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Attract Positive Results with Max Ryan
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Attract Positive Results with Max Ryan

Author: Max Ryan

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Join internationally respected spiritual teacher Max Ryan as he teaches you life changing principles from A Course in Miracles, Law of Attraction and Metaphysical Laws.
Take the time to raise your vibe and truly start attracting positive results in your life! Support this podcast:
24 Episodes
Today we look at a section in Lesson 73- I will there be light. This section covers how we look at the world with darkness or light. . --- Support this podcast:
One of the most important things in attracting positive results in your life is, you must address the idea of resistance. Resistance is happening in thousands of ways within you. This resistance is keeping you from attracting what you say you want. Today I go into why that is and what to do about it. Get ready to take lots of notes! --- Support this podcast:
Today we go over exception in chapter 18 section 7 paragraph for that talks about being willing to see no past or future. We also talk about how and what exactly is the holy instant. --- Support this podcast:
Today we talk about a very powerful line in the Course: “ Love calls, but fear would have you stay. Here not to call of fear” This quote has us truly look at how the ego is operating in our lives and how no matter what is happening, Love is the constant behind the noise. --- Support this podcast:
Today we are premiering a very special series which will be ongoing. These short audios will delve into a very specific sentence or two from A Course in Miracles. Today is all about the fear of God… Please make sure to subscribe to get these reflections on an ongoing basis. Much love to you 🙏🏻✨🙏🏻 --- Support this podcast:
  If you truly want to grow, expand, have real Joy and make a real difference in your life and the world, you must understand the process of your own self sabotage. Today, I want to talk with you more specially about what I just touched on, which i call: The Fake Out Syndrome The Fake Out is something I see all the time with the people I work with.  On this second installment of my Self Sabotage series I will address this and I know that you will see yourself in this model! Make sure to sign up for my newsletter for 5 FREE Raise Your Vibe Videos and specials that are not offered to the public! --- Support this podcast:
  Have you heard about essential oils and want to know more? Did you know that there are recipes of oils to help you on your spiritual path? Do you already work with essential oils and want to just know more? Today  I'm honored to have Marci West on my show, so that you can learn more  about how to use essential oils, some of the history and Marci is going  to give a couple of her very own special essential oil recipes to help  you with meditation and anxiety! This is going to be a fun and  enlightening show. Marci  grew up interested in the nature and remembers being a young child  mixing grasses, leaves, flowers, and mud in the backyard making “witches  brew”. As a teenager she read books on natural home remedies and  spirituality, but as she became a young adult she let those interests  fall to the wayside. Now, as a mom of two kids on the autism spectrum  and a wife, her love of natural health and plant remedies has been  sparked again. She has partnered with doTERRA essential oils and is  teaching people how to use essential oils to live a healthier and  happier life! You can follow her on Instagram at high vibe wife! --- Support this podcast:
*Are you having blocks in success in any area of your life? *Have you tried many techniques and methods for success in your life? *Do you feel like you just don't have the "success gene"? The good news is that there is a way to be succesful in your life! Join Max and his special guest Brooke Kalan as they talk about how energy and success are intertwined. This is going to be good! Brooke Kalan is an internationally renowned Life and Business Coach who takes leaders, entrepreneurs and influencers to the next level. Her clients come from a wide variety of backgrounds - entrepreneurs, coaches, business owners, lawyers, scientists, producers, healers, musicians, doctors, parents, CEOs, millionaires and students. The work Brooke does isn’t just “coaching.” It is highly transformative work that shifts the way her clients see themselves, their life, and the world. It’s powerful support, Spiritual Mentoring, energy work, expert strategy and accountability that changes the trajectory of their lives forever. --- Support this podcast:
*Do you know that meditation will help, but you just can't get it? *Have you tried meditating and failed? *Are you curious about meditation, but every time you try, you just can't calm your mind? Join Max and his Special guest,Meditation Expert Kathryn Remati as they help you understand that ANYONE can meditate! Kathryn created the popular Tranquil Me meditation App for iPhones and Androids as her contribution to world peace. You may have read her articles about meditation in Yoga International, HuffPost, OMTimes, and MindBodyGreen, and other health and lifestyle magazines. Visit Kathryn and get TranquilMe App Here: --- Support this podcast:
On today's show Max helps to break down this powerful quote from the great teacher Adyashanti: "Spirituality is the process of stripping away every layer of yourself that is false. This is neither pleasant nor easy, and the whole point is to get you to the point of surrender. Not the ego trying to surrender but the ego realizing and experiencing it's own limitations" This quote will help you to clarify what exactly a true spiritual path of awakening is doing and what it is all about. --- Support this podcast:
Do you know those times when you have decided to lose 30 pounds and you start to do it and somewhere down the line, maybe it’s just a couple weeks you begin to make excuses for not exercising or eating properly? Do you know those times when you swear you’re going to finally organize that closet you’ve been ignoring for years, and one Saturday you begin to do it and then by the next Saturday it’s still not done and you just close the door again? Today I want to explore one of the most important things to understand about self sabotage because all of us have experienced it and blame it for not achieving what we want in life. This 1 aspect of our relationship with ourselves is crucial in finally understanding and dealing with self sabotage; Congruency For more help just go to: --- Support this podcast:
Do you have a relationship that needs to be healed? Are You stuck? Does anxiety keep you from living in the flow? Join Max today as he breaks down why the Hawaiian and Polynesian practice of Ho?oponopono and how it can change your life! --- Support this podcast:
Do you believe in Miracles? Are you caught in trying to "figure it out"? Do you think your way through life to get the right answers? The capacity that we have to not only believe but experience the miraculous in our lives is endless. Yet, most of us are continually relying on our logical brain to "figure it out" Today on my podcast I will share with you why expanding your consciousness to the miraculous will change everything in your life. --- Support this podcast:
One of the things that you hear in spiritual circles all the time is: *Follow your GUT. *Listen to your HEART *Your INTUITION will never let you down Or phrases like that.,, Today Max looks at why this may be the worst advice you may ever get if you want true spiritual awakening. This is a very important topic because so many people are trying to be more "spiritual" and this advice can lead them down a very destructive road. Tune in to hear why this really may be detrimental and what you can start doing about it. And of course he will take your calls LIVE! --- Support this podcast:
Are you "goal oriented"? Have you worked on goals and they haven't manifested? Do goals you believe in goals for your success? In this quick episode I want to explore goals from a different point of view. This perspective is so obvious, that you may be overlooking it. For more help, please visit: --- Support this podcast:
The way that we use our mind is so important when it comes to attracting positive results and feeling peaceful in our lives. Today Max shares 5 simple but valuable ways to have a more lasting Positive mental health so you can have awesome results in your life! --- Support this podcast:
Your True Influence

