DiscoverAstrologyNow - Vedic Astrology Guide
AstrologyNow - Vedic Astrology Guide
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AstrologyNow - Vedic Astrology Guide

Author: Christine Rodriguez

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AstrologyNow is devoted to sharing the ancient science of Jyotish or Vedic astrology. By tuning into cosmic forces we may better understand ourselves at a soul level, connect to others with more divinity, and feel more prepared in navigating the world around us. This podcast provides weekly astrological updates, forecasts, and research while encouraging personal introspection and providing insight into global events.

Christine has a Masters in Social Work and is certified in Vedic Astrology, Hatha yoga, and Kundalini. She owes all of her knowledge to her teachers and is infinitely grateful.
379 Episodes
Hello everyone! In this segment we discuss the major transits for October of 2022.  There are many planets retrograding, going direct, and we will see eclipse season begin! Eclipses always bring karmic matters to the surface for the globe as well as in our personal lives. Wherever Rahu and Ketu are placed will give insight into what kinds of matters will come up!  This is a profound time for relationship evolution and growth. Notice the connections coming in during this time as well as which issues come to the surface.  Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon: Work with Christine: instagram: astrologynow_podacst keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras,  spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, gottman institute, relationships, love
Hello everyone! Welcome to another Friday!  This new moon will take place the marriage nakshatra of Uttara Phalguni. Uttara Phalguni is all about relating, connecting, and supporting lasting love.  It is a fabulous time for this phase of the moon, given that we are also about to experience Venus is her sign of debilitation until October!  Venus is Virgo isn't all bad. This period of time offers us an opportunity to strategize love, reflect on our own connections with practicality, and learn the difference between healthy discernment and criticism.  If you are single, it's an excellent time to set intentions in regards to love and romance. If you're IN relationship or connection, it's an awesome opportunity to reflect on or even renew your approach with your partner or partners.  We spend some time exploring methods from the Gottman Institute on how to navigate challenges with grace and compassion, as well as what builds a lasting foundation.  You all know I love love. I had a great time recording this one and I hope you all enjoy it. I loved feeling inspired by Uttara Phalguni and Venus in Virgo!  Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon: Work with Christine: instagram: astrologynow_podacst keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras,  spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope, gottman institute, relationships, love
Hello everyone! In this segment we explore Ketu transit through the nakshatra of Swati.  I have to admit, I sped the research along with this to try and get it out to you all - I'm sure I'll be sharing more in future podcasts about my findings. Regardless, I hope that you find this supportive and interesting! I certainly did! Ketu is moksha karaka. All about liberation, spirituality, and separation from material reality. Ketu likes to enhance our spiritual lives and awaken more subtle layers of our consciousness. Of course, Ketu can also isolate, separate, and sever.  Swati is a Nakshatra of independence, truth, virtue, and freedom. I love this Nakshatra due to it's contrary characteristics, truth-seeking ways, and ability to rebel when others are too afraid to speak their mind. Swati will always seek what is FAIR, despite if it's the current law or regulation.  Let's explore what events occur when Ketu transits Swati! I am so grateful to my listeners for their questions this week and look forward to answering more questions in the weekly podcasts! Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon: Work with Christine: instagram: astrologynow_podacst keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras,  spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope
Hello everyone! In this segment we have a philosophical conversation around the Divine Mystery/Spirit/Universal Flow/God.  In fields like astrology, tarot, and mysticism - there is a fundamental acknowledgement that Spirit is a driving force behind our practice. Therefore, the continuous acknowledgement of this power throughout our studies and practice is of paramount importance if we truly want to remain open and receptive to Truth. It is not uncommon to allow our ego, fear, desire, or excitement guide our readings or interpretation of our own chart or others. How can we remain rooted in humility so that we can really read a chart for what it is? How can we remove our own projection to see messages more clearly? Most importantly - will we ever have all the answers? Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon: Work with Christine: instagram: astrologynow_podacst keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras,  spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope
In this segment we discuss the upcoming full moon in the sidereal Aquarius.  We discuss the importance of individual dharma and finding the balance between spiritual life and material life.  We also discuss releasing and letting go of anything that inhibits radical self-love and self-acceptance.  Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon: Work with Christine: instagram: astrologynow_podacst keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras,  spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope
Hello everyone! I can't believe that we are already almost to September!  A lot of you have reached out asking me how I'm doing and inquiring to learn more about the craziness in my life! I appreciate you all so much for offering your compassion and thoughtfulness! Things are finally slowing down and I'm preparing to begin venturing out and about to see more of the United States!  As for the month of September, this is a fabulous month for review, renewal, reorganizing, and re-prioritizing!  Virgo season is amongst us! Mercury will be in the sign of Virgo for the entire month - offering us insight into how we can re-plan and reorganize our lives.  Venus between the signs of Leo and Virgo offer a fun and interesting dichotomy between expression + romance and then practicality + critical thinking. This is a super helpful month in remembering what "being in love" means to us and how we can practically build that love in our lives.  Learn which other planets are on the move in the full horoscope!  Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon: Work with Christine: instagram: astrologynow_podacst keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras,  spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope
Welcome to another Friday podcast! This week we discuss the upcoming new moon in the sidereal sign of Leo.  The new moon is a time of receptivity and finding action in inaction.  The sign of Leo is all about the heart space, leadership, being charismatic, and taking charge of life! We take some time exploring the meaning and energy of the upcoming new moon as well as review the current transits.  Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon: Work with Christine: instagram: astrologynow_podacst keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras,  spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope
Happy Friday! In this segment we look at the upcoming "long transit" of Mars in the sidereal sign of Taurus.  Mars is passion, vitality, personal will, and strength. It is also the planet of war and how we handle our own challenges in life.  Taurus is the sign of luxury items, food, security, and wealth!  This transit will certainly transform our own personal lives as well as global affairs. We spend time discussing how this will impact us for our individual signs, but also how this could impact the world collectively.  Mars will be in Taurus from August 10, 2022 - October 15, 2022 and then again from November 13, 2022 - March 12, 2023.  Mars will be retrograde from October 30, 2022 - January 12, 2023.  Mars will be in Gemini briefly between October 15, 2022 - November 13, 2022. Mars will again enter gemini on March 12, 2023.  If you have planets between 1 degree of Gemini and 13 degrees of Taurus - this is a particularly transformative time!  Horoscopes:  Aries: 14:46 Taurus: 18:08 Gemini: 22:33 Cancer: 25:55 Leo: 29:35 Virgo: 33:32 Libra: 37:47 Scorpio: 42:39 Sagittarius: 47:23 Capricorn: 52:15 Aquarius: 57:45 Pisces: 1:02:00 Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon: Work with Christine: instagram: astrologynow_podacst keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras,  spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope
Hello everyone! Welcome to another Friday!  In this segment we spend time discussing the upcoming full moon in the sidereal sign of Capricorn. This earthy, practical and steadfast sign always offers an opportunity to review our lives pragmatically. This full moon will occur in the nakshatra of Dhanishta - a lunar mansion associated with sacred sound, rhythm, and consistency.  How can we heal our lives through our daily rhythm? What we do consistently will either hurt or heal us.  Learn more in this full segment! Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon: Work with Christine: instagram: astrologynow_podacst keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras,  spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope  
Hello everyone! Welcome to Friday! In this segment we discuss the upcoming month of August and the major transits that we will experience. We will discuss how the movement of the planets will impact us on a global and personal level. This is a pretty significant month for world events and getting serious.  On a personal level, it's an amazing time to stand out, take leaps of faith, and connect with your dreams! Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon: Work with Christine: instagram: astrologynow_podacst keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras,  spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality, horoscope
Hello everyone!  In this segment we explore the upcoming new moon in Pushya nakshatra, occurring in the sidereal sign of Cancer.  Pushya is all about nourishment, replenishment, generosity, and care. How do we care for ourselves in a society that never teaches us how to truly tune in to take care of ourselves at a soul level? In addition, we explore other astrological ongoings and what we can anticipate for the next few weeks.  Hear horoscopes weekly on Patreon: Work with Christine: instagram: astrologynow_podacst keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality
Hello everyone! Happy Friday! Today we will discuss Jupiter retrograde and what this will entail for all 12 zodiac signs.  Jupiter will retrograde in the sidereal Pisces, in the Nakshatra of Uttara Bhadrapada.  This is a time of cleansing, releasing and letting go while ALSO being a time to double down on discipline and commitment for what is a priority in your life.  Find out which areas of life will be impacted for you in this podcast! Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally: Horoscopes:  Aries: 17:13 Taurus: 21:01 Gemini: 24:17 Cancer: 27:14 Leo: 31:19 Virgo: 35:37 Libra: 38:18 Scorpio: 41:46 Sagittarius: 44:37 Capricorn: 47:29 Aquarius: 50:16 Pisces: 54:09 Work with Christine: instagram: astrologynow_podacst keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, Jupiter, Pisces, Spirituality
Hello everyone! Welcome to another episode of AstrologyNow.  In this segment we focus on the upcoming full moon, intention setting, and releasing limitations and obstacles. We usually spend time exploring how certain configurations will impact the world, but in this podcast we speak mostly about how this phase of the moon could impact us individually.  We also spend time reflecting on teachers and the imprint that they make in our lives, in honor of Guru Purnima.  Saturn will retrograde back into Capricorn around the same time as this full moon! Learn how this movement may impact you.  Christine: Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally: Work with Christine: instagram: astrologynow_podacst keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, mars, gemini, Ardra,
