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#BHN Big Hairy News

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Dunedin based international award winning broadcaster and former #1 rating talkback host Pat Brittenden hosts various NZ commentators, comedians, academics and news makers in a casual daily news conversation in a social and relaxed nature.

#BHN gives the space needed to cover off the stories covered rather than the two and a half minutes the mainstream media gives guests between weather and the next ad break.

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888 Episodes
John Oliver chose to talk about the Trump/Harris debate in his latest episode as he was off last week winning and Emmy. In particular he chose to focus on the "eating the cats" and "eating the dogs" comments from Trump and contrary to the claim "we're just hearing from constituents" he showed how JD Vance himself might be the origins of the false claim. Associate Health Minister Casey Costello has had her first big meeting with health workers, who are still fuming that the Government repealed the Smoke Free Generation Law. Costello defended the repeal, and continued to deny the move was influenced by big tobacco Legislation re-introducing charter schools has passed its final reading in Parliament. The third reading on Wednesday saw passionate speeches both for and against the bill, which revives the alternative education model. The change, promised in National's coalition agreement with the ACT Party, has been spearheaded by ACT leader and Associate Education Minister David Seymour. ================================== Come support the work we're doing by becoming a Patron of ⁠⁠#BHN⁠⁠⁠ Merch available at Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter. @patbrittenden @Chewie_NZ
On our 500th show we thought we'd share that a few weeks ago we received our first lawyers' letter, not a direct threat of legal action, but a interestingly worded email that suggested we should seek legal advice based on an item we showed as a part of a nightly show. We'll go though what happened, who it was, where it is right now and anything else that may be pertinent Tova O'Brien writes today that there is a hold up with the ferries and that might just be between coalition partners with suggestions that Winston Peters is not on board with what National and ACT want to do which, if correct, seems to imply privatisation is on the table as we know Winston's history with not supporting privatisation. . Police Commissioner Andrew Coster is set to lead the Government's Social Investment Agency. It replaces the Social Wellbeing Agency which was part of the Public Service Commission. ================================== Come support the work we're doing by becoming a Patron of ⁠⁠#BHN⁠⁠⁠ Merch available at Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter. @patbrittenden @Chewie_NZ
A regulatory impact assessment of David Seymour's Treaty Principles Bill has failed a quality assurance test carried out by his own Ministry for Regulation. The Ministry for Regulation says not enough work has been done to assess the possible impacts of the Treaty Principles Bill for it to be passed into law. Act MP and health spokesperson Todd Stephenson was on Q+A to talk about his member’s bill to expand access to assisted dying, which seeks to remove the 6-month time limit on a terminal diagnosis. He also discusses the so-called ‘gag rule’ against health professionals bringing euthanasia up as an option to patients, the state of palliative care funding, and the ongoing review into the End of Life Choice Act. Louise Upston rejects official advice $3b a year needed to fix child poverty. The coalition government disagrees with advice provided by officials that $3 billion a year is needed to reach the country's child poverty reduction target. Minister for Child Poverty Reduction Louise Upston said the government was taking a different approach to the previous Labour government. We're having a chat with Green MP Ricardo Menéndez March about what National is trying to do. ================================== Come support the work we're doing by becoming a Patron of ⁠⁠#BHN⁠⁠⁠ Merch available at Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter. @patbrittenden @Chewie_NZ
It's been six months since shock cuts to what disabled people, and their carers could purchase came into effect and those affected say there hasn't been a day of peace since. Katy Thomas joins us LIVE tonight to explain how the changes are impacting her son's life. ================================== Come support the work we're doing by becoming a Patron of ⁠⁠#BHN⁠⁠⁠ Merch available at Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter. @patbrittenden @Chewie_NZ
Kieran McAnulty joins us LIVE to talk about concerned Tararua locals have described proposed highway tolls as a "kick in the guts" during a heated community meeting last night. Tonight, we'll take a look at what the government is proposing and see why it is both unfair, and a tad scary about how National is comfortable double dipping to pay for their tax cuts ================================== Come support the work we're doing by becoming a Patron of ⁠⁠#BHN⁠⁠⁠ Merch available at Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter. @patbrittenden @Chewie_NZ
Greens Justice spokesperson Tamatha Paul joins us to talk crime stats under National compared to the promises that National made pre-election ================================== Come support the work we're doing by becoming a Patron of ⁠⁠#BHN⁠⁠⁠ Merch available at Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter. @patbrittenden @Chewie_NZ
Māori health leaders are calling on the government to scrap the Treaty Principles Bill, saying equitable healthcare is "a fundamental right". The Royal Australasian College of Physicians' (RACP) Māori Health Committee chair Dr Matt Wheeler said the principles outlined in the bill diminished "the constitutional status of the Treaty / Te Tiriti". "This bill undermines the state's responsibility to collaborate with Māori, rendering the Treaty and its obligations meaningless," he said. "Consequently, equitable healthcare, a fundamental right for Māori, will continue to suffer." ================================== Come support the work we're doing by becoming a Patron of ⁠⁠#BHN⁠⁠⁠ Merch available at Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter. @patbrittenden @Chewie_NZ
