B.S. with Bobby and Sarah

Each episode BS stands for something new as Bobby and Sarah discuss the world around them. In the second half of the show, they take on each other in games of trickery and deceit. We're all about laughs and learning.

Tip me! (over like a cow or a 3am rat) - EP 51

Have you ever heard Sarah so heated as she is about today’s major topics?  TIMESTAMPS:  1:21 - Sarah’s morbid animal stories about cold animals and the temps they freeze at (?!?!) 6:55 - Feather talk: The one as long as a city bus! 11:37 - What feathers mean to woo woo Sarah. 12:56 - Segue MAGIC from Bobby 14:44 Sarah’s rants about tipping and how billions in profits will never be enough for  mega-corporations to pay their workers a fair living wage sans tipping culture.  (Yes we might have touch on this topic before but dang Sarah is still heated about it I guess!) 22:49 - Self employed service workers, should they get tips? 25:31 - Plumbers vs Chemists GAME BEGINS:  26:31 Bobby’s best tip for living your best life this year: 29:14 This eps BS’s: Big Spender Big Surprise Being Squirrelly  Bobby’s Sarcastic Bobby Segues Our Instagram Leave us a virtual voicemail!


((bite size)) #4 - Cyst-er Siblings

Warning: this ep talks about gross body stuff. --Sarah talks about issues with her chest and how she willed herself to get better using the power of THINKING (woo-woo).  --Bobby talks about his head wound in High School.  --And if you listen until the end you will hear just how long ago this was recorded. (over a year and a half!?) Today BS stands for Bobby Sitting on releasing content for no good reason.


Lady Hot Ham Showers Us with Gold Nuggets. - EP50

We're back and (finally) celebrating fifty episodes talking about gold, games and getting ditched. Timestamps: 3:37 - Being over the hill and what age we'll live to 5:15 - Sarah's NYE date abandons her over a gay guy?! 8:09 - Sarah can't stop moving across the nation(and getting fired) 9:16 - 50 is a milestone but too lazy for clip show 10:05: Game Begins! #LadyHotHam,  Gold, nuggets, Austin powers, gold member, episode 50, Rubik’s cube, Atari, pong, Motorola, SNL, Molly Shannon Instagram: @bswithbspodcast


Finding My Life Path using the POWER of... numbers?- EP49

Woo, get excited cause we’re getting hippie-dippie woo-woo with some numerology to figure out our life paths. Where will the numbers take us? Surely to a good time with a bunch of laughs. Sarah loves this stuff, Bobby is a skeptic, where do you fall? This episode was released at 4:44am on 4/4 after we just hit our 4th year of podcasting. And yes ideally the duration of the episode would have been 44:44 but I couldn't bore you for even 3 minutes LONGER than I already did, so the 111 will have to suffice. (Although some players are showing it as 41:12 and that's really lame of y'all) In the game we talk birthdays, Hogwarts, bibles, devils and Elmo? Lazy bobby's timestamps: 18:38 Our expression numbers! 24:09 Our Life Paths!! 29:06 the game begins! Lazy bobby's social media links: skipping them like Sarah skips over 0's when they get in the way of her seeing a number pattern.


Utahn? I yawn. -EP 48

Sarah moved to Utah! She drove halfway across the country, so in this episode we hear about her road trip and first impression in a wildly different setting than she's used it. And in honor of her new home, the game is all Utah-esque. We talk about Mormons, toys, inventions, Jello, National Parks and Kentucky Fried Chicken! TIMESTAMP: 1:22 microphone wall slam 3:48 Sarah’s Cross Country Roadtrip 5:42 Truck Stop Reviews -Sarah’s favorites 6:15 P-cup 7:18 Ohama not Oklahoma. 9:09 First impressions. Red rock scenery galore. 9:54 This 2nd flattest US state might surprise you. 10:49 at least this tiny town has a Wendy’s 12:45 Learning what makes a desert (again) 14:46 Zion National Park 16:25 How nature makes one feel 18:29 Sarah sees polygamists 20:38 Mexican Food in Utah 22:04 Dating Utah Boys 23:07 PSA Don’t got to an “Authentic Games Night” if you just want to play Scrabble or Charades 25:40 Death defying hikes 27:38 GAME TIME --- Instagram: @bswithbspodcast Send us a voicemail: On SpeakPipe! Hosted by @hungry4danish and @ssserrato


