Authentic Living: Podcast for a Better Life

Too many great people, just like yourself, find themselves with the wrong career, the wrong relationship, or the wrong college degree because they made deeply uninformed decisions when it came to their critical life choices. What if you could break the code of who you really are so that you actually start living the life you deserve and were originally designed to have? That's what the Authentic Living: Podcast for a Better Life is all about. Your hosts, John Voris and Kim Eley, have shown thousands of people what their Authentic Identity really is and how to allow that identity to dominate their careers, connect with the partner of their dreams, and choose the best degree and plan for themselves or their children. If you're ready to finally live your best life based on what you were designed to be then we invite you to understand what it means to know and live by the code of your Authentic Identity. Remember to subscribe to us on your favorite podcast platform.

Having the Courage to Be Who You Are

Have you ended up in a career you hate—but were told it was a perfect match for you? Ever taken classes or chosen a college major, only to realize later it was all wrong for you? It takes courage to be who you truly are—and it requires understanding, too. In this final episode of Authentic Living, John and Kim explore the patterns that inadvertently get many of us into career paths or lives that make us unhappy. In this empowering episode, you will learn what really makes you happy, and how t...


What is Your Risk Tolerance?

Risk tolerance comes in all flavors. Are you someone who prefers to take the safe route in life, or do you prefer to live life on the edge? Are you afraid you might drown in the bathtub? Or are you first in line to go skydiving? Risk tolerance types vary; some of us are much more concerned about taking risks than others.In this episode, John and Kim talk about the different types of risk-taking and how each Life Theme — Love, Justice, Wisdom, and Power — approaches risk differently....


Escapism: How to Rejuvenate

Have you ever wanted to escape reality? You’re not alone. Rejuvenation isn’t just a want; it’s essential for our physical and mental well-being.In this episode of Authentic Living, co-hosts John Voris and Kim Eley explore how to rest your body and mind in order to restore balance. They discuss why activities that may seem out of sync with our Life Themes—Love, Justice, Wisdom, and Power—are often just what we need. Learn how rejuvenation can provide a much-needed break from th...


What Is Your Brand of Gratefulness?

No matter how you express your gratitude, knowing what brand of gratitude you and the people in your life have will help you understand why someone else may express their appreciation in unique ways. People with different Life Themes express themselves in different ways; while one person may keep a gratitude journal, another may prefer to use affirmations like "I am grateful for..." This can also help you to ensure your thankfulness is perceived in the right way by others who see th...


Combatting Rejection with Maslow

What does Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs have to do with rejection? More than you might think.Drawing from Abraham Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, John and Kim discuss the misinterpretation of this famous theory by many Americans and how we can use this theory to manage our own reactions to rejection. They also provide insight into how to cope with all forms of rejection, from a rejection letter to face-to-face interactions, so we can live more fulfilled lives. Join them for a mea...


How to Succeed in Sales

Are you considering a career in sales? Then you might be interested to know that 70% of people who take up jobs in sales end up failing.On this episode, John Voris and Kim Eley will explore the origin story behind John's career in sales and his journey to discovering Authentic Systems. We'll uncover the four archetypes — Love, Justice, Wisdom, and Power — and discuss the surf, turf, and amphibian approach to selling. You'll also learn why not all sales positions are the same and how...


Linda Hardenstein Career Development with Authentic Systems

Are you feeling stuck in your current career? Do you want to discover the path that will bring you the highest career satisfaction? Join us for this episode with Linda Hardenstein, an experienced career coach who specializes in helping professionals reach their goals. After many years of working as a legal professional without finding true fulfillment, Linda was able to find her own ideal career path thanks to John and the Authentic Systems assessment. Now, she is passing on th...


How Do You Communicate? Authentic Rapport

Today, John and Kim explore how to establish trust and genuine rapport, and how this can be put into practice in your daily life. They'll discuss communication apprehension or hangups and the different ways of communicating that can create a better understanding between people. By learning about the communication styles of each Life Themes, you'll become more confident in yourself and will move towards becoming an effective communicator. For more information go to


How Manifesting Really Works

John and Kim are here to explore the truth about manifesting methods that work — and those that don't. From understanding the power of your thoughts to tapping into the mind-body connection, this episode goes beyond the mystical and is sure to provide you with some intriguing insights into what it really means to manifest the life you want.Get ready to take a journey into the world of manifestation.For more information go to johnvoris.comAre you Love, Justice, Wisdom or Power?Click Here ...


How To Know You're Being Authentic and Why That's Important

In this episode, John and Kim explore the concept of being your authentic self and its importance for authentic leadership. Drawing on John's frustration with seminar experiences where people were trying to get others to become something they weren't, they discuss how best to identify when you are living as your true self - and why it matters. Jump into this interesting and insightful conversation on this important topic on today’s episode of Authentic Living.For more information go...


How Symbols Run Our Lives

If you think symbols are just marks on a page or representations of objects or concepts, think again! In this episode of Authentic Systems, John and Kim discuss why symbols matter and explore the ways in which symbols control our lives, from how they impact the way we think to how we express ourselves. Understanding symbols will help you understand what motivates you, why you value the things you do, and more. Dig deeper with us with this lively discussion to learn about this f...


Jonathan Rogers and the Concept of Four Life Themes

Jonathan Rogers was hired to develop John Voris' website, but in the process, he found that he deeply resonated with John's work. On today's episode, Jonathan and John share with podcast co-host Kim Eley the insights they explored working together, including the concept of four in relation to the four Life Themes, the importance of language, and the validation for Authentic Systems in philosophy and religious texts. Jonathan also shares his personal experiences with the assessment, ...


Relationship Types with Melissa Meredith Wells

With a background in assessments, Melissa Wells was intrigued when she met John Voris from Authentic Systems and learned about Life Themes and the 4 Archetypes. Kim, Melissa, and John discuss how to improve a relationship by understanding each Life Theme's unique values, allowing you to communicate with others and navigate potential conflicts. From finding commonality to providing adequate space for disagreements, they talk about which Life Themes are likely to disagree and have dif...


Guest Carol Chisholm, Federal Intelligence Psychologist

In this episode of Authentic Living, Dr. Carol Chisholm, an eclectic psychologist and delightful guest, joins co-hosts John Voris and Kim Eley for an engaging exploration into the intriguing world of personality tests, the Authentic System and what makes it unique, and what you can learn about people by asking just six questions. Carol speaks candidly about high school students, mental health, who uses personality tests, and whether she would recommend that counselors, coaches, and train...


The Impact Archetypes Have on Family Dynamics

Family problems can sometimes seem overwhelming. That's why, in this episode of Authentic Living, John Voris and Kim Eley explore how the four archetypes — Love, Justice, Wisdom, and Power — of Authentic Systems can help families understand each other better and create emotionally healthy relationships. They'll discuss solutions for common family issues like unresolved conflict or communication breakdowns. Additionally, they'll provide advice on how to strengthen connections with lo...


John’s Origin Story for Authentic Systems

In episode one of Authentic Living: The Podcast for a Better Life, publisher and author Kim Eley asks philosophy expert, sales extraordinaire, and Authentic Living co-host John Voris about Authentic Systems, a program he created that took him from door-to-door sales failure and doom to overwhelming success. His innovative program allowed him to understand what motivated people’s buying decisions, and John soon realized that these insights could help people in other areas of their lives, ...


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