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Author: Astonishing Legends Productions

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The world is more mysterious than most people are comfortable imagining. We cross paths with the mystical from time to time and may not even notice it. If we do, we quickly return to our usually mundane daily existence. But what if we not only acknowledged the unknown, we investigated it and spoke with those in the know? That's what co-hosts Scott Philbrook & Forrest Burgess, and co-executive producer Tess Pfeifle do at Astonishing Legends. Over 100 million downloads and hundreds of thousands of listeners have discovered the thrill of exploring the mysteries of our world, showing that the unknown can be both captivating and intriguing. Welcome to Astonishing Legends!
327 Episodes
In part 2 of our series on The Entity, we delve deeper into the story of The Entity and the horrific experiences of Doris Bither. We’ll explore previously undisclosed details of her life and the paranormal phenomena witnessed in her home by a large team of researchers from UCLA, as told by the only person in the world who’s been in touch with Bither’s family, Javier Ortega. We’ll examine the aftermath of the haunting, its profound effects on the Bither family, and the challenges they faced long after the initial investigation concluded. Going beyond the well-known narrative, we’ll explore Doris's later years and the enduring psychological impact on her family. Astonishing Legends has always strived to be the ‘Podcast of Record’ on the topics we cover, and this one is no different. Join us as we unravel the untold continuation of The Entity Haunting, seeking not just the truth of what happened but a deeper understanding of how the investigation into it may have done more harm than good. Visit our website for a lot more information on this episode.
Astonishing Legends finally tackles the infamous Entity haunting case from the 1970s, featuring an exclusive interview with researcher Xavier Ortega from This is the story of Doris Bither, a single mother in Culver City, California, who was repeatedly assaulted by spectral entities in her home. Ortega shares new information from his interviews with Bither’s sons, providing unprecedented insight into the family’s experiences. For the first time, it’s revealed that the paranormal activity began after Bither attempted to communicate with entities through Ouija board seances. Listeners will hear about strange phenomena witnessed by multiple observers, including apparitions, unexplained noises, and physical attacks. Scott, Forrest, and Xavier will share details of spectral assaults in Part 1 of this series that most folks haven’t heard about. This is a deep dive into one of the most disturbing paranormal cases in American history, with new revelations that have never before been shared publicly. Visit our website for a lot more information on this episode.
A special announcement regarding Hurricane Helene. United Way link updated from link in the announcement:
In our conclusion to our two-part series on American Bloodfalls, we dive deeper into the mysterious phenomenon that baffled witnesses across 19th-century America. Our special guest, Tom Maxwell, guides us through more perplexing incidents of blood and meat raining from the sky, from the famous Kentucky Meat Shower of 1876 to the final recorded event in 1902. We examine the scientific analyses of the time, which often identified the fallen material as animal tissue yet failed to propose any reasonable theories about its origins. Tom helps us navigate the theories proposed over the years and why they fall short when confronted with eyewitness accounts and the scale of events. We’ll discuss connections to biblical accounts and consider how these events might reflect their time's cultural and spiritual climate. Then, of course, we’ll get to the theories, even though the mundane ones have been tough to identify with this legend. But yes, portals and UFOs will probably make the scene. Tom helps us grapple with how these occurrences challenge humanity’s modern, materialist worldview and why meat showers and bloodfalls seem to have ceased by the early 20th century. Even after all of this time, they continue to defy explanation. However, that won’t stop us from trying to figure it out. Visit our website for a lot more information on this episode.
Bloodfalls and meat showers - phenomena that sound more like biblical plagues than historical events. Yet, reports of these bizarre occurrences peppered the American landscape for over a century. From Alabama to Massachusetts, Tennessee to California, eyewitnesses sometimes described small red clouds followed by downpours of blood, flesh, and viscera. Some were subjected to the red rain on entirely cloudless days. While many saw divine judgment, skeptics suspected elaborate hoaxes. Scientists proposed numerous theories ranging from vomiting vultures to atmospheric anomalies, while newspapers spread the stories far and wide. But what really happened during these grisly events? Were they connected or separate phenomena with similar descriptions? And why did they seem to stop abruptly at the turn of the 20th century? Join us as we delve into this bloody chapter of American history with our special guest, Tom Maxwell, former frontman of the Squirrel Nut Zippers and bloodfall expert, for Part 1 of this 2-part series. Together, we'll examine not just what fell from the sky, but what these incidents reveal about 19th-century America - its people, its science, and its struggle to make sense of a rapidly changing world. From the fringes of meteorology to the depths of human nature, this is the strange, gruesome, and utterly captivating story of America's reign of blood and meat. Visit our website for a lot more information on this episode.
Richard & Susan drop in with some important upcoming dates and announcements about all things RHPB, including a couple of SPECIAL UPCOMING EPISODES you’ll want to know about right away… Enjoy!
The Body on the Moor Part 2