Sarah Does Everything Wrong (Garage Sale Edition) - EP47

After a full year of planning, Sarah has a garage sale and does literally everything wrong. This is not hyperbole! So she tells us exactly what not to do.  In the game portion that starts at 24:49 we discuss the biggest and best sales, and the most valuable things found at garage sales! Timestamps:0:52 - Sarah is a hoarder and has too much stuff! 4:49 - Should it take 1 year to plan a garage sale?6:06 - Most interesting or unique item from her sale. 6:58 - Saving stuff from the garbage dump. 8:06 - First wrong thing? PRICING. 10:58 - How much junk was in the sale? (actual hoarding intervention might be required.)12:08 - Halloween puns bring in the funs. (but not funds)  13:22 -  How much Sarah made.13:59 - Mom made for the worst assistant , Sarah didn't need her help anyway16:27 - The item that was hardest to get rid of.19:39 - Highest priced item being sold.21:38 - A meaningful tutu. 22:47 - Trick or Treasure : Free stuff Giveaways24:12 - Game segment begins!31:35 - The most gross thing ever done on Antiques Roadshow.--Instagram: @bswithbspodcastSpeak Pipe: Send us a voicemail!Support the show: Buy Bobby a soft pretzel!Hosted by @hungry4danish and @ssserrato


((bite size of BS)) #3 - Sarah's Sins

Life's 3 constants; death, taxes and Sarah messing things up and making life more complicated for herself! Today we discuss 2 out of 3.  Sarah is a rule breaker and lawbreaker so Bobby has an intervention (confrontation?) and lists off all of Sarah's sins! (Sarah's sins would be a rad emo band name tho!)"Good fences make good neighbors" unless the fence fell down and belongs to the neighbor that is a racist A-hole  14:30 - Sarah's dad buys a cow!Bring back Raised By Wolves! "Bite size of BS" is a series of mini episodes of BS; more conversational, less structured, no game,  all with a max 20-minute time limit and no editing (well....some.)--Instagram: @bswithbspodcastTwitter: @bswithbspodcastSpeak Pipe: Send us a voicemail!Support the show: Buy Bobby a soft pretzel!Hosted by @hungry4danish and @ssserrato


Solar Sarah and Bobby Blastoff Trade Spaces -EP 46

In this stellar episode we get a little spacey. Sarah want to discuss heavenly bodies and her fears about the sun exploding and visiting aliens. Then Sarah gets her chakras messed up by solar flares! Bobby mentions a great word for some Scrabble points, and guesses the best buildings to go sun worshiping. All in an out of this world episode. In the game segment that starts at 18:16, we talk about different kinds of spaces including Taylor Swift, Eurovision, and an early 2000's TV show with REALLY bad decorating. Timestamps:1:51 - Will the sun explode?2:45 - Sarah chakra scam & solar flares6:43 - Alien: friends or foe?9:39 - Bobby can't even with the vastness of space11:46 - Post-Asteroid impact apocalyptic life. 13:20 -  8 summer solstice architectural marvels18:16- Game Begins!--Instagram: @bswithbspodcastTwitter: @bswithbspodcastSpeak Pipe: Send us a voicemail!Support the show: Buy Bobby a soft pretzel!Hosted by @hungry4danish and @ssserrato


