Appalachian Pi

A pair of semi-well educated, and sometimes educationally challenged hillbilly types pontificating on popular culture, cult culture, and whatever the Hell pops in their heads. Sometimes we have interviews, sometimes we just babble with one another. We will be posting new content as aften as possible. Be here, or be rhombi!

Sometimes you have to...

I spoke with several folks who chose to protest and be activists in our community.  I can't add much there.  Listen and take some time to do your own research.


Meet Sweet Sara

 I speak with Sara about her experiences that lead her into the escort business and discuss her experiences with dealing around the social expectations of working in the sex work trade. I'm quite aware this is not the normal subject matter I present, however, I feel a conversation can spur discussion on taboos in society and why they exist.This is the first of several planned episodes exploring taboo subjects as they exist in Appalachia.


Meet the phenomenal Hyatt Riot

Hyatt and I got to speak after one of her shows for a wee bit. She also suckered another of her friends into speaking with me for another episode. Talk about a whole lotta balls in the air, she's quite the juggler. We talk about burlesque, radio, roller derby, Appalachia, and some other stuff. Come check it out and googlate an upcoming event she has planned called the Dark City Cabaret. Oh yeah, Viva Ashevegas may be worth a googling as well to see all of the events they currently have planned and scheduled... Oh yeah again, note to self... no interviews after three tall boys.


Meet the comedian/host Blaine....Perry

Yep, I ran across another Blaine some time ago, and we finally were able to make time to get together for a conversation. Blaine is a comedian and show host here locally. If you are in town visiting or local, I highly recommend you checking out one of his shows. I think we're going to start a Blaine gang and have fun at everyone else's expense.


Meet the Scotsman, otherwise known as Drew "Terror" Carson

Mr. Carson was not only a youth MMA fighter, but a creative back before his brain got buggered up. Just kidding. Seriously, Drew has been a great friend and gracious person to collaborate with on several projects. Check out everything we mention in this conversation. I'm sure this will be the first of many to come. Be well Pi-rates.


Meet the comedian named Cocks

This evening I get to share a conversation I had with the comedian Josh Cocks. He was really easy to talk to and I encourage you to googlate him to where to catch him on his tour. He'll be performing here in Asheville at Fleetwoods (that's on Haywood Rd in West Asheville) on Sunday April 22nd. Tickets are $5 in advance and $7 day of. I hope to see you there and thanks to Modelface Comedy for bringing Josh here. Be well P-rates!


Meet the indomitable Ms. Cooper

I met Vara via interest in an open mic storytelling event here in Asheville at the Odditorium. That event is the Synergy Story Slam. She's been one of a handful of hosts for that event, but has chops of her own as a storyteller. Vara has competed in the Moth (if unfamiliar, take a sec to googlate) as well as having performed at the National Storytelling Festival held in Jonesborough, TN. We explore her background, dirty youthful bits, how she ended up in Appalachia, and such things that arise as conversation unfolds. Oh, for a vegetarian, she makes damn good pan fried chicken, just sayin'. Hope you enjoy Pi-rates!


Goodbye ASPholes

I held off releasing this episode to coincide more closely with the 2nd anniversary of ASP (the Asheville Society of Podcasters). It's been a weird experiment, but when you create. some things stick to the wall and some don't. Perhaps we'll be back someday, but you can find all of us in the Terror Firma Artist Union presently. Be well and be real folks.


Meet the enigmatic Mr. Smith

Rodney is a phenomenal presence in Asheville and Appalachia. I highly encourage you to check out not only Tempus Fugit Design, but also the Magnetic Theatre and Super Happy Productions. This man is a true gem and embodies the spirit I hope to share through the Pi.


Meet Mr. Martinez

He's an ASPhole! Anywhat, I got Chris to step out of his head for a second and discuss himself and his goals. Come check this out and listen to one of the fools that will collaborate with me. Seriously though, check out Boat Fight and look for the plans they have in the works to create their own network. Forgive him for being a transplant, but applaud him for finding the place that makes him comfortable enough to express himself. Sappy aside, love ya brother.