The Body on the Moor Part 2


The authorities may have finally learned of the man on the moor's identity, yet, as they say, this only raised many more questions than his real name answered.  As police questioned his family, his neighbors, service providers, and even an ex-girlfriend, a picture of a pretty peculiar man emerged.  "Neil Dovestone" went by the name David Lytton.  However, even his legal name was perhaps a privacy screen to hide his emotions and past behind, as his given name was David Keith Lautenberg.  Described as a kind and conscientious man, Lytton also led a very ascetic and minimalist lifestyle, adding to the mystery of his mindset.  Those who knew him in England, even his partner at the time, Maureen Toogood, had no idea he had quietly moved to Pakistan after abruptly cutting off contact to live there for several years.  Even with more pieces to the puzzle now in place, there's still no clue as to what led him to where he chose to end everything and why.  Was it solely his doing, or was someone else involved?  What seems likely is that his body was staged postmortem so it would be found in a more peaceful pose.  Although you may think this story is "Case Closed," the official status from the UK courts is that it's still an "Open Conclusion."  Join us once again for Part 2 as we learn more about a man whose life was as much of an enigma as his death. Visit our website for a lot more information on this episode.
The Body on the Moor Part 1

The Body on the Moor Part 1


On Friday, December 11, 2015, at 9:04 a.m., a man started a train journey at Ealing Broadway Station in west London, England.  At 9:50 a.m., he arrived at Euston station to book an over two-hour trip to Manchester.  The next day, at 10:47 a.m., his body was discovered by a cyclist close to the Chew Track near Saddleworth Moor in the Peak District National Park.  The man was 6 feet 1 inch tall, white, of slim build, and had receding grey hair and blue eyes and determined to be between 60 and 70 years of age.  However, this description was the only identifying factor initially discovered about him.  He had no ID, wallet, phone, or keys, nothing to tell who this man was.  He was dressed nicely but inappropriately for a hike in such inclement weather.  The only item found on his person was a container of Pakistani origin labeled for thyroid medication but which now contained strychnine.  This was the poison that led to his death.  The cyclist also found the man in an odd position; his arms crossed over his chest and next to the trail as if peacefully napping.  This was another puzzling clue, as victims of strychnine poisoning are usually writhing in agony before their horrible demise.  The pathology technicians who examined the body gave the unfortunate stranger the name of "Neil Dovestone" after the Dovestone reservoir near his resting place.  So, who was "Neil Dovestone," and why did he travel such a long distance to this particular spot for a careless hike, or was it for a darker purpose?  Who removed his identifying items, and did he take his own life or fall victim to murder?  Join us for part one of our investigation into The Body on the Moor. Visit our website for a lot more information on this episode.
In Part Two of The Abduction of Betty and Barney Hill, we compare and contrast story elements of the too-close encounter taken from what the couple remembered about the night of the abduction, Betty’s lucid dreams, and regression hypnotherapy.  We also have the pleasure of interviewing researcher and author Kathleen Marden, Betty Hill’s niece, who was present for the contemporary testimony and witness to the physical evidence at the time.  Kathleen has dedicated decades to meticulously investigating her aunt and uncle’s case and the UFO phenomenon in general.  She has held various positions within the Mutual UFO Network from 1991 to 2023, such as Director of Field Investigator Training and Founder/Director of MUFON’s Experiencer Resource Team.  Kathleen was awarded MUFON’s “Researcher of the Year” trophy in 2012.  Join us for a fascinating conversation where we separate fact from fiction and the conscious from the subconscious regarding one of history’s most famous “Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind.” Visit our website for a lot more information on this episode.
On the night of September 19, 1961, around 10:30 p.m., Betty and Barney Hill drove back to their home in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, after a vacation in Niagara Falls and Montreal.  As they passed the town of Lancaster along U.S. Route 3, Betty saw a bright light in the sky just below the Moon that she initially thought was a falling star, except this light was moving upward and erratically, growing larger and more brilliant.  The Hills pulled over for a closer look through binoculars.  Betty said she saw an oddly shaped craft with multicolored lights that flashed as it traveled across the face of the Moon.  Barney saw what he first reasoned was a commercial jetliner, but when the craft silently descended rapidly in their direction without turning, he realized it was not a plane.  