Eating Mythical Animals - EP 45

Heads up, this episode talks about eating animal meat (real and fictional) and animal dissection. We have a dumb but fun discussion about which fictional and mythological animals we’d eat, and which ones would taste the best. In the game segment Bobby has to guess the animal just by hearing its mating call. The results were wild. Timestamps:1:50 - This episode is NSFW. Now Sexytime For Fornicating Wildlife3:31 - Creepiest animal in existence.  (*tap*tap*tap*)4:47 - Furry hot dog baby vole 5:59 - Animal dissections in school6:50 - Sarah saving 1 animal to starve 3 others.8:31 - Sarah, adult woman, gets an animal after ZERO research.9:55 - Black Arabian (horse) almost squashes Bobby to death.16:03 - Which fictional, mythical animal do we want to eat? (mermaids, gnomes, bigfoot, manticore, and so many more!)28:43 - Game Time! "Call of the Wild"  - Guess the animal from their mating call#mermaidceviche--Instagram: @bswithbspodcastTwitter: @bswithbspodcastSpeak Pipe: Send us a voicemail!Support the show: Buy Bobby a soft pretzel!Hosted by @hungry4danish and @ssserrato


We Review Our TV Show! - EP44

Today is all about TV as Bobby and Sarah review the episode of "Bobby and Sarah" that aired on NBC! We also discuss, did Cougar Town steal one of Bobby's jokes? and the writing project Sarah worked on that Bobby got fired from! Then Sarah figures out who actors would play us in the tv story of our lives.  And we dig through Sarah's imdb page!In the game portion we play trivia about TV related to Bobbys and Sarahs. We're gonna try and win that Emmy award since apparently it's super easy to get nominated.  --Timestamps:Reviewing "Bobby and Sarah'1:25 - The Bobby & Sarah NBC After School Special. 2:15 - Horrible Quality  4:23 - Amish Papi, ay!6:01 - Bonnet-wearing snitches.7:03 - Meandering, horrible accents8:10 - Ditch your brother to kiss boys under bleachers 9:42 - The lamest blackmail in the history of the world.10:15 - Sarah's 2 waterfalls (in her pants.)12:04 - Girl, you need to get better at sneaking around! 13:25 Non-therapist Sarah, gives a therapist's POV.15:12 - Wait, was there a happy ending or not...? 17:34 - Our rating of the show.--18:34 - Betty Buckley and the undeserving Emmy nomination.21:04 - Cougar Town stole Bobby's joke22:36 - The project Sarah worked on and Bobby got fired from!26:40 - Multi-hyphenates are obnoxious. 27:52 - GAME BEGINS Trivia related to television programs including TV related to Bobbys and Sarahs. 29:35 - Sarah attempts to become a cartoon voice actor playing a little boy. 33:18 - Bobby's morning negative words of affirmation. --Instagram: @bswithbspodcastTwitter: @bswithbspodcastSpeak Pipe: Send us a voicemail!Support the show: Buy Bobby a soft pretzel!Hosted by @hungry4danish and @ssserrato


{DEAD WRONG} Beauty Advice from Sarah - EP43

We're back and urine for a good episode! Bobby figures out why a male Karen is called a Dave. Then gives the worst segue ever spoken.  After that, a segment that is just basically old man and woman discuss companies that did us dirty so now they're dead to us. Also Bobby k!lls off ugly fashion trends and Sarah wants to put urine in her hair. Bobby gives Sarah some dating advice to take control of the situation. In the game we get salty at the Dead Sea, travel to Dead Horse Bay, and eat ourselves to death with oysters.  --Timestamps:0:51 - Sarah is writing songs for Encanto 2 2:18 - Bobby got malaria in Belize 4:22 - All the ways Sarah is mobile. 5:15 - Companies and things we k!ll off and are dead to us. (Burger King! Toblerone! Bucket hats! Packet Taco seasoning?) 15:12 - Sarah's worst date experience17:43 - Did Sarah poop the bed after oyster night or not?19:48 - Bobby plays dating counselor 21:22 - What DAVE (the male Karen) stands for. 22:09 - The worse segue in the history of all words ever spoken. 22:48 - Soap shocks and surprises Sarah. 25:08 - Penicillin from urine?!29:49 - Sarah wants to put urine in her hair! 31:28 - GAME BEGINS34:45 - Sarah doesn't think women can be animal trainers. 37:20 - Trains are stealth52:56  - Lucy and Ethel, Bobby and Sarah. Being friends with an elderly. #burn--Instagram: @bswithbspodcastTwitter: @bswithbspodcastSpeak Pipe: Send us a voicemail!Support the show: Buy Bobby a soft pretzel!Hosted by @hungry4danish and @ssserrato