Your True Influence


Do you know how influential you really are? Most of the time we have no idea the influence that we are having on the world, others and on ourselves. You have a very specific energy. Your energy is not just for you. Your energy is affecting your relationships. Your energy is affecting your environment. Your energy is affecting everything in your life. It's incredibly important to sit back and look honestly at how your energy is influencing your self and the world. Today Max helps you to take an honest look at the INFLUENTIAL YOU! --- Support this podcast:
Do You believe your dreams can come true? Do you believe that what you want can come to be in physical form? How are you using your imagination? Are you letting your fears run your imagination or are you consciously guiding your imagination consistently? One of the most important and powerful abilities we have in our lives is the ability to manifest anything we truly want. As Glinda tells Dorothy in "The Wizard of Oz": "You have always had the power, my dear" In this week's podcast I go deeper into how having a vision of your dreams is so crucial. Remember "Where there is no vision, the people perish".... For more about Max and how he can guide you towards your Joy and Peace visit: --- Support this podcast:
Do you tend to take things too personally? There are very specific reasons why we take things personally. In this broadcast of a live stream, I will share one time where I took things personally, how he dealt with it and what led to my being susceptible to wanting to defend myself. This podcast will shed some light to help you to understand what happens and why you may be taking things too personally. --- Support this podcast:
Creating Boundaries

Creating Boundaries


Do you ever feel like you have little of no boundaries with people? Do you always seem to put others first? In today's episode Max will help you to redefine what TRUE boundaries are and how to keep them! For more about Max and how he can guide you towards your Joy and Peace visit: --- Support this podcast: