A thought provoking story that inspires one to introspect. #bachpankepitarese #बचपनकेपिटारेसे #lifelesson #inspiration #stories #motivationalstories # bilingualcontent #bilingualpodcast
A beautiful story that inspires us not only judge someone on the basis of one incident/ experience.
A beautiful story that inspires to continue doing good deeds even when you are tempted to take the easy way out of a situation. It's often said that good karma of parents creates good fortune for their kids... and this story teaches exactly the same.
Have you ever noticed, that you feel happy or good after seeing or meeting someone for the first time? Sometimes, you feel frustrated for no reason... have you ever wondered why? Well, listen to this beautiful story of a king and a sandalwood seller to know the answers. #powerofthoughts #positivethoughts #wemakeourowndestiny #life #lifeexperiences #buddhahood #inspirationalstories.
A beautiful and inspirational poem by Kent M. Keith. #selfmotivational #selfinspirational #believingingood #feelinggoodaboutoneself #dogoodanyway.
Story of a businessman who had lost all hope and was on the verge of bankruptcy. Suddenly, he receives help from a rich man but later he comes know that the man who helped him was.... #gettinghelpfromunknownquaters #seeingpositivity #positiveaffirmations #beinggrateful #beingconfident.
Do only adults know how to pray? Often children teach adults some important lessons of life. A beautiful story of a child who doesn't know how to pray. Still her thoughts leave everyone, including the priest of the temple, dumbstruck. #importanceoffeelings #selflessprayers #innosenceofchildhood
An inspirational poem by Edgar Albert Guest. A poem that makes one think about his own karma. Follow Bachpan Ke Pitare Se on Instagram at the given link https://www.instagram.com/p/CTzR9geA571/?utm_medium=copy_link #whatgoesaroundcomesaround #believinginthepowerofgoodwithinus.
Meet the ordinary woman who is extraordinary in her own rightful manner. She who can be called as a True Indian. The lady who epitomizes the idioms like- Wearing many feathers in her cap; Where there's will, there's a way.
BATUNI KACHHUA, THE TALKITIVE TORTOISE, the famous story in Hindi re-told by Neeta Joshi. #re-visitingchildhoodstories #Learningthroughstories #connectingpeople #re-creatingthemagicthroughvoicemodulation.
#3 beautiful poems that have the power to connect with each of us who is listening. # Stories can change the perspective and direction of a person's life. # A strong message to all the women from a woman.
The journey of an amateur librarian to be a Storyteller to creating a platform for her students as a budding Podcaster. Click the following link to listen to narrations by kids on Neena's podcast https://anchor.fm/neena-girish/episodes/Yet-another-cute-strings-of-littlestorytellers-e12b40a You can connect with us and share your feedback by clicking the following link https://anchor.fm/nidhi-ramani/message
#A beautiful journey of self exploration of an ordinary woman to a budding poetess. #Listen to this motivational talk on dealing with emotions in a constructive manner. # To connect with the poetess, write an email to her at salujagagneet@gmail.com or read her quotes at https://www.yourquote.in/gagneet-kohli-saluja-cj89e/quotes/read-many-felt-some-comprehended-few-b63z1j
An interview with a teenager who is a budding artist and a writer sharing positive affirmations to cope with uncertain times. The link to Siddhiksha's YouTube channel https://youtube.com/channel/UC9iTL2lTVLF8QhwfD You can read her poems here https://pin.it/71URBcx You can connect with me and leave your comment/ feedback for me by clicking on the given link https://anchor.fm/nidhi-ramani/message
Let's utilize this time of lockdown to hone our skills so that we are ready and updated to face the new challenges of life after the lockdown is over.
A beautiful poem by our former Prime Minister, late Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji. #A poem about "never to ne defeated" spirit. # Let’s fight Corona with the spirit of Lion's Roar.
# Two beautiful but meaningful poems giving insight to present circumstances. # A comic presentation of serious issues.
#A beautiful poem by former Prime Minister and poet Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee. # Food for thought.