Bad Luck Bobby and the Deadly Foreign Folklore - EP42

Bobby shares 2 stories of his expensive and bad luck. One involves broken bones! Sarah shocks by sharing the longest she has ever gone without showering.In today's game that begins at 32:32, Foreign Folklore Fact or Fiction. Lot of dangers to children for misbehaving!--Timestamps:2:13 - Bobby's tennis tournament experience: Swing and a miss! Double fault!4:39 - Sarah learn where Chicago's "L" train system gets its name. 8:39 - The man that hasn't showered in 60 years. 11:03 - The longest Sarah has gone without showering. 12:40 - Sarah brings science to try and justify not showering. 16:24 - Celebs that don't shower regularly. 18:15 - Becoming a professional high end celebrity bather. 19:45 - Cigar humidors and soaking your ciggies for hydration. 23:54 - Sarah smokes and inhales!?25:46 - Bobby breaks a bone.31:16 - Loudest velcro in existence. 32:32 -  Folklore fact or fiction - GAME BEGINS. (46:20) Sarah's hilarious game blooper.  TELL US ABOUT YOUR COUNTRY'S FOLKLORE:   Send us a voicemail!--Instagram: @bswithbspodcastTwitter: @bswithbspodcastSpeak Pipe: Send us a voicemail!Support the show: Buy Bobby a soft pretzel!Hosted by @hungry4danish and @ssserrato--poland, folklore, philippines, volleyball, tennis, cigars, nepal, gurumapa, malta, Il-Belliegha, kapre, la llorona, poland, folklore, philippines, volleyball, tennis, cigars, nepal, gurumapa, malta, Il-Belliegha, kapre, la llorona, poland, folklore, philippines, volleyball, tennis, cigars, nepal, gurumapa, malta, Il-Belliegha, kapre, la llorona, aobozu


((bite size of BS)) #2 - False Advertising Food Names

Back again with a shorter episode.  More conversational, less structured, no game, no editing and all with a hard 20-minute time limit (if we even get there.)In this episode we discuss proper garage door etiquette so that you don't accidentally off yourself.Hear us rattles off a bunch of food names that are misleading and false advertising!! I'm contacting my lawyer right now. Sarah tries to fleece people for money. DO NOT GIVE IT TO HER. She's just trying to prove Bobby wrong at this point and he will not stand for it. Reminder: "blood is not funny."--If you like this or dont, let us know or else we'll keep doing them occasionally. And that's a threat!Instagram: @bswithbspodcastTwitter: @bswithbspodcastSpeak Pipe: Send us a voicemail!Support the show: Buy Bobby a soft pretzel!Hosted by @hungry4danish and @ssserrato


Our Thirst for Knowledge about Hot Milk and Handsome Cowboys - EP41

We're getting wet and wild with our thirst for knowledge today. That includes topics about un-curdled milk, handsome cowboys , banana stamps and how much liquid a 10-gallon hat can hold.. In the game portion we sus out some Snapple Facts that been proven FALSE.  Unrelated, we determine that Velcro straws are the future and that Sarah has never heard of Tonga!  --Timestamps:1:09 - Sarah's summer polar plunge. BS stands for Brisk Swim!3:29 - The Little Mermaid needs to cover up  & why King Triton's nips were hard. 4:20 - Brain eating amoebas and the dangers of warm waters in the SE USA.6:16 - Pop vs soda. Regional differences and the irony of the Midwest. 9:09 - Egg test! The water method to determine good-ness. 11:02 - Wait, y'all'ren't refridgerating your eggs?!?11:46 - Sarah's shower thought about egg salad. 12:05 - Our new motto, "Sip instead of Suck"14:50 - Bad Snapple. Why are you evolving backwards?16:02 - Game beings about Sum41, fake snapple facts and jellyfish smacking things. 32:08 - Sarah's story about her fear of chairs, aka Cathedraphobia This episode's  BSes include: Brisk Swim, Bad Snapple, and Banana Stamp!--Instagram: @bswithbspodcastTwitter: @bswithbspodcastSpeak Pipe: Send us a voicemail!Support the show: Buy Bobby a soft pretzel!Hosted by @hungry4danish and @ssserratoThanks to Karla for the "NEXT PRODUCT" soundbite.


