Arachne: An Infinity Game Podcast

Dylan Dyer and friends brings on players and creators from the community behind The Infinity Miniatures Game. He dives into new releases, product, tactics strategy and more with a focus on both the casual and competitive angles.

Episode 30: Downfall: An Infinity Novel Review

The boys (Dr.D and Ernesto) talk about the very first novel that came out for the Infinity universe. They talk about what they think about it before spoilers and then really lay in it afterwards with spoilers. We recommend if you are interested in this book you give it a read before you listen to this full episode.


Calamity Jack Episode 2: Interesting People

The second episode of the ever-loved and always truthful Calamity Jack as he makes his way around the galaxy. Come on in and see what ol' Jack is getting into this time.


Episode 29: Talking Cyberpunk Combat Zone with Mack

The boys, Dr.D and Mack, talk about a newer wargame called Cyberpunk: Combat zone based on the very popular RPG system. We talk about Mack's nerd story and get into how he got involved with this game and its continuing development. Of course, we tell some terrible jokes along the way and get distracted from the topic at hand!


Episode 28: Talking Warcrow with Hoopoe!

The host managed to use all of his goodwill in life to get an audience with the amazing Hoopoe! She is the ambassador for Warcrow from Corvus Belli and goes into detail about the universe, the game's factions, and how the company ticks. We also hear about her heist to touch Koni's face. It is an incredible interview and we are very thankful that she came on to talk to Dr.D.


Episode 27: Talking Res Ops with Devin

The boys, (Dr.D and Devin from Metachemistry) talk about the new game format Resilience Ops. What they think about it and going over the cards that make the game what it is. Generally speaking it is all positive. Of course they talk about dumb stuff and make silly jokes too. Which is sort of our trademark at this point.


Episode 26: Talking Narrative Gaming With Tim

The boys (Dr.D and Timmy) talk about Tim and his nerd story. They go into what is narrative gaming and what you can do to improve your concept of it. They also tell some terrible jokes along the way and generally make a passionate plea for people to play games for fun and stop being so cutthroat all of the time.


Calamity Jack 1: Introductions

Welcome to the new audio drama produced by the members of Arachne. Pretty much just Dr.D and Kara right now. We hope you enjoy!


Episode 25: Adepticon 2024 in Review

The boys (Dr.D and Ernie G) talked about their adventures at Adepticon 2024. They tell stories about all the antics they got up to and how Dr.D was a homeless person. Obviously, they tell some jokes along the way.


Episode 1: New Management: Introducing Aahhh! Scorpions

Due to a change in management due to chronic gambling issues, Dr.D had to let go of the show and give it to the notorious BIG Keef. He has decided to rebrand the podcast as Aahhhh Scorpions. They mock the previous owner of the show, Dr.D, due to him being a ninny. Then they cover the actual keys to improving your gaming skills.


Episode 24: Neoterran Deez Lore

The boys (Dr.D and Brady T) talk about Neoterra lore and some of the classic profiles associated with the faction. They have a grand ol time and slowly lose their minds as they read all of the published lore that is available for this single planet. Of course they tell some jokes along the way!


Episode 23: Blindspot Interview and The Hexadome Aristeia Showdown

Dr.D has the privilege to interview the company, Blindspot, about their new Infinity video game The Hexadrome Aristeia Showdown that just recently finished their first alpha test. We talk about the company, the game, and some of their potential future projects! Its a great talk and reveals some of the workings of how video games explore their ideas and create video games. Come on in and enjoy the laughs!


Bonus Episode: Talking The Old World With Taylor from Beards, Ears, and Skulls

We have decided to throw in another bonus episode since the previous episode was slightly shorter than usual. Same great content and it doesn't even push back any of your regular infinity content. Dr.D talks to Tactical Taylor from the network who has just started his own podcast for The Old World called Beards, Ears, and Skulls. Dr. D is a fanatic for Warhammer Fantasy and decided he would spread the news of the new (old) world with Taylor.


Episode 22: Reinforcement Updates

The boys (Dr.D and Brady T) talk about the new updates for the reinforcement game mode. We talk about where he profiles went and what we thought about how it came out. And of course terrible jokes to keep it all together. Come and joins us for the ride.


Episode 21: Lobos Interview

The boys (Dr.D and guest Lobo) start talking who the man behind the mask is that is Lobo. We go over his nerd origin story and some of the thoughts that go into his famous list building and game play style. Lobo is one of the best Infinity players in the world and promises to say something that could improve your own game. Come and give it a listen Arachnids!


Episode 20: New Year, New Arachne

The boys (Dr. D and Brady T.) talk about the previous year and the coming year for the show and Infinity in general. Of course they make some jokes and even speculate on what is coming from CB. Of course this was recorded before they showed off what the new sectorial was. So be amazed at Dr. D's ability to see the future!


Episode 19: Have a Merry Everwinter Recap!

The boys (Dr. D, Brady T, and Derek "Maurice") talk about their recent adventure at Everwinter 2. They talk about their thoughts and how Derek went about getting the event setup and how he went about running it. Also, like always they tell some terrible jokes. This comes out Christmas Day and we hope you have a very merry Christmas!


Episode 18: Talking about SOs with Erin

The.......fellas? (Dr. D and Erin) chat about how to bring your SOs into your gaming community and how to better approach taking time for yourself and for them. We now that not all relations are the same, but they explored what works for them and how it might help others out who are in similar situations.


Episode 17: Aftermath Book Report

The boys (Dr.D and Brady T) talk about the new manga put out by Corvus Belli in the Infinity universe. We make some bad jokes and try reading a book that Dr.D put all of his notes into.


Episode 16: Talking Event Running With Derek

The boys (Big D Derek and Dr. D) talk about how the New England Meta started and how he has continued to legacy of tournament running in the area since COVID. They talk a little bit about the old days and what it was like to be a young Derek. We tell some bad laughs and make fun of Dr. D a little and just have a real grand ol' time.


Episode 15: Endsong Book Report

The boys (Brady T and Dr. D) go over Endsong (the actual book) and muse on the things that they found the most entertaining. Dat Hassassin part though right guys? Come along with them as they mention some things going on in their local areas and their take aways from the most recent Infinity book expansion. Also, as always, some kind of audio equipment broke while recording the episode so the episode might end sorta abruptly.


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