They resumed driving as the object continued its quick descent toward their car until it hovered above the highway about 80 to 100 feet off the ground, causing Barney to stop in the middle of the road.  Using the binoculars again, Barney could now see what he described as eight to eleven humanoid beings staring at him through one of the craft's windows.  Then they all turned away from the window except for one that continued to glare and seemingly sent a telepathic message to Barney, commanding him to "stay where you are and keep looking."  After making further observations about the craft and its occupants, whom Barney described as "somehow not human," the only thing the Hills could recall next from that moment was hearing a buzzing sound, then continuing on their drive.  The Hills arrived home in the early morning the following day, and somehow, the trip took about two hours longer than it should have.  Initially feeling at ease upon arrival, Betty and Barney would soon be troubled by puzzling evidence and unexplainable feelings and urges.  Their watches were permanently stopped.  Betty's dress was ripped around the zipper and lining and dusted with traces of a pinkish powder.  The leather strap for the binoculars was torn, and the tops of the toes of Barney's shoes were scuffed as if he was dragged.  He also developed inexplicable growths.  They felt compelled to take long showers to remove any contamination without fully knowing what had happened to them.  They noticed concentric circular marks on the trunk of their car that had strange magnetic properties.  All of these baffling clues were traces of the extraordinarily terrifying and traumatic experience they endured that night, which scarred them for years, pieced together from their conscious memories, hypnotic regression sessions, and Betty's vividly recurring dreams.  Taken all together, the story of Betty and Barney Hill became one of the most classic and seminal in ufology and is considered the first widely publicized case of alien abduction in the United States. Visit our website for a lot more information on this episode.
Scott and Forrest are joined by Chris Cullari and Ed Voccola, the hosts of Scared All The Time, for a live show at Monster Fest 2. Featuring live listener stories and EVP’s collected live on site from the Sallie House DR60! Visit our website for a lot more information on this episode. And check out more from our hit network show Scared All The Time!
On June 29, 1988, around 2:30 a.m., Christopher "Chris" Davis drove home after working the night shift at his local McDonald's. Driving along Browntown Road, which cuts through the dense woods of Scape Ore Swamp in South Carolina, Chris hears the pop of a flat tire on his car. As he finishes installing the spare, he notices something large and dark coming out of the trees, moving towards him about 30 yards away and swinging its arms. In an interview with The Item newspaper, Chris described seeing this humanoid creature with glowing red eyes close up, saying it was "green, wetlike, about seven feet tall and had three fingers... a red-eyed devil." Terrified, Davis ran to the driver's door and jumped in. Once inside, this bipedal beast was now right outside his window, where he could see it from the neck down. It then jumped up onto the roof of his car, where he could see its "rough-looking, black-fingernailed hands, sticking down from the windshield." The cryptid deeply grunts as Chris peels out, attempting to escape. As he estimated he was driving about 35-40 mph, this thing had caught up to the car and jumped onto the roof again, banging and clawing at it. The creature finally fell off as he swerved frantically, racing home. This encounter would become the best-known report of this impossible monster emerging from Scape Ore Swamp, but it was not the first, nor would it be the last.  At least one verified account tells of a sighting occurring two years prior, and a handful of police reports describe run-ins that happened in the years following Davis's experience. Chris Davis never called it the "Lizard Man," but residents had already labeled some previously seen brute by that description. And when a local reporter printed the nickname, the moniker stuck in the broader public's imagination. Sheriff Liston Truesdale was the one person who vetted all the claims, took reports from witnesses, and investigated their stories. And we're fortunate and grateful to have on our show tonight the one person who spent time interviewing Sheriff Truesdale, questioned locals, visited locations, and wrote a book about it all, our friend and noted cryptozoology researcher and author Lyle Blackburn. Lyle's 2013 book, Lizard Man: The True Story of the Bishopville Monster, is the phenomenon's most comprehensive and detailed history. As the sightings and questions continue, perhaps the most puzzling and troubling thing is whether everyone sees the same being and whether it is reptilian, more Bigfoot-like, or some other horror altogether. Visit our website for a lot more information on this episode.
Nightmarchers of Hawaii

