At Home with Roger

Roger is back on the scene, talking about anything and everything concerning the nation of Guyana and you. About Roger Eamonn Floyd Moore He is 54 years old, worked at the Guyana Broadcasting Communications (GBC) from 1982-1995, then NBT Channel 9 TV station from 1995-2005, where read the news, interviews, produced documentaries, live outside broadcasts, talk shows and produced and anchored GBC’s Action Line. Roger is most famous in Guyana for his television talk show, 'Come Home to Roger' which was considered a voice of the disenfranchise Guyanese. Since October 5th 1992, the PPP Indian Government attacked Journalists perceived anti-Government and created the ACB to censor us when criticised them. After the murder Ronald Waddel and the illegally imprisonment Mark Benschop for treason, and bounty placed on Roger’s head, he fled to England in 2005, the country of my birth. After Roger arrived in England, he found out he was seriously ill. He’s been in and out of hospital since 2006. But He is now stable and gives thanks to God, the support from his family and friends and the staff of Guy’s Hospital.

A Guyanese Tribute to Roger Moore

Roger Moore is terminally ill and will be leaving us any day now, we are taking this opportunity to share appreciation and love for him.  Please join us in tribute to Roger for all his years of dedication and vigilance to seeing change in Guyana. Roger worked at the Guyana Broadcasting Communications (GBC) from 1982-1995, then NBT Channel 9 TV station from 1995-2005, where read the news, interviews, produced documentaries, live outside broadcasts, talk shows and produced and anchored GBC’s Action Line.  Roger is most famous in Guyana for his television talk show, 'Come Home to Roger' which was considered a voice of the disenfranchise Guyanese. Please take the time to share this broadcast with everyone who knew Roger and to check out the Facebook Page, click here


Eric Phillips on Caricom Reparations (replay)

Eric Phillips attended the Caricom Reparation Conference in Barbados representing Guyana. This week he will tell us how it went and what it means to us.  Also he will recap Black History Month in Guyana.


Repeat of the fight for Reparations with Esther Standford Xosie

Due to problems occurig last week with the progrramme, we repeat the discussion i had with Esther Stanford Xosie of PARCOE, the Pan African Reparation Coalition Organisation in Europe


Esther Stanford- Xosei- The Right for Reparations

My guest is Miss Esther Stanford-Xosei. Her organisation The Pan African Reparations Coalition of Europe, or PARCOE and is a grassroots Reparations Coalition, which is trying to fight for Raparations for the CARICOM countries in the West Indies. She speals about the meaning of Reparations and the history behind it. and the current phase and will articulate PARCOE's visulation of what it should be She is currently persuing her Phd inThe Historical Trajectory and Outcomes of the social movement for African Reparationsntly   That's  Wednesday 26th 2014 at 11pm Uk, 8.00pm NY and GT 7pm times


Dr Julia Hare talks about the State of the Black Union and Black Woman

Dr. Julia Hare talks about the state of the Black Union meaning Family and what he states, a Stolen Property; the Black Women in the 21st Century. She speaks in a light hearted way but she is very serious. She once said in one of her discussions 'If you fall down on your back and you can look up you can get up  again' Tonight we listen to her talk about the Black Family and the Black Women At 11pm UK, 8pm NY and 7pm Guyana times


Noted Black Historian Dr Jan Hindrick

Dr Jan Hendrick is a noted Black Blind Historian who specialized in Black History and informing us about the knowledge we had


The Caricom Reparation Meeting and the Black History Month in Guyana

Eric Phillips attended the Caricom Reparation Conference in Barbados representing Guyana. This week he will tell us how it went and what it means to us.  Also he will recap Black History Month in Guyana.


Caricom Reparation Committee Forum Press Conference

The Caricom Reparation Committee Forum held a press conference recently at the Cave Hill Campus of the University of the West Indies in Barbados. Eric Phillips represented Guyana as most of the population of the West Indies have got behind to demand reparations from the USA and Europe who have benefited from Slave Trade. Listen to the press conference tonight at 11pm UK, 8pm NYand 7pm GT Times


Chairman Sharma Soloman of Region 10

Sharma Rashid Soloman is the youngest Chaiman of Region 10 based in Linden. He is in a tough fight with the PPP Government, but he has the support of te community. On Wednesday he is my guest on At Home With Roger as he discusses what is happening with the Region, especially with the recent visit of the president Ramoutar.The times are 11.00pm UK, 8.00pm NY and 7.00pm GT