Paul Goldsmith acknowledges that the Government failed to assess human rights impact of last minute gang changes. He explains the government’s decision not to get separate analysis from the Attorney-General about whether the extension of the gang patch ban further breaches the Bill of Rights Act and whether his sentencing changes could have unintended consequences that negatively impact on victims including some criminals getting off scot-free. Has the Government been caught with their hands in the gang-number-cookie-jar as it's revealed today that 800 gang members have been taken of the gang registry. When confronted on this Christopher Luxon gets a bit pissy. Kieran McAnulty joins us LIVE to talk about concerned Tararua locals have described proposed highway tolls as a "kick in the guts" during a heated community meeting last night. Tonight we'll take a look at what the government is proposing and see why it is both unfair, and a tad scary about how National is comfortable double dipping to pay for their tax cuts It's been six months since shock cuts to what disabled people and their carers could purchase came into effect and those affected say there hasn't been a day of peace since. Katy Thomas joins us LIVE tonight to explain how the changes are impacting her son's life. ================================== Come support the work we're doing by becoming a Patron of ⁠⁠#BHN⁠⁠⁠ Merch available at Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter. @patbrittenden @Chewie_NZ
The Royal Australasian College of Physicians' (RACP) Māori Health Committee chair Dr Matt Wheeler said the principles outlined in the bill diminished "the constitutional status of the Treaty / Te Tiriti". Wheeler and other professionals are calling on the government to scrap the Treaty Principles Bill, saying equitable healthcare is "a fundamental right". Poverty isn't a lack of character; it's a lack of cash. "Ideas can and do change the world," says historian Rutger Bregman, sharing his case for a provocative one: guaranteed basic income. Learn more about the idea's 500-year history and a forgotten modern experiment where it actually worked -- and imagine how much energy and talent we would unleash if we got rid of poverty once and for all. Full Ted Talk here Shane Te Pou, Damien Grant and Bomber thrash it out on the treaty referendum bill, did Māori cede sovereignty and more in a heated debate on TWG last night
30,000 more people have experienced violent crime up over the past two years. Justice officials have warned the Government it is on track to fail to meet its 2030 goal but Prime Minister Christopher Luxon says that’s Labour’s fault. Mr Luxon is also standing by his man Mark Mitchell, who said if there wasn't an improvement in 12 months he'd resign. Greens Justice spokesperson Tamatha Paul joins us to talk crime stats under National compared to the promises that National made pre election In December 2023, 1News published a Mata Reports documentary: Trick of Treaty? Indigenous rights referendums and the Treaty of Waitangi. Following the publication of this documentary, to ensure fairness, The Taxpayers' Union was offered a chance to respond in an interview. Executive Director and Co-founder Jordan Williams spoke to Mihingarangi Forbes. ================================== Come support the work we're doing by becoming a Patron of ⁠⁠#BHN⁠⁠⁠ Merch available at Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter. @patbrittenden @Chewie_NZ
The Government is unlikely to meet its target of reducing violent crime, according to its latest update. On Sunday, Prime Minister Christopher Luxon was heralding decreased crime rates in Auckland City. But as he gave a quarterly update on his public service goals on Monday, Luxon revealed violent crime rates had increased steadily since the coalition came to power. Of the nine goals which Luxon set as Government priorities earlier this year, officials said only two of them - related to emergency housing and greenhouse gas emissions - were likely be achieved. A group of local and international road safety experts, academics and health professionals have penned an open letter to the Government over its proposed moves to reverse speed limit reductions, saying it will result in lost lives if it proceeds. Education minister Erica Stanford has defended the Government's decision to fast-track its new maths curriculum by almost a year. Teaching unions are concerned that educators won't have enough time to learn the new curriculum, which will start at the same time as structured literacy. Stanford insisted the Government was not rushing the roll-out, instead saying it had been in the works for years. ================================== Come support the work we're doing by becoming a Patron of ⁠⁠#BHN⁠⁠⁠ Merch available at Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter. @patbrittenden @Chewie_NZ
The Council of Trade Unions (CTU) economist Craig Renney, suggests it will cost about $4 million to progress the controversial, and doomed, Treaty Principles Bill to a second reading at Parliament. ================================== Come support the work we're doing by becoming a Patron of ⁠⁠#BHN⁠⁠⁠ Merch available at Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter. @patbrittenden @Chewie_NZ
Dr Alistair Reese, who led the dawn service at Waitangi and is a signatory of the churches open letter to the Government on the Treaty Principles Bill, joins us tonight to talk about why the importance to sign the letter and what it means for NZ to have so many Christian representatives speaking out against what David Seymour is attempting to do with the bill. ================================== Come support the work we're doing by becoming a Patron of ⁠⁠#BHN⁠⁠⁠ Merch available at Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter. @patbrittenden @Chewie_NZ