Nightmarchers of Hawaii


Those who have visited Hawaii have experienced its natural beauty, soothing lifestyle, and the charm and friendliness of the inhabitants. However, only a select few may have encountered what the locals know and revere – the supernatural entities and legends that are still active and enduring. Some, like seeing "Madame Pele," can invigorate awe and wonder, while others can be terrifying. One of the latter and seemingly more prevalent is encountering the Night Marchers. They usually appear as a column of warriors floating above the ground along a predetermined path, weapons or torches in hand. Many report only hearing their presence in the form of unexplainable beating drums or the ghostly blowing of a conch shell. And just seeing them, it's said, ensures a disappearance or violent death to the witness if the proper respect isn't paid in their presence. But what is their origin story, and what do they want? Are they soldiers defeated by King Kamehameha I advancing towards a counterattack or seeking revenge? Or are they keepers and enforcers of ancient Hawaiian cultural laws and mores? To help us explore these questions and relay some of his personal experiences, tonight's guest is Kamuela "Kamu" Kaneshiro. As a native Hawaiian, content creator, and podcaster for 20 years, Kamu has extensive knowledge of the lore and heritage of his homeland. His royal lineage might even protect him from these fearsome spectral guardians. Join us for a fascinating discussion as we warily watch for the Night Marchers of Hawaii. Visit our website for a lot more information on this episode.
When most of us think of shipwrecks, images of rough ocean waves and sailing vessels of yore come to mind. But those familiar with the Great Lakes region of the north-central United States and southern Canada know all too well that these massive bodies of fresh water produce devastating storms and treacherous swells to rival any sea. Estimates are that around 6000 vessels and 30,000 lives have fallen victim to their notoriously severe weather and deadly waters. In December 1927, a "raging blizzard" on Lake Superior claimed the steamship SS Kamloops and all 22 souls aboard. But was she really a "Ghost Ship," as the legends often describe? The ship went missing and remained undiscovered until 1977 but is in unusually, reasonably intact condition. So, although the wreck was found, the SS Kamloops is still known for a ghost of its own. At least one crew member remains, still manning his station, who is perhaps both a ghost and a corpse. Some divers on the wreck have claimed that the body of this crewman follows them around as they explore, known as "Old Whitey" because of his appearance. Others have also claimed to see a spirit nicknamed "Grandpa" because of his appearance, still on duty in the icy depths. Are these beings the same, and are their perceived actions the result of fluid dynamics and decompression sickness? Join us as we take a deep dive to get to the bottom of the legend of the SS Kamloops and Old Whitey. Visit our website for a lot more information on this episode.
For part two of our examination of the elusive force that flowed through Joasia Gajeweski, we're fortunate and honored to present a conversation with three knowledgeable professionals familiar with the case. We first learned of this fantastic story and the book that documented it from a clinical therapist, author, parapsychologist, past show guest, and friend, Brandon Massullo. Brandon then offered to put us in touch with psychologist, researcher, and author James Houran, Ph.D., who studied the case extensively. And for the trifecta, another past guest and friend, Michael Kishbucher, connected us with Joel Stern. Joel was a staff translator and reviewer in the Office of Language Services at the U.S. State Department in Washington, DC, for 28 years. He translated The Elusive Force: A Remarkable Case of Poltergeist Activity and Psychokinetic Power into English and spent decades attempting to get the book published, which finally occurred in 2023. Joel also spent time with Joasia and her family during the process and has specific insights into the people and their circumstances. Join us tonight for a lively discussion from the viewpoint of parapsychology and human behavior when it collides with the paranormal, and the impossible becomes impossible to dismiss.  Visit our website for a lot more information on this episode.
The Astonishing Legends Network presents the third episode of Richard Hatem's Paranormal Bookshelf! Listen, and after you love it, find and subscribe to it wherever you get your podcasts! Richard delves into challenging misconceptions held by both skeptics and believers through the lens of Jule Eisenbud's "The World of Ted Serios," which underscores the significance of caution in scientific inquiry while also exploring the debilitating doubt often encountered in paranormal exploration. “Certainly an attitude of caution and skepticism should be expected of anyone undertaking to test a hypothesis according to conventional cannons of scientific inquiry. But not the kind of gnawing, festering doubt that took possession of me." –The World of Ted Serios by Jule Eisenbud In this episode of Richard Hatem’s Paranormal Bookshelf, we’re exploring The World of Ted Serios by Jule Eisenbud. And we’re taking on one of the longest-standing feuds in the world of paranormal exploration: skeptics vs. believers. In the 1960s, Theodore Judd Serios, a Chicago bellhop, gained fame for producing "thoughtographs.” Ted, it seems,  could think images onto film. Polaroid film to be exact. Parapsychologist Jule Eisenbud arranges to meet with him, and over the next three years of wild experiments, Jule goes down a rabbit hole from which he never completely emerged. As Richard immerses himself in Eisenbud's narrative, he grapples with the dichotomy between skeptics and believers, challenging misconceptions that often plague serious paranormal inquiry. Through insightful commentary, Richard sheds light on the rational pursuit of knowledge among individuals intrigued by the unexplained, contrasting it with the hasty conclusions drawn by both skeptics and true believers. 
Vote for 80’s TV Ladies for Best Indie Podcast at the Webby Awards Now! Voting ends Thursday, April 18th, 2024.
Significant poltergeist events often start with a minor incident and incrementally grow with a bit of intensity until they eventually fade.  This is somewhat true about the paranormal activity in a small town in southern Poland in 1983, except in this case, what started as a weird action by an unseen force quickly escalated into one of the most extreme and extraordinary poltergeist cases ever recorded.  Around 3:00 a.m. on April 4th of that year, Marian Tomecki awoke to a decorative straw mat falling on his head.  He tried to fasten it back to the wall when it "tore itself from his hands and danced around." Immediately, glassware and household items erratically fly around the apartment belonging to his daughter and son-in-law where he was staying, smashing into walls and furniture.  Andrzej and Ewa Gajewski's 13-year-old daughter and Marian's grandaughter, Joasia, appeared to be the catalyst for the impossible destruction, consistent with current theories about human conduits in many cases of the phenomena.  As the Gajewski family continued to be terrorized by the violent trashing, neighbors, local authorities, Joasia's school, and even a Japanese news crew became eyewitnesses to the bizarre happenings, becoming national news in Poland.  What also makes the Gajewski case groundbreaking is that it continued for an extended period and with such consistent power that scientists could study it.  Join us for a case of RSPK or "recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis" so disturbing and astonishing it has divided the parapsychologist community.   Visit our website for a lot more information on this episode.
Ghosts and Specters

