At Home With Sally

Home is the place where the whispers of God’s love are heard regularly, the touch of His hands is given intentionally throughout the day, the words of His encouragement and affirmation pointed to lay the foundation of loving relationships where a woman conducts the beauty of this life within its walls. I hope you will find inspiration to cultivate such a life. I welcome you here!

Tea Time Tuesday: 43 Years! Marriage: The Ideals & The Reality - Episode 854

Last weekend, Clay and I celebrated our marriage of 43 years — quite a legacy. We could never have imagined the adventures, legacy, lessons we would learn about life through our many years.


Tea Time Tuesday: Building Spiritual Muscle - Episode 853

In order to have a deeper personal faith, a foundation of truth based on reading God’s word, a habit of journaling and prayer, a trust in His goodness, a dependence on His counsel through His Holy Spirit, I must practice my spiritual walk as I practice my physical walk — as a discipline of my life every day.


Tea Time Tuesday: Finding Direction In A Chaotic World - Episode 852

God designed women to be strong agents of love, redemption, truth and beauty. The more clearly we can define our design and purpose, the more peace of mind and flourishing our lives will be.


Tea Time Tuesday: Finding Peace in the Dark Places of Life - Episode 851

Even now, my heart is tempted to deep discouragement as I ponder unanswered prayer, world issues, life tragedies of friends and family. Yet, walking with God through these pathways for many years has taught me to hold fast to faith, to cultivate thankfulness, to believe in His presence and reality.


Tea Time Tuesday: Building A Life Of Vision For Our Children - Episode 850

Building virtue, character, and righteousness into the life of a child is a lifelong commitment. But influence always starts out with a relationship with someone who is trustworthy, one who has integrity, who is gracious and kind.


Tea Time Tuesday: All About Legacy - Episode 849

Every day of your life, you have the potential of leaving a godly model to follow, a kingdom message to believe, an integrity that is holy and a purpose that is eternal.


Tea Time Tuesday: Godly Endurance: The Gold Key to a Well-Lived Life - Episode 848

Sometimes, I think mamas hold the whole world together. Their work is that important. Much of our lives as a family has been a battle through raging storms. But, there are some amazing graces on this side of motherhood, when my four children have reached adulthood


Tea Time Tuesday: Allowing Pleasure to Influence Your Days (with Jennifer Pepito and Lyndsey Mimnagh) - Episode 847

To know and believe that God “wills us to be as free as birds,” and cares that we we are pleased is oxygen to our hearts that long to know His love. Just a little thought to ponder this week as we seek to show our children His gracious, generous love toward us.


Tea Time Tuesday: A Legacy Of Love - Episode 846

God’s word became to me a guide for how to find peace in relationships, how to invest in them with God’s word as my guide. I still have conflict along my pathway, but I have been straining forward in learning how to avoid as much of unnecessary conflict as possible—and how to love better.


Tea Time Tuesday: Tea, A Friend, And A Soothed Spirit - Episode 845

What we practice daily when we face life’s trials will determine, to some degree, the legacy and memory we leave to those who know us well.


Tea Time Tuesday: Initiative: An Attribute That Transforms the World - Episode 844

When we learn to take initiative, we reflect the out-reaching character of Christ. Little by little, as we train our children patiently and teach them to take initiative to be responsible, we are giving them a strong character and familiarity to take initiative when they are strong adults.


Tea Time Tuesday: Cultivating Great Writers, Teen Peer Pressure, Movies, Books, Ideas & Fun - Episode 843

The student becomes like his teacher. So if the teacher is growing intellectually, communicating profoundly and leading her students in rigorous discussion about these ideas, the natural consequence will be shaping a strong communicator. 


Tea Time Tuesday: Attentive Reaches Hearts - Episode 842

Jesus befriended His disciples, fed them, taught them, loved them, modeled faith, healed, spoke comfort and forgiveness. He was attentive to their needs and ultimately sacrificed His life on the cross for them and for us, that we might receive wholeness, forgiveness, eternal life. He was the servant king. I learned to become a servant mama, copying His ways.


Tea Time Tuesday: Who Are The Giants In Your Land? - Episode 841

An advocate parent is one who champions each child’s personality, seeks to encourage, pour in love, and is willing to go the long road to walk beside their child in every situation. It is what Jesus was like with us, His own children — an advocate, a lover, a shepherd, a savior.


Tea Time Tuesday: Dinner Table Feasts and Fantastic Fun - Episode 840

The daily habit of eating together while being intentional to talk, discuss, teach, encourage, debate, and share rousing stories was one of the most profound rhythms of our family life.


Tea Time Tuesday: Diligence: Character That Keeps Us Going Forward - Episode 839

Diligence is one of my ponders today on Tea Time Tuesday. Diligence requires attentive and persistent commitment in doing a task or keeping faithful to complete work, goals or faithfulness in relationship.


Tea Time Tuesday: No One Sees Me — I Feel Lost! - Episode 838

We feel lost in this broken place, where we will never be fulfilled or complete. But God is never lost and we are never lost to him. He always sees us wherever we think we are hiding or in the dark.


Tea Time Tuesday: Subduing Our Worlds, Caring for Our Life - Episode 837

As God brought design, beauty and order to our world, so in His image, we do the same—but within our unique personalities, preferences and culture. We model to our children what it looks like to “take care” of our worlds of life and love.


Tea Time Tuesday: The Vast Generosity of God - Episode 836

When we pour out our lives in abundance to love sacrificially, serving with a plentifully joyful heart, casting grace and light over all we do, then we are a picture of Christ Himself. Generosity of life heals, comforts, inspires.


Tea Time Tuesday: The Gift of a Grateful Heart - Episode 835

A grateful heart sees the fingerprints of God in normal every day circumstances, be they great or challenging.


Shanna Toews

Wonderful episode!! :)

05-12 Reply

Shanna Toews

So good!

09-05 Reply

Shanna Toews

I've been listening to Mrs. Mike on Audible read by Kirsten Potter and Mike Flannigan is a Scot and your imitation of a Scottish accent sounded quite like the Scottish accent in there!

06-23 Reply

Trudy Royston

Here in Springfield, Missouri, our main library branch is named for Andrew Carnegie, our generous benefactor.

06-21 Reply

Hadis Saberi

Good luck Miss Sally. I listened to this episode of your podcast and I feel good.

05-10 Reply
















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