Professor Beckles on Reparations for Slavery

Eric Phillips of the Essiquibo Group and ACDA is at present in Barbados attending a meeting concerning Reparations for Slavery in the Carribean. Tonight we listen to Professor Beckles who talks about Reparations in a lecture in St Vincent last year The Colonial Countries and America are holding out but it is a struggle worth fighting for Listen tonight at 11pm UK, 7pm GT and 8pm NY times


Eric Phillips informs us about what is happening in Guyana

Eric Phillips is my guest Wednesday as we discusss what happening in Guyana. From Police cruelty PPP travesties. to efforts made by masses to correct them. Time at 11pm UK, 8pm NY, 7pm GT


Malcolm X

Malcom X was murdered by others who did not like what he was saying in many of his speechers he urged blacks to stand up for themselves Here is one of his speeches. The Bullet or the Ballot


Prime Minister Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe

Robert Mugabe became the Prime Minister of Zimbabwe when it gained independence from Britain in 1980. Formaly known as Rhodesia, Mugabe waged a war against the then White Supremist racist Prime Minister Ian Smith who was protected by the Thatcher Government, who said they could not fight their kith and kin. Mugabe believed the land belong to the Indigenous Blacks. 90% 0f the land was  owned by the 4% of the white population Of course the West became annoyed and imposed strict restictions on the country. Today Prime Minister Robert Mugabe talks to noted journalist Dali Rambo about the history and Zimbabwe's striggles.


Bob Marley

Bob Marley was a noted Jamaican singer who was revered in  Jamaica and the world. in 1976 he brought the two political parties of Micheal Manley and Edward Seaga.together At a special party and only after just after days after an attempt was made on assissinating him had failed, Bob Marley performed and ended the fighting between the partys thugs. Unfortunately Bob Marley died in 1980 of maningitis. The whole of Jamaica turned out for his funeral. This is his story.


Mark Benschop For Mayor of Georgetown

For more than 20 years the city of Georgetown of Guyana has not had a Mayoral Election and the PPP has been interfering with the Council by imposing the IMC. Now a galant young gentleman in the name of Mark Benschop is running for Mayor of Georgetown 2014 He is a political social activist who was imprisoned wrongly for 5 years for treason; for standing up to the PPP. He worked formally at the GBC and at NBTV CH9 Mayoral Candidate Mark Benschop discusses with me his plans for Georgetown


The Freeing of the Slaves in the New World

In the British Westindies the Slaves were freed in 1834 but had to worked for 4 years for absoloute freedom. They had to buy and build thier villages, and aquired the lands. Nothing was given to them, like the Indians, they earned it and worked for what they got. Often they faught for their freedom and when they got it, restrictions were imposed on them and rediculous taxes as well. the following Documentary you will hear how the Slaves in the South of the United States got away to the North by way of the Underground Railway. The name of Harriet Truman comes to mind Tonight on Home with Roger Wed.8,13


Rebroadcast of Not Guilty Verdict

, IK Cush is a media consultant and holds a degree in history. He analysise the 'Not GuiltyVerdict' in the Zimmerman Case in which 17year old Trayvon Martin was killed. This is a rebroadcast, but many persons have asked for a repeat.


Eric Phillips on The Village Movement in Guyana

To morrow is August 1st or Freedom Day in observence of the Freeing of Slaves in 1834. in Guyana in many villages there will be celibrations, drumming, story telling and prayers. But Black people are suffering many have been murdered, lost there jobs and have no hope. but I will replay a show I did with Eric Phillips with the expecting that we would get especially the youths get the message So join me tonight as I chat with Him at Wednesday 31st 2013, at 11pm UK Time.


The Not Guilty Verdict

Join At Home with Roger with special guest, I.K. Cush. He talked to Roger about why the Not Guilty Verdict was given in the Case of Zimmerman, who was tried for murdering 17 year old Treyvon Martin. The Jury was all white and female? Call in and let's discuss


Eric Phillips on The Village Movement in Guyana

Eric Phillips has appeared on my program before and this weeks he talks about the registering the Village Movement in Guyana and reviving it. Looking at his Facebook their are many person have shown an interest in being involved. The Current GDP makeup, the African Business Council, Land Rights and a develoment strategy for Africans in Guyana Eric will express his thoughts on Nelson Madndela(he met Mandela) and the visit of the President of the United States of the America, Barrack Obama


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