Ghosts and Specters


“Whether you believe in ghosts or not—these stories are true.” –Ghosts & Specters by Bruce and Nancy Roberts Being a kid can be scary.  In the premiere episode of Richard Hatem's Paranormal Bookshelf, Richard takes us on a nostalgic journey back to his childhood discovery of the book that changed everything.  Travel back to 1974 as he recounts the pivotal moment when Aunt Sally gifted him Ghosts & Specters by Bruce and Nancy Roberts. This slim hardback, filled with haunting tales and eerie photographs, ignited Richard's fear and imagination and sparked a complicated lifelong fascination with the strange and unexplained that would later fuel his screenwriting career. While Ghosts & Specters by Bruce and Nancy Roberts may seem unlikely to inspire an entire life, to Richard, it is anything but. It started him on a journey into the unknown, and he’s never looked back. Published by Doubleday, this collection of 10 stories describes ghostly apparitions and happenings paired with ghoulish photographs that seem to creep right out of the pages and into reality. Each tale within these pages transports readers to a world where the inexplicable becomes possible, and fear gives way to fascination (and then moves back to fear again). Maybe YOU have a book just like this on your shelf. It terrified you so completely that you couldn't put it down. Or, even stranger, maybe this is the same book that brought you to this podcast. Join Richard as he reflects on the power of books that act as a beacon into the unknown and the transformative journey that book lovers and librarians can have in our lives. 
In part two of our exploration of the Third Man Syndrome, we continue recounting harrowing tales of survival in extreme and unusual environments or “EUEs,” such as Christopher Columbus’ 15th-century pilot taking the helm for Joshua Slocum during the first solo circumnavigation of the globe; and Aron Ralston’s excruciating canyon escape after becoming trapped for 127 hours.  We then explore the scientific hypotheses as to why this surprisingly not-so-rare phenomenon occurs.  As researchers and authors Peter Suedfeld and John Geiger stated, theories can range from the mystical to the psychodynamic to the situational and the neurological.  Listeners will also recognize that some proposed causes overlap with past show concepts such as infrasound, the “God Helmet,” and Shadow People.  Whatever the explanation is for an ethereal savior appearing in a desperate moment of need, and like so many paranormal happenings, to the beholder, what matters is that it was real enough.  And the Third Man was real enough to save their lives. Visit our website for a lot more information on this episode.
Comments (477)