The Best Gems for your Sacrificial Tables - EP40

Today we learn how to fend off a drunken hangover using a rock and the official rules to having the best sacrificial tables . Also, Sarah shares life goals (FOR WOMEN ONLY).We learn Bobby's favorite bible verse (spoiler: it includes bears and a mauling!) And in the game portion that begins at 29:53 we have movie trivia, deep holes, and toilet seat throwing in the literal coolest place in the USA. --Timestamps:1:02 - Getting matching ruby slippers for our 40th.2:01 - Women's names based off gems and minerals6:36 - Edward 40-hands and the attack of the bladder.9:32 - Power hour - pour more!11:20 - 40yo virgin (the movie, not bobby!)13:19 - Sarah researching different bikini waxes #hotgirlsummer14:34 - Smoosh racing - without lips17:47 - Bobby's favorite bible verse - literally not safe for children 20:09 - Rules for the perfect sacrificial table21:38 -  (sexist) (insulting) Life goals FOR WOMEN ONLY25:45 - Sarah wants a quiet crotch rocket but not a vespa? sad Italian noises 27:18 - House selling, RV dwelling.29:53 - Game begins!  48:54 Our suggestion for another BS episode to listen to : Ep20 - Weirdest Sports on Earth. --Instagram: @bswithbspodcastTwitter: @bswithbspodcastSpeak Pipe: Send us a voicemail!Support the show: Buy Bobby a soft pretzel!Hosted by @hungry4danish and @ssserratoThanks to Karla for the "NEXT PRODUCT" soundbite.


The Angry Baby Bobby Got in the Mail- EP39

 Why was an angry Norwegian baby mailed to Bobby? Which of the 7 ancient wonders of the world would we visit? Can we build some statues on the Strait of Gibraltar, just for funzies? Which famous building "scooches?"And in the game segment Sarah finds Bobby's knowledge weakness when she asks him some real BS: Buildings and Structures. Great Wall of China, the Golden Gates Bridge, an Eiffel tower with a cowboy hat? Was this his worst performance in a game, ever? You and the numbers will decide.  --Timestamps:0:00 - Sarah was struck by lightning.0:24 - Welcome, game preview, and our abandoned and rotting iTunes.3:07 - The Angry Baby Stamp of Norway6:02 - Vigeland and the Frogner Naked Statue Park10:22 - The unseen side of the Nobel Peace Prize11:34 - Sarah and the 5 UNESCO Heritage Sites 12:47 - Vacationing to the Ancient Wonders of the World24:42 - Statues for the Strait of Gibraltar? 25:40 - The Arsonist that burnt down an ancient temple.  26:28 - Game Begins47:10 Our suggestion for another BS episode to listen to : EP32-  Bobby Stockholm Discovers a Phantom Island--Instagram: @bswithbspodcastTwitter: @bswithbspodcastSpeak Pipe: Send us a voicemail!Support the show: Buy Bobby a soft pretzel!Hosted by @hungry4danish and @ssserratoThanks to Karla for the "NEXT PRODUCT" soundbite.