Meet Mr. Finnerty and McNeill

The Pi got the opportunity to speak to both of these gentlemen who performed at the opening night of the Asheville Comedy Festival. Come give them a listen and bring your asses next year. Laugh Your Asheville Off is consistently knocking things out of the park promoting comedy in our neck of the woods. I'll see ya next year.


Meet Tuatha Dea

Hi Pi-rates! I got the opportunity to speak with the founders of the the Gatlinburg based band Tuatha Dea. They don't really fit into a genre, but I'll describe them as Celtic Punk Gypsy Rock. That doesn't really describe their sound well, so listen to the end and form your own opinion. Just wait until you hear who they've collaborated with recently! These are some good folks, show them some love y'all!


Meet Ms. Coit and the Asheville Cat Weirdos

Veronica and I get to talk about the group and charity she formed here in WNC. We recently were able to meet up at the Odditorium here and also just participated in the last yard sale/fundraiser for the season. Check them out on FB, apparently instagram, and they have a website. Want it's address? Have a sit down with us and look for an article in MountainX due out this week to further get their story out.


Meet Who's This?

Another pirate, the honorable Ms. Ashley put me on the spot a while back and this was the conversation. We'll be speaking again later this week and I hope you enjoy that one as it is broadcast live over the book of face. Who's This is a truly fun show. I strongly encourage you to thumb up the facebook page and say howdy to a pirate I respect. Expand your minds, folks.


Meet Mr. Lincoln

Mr. Lincoln is a historian and dare I say, relative of the Lincoln that the name conjures. Come check out our conversation. I have to admit my dumb here, I didn't know he too had dealt with brain cancer. This was an odd ironic combination of recent guests. Please check out his book, Friend and follow this gentleman and enjoy the conversation we had a wee bit back. Thank you sir for your time.


Meet Ms. Blaine...wait, that reads funny

Meet Lauren Blaine. Sorry, I'm thrown off by seeing my name on a guest's name. She's not only an musician/songwriter and artist, but has managed talent. I strongly suggest you check her out and encourage you to listen to this... she may be a bit of a writer/comedian waiting to realize it. Be well Pi-rates.


Meet Dr. Dula

Meet a man who truly is... Ok, This man has an amazing attitude that is infectious. He's an educator, musician, activist, and author. Please take a moment to check out his book and listen/support his positive spirit as it moves forward. You will beat this, sir. We want to see you succeed,sir.


Meet Michelle Leigh

Meet the independent artist Michelle Leigh. We had the opportunity to speak at Stone Road Restaurant and Bar, thanks for the hospitality folks. She's a native Appalachian and a multi-faceted artist. I'm fighting the urge to be crazy about promotion, but... she's an independent artist nominated for awards is four categories in the this years Josie Awards Festival in Nashville. She and I may have met because of a connection with a certain legend.


Meet the Appalachian Renaissance Faire and their Executive Director of Media and Marketing, Ms. Ward

Come say hello to the Executive Director of Media and Marketing for the Appalachian Renaissance Faire ( and on facebook as Appalachian Renaissance Faire). ARF is coming to Appalachia for the first time in October on the 14th and 15th; hosted by East Tennessee Distillery ( I think this is a phenomenal project and am excited to have had the opportunity to speak with them. Take a listen, share, and attend! We can't wait to meet you in person. Who wants to see the Pi-guy in a kilt?


Meet Dr. Stewart and her students

Dr. Stewart works at Bethany College in WV. She and I thought it would be interesting to get a more youthful perspective of what Appalachia means to a couple of her students. Also meet Cherish and Lexi, many thanks again ladies. My apologies for a couple of crappy questions, but it happens. Learn who Wonky is and who would have a bunny hanging around their office. We also touch on topics like cannibalism and neutering. This should be an interesting conversation.


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