Ask Dr. Phil
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Dr. Phil McGraw, the headline making, record-breaking psychologist, talk show personality and author is here to help you solve your problems with ASK DR. PHIL. Each weekday America’s favorite tell-it-like-it-is life strategist brings his words of advice on how to deal and get-real with a wide range of real-life and family problems.
231 Episodes
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how do we listen to the full episode?
why can't we actually access these episodes? I can only listen to 44sec...what gives?
Dr. Phil takes up what I can see. it would be nice if the topic was first.
how do I ask Phil a question
help us please. my grandchild has multiple health issues and is 13 facing being alone in a treatment ce ter without her mom except maybe an hour a day...shes never been without her stuffed animal to sleep or being able to be with her mom right there. this treatment could take months to help. her mom cannot afford room n board while out of state what options does she have...
so i understand this is kindof off topic but my grandchild is very ill with epelepsy pots edliors danlos eoe spinal stenosis and rumination sydrone. her gi dr is suggesting a place in cumberland virginia where shed go to inhouse treatment for an indeterminate amount of time without her mom being there alone. he mom would have to find a place to stay for how ever long the treatment is and cannot afford that at all. we just need help n guidence please im begging you
good afternoon Dr Phil im at witts end. my granddaughter has multiple health issues which include epilepsy pots edloirs danlos eoe stenosis of spine and rumination sydrone. shes existing not living but we have drs here that cant seem to help much she likes to post on her edloirs group about her life and problems currently her hair is falling out she cant keep nothing down shes tired all the time and we worry that shell give up n hurt herself. please please can you help us find solutions so our beautiful girl whos 13 years old can live not just exiat....HELP PLease
Murder mystery analysis by dr phill
what kind of legal actions can I take against a lawyer that messed up on my inheritance it was supposed to be put in a trust but my mother had gotten sick I was her primary caretaker the only thing that she left was the house now I can't sell it because my lawyer missed it up
Dr phil. I have wrote the show, my letter came back, one of them.I need your help. My son is wrongfully incarcerated for rape, his Uncle had same charges. They were supposed to be codefent. My son had a public defender but his uncle had a paid lawyer. My son was to go to court on November 6 2006. the public defender had not even seen my son for 5 minutes. he got a call and never came back. on November 3 2006 without any of the family being let know the public defender went to my son who had never been in any trouble, scared my son that the d.a. was going after him for 125 years plus life. he told my son that the 3rd was a plea day so that the court could be put off till he had a chance to go over my son case for they had not. All of this was not anything my son knew anything about. we were not law breakers. I could not afford a lawyer for a nasty divorce from his abusive father.his father pulled guns and knifes as well as verbal and mental and physical abuse for 29 years even with us h
How do I get the podcast to play? All I hear is the 45 second intro ....
I left my abuser as safely as possible. Due to our court system, laws and lack of judicial training my abuser mover across the street from me and when you have kids it is impossible to have no contact with the abuser. I know the fear of 'he may kill me if I leave" however, he may kill me anyway.
it's funny that I run across this today, I go to court in the morning for the protection of order I got out on my boyfriend of 5 years. I'm scared because I don't know what the outcome is going to be. he has been on meth for over a year now and will not get off of it. we left Florida a year ago to come to Tennessee to get away from the drugs and within the first week of being here he found the drug meth. our life is spiraled all the way down to the very bottom of the pit. me myself I've been clean for two months and I did it on my own I just said enough was enough I can't live like this anymore. one day he got outraged with me very angry and started getting in my face waving a BB gun so I went down and got a protection order and had him removed from the house. moral of story is he only lives a few trailers down for me in an abandoned trailer with no electric no water. he lets me feel so guilty and has me feeling so guilty everyday oh, the guilt that I feel I just can't let go of. I cry
does Dr Phil really answer or help people here..i don't see. to see any
im proud of you all god bless
wow could my daughter be on this show
Please help me b4 I loose my partner to meth.
This probably my 10th letter to you. my 37 year old daughter is a compulsive liar and has 2 young boys. The father of her boys is an alcoholic, smokes weed, and has never paid for 1 of his 5 kids. My daughter has a low self-esteem and he tells her she can't get anyone better and that she is after his $700 SSI check. She has supported them for 13 years. The boys are acting out. the oldest pulls his hair and has violent outburst. the youngest breaks into cars for money to eat. they are one several medicines. My son has them now but does not have guardianship or legal rights to them. the whole family has given clothes food and money. please Dr Phil we need your help. Children services here is useless. The boys need your help desperately.
Hi Dr Phil