Tiffany lee

I wish they would stop having different people practically take over the show, it's really hard to listen to when there's several people on an episode, I prefer Scott and forests voices when they didn't have guests constantly, can we bring that back?

Oct 25th

Clare Tyler

it's so disjointed, the narrative is left behind for segues and chats and references and add-ons so much that the story gets lost. so sad.

Jul 21st

Chad Becker

What if the Bigfoot was wearing alligator or crocodile skins & tail to blend in with the known wildlife & not to be eaten or attacked by other reptiles? Just a theory.

Jun 26th
Reply (1)

Elliot Cassel

I zoned out for 0.2 seconds and missed the part where the house is haunted. what? some people walking buy saw some figures? this is a lame ass haunting

Jun 15th

Aslan lover

tutunca killed Reed so no one would know he lied about Akakor. I think he was just a crazy con man.

May 3rd

Anita Simaganis

it's their spirit guide, & because the person is in dire straits & not supposed to die at that time so they HAVE to assist

Apr 4th

Tiffany Valentine

i used to love this podcast but now that there's other people on there podcast other than Scott and forest (or guests) it sucks, most of the people they have on have really grating voices and they talk over eachother constantly, I miss the days of being able to chill out to just Scott and forest.

Feb 9th

Beth Y'all

502 is also Louisville's area code.

Nov 27th

Karla G

almost 30 minutes in and they're still not talking about the Van meter visitor. bye

Aug 23rd

Grendel Denoncourt

The prevalence of self-indulgent tangents off of the unnecessary history of the area alone was insufferable. When they start rattling off "other events in history from the same year" I lost any remaining interest in this episode. I like the "good parts" of AL episodes, but most of these episodes could do with some heavy-handed editing.

Aug 14th

Christina Wilson

Are you guts hanging around my neighborhood? First Mantis Man, then Shades of Death!

Aug 4th

Jeff Wood

you should think about do an episode on The ufo Charlie Red Star. thier a book by Grant Cameron on this ufo flap in the 70s

Aug 2nd


window thing has to be defect from factory

Jul 14th

Kevin Sullivan

i ran the SETI screen saver for 5 years. It was cool, then I found a Screensaver for cancer research that I ran for 4 years.

Jun 9th
Reply (1)

Marek Kozina

Was loving this episode until they presented creationism as a reputable alternative to evolution. They're so afraid of hurting feelings but seem to ignore that evolution is a testable scientific ltheory while creationism is just a "I dunno. guess some god being fills in the gaps! Boom, evolution refuted!" theory. I subscribe to this show because they present and speculate on things in a scientific manner. Don't both-sides science and creationism. It only serves creationism by indicating it's an evidence based theory when it's not. It's faith. When presented like Forest did on the show, he's giving the nonsense belief as if it's an alternate theory based in fact and reality, when it's none of that. Great episode aside from this blunder.

May 25th

Christina Wilson

Omg it's my local cryptid! Thanks for covering!

May 19th

Anthony Johansen

love the deep dives and long , sometimes rambling stories. it's what some of the astonishing legends deserve. 100% recommend

May 14th

thaumaturge ungulate

yes. finally you guys do a story on something i have never heard of !

May 1st

Hurricane McLean

y2k was a big deal? no my antilock brakes did not have to go in for a y2kservice, my toaster didn't break, nor did my computer. none of them were "serviced" maybe some automated systems had to be fixed, but for the average person y2k was a hype fest much ado about nothing

Apr 26th

Josh French

that black-eyed kids' story was crazy

Apr 21st