Politics, bare-knuckles style. I use facts and logic to kick right wing butt! Subjects include: U.S. opposition to democracy around the world, GOP voter fraud, right-wing racism, phony right wing Christians doing the opposite of what Jesus said in Matthew 25, the Iraq war, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, George Bush, Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, unequal income and wealth distribution. I start where Al Franken and Bill Maher leave off. Plenty of audio clips of all your favorite conservative devils. Wimpy liberals and Democrats who act like Republicans are not spared either. Upcoming will be interviews and listener phone calls. Check it out!

Live Tweeting the Debate Tonight!

Greetings, Long time no talk. Hope you and yours are well! I don't yet have enough time to do the full nine yards of the podcast, but I can't restrain myself from jumping back in the fray. So I'll be using my new Twitter account to live tweet the debate tonight. @JeroldBlock For those who didn't hear that long ago podcast, Jerold Block is my legal name, Jack Clark a podcasting pen name. As


Rebroadcast of 32 - Listen to Martin Luther King, Jr. Speak To Us About the War on Terrorism

Again, thanks for all your expressions of concern and good wishes. Blast The Right has been on an extended break as I take care of some long-neglected personal matters. I will return. If you want to be added to the mailing list to keep up-to-date on future developments, please drop me a line. Until I return, you've told me that re-broadcasting some select past episodes would be welcome. So


Rebroadcast of 163 - Deficits & Debt: Right-Wing Spends Wildly And Slashes Taxes (For The Rich), Then Screams We Can't Afford A Social Safety Net

Long time no talk. Thanks for all your expressions of concern and good wishes. Blast The Right has been on an extended break as I take care of some long-neglected personal matters. I will return. I apologize for not letting you know what's going on sooner. If you want to be added to the mailing list to keep up-to-date on future developments, please drop me a line. Until I return, you've


168 - Busting More Right-Wing Lies About The Arizona Immigration Statute / The Struggle Continues For Economic Justice

Today, more on the Arizona immigration law and efforts to fight this latest right-wing outrage. Plus, progressive efforts to achieve economic justice in New York and elsewhere. Right-wing racism rears its ugly head throughout. And you'll hear a clip of Glenn Beck you won't believe. Actually, you probably will, if you know him.(PS: Right-wingers, if you want to write in to me, fine, but at


167 - They're Still At It: Arizona Immigration Law Is Part Of A Decades-Old Right-Wing Campaign To Attack Minorities For Political Gain

Today, we'll take a look at the Arizona "your papers please" statute, with a large emphasis on the historical context in which it was passed: long-standing and pervasive right-wing racism.Before analyzing any legislation touching on race that comes from the right, it's absolutely critical to know the right's history in this realm.With this law, and with any measure proposed by right-wingers that


166 - Right-Wing Ramps Up Its Efforts To Protect The Vulnerable, On-The-Edge-Of-Collapse Wealthy From The All-Powerful Progressives Out To Get Them

Today, an examination of a phenomenon that's recently come out into the open: the right-wing's worship, and hard-line defense of, the ultra-wealthy. You'll hear the who, what, when, where and why.I have some exclusive stats for you that may well blow your mind. The picture ain't pretty.You'll hear the answers to questions like these: which 25 guys made more than all the teachers, firemen and


165 - Health Care Vote Post-Game Show: The Right-Wing Is Down, But Not Out (And Lying Even More Than Usual, If That's Possible)

Today, we'll dissect the right-wing's still-continuing lies and hypocrisy about the recently passed health care legislation. This will lead us into a broader discussion of social and economic justice, and the right-wing's aversion to both.Did you know the right has its own sociopathic credo, called Social Darwinism? This is among the gems you'll discover as you listen to the the show. Lots of


164 - Full Clip: Bullet Points For Stimulus & Health Care Water Cooler Wars / Global Economic Justice Advances: Martin Luther King Would Be Pleased

Today, a varied show.To start off with, multiple QuickBlasts to give you ammo in the water cooler wars over the economy and health care reform. A cornucopia of right-wing lies and hypocrisy conclusively disposed of.Then, a foreign policy roundup: where things are going well, and not so well, in the Third World's struggle to be free of Western economic domination. A lot of ups and downs, but


163 - Budget Deficits & The National Debt: Right-Wingers Spend Wildly And Slash Taxes (For The Rich), Then Scream We Can't Afford A Social Safety Net

Today, a subject that initially appears not that sexy. I'm talking about budget deficits and the national debt.But -- you'll see how the cold, hard facts reveal right-wingers at their lying and destructive worst. As is often the case, the right accuses others of that which they're most guilty of themselves. They accuse Obama of tripling the budget deficit, while in reality it was George W. Bush


162 - No Amount Of Earthquake Relief Can Cleanse Us: The U.S. Is Up To Its Eyeballs In Haitian Blood