The Council of Trade Unions (CTU) economist Craig Renney, suggests it will cost about $4 million to progress the controversial, and doomed, Treaty Principles Bill to a second reading at Parliament. The day after. Looking over the fall out from Donald Trump versus Kamala Harris. Most say Harris won easily. Trump, as usual, is deluded into thinking he won...or at least that's what he's saying. The Health Minister has laid out the Government's implementation plan for reaching its five health targets, which the Commissioner of Health NZ says can be achieved "within current resources". ================================== Come support the work we're doing by becoming a Patron of ⁠⁠#BHN⁠⁠⁠ Merch available at Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter. @patbrittenden @Chewie_NZ
Cabinet has agreed on what the Treaty Principles Bill should say, but its proposed principles could cause social division and constitutional uncertainty - according to official advice. Former President Trump and Vice President Harris dived into a debate on the economy, abortion, immigration and more right from the start of their first, and perhaps only, 2024 debate. Tonight we'll review it. The NZ Law Society is concerned with the amendment that some gang members would not be allowed to live in a building that has gang insignia in it, regardless of whether the insignia is theirs or belongs to someone else. The society is also concerned that the amendment would give police new powers to search homes. Taylor Swift, one of the music industry's biggest stars, endorsed Kamala Harris for president shortly after the debate ended on Tuesday night. ================================== Come support the work we're doing by becoming a Patron of ⁠⁠#BHN⁠⁠⁠ Merch available at Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter. @patbrittenden @Chewie_NZ
Dr Alistair Reese, who led the dawn service at Waitangi and is a signatory of the churches open letter to the Government on the Treaty Principles Bill, joins us tonight to talk about why the importance to sign the letter and what it means for NZ to have so many Christian representatives speaking out against what David Seymour is attempting to do with the bill. ACT leader David Seymour continues to hope the National Party will support the controversial Treaty Principles Bill beyond first reading and when challenged b y John Campbell to explain how non-Maori are disadvantaged today, we left wanting Health officials recently announced changes to free GP visits for young people in Hawke’s Bay, which would see Māori and Pacific rangatahi eligible, among other groups, however Health Minister Dr Shane Reti intervened this week, telling health officials on Monday that the criteria were “not consistent with government policy” and then had Māori and Pacific ethnic groups have been removed from the list. ================================== Come support the work we're doing by becoming a Patron of ⁠⁠#BHN⁠⁠⁠ Merch available at Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter. @patbrittenden @Chewie_NZ
On Q&A Labour leader Chris Hipkins said it's time for New Zealand to have an "honest" conversation about the levels of taxation and Government debt needed to afford the things we want as a country. Former gun lobbyist Nicole McKee has used her power as a Government minister to reduce regulation for gun clubs — without any public consultation. Documents obtained by 1News show officials raised the alarm about a change to the Arms Regulations in May, saying they were being processed under a "short time frame". The average New Zealand household could save nearly $1500 a year by installing rooftop solar and batteries, and switching out gas and fuel for electric appliances and cars, according to a high-powered report by Renewable energy advocate Saul Griffith that finds New Zealand overall can save $95 billion by 2040 if it electrifies its economy and moves away from fossil fuels. Piers Morgan again invites on the wrong person who smashes apart the Pro-Trump framing that Morgan set up with all his guests. Tim Miller from the Bulwark podcast explained to Morgan why his previous guest, Trump sycophant Corey Lewandowski, was wrong and challenged Piers about having no pushback to Lewandowski but this is not new for Morgan.==================================Come support the work we're doing by becoming a Patron of ⁠⁠#BHN⁠⁠⁠Merch available at Like us on Follow us on Twitter.@patbrittenden @Chewie_NZ
Labour MP Tangi Utikere joins us to talk about the continued story that National is trying to sell about the ferry blowout. It's nonsense and we want to continue to highlight the shell game that National is playing to get people to dig no deeper than what they're told via Nicole Willis and others. ================================== Come support the work we're doing by becoming a Patron of ⁠⁠#BHN⁠⁠⁠ Merch available at Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter. @patbrittenden @Chewie_NZ
Clint Smith joins us to talk about the PM's visit to South Korea and the apparent bloody mindedness that he and his staff are talking to firstly refuse to talk about the ferries, and then to acknowledge that this may have caused frictions in the relationship NZ has with South Korea ================================== Come support the work we're doing by becoming a Patron of ⁠⁠#BHN⁠⁠⁠ Merch available at Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter. @patbrittenden @Chewie_NZ
A moving day at Turangawaewae today as Kīngi Tūheitia Pōtatau Te Wherowhero VII was buried and Ngā Wai hono i te po Paki was crowned Queen. It was a time that all New Zealanders can look to NZ's story and choose to accept that the Māori story is a part of the NZ story which means it's a part of everyone's story and if people don't choose to think that way then they are missing out on the fullness of what it means to be a New Zealander. ================================== Come support the work we're doing by becoming a Patron of ⁠⁠#BHN⁠⁠⁠ Merch available at Like us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter. @patbrittenden @Chewie_NZ