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At Home With Sally
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At Home With Sally

Author: Sally Clarkson

Subscribed: 8,727Played: 496,264


Home is the place where the whispers of God’s love are heard regularly, the touch of His hands is given intentionally throughout the day, the words of His encouragement and affirmation pointed to lay the foundation of loving relationships where a woman conducts the beauty of this life within its walls. I hope you will find inspiration to cultivate such a life. I welcome you here!
816 Episodes
We are all fragile, vulnerable, limited human beings. We mamas can be so hard on ourselves. Yet, God understands those times when you are empty and discouraged or feel that nothing you do matters or is making the difference you hoped for. Your discouraged heart matters to God.
Friendship is an imperative part of a healthy life! I invited the girls to join me in a podcast today because I thought it might be fun for you to hear from them and what they are pursuing in this season of their lives. We have so much fun. Find Joy's substack here: Find Wallflower Journal here:
Your children are fearfully and wonderfully made by Him! Through patience and commitment, we will eventually reap a harvest. Today, I encourage you to begin the journey of discovering the individual wonders of each one.
In our new book, Uniquely You, Nathan and I step beyond mental illness and learning disabilities and explore every way a child can be different.
As Clay and I enter what will be our last season of ministry, we are praying that God will give us energy, health, strength to continue to be light in this dark world. We hope to teach more profoundly about the love of God, His desire to work through families to shape a godly generation.
The glory of Christ appearing to common men and women, shepherding their flocks was something we wanted to remember together—the glory of angels singing amidst the ordinary work of shepherds watching over their flocks. And so, Shepherd’s meal became a sacred, beloved tradition for us.
Most of us carry baggage of some kind. But, if we understood the amazing, redeeming, generous meaning of salvation, God's commitment to love us, we would  be different women.
Lanier is the wordsmith for all the stories and ideas of this beautiful and Jennifer is the artist who filled the book with beautiful illustrations. I know you would treasure this in your library. We had so much fun chatting about it on my podcast. I know you will enjoy this spirited conversation I had with two kindred spirits.
It is not from a place of worldly influence, or accomplishment that a godly woman caught the attention of God, but from an authentic place of humble worship of her creator, a place of serving faithfully in the normal moments of life. God saw a heart willing to love, follow, respond to Him.
Your home is a laboratory of the life of Christ, where He can be seen through the incarnation of himself through our music, our love, our feasts, our faith, and lights that reflect His very presence in our lives.
A mother’s love is a vibrant, living picture of what Christ is like. When we love our children well, model to them what it is like to live a life of deep faith in our amazing God, our children will better be able to catch a glimpse of the remarkable life God has planned for them.
If we are created in God's image, shouldn’t we, as believers, be the most excellent in our behavior, character and influence? Doesn’t scripture teach us to lay down our lives for the sake of others — in this case, our children? Doesn’t anything worthy always require great sacrifice, vision, and hard work?
This is a time to build virtue and to form destinies by giving our children a vision of what their personal stories might be in God’s hands.
No matter what the circumstances, no matter what events, no matter what evil is boiling in the world, if we know our God, we understand that He is still at work, He is leading this world toward an ultimate celebration where all tears will be wiped away, all will be made new, all will be well.
Christian virtue is not just knowing the definition, but it is in putting virtue actively in the presence of every moment. The virtue of trust, thanks to God in all things, must be acted out in a real life to be understood and copied.
The sharing of life, the pointing them to His truth, His ways, His love, in the warp and woof of life moments — this is the secret of a blessed motherhood.
Being “kind to yourself” is the only way to walk by God’s sweet, gentle, kind love and grace through our own marathons of life. That is what I wish for you today, that you would be kind to yourself.
Well Lived is officially out in the world today!
It has taken me a lifetime to learn the truth about what it means to suffer in this world and yet live to see the grace of God. I want to come alongside others so they will not feel as lost or alone as I often have. I want you to know, my friends, that you are seen and loved in the place you find yourself right now.
A habit begun many years ago with a heavy traveling life — just a few rhythms of grace in my life make it a little bit more pleasant, even when traveling. Predictable, comforting, and after all, who wants to have tea or coffee out of a styrofoam cup when you can have it out of a china cup?
Comments (34)

Shanna Toews

Wonderful episode!! :)

May 12th

Shanna Toews

So good!

Sep 5th

Shanna Toews

I've been listening to Mrs. Mike on Audible read by Kirsten Potter and Mike Flannigan is a Scot and your imitation of a Scottish accent sounded quite like the Scottish accent in there!

Jun 23rd

Trudy Royston

Here in Springfield, Missouri, our main library branch is named for Andrew Carnegie, our generous benefactor.

Jun 21st

Hadis Saberi

Good luck Miss Sally. I listened to this episode of your podcast and I feel good.

May 10th

Meghan Fahey

just... thank you. thank you for these gentle words of truth and encouragement today. 💕

Apr 25th


thank you. this episode was available to me at a time when I really needed the positivity, giggles, and encouragement.

Feb 22nd

Katrina Whitten

thank you for this, I'm prepping to go in for a biopsy and God's love, strength and comfort are helping me through today. your posts have brought me encouragement in these last few days.

Aug 25th

Jennifer Heath Baxter

Thank you for this message, my friend sent it to me at just the right time, having a heavy heart with my oldest who is 18 leaving too early from our home. Your words brought me comfort and your voice is so calm and caring!

May 21st


It was great listening to you sally. Happy to find you!😇

May 11th

Ellen Keyes

clamjamfry is a new word that I read today!

Feb 13th

Meghan Fanning

I loved this podcast! some of these books are dear to me as well, and some in excited to read for the first time with my daughter. I am wondering if you have a general age recommendation for introducing these books? Or maybe just an idea of how old Joy was when they impacted her. thank you!

Aug 13th



Jul 21st

Renee Shaw

I wonder if you meant to say the man was "oppressed" at minute marker 23:30.

Jun 12th

Monique Holmes

Thank you, Sally, for challenging us to truly be like Christ, to not turn a blind eye to the real suffering caused by prejudice of all kinds. Love one another. Everyone.

Jun 1st

michele blumenshine

wow. what an encouraging episode... to chase wisdom.

May 19th

Maggie Allyn

I look forward to hearing you, Sally, as soon as it's afternoon. The kids are done with most of school. It's quiet time or time to be outside. I have the breakfast and lunch dishes waiting for me, and maybe a few other tidying chores. And a friend waits for me via podcast ❤️ thank you for your encouraging words, for sharing the rich wisdom God has shared with you. Since becoming a pastor's wife, I've lacked a Titus 2 woman most of my time here. Your cheerful voice has been a balm in that way. Thank you!

Apr 2nd

Katie Murphy

"God has called you by name... Katherine." That's my name! ❤️ I've struggled with panic attacks and haven't had ones this bad since the start of the Swine Flu in 2009. Although I've heard so much about this topic that I'm tired of it, this was the perfect reminder of God's love and protection. Not just for this situation, but a life lesson for all the fearful events that we WILL experience in life. Thank you again, Sally!

Mar 13th

Chelsie Smith

thank you for this Ms Sally! thank you thank you thank you. timing could not be more perfect. I would LOVE to walk through different scriptures with you! what a wonderful idea!

Mar 13th

Lori Dehring

Thank you!

Feb 7th