Hello everyone! In this segment we discuss the horoscope for July. We also "time travel" a bit to look into the 2024 election.  This is, really, the month we have been waiting for.... at least for astrologers! The combination of Uranus, Mars, and Rahu is rather intense and quite out of the ordinary! This combination will surely bring sudden events, outbursts, and explosiveness into the world around us. This combination is also quite passionate and revolutionary... sparking initiative and leaders everywhere to stand up. Saturn will retrograde back into Capricorn where it will be conjunct with Pluto. This combination will have a great impact on the government, structures, finances, and the economy. We can't forget that Saturn was in Capricorn for all of the COVID lock downs. This placement reveals cracks within the system that should unravel so that more stable walls can be built.  In addition, we discuss the smaller transits of Mercury, Venus, and the Sun while also touching on other important dates.  I hope you find it supportive! Christine: Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally: Work with Christine: instagram: astrologynow_podacst keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, mars, gemini, Ardra,
Hello everyone! Welcome back to AstrologyNow! In this segment we cover the upcoming new moon in the sidereal sign of Ardra.  This nakshatra is governed by the storm god, Rudra, denoting a powerful and destructive force.  Now is the time to wash away negative attachments, unhelpful energetic ties, and put the past to rest.  Learn more about the current transits and how it may impact you and the world at large.  Christine: Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally: Work with Christine: instagram: astrologynow_podacst keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, mars, gemini, Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma
Hello everyone! WOW! I had so much fun putting this together for everyone.  Bharani is one of my favorite nakshatras - and if you're a dharma-phile like me, you'll see why! Bharani is governed by Yamaraj - or the god of death. This asterism is all about life, death, rebirth, and also morals, ethics, and justice.  With the insatiable, taboo, futuristic, and trailblazing Rahu entering Bharani - we are in for some serious breakthroughs! But we are also in for some serious questioning around ethics, law, and order. We can expect to see rebellion, clash, and questioning to those in elite groups.  This is a time of reinvention and recreation. But in order to create something new, often something needs to be put to rest. What will shift in your life? Christine: Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally: Work with Christine: instagram: astrologynow_podacst keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, mars
Hello everyone! Happy almost full moon! In this segment we spend some time philosophizing on this transit and how its significance can influence us on an emotional and mental level.  We also cover the movement of Mars and Venus as well as review Saturn retrograde.  Please remember that these podcasts are never replacements for mental health services. Please *always* consult with a licensed mental health professional if you're struggling or needing support.  Christine: Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally: Work with Christine: instagram: astrologynow_podacst keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, mars
Hello everyone! In this segment we take a look at the main transits for the month of June.  June is a pretty interesting month as Saturn retrogrades, Mercury directs, and we have a stellium building in the sign of Aries.  We discuss the most important dates to watch out for and which type of activities will be the most or least auspicious.  I love this month because it's full of creative potential, excellent communication, passion, and excitement! But we need to be mindful not to get swept away by big feelings... Learn more here! Christine: Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally: Work with Christine: instagram: astrologynow_podacst keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, mars
Hello everyone! In this segment we discuss the upcoming new moon in Rohini Nakshatra.  This is particularly beautiful lunar mansion - offering fertility, creativity, expression, and abundance.  We discuss the significance of the New Moon, auspicious activities, and practicing finding divinity everywhere, all the time.  We also cover the position of Rahu and Ketu, the karmic implications of Aries and Libra, and how we can utilize the energy to our advantage.  Christine: Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally: Work with Christine: instagram: astrologynow_podacst keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, new moon, taurus, Venus, mars
Hello everyone! Happy Friday! In this segment we cover synastry, or finding compatibility, in a birth chart.  I've done several segments on this topic before - but thought it could be helpful to create a simple segment to support new learners.  Ever wonder which signs or planetary placements might be the most suitable for you? This simple guide lays the ground rules of the basics to watch for in the charts of others! Of course, this is NOT intended to be relationship advice! I share the cautionary tale to not use astrology ONLY to assess compatibility - especially when we are newer to astrology! It is recommended to seek out the assistance of a professional astrologer when assessing actual compatibility with a partner and a therapist or counselor when seeking relationship support.  Christine: Follow Patreon to stay up to date on how these shifts will influence you personally: Work with Christine: instagram: astrologynow_podacst keywords: astrology, jyotish, Vedic astrology, sidereal astrology, nakshatras, bhakti, spirituality, Christine Rodriguez, aries, libra, scorpio, libra, capricorn, Nakshatra, relationships, romance, attachment