How to Laugh in Other Languages - EP38

We hope this episode makes you "555" and "fart from laughter."   Bobby  talks about his interaction with a periodic, persistent wrong number texter that is trying to get money from him! In the game portion Sarah has to guess middle school yearbook slang. After the game we discuss the most ridiculous online acronyms we've ever heard. They gotta be trolling us, right?!From coded numbers and long acronyms to a single letter ,we will tell you how to laugh like a local when texting or online. Chinese, Thai, German, Farsi, Hebrew and more we got you covered.  And now that June is here, H.A.G.S and H.A.K.A.S.!--Timestamps:1:11 - idk my bff, jill5:00 - phone nostalgia ringtones5:44 - periodic, persistent wrong number texter wants $$$10:36 - The 82-page thesis about laughing on Twitter12:50 - Nat Geo and farting from laughing14:11 - the Spanish word we invented is getting use amongst youngsters16:17 - Game Begins38:38 - Most ridiculous online acrnonyms ever (fake and trolling??)42:44 - Sarah picks another episode for you to listen to. Sarah's suggestion for another of our episodes to listen to: EP12 -  We have VIF--Instagram: @bswithbspodcastTwitter: @bswithbspodcastSpeak Pipe: Send us a voicemail!Support the show: Buy Bobby a soft pretzel!Hosted by @hungry4danish and @ssserratoThanks to Karla for the "NEXT PRODUCT" soundbite.


Your Most Puzzling Episode of BS - "Castle Cat Millionaire" - EP37

In the most puzzling episode ever, we discuss the largest and longest puzzles. Then Bobby competes to see if he would have won not Slumdog Millionaire but "Castle Cat Millionaire" ...?Sarah almost blacks out from laughter at one point. Also in this episode: paying to get a Guinness World Record.; a circus without animals, and how only sociopaths do crosswords using a pen. --Timestamps:1:55 - slumdogs and bobby on gameshows4:08 - bobby billionaire rant4:50 - "castle cat millionaire"6:44 - a crossword puzzle 7 feet long8:36 - sociopaths with pens9:24 - largest jigsaw puzzle 12:25 - Guinness World Records is a sham and a shame13:40 - Most ridiculous world records15:02 -  Game begins. puzzle types and categories27:00 - answering questions from the movie Slumdog Millionaire32:31 - bootleg pirated movies from Phnom Penh & Cambodia's only escalator34:33 - BS is gonna be in a documentary. --Instagram: @bswithbspodcastTwitter: @bswithbspodcastSpeak Pipe: Send us a voicemail!Support the show: Buy Bobby a soft pretzel!Hosted by @hungry4danish and @ssserratoThanks to Karla for the "NEXT PRODUCT" soundbite.


((bite size of BS)) #1

Trying out a different thing this week. More conversational, less structured, no game,  all with a hard 20-minute time limit and no editing (well....some.)In this episode we discuss using 10% of our brain and sneezing for 10% of an O-face. Sarah getting pulled over by the police and having an expired license. Bobby rants about the futility of prayer and Bobby HATES tiktok. --If you like this or dont, let us know or else we'll keep doing them occasionally. And that's a threat!Instagram: @bswithbspodcastTwitter: @bswithbspodcastSpeak Pipe: Send us a voicemail!Support the show: Buy Bobby a soft pretzel!Hosted by @hungry4danish and @ssserrato


Changing Our Names for Free Sushi - EP36

New changes to kick off our 3rd year of the podcast? We discuss legally changing your name for free food, having "the god of misfortune" as part of your name, why Sarah is the Pad Thai Princess. And in the game segment Sarah has to figure out the horrible former names of some companies and TV shows. Play along and try to beat her score! --Timestamps:1:47 - "Salmon Chaos"9:25 - Pad Thai Princess11:30 - Largest Art Heist in History ($500 Million)12:40 - Man changes his name to a paragraph prayer.15:08 - Game Begins40:11 -  More BS episode suggestion: EPISODE 5 - Strange U.S. Town NamesWant us to "change" something about the show? Reach out to us:--Instagram: @bswithbspodcastTwitter: @bswithbspodcastSpeak Pipe: Send us a voicemail!Support the show: Buy Bobby a soft pretzel!Hosted by @hungry4danish and @ssserratoThanks to Karla for the "NEXT PRODUCT" soundbite.


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