Arise Arjuna Foundation - The Bhagwad Gita

A respected Psychiatrist introduces us to the ancient teachings that are both the blueprint, and the foundation of today's Mindfulness movement. These are the philosophies that played vital roles in both India's and America's independence from England. The doctor tells us how The Gita changed his life and how The Gita can ease the trauma and help meet many of the challenges that he has spent a lifetime treating in his patients. "The Gita" podcast opens an ancient door to help you return to Self and find peace.

Episode 28 - Gita - Chapter 2 verses #60 thru #66

E28 -  There is neither knowledge or meditation for the unsteady. Turbulent senses carry away our minds. even sometimes with wise men. Where do you lose control? Food? Alcohol? Emotions? Ego? The self-controlled man attains peace. Learn how to avoid The Ladder of Fall, and learn that stress is nothing but the uncontrolled mind.


Episode 26 - Gita - Chapter 2 verses #45 thru #53

E26 - Episode 26 is big! Really Big! But verses #45 through #53 describe the reason Krishna told Arjuna to free himself from the three personality traits, and acquisition and preservation, and to free himself from the pairs of opposites. We learn the path to revealing the wisdom of Self, how to avoid the swamp of delusion, desire, and attachment, and why it's important to not let the fruits be the motive. We also learn what our options are when we want coffee!


Episode 25 - Gita - Chapter 2 Verses 40 to 44

How do we self identify? As the mind, body. and intellect? Or do we realize we are not that? We are the Atman. The doctor begins to talk about how to get there in this episode. We talk about selfishness and selflessness in our desires and actions, focusing our mind, and the ways we gain knowledge


Episode 216 - Conclusion and Introduction

The doctor has completed our journey through the Gita and Krishna's conversation with Arjuna, but this episode will top the list of episodes on all of our outlets so it will serve both as a conclusion to our study and an introduction to both those finding us for the first time, and those who want to start again as part of their ongoing search for Knowledge and spirituality. We offer this as a good place to end our study or a good place to start, or even a good place to start again with our gained understanding. Remember, no one ever crosses the same stream twice because it's never the same stream and you are never the same person.


Episode 215 - Gita - Chapter 18 verses #70-72

E215 - Those who study this Gita, these dialogs between Krishna and Arjuna worship Brahman with the sacrifice of ignorance. But once you learn this, your negativity goes away.  At the end of the Gita, Krishna ask Arjuna "Do you understand what I have said? Has the ignorance within you been destroyed? Do not grieve."


Episode 214 - Gita - Chapter 18 verses #66 thru #69

E214 -  Give up your nature fully and I will liberate you from your sins.


Episode 213 - Gita - Chapter 18 verses #63 thru #65

E213 - This utmost of secrets was told by me to you. Consider it completely and carefully, then do as you wish.


Episode 212 - Gita - Chapter 18 verses #60 thru #62

E212 - You are destined to do action because of your personality. You can not change your nature by willpower, instead, learn to use your nature for good. Conduct your life as a dedication to Brahman.


Episode 210 - Gita - Chapter 18 verses #54 and #55

E210 - Once he becomes Brahman, he no longer grieves. We continue talking about the qualities of self-realized people. With devotion a person knows Brahman, and after knowing Brahman he enters Brahman and becomes one with Brahman.


Episode 207 - Gita - Chapter 18 verses #47 thru #49

E207 - We continue our discussion of the importance of doing your own duty, that which you are born to do, even if serving someone else's duty is more materially rewarding. Doing your own duty leaves you calm and peaceful, without agitation and sin (mental disturbance). We do this to calm our mind and minimize the disturbance of our minds so that we can meditate because meditation is what brings us closer to Brahman.


Episode 206 - Gita - Chapter 18 verses #45 and #46

E206 - One attains fulfillment by doing their own duty, By doing his own Karma, while worshipping Brahman, one can become enlightened. This episode talks about honoring the Brahman in you more and following your desires less.


Episode 205 - Gita - Chapter 18, verses #40 thru #42

E205 - This episode discusses the qualities of the classes, the 8 qualities of a Brahman, the seven qualities of a warrior, as well as the qualities of the trader and the laborer.


Episode 204 - Gita - Chapter 18, verses #40 and #41

E204 - The doctor explains the true and original meaning of castes as they were defined in Hindu society. The Gita tells us that each of us are made up of two parts, the Atman and our Prakriti or nature. But where does our Prakriti comes from? The doctor also talks about the four castes, the spiritual and enlightened, the warrior, the trader or merchant, and the laborer, and how the proportion of your gunas determines each person's "class".


Episode 203 - Gita - Chapter 18 verses #36 thru #39

E203 - Nectar in the beginning. Poison in the end ... When you are focused on your intellect, you end all sorrow. This episode talks about the three types of happiness we experience depending on which of our gunas drive our pursuit of them. Often the path to spirituality is gained by shifting towards a higher form of happiness.


Episode 202 - Gita - Chapter 18 verses #33 thru #35

E202 - Resolve takes practice. This episode explores the relationships between our gunas and our ability to focus with fortitude and perseverance. Firm practice and a little discipline reward us with the ability to persevere in our pursuit of spirituality.


Episode 201 - Gita - Chapter 18 verses #29 thru #32

E201 - Like everything else, your intellect is swayed by the balance of your gunas and that can shape your ability to focus on good decisions and strengthen your perseverance to stay on the proper path with your choices and actions. Should it be done? Should it be feared? Your intellect reigns in your senses, mind, and actions. You mind runs after your likes and dislikes. Crafting the strength of your satvick qualities keeps you in control of everything that would challenge your peace and spirituality.


Episode 200 - Gita - Chapter 18 verses #26 thru #28

E200 - Krishna describes the quality of a doer by the mixture of their gunas. Which gunas are predominant in the doer at the time influence the decisions we make about our actions.


Episode 199 - Gita - Chapter 18 verses #23 thru #25

E199 - Actions without attachment, without likes or dislikes, without reward, do not create more attachments and desires. Each of us has a different mixture of sattvic, rajasic, and tamasic qualities, and that combination helps to determine our actions.


Episode 198 - Gita - Chapter 18 verses #19 thru #22

E198 - As long as you remain attached to your doership, you are not ready for self-realization. The doctor discusses the building blocks of action which include knowledge, the action, and the doer, as well as the characteristics of sattvic, rajasic, and tamasic actions.


Episode 197 - Gita - Chapter 18 verses #16 thru #18

E197 - The Atman is separate from all the doing in the world ... While all actions take place in the presence of the Atman, it is not the doer.


Titas Bhattacharya

really awesome 👍👍👍👍

09-05 Reply

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