Today, a look at how Haiti has been battered from pillar to post by the West. How right-wing policies have destroyed that nation. An analysis you won't hear on any mainstream corporate-owned media. An antidote to the "aren't we noble" claims you hear when we send Haitians some charitable aid.(PS: Right-wingers, if you want to write in to me, fine, but at least do me the courtesy of listening to


161 - 2009 In Review: So Much Potential Unfulfilled, And The Right Still As Toxic As Ever

Today, a review of that not so terrific year 2009, as heard on this show: right-wing reverse Robin Hood economics, health care, the war on terror, GOP racism and more.Along with plenty of clips of your favorite right-wingers to keep you entertained, if not outright horrified.The year started out with a lot of potential, but things haven't turn out as progressives like myself would have


160 - How To Put Right-Wing Christians On The Defensive With The "Equivalent Alternative Solution" Challenge

Today, as befits the holiday season, I'm going to show you how to ratchet up the pressure quite a bit on those phony Christians I call right-wing pseudo-Christians.You'll soon be able to make them distinctly uncomfortable, if not downright apoplectic.It has something to do with the fact, that right-wing pseudo-Christians spend their whole lives fervently working to achieve the exact opposite of


159 - The "Southern Strategy": From Nixon To Reagan To Limbaugh, The GOP Has Used Racism To Further Its Political Agenda / Health Care QuickBlast

Today, an examination of the GOP's institutionalized racism, extending from Richard Nixon to Ronald Reagan to the current de facto head of the Republican Party, Rush Limbaugh. Starting in the 1960's, the Republican "Southern strategy" used racist appeals to garner the support of whites who were upset at the Democratic Party for leading the effort to enact civil rights legislation.You'll get some


158 - "We have to tolerate inequality to achieve greater prosperity and opportunity for all": The Right-Wing Mind's Strained Relation To Reality

Today, in a change of pace, a single subject podcast: trickle-down economics and the unsustainable economic inequality and social ills it produces.Sometimes escaping from the mouth of a right-winger is an utterance so jaw-dropping, that it merits an entire show.Brian Griffiths is a Goldman, Sachs international advisor. He was recently discussing Wall Street salaries and bonuses. You've probably


157 - More Health Care Stats: Ammo For The Water Cooler Wars / Progressive Economics = Christian Economics? / The Real ACORN Scandal Is On The Right

Today, a jam-packed show.First, you'll hear about some new statistics sure to render speechless your friendly local right-wingers, when you're debating health care reform with them.Next, how about a little old-time religion: some information that will enormously enhance your ability to put right-wing Christians on the defensive.Finally, you'll get some facts about the community group ACORN you'd


156 - Supreme Court May Toss Out Laws Limiting Corporate Campaign Contributions / Jack Discusses Health Care On Air America / Honduran Coup Update

Today, you'll hear:--how an all-important Supreme Court case could vastly expand the ability of corporations to determine election results--a clip of me on Air America denouncing our super-expensive yet poorly performing health care system--how there are disturbing historical parallels to the present-day right-wing coup in HondurasWhat do all these stories have in common? Hint: it's a five letter


155 - Part Three: Still More Of Answering The Right's Deadly Lies In The Health Care Debate

Today, more on the progressive effort to reform our health care system. More right-wing lies debunked. More hard cold facts you can throw at your friendly local right-wingers to stop them in their tracks.Questions answered include:--how does the U.S. health care system stack up against the universal coverage nations?--how are Republicans shooting themselves in the foot by playing a 1961 clip of


154 - Part Two: More Of Answering The Right's Deadly Lies In The Health Care Debate

Today, a return to health care reform. More right-wing distortions, half-truths, and outright lies. Debunked for your listening and debating pleasure. And along the way, you'll hear some jaw-dropping audio clips.This show is somewhat of a continuation of podcast 152. There, you heard the facts about such false right wing claims as:--the U.S. has the best health care system in the world--universal


153 - Global Overview: As The Third World Continues To Fight Against Western Economic Exploitation, Obama's A Mixed Bag, The Right Still 100% Wrong

In recent podcasts you've heard about the hottest issues du jour, such as health care reform and the Sotomayor Supreme Court nomination. This show will address issues not, for the most part, as immediately applicable to the water cooler wars.There's a whole world of strife, struggle, bloodshed and sometimes progressive victory out there. It's all about the Third World's centuries-long attempt to


152 - Answering The Right's Deadly Lies In The Health Care Debate

Today, the show is all about health care reform. You'll hear how to debunk a whole slew of right-wing talking points against progressive plans to revamp our health care system.Lives are at stake!Among the lies debunked:--the U.S. has the best health care system in the world--universal coverage nations have long waiting lists compared to the U.S.--Obama's plan is socialized medicineCheck out the


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