#AtHome in Slovakia

Isolated in.a home with a semi-professional recording studio, Lele and Mishka bring a podcast to share the coronavirus quarantine experience and info with (not only) foreigners in Slovakia. Lele Terenzani is an all-around communication professional and Mishka Terenzani is.a journalist with The Slovak Spectator.

#8 Blood donation in Slovakia in time of COVID-19

Finally back after some time, we bring latest news about Slovakia in these times and also how the whole process of blood donation works today. Is it safe to go? How to do it? What's the experience when you get there. Enjoy and thanks for listening.


#7 Latest measures in Slovakia, shops re-open

Today in #athomeinslovakia we talk about the latest measures in the country adopted by the new government. You can find the list here    we also talk about Blood donation here the link for more information http://www.ntssr.sk/


#6 The experience of foreigners working in multinational companies

Today we talk about the experience of business services employees and how are they handling the home office restrictions, what changed in their daily lives and what are they missing more?


#5 Thinking about the good news

Today we think about good news of this situation. What are the good things that this epidemic brought to us if any?


#4 All parents are teachers now

Today we talk about kids, their days at home, the home school and perhaps their need to connect with some of their friends. Some links we discussed  The survey  The applause


#3 A test is hard to get

Today we talk about testing, how many are done in Slovakia in the current moment and how's compared with other countries?


#2 About wearing masks

Today we talk about the new reality of wearing face masks in Slovakia even to pick up delivered food at the doorstep of your home.


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