.  Feel free to email support@anxietyhelpwithwes if you'd like to connect further.   About Me I’ve found there is a great need for those facing anxiety and depression.  As a School Counselor, I see many students look for help in these areas but it can be hard finding the right help, and even then the process ain’t easy.  I myself have experienced severe panic attacks and depersonalization disorder.  After getting through what felt hopeless at times, I’m here to provide stories of recovery and connect with you.    If you find this helpful, please rate and review If you find this helpful, please rate and review.  Feel free to email support@anxietyhelpwithwes if you'd like to connect further.
One aspect of anxiety is focusing on anxiety and not our day.  But how do we go about scheduling our day?   About Me I’ve found there is a great need for those facing anxiety and depression.  As a School Counselor, I see many students look for help in these areas but it can be hard finding the right help, and even then the process ain’t easy.  I myself have experienced severe panic attacks and depersonalization disorder.  After getting through what felt hopeless at times, I’m here to provide stories of recovery and connect with you.    If you find this helpful, please rate and review If you find this helpful, please rate and review.  Feel free to email support@anxietyhelpwithwes if you'd like to connect further.,just%20as%20ends%20in%20themselves.   About Me I’ve found there is a great need for those facing anxiety and depression.  As a School Counselor, I see many students look for help in these areas but it can be hard finding the right help, and even then the process ain’t easy.  I myself have experienced severe panic attacks and depersonalization disorder.  After getting through what felt hopeless at times, I’m here to provide stories of recovery and connect with you.    If you find this helpful, please rate and review.  Feel free to email support@anxietyhelpwithwes if you'd like to connect further. 