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You need a lil' magic when you're a black girl enrolled in an elite predominantly white institution. Follow us on our journey: from hook up culture to new friendships, to navigating the world of academia.

Instagram: @blckgrlmgc
Twitter: @itsblckgrlmgc
Facebook: blckgrlmgc the podcast
59 Episodes
We’re over a year and a half into this pandemic. We've learned a lot and still learning. In episode 58, Megan and Destini talk about vaccinations, COVID-19, and had the amazing opportunity to highlight some black and latinx voices on whether or not they’re vaccinated and their reasons behind it. Although being fully vaccinated remains as the best protection against COVID-19, some are still hesitant toward getting vaccinated. This episode unpacks the possible mistrust given the known history of medical mistreatment of Black and Brown communities and ongoing disparities highlighted by the current pandemic.
It’s been 4 month since Megan and Destini sat down and spoke with you all. Megan is a full time Clinical Research Coordinator at NYU School of Medicine and Destini is a Math teacher for Americorps based in Boston, Mass. In this episode, the girls explain how their identities as young Black women who have the ability to navigate both Black and white spaces affect their job and bring a new set of eyes to their positions. From seeing Black patients primarily affected with COVID-19 and observing the disconnect between White lead teachers and their Black and Brown kids, the girls zero in on the importance of being more vocal about their observations in the workforce. Tune into Episode 57 - Welcome to Post Grad Life to get a sense of what its like to enter the workforce mid pandemic and freshly graduated
WE GRADUATED!!!!! In episode 56, Megan and Destini reflect on their past four years at Middlebury College, graduating, and now looking onward. Megan and Destini speak about their plans post-grad and how it feels to finally be done with undergrad. We want to say thank you to everyone from the bottom of our hearts for all the support and advice from the very beginning. We can’t believe we made it and are done with college! We are not leaving y'all yet though...Stay tuned for future episodes where Megan takes you through her journey with doing clinical research in New York and Destini teaching and navigating Boston! :) xoxo
Yesterday was the first day of Derek Chauvin’s trail. Chauvin, a Minnesota police officer, is accused of murdering George Floyd, an unarmed Black man on May 25, 2020. Chauvin’s defense attorney,  Eric Nelson, gave his opening statement after the prosecutor yesterday morning. Megan was disturbed by the points he used to ‘justify’ the actions Derek Chauvin took which resulted in the death of George Floyd. He used comments that described the size and weight of George Floyd, a tactic often used to vilify Black Americans. He also used the fact that he already had a “compromised heart” from hypertension and coronary heart disease, suggesting that his cause of death, a heart attack, was not directly caused by Derek Chauvin kneeling on his neck. It disgusted Destini and Megan to see Nelson use the same diseases that plague Black Americans to justify the murder of an innocent Black man. Here’s the truth: White supremacy taught Derek Chauvin to fear George Floyd and in turn murder him. We also know that White Supremacy is the root cause for the genetic predisposition Black Americans  have to cardiovascular diseases. Y’all can’t trick us. We see right through the bullshit.
Destini and Megan only have THREE MONTHS left until college is OVER. They're so close to the finish line it hurts. Even a pandemic couldn't stop them! This episode gives an update on what the girls are doing - choosing to be remote for the last semester, working during the school semester, and more. Check out Episode 54 to see how they girls are starting their last semester of college! A very special thanks to Amanda Rodriguez-Middlebury '21 and Venice Ohleyer-Columbia '22 for creating a platform to help sign up for the COVID-19 vaccine in NYC and Jersey.
It's a rather common narrative that we've heard amongst young liberals: "You need to vote," "If you don't vote you're ignorant," and many more condescending statements about individuals who don't have a positive relationship with the American system. We shed light on young Black voters and their thoughts during the 2020 election. We're lacking sympathy... and that may cost this election as young democrats.
Hi everybody! Megan and Destini are back after a long pause :) In this episode, they give you an update on the verdict of Breonna Taylor, voting, the next steps for BLCKGRLMGC, and a run down for our next episodes. Thank you for riding with us these past three years. BLCKGRLMGC continues to grow and we couldn’t be happier!
In this episode, Megan and Destini decided to reach out to friends and family to have conversations on the subject of cultural appropriation and its significance among white people. A lot of "pop culture" is rooted in Black culture, however, white people have the privilege to reap the benefits of our culture while ignoring our harsh realities. White people have long been drawing extensively from Black culture — from our music to our style to our slang that we grew hearing we shouldn't do so society doesn't look down on us or consider us a threat. Similar to systemic racism, the appropriation of Black culture is so normalized that white people actively engage in it, and not once are they forced to deal with the repercussions that black people doing the exact same thing have to face. So, dear white boy that loves black culture a little too much, your white silence is complicit in racial injustice, oppression, and violence. You need to stop denying the system while simultaneously benefiting from it. You have complete power to change it. So, do something.
In this episode, Destini and Megan continue their conversation about the email Professor Hernandez-Romero sent out last week describing all the problematic racial encounters she experienced from her colleagues on Middlebury's campus. In particular, the girls spoke about another professor of color who wrote an Opt-Ed in reaction to Professor Hernandez-Romero's email in which she shared her own opinion about the same professors. She essentially has opposing views as Professor Hernandez-Romero's and expressed that throughly in her letter. Destini and Megan had a few thoughts about seeing two faculty 'go at it' right now... specifically two black women amongst a sea of white faculty. It's just not a good look.
In this episode, Megan and Destini speak about a very intense and disheartening email sent by a departing professor highlighting her experiences of racism. Professor Marissel Hernández-Romero sent out a very powerful email to which she expressed her experience as a professor of color at Middlebury College. It was no surprise that her experience highlighted the emotional, physical, and mental damage of systemic racism that is so prevalent in today’s society. In these times, you would expect Middlebury College to hold themselves accountable for this professor's traumatic experience, but guess what? They deleted and removed her email from every single person’s inbox to silence yet another black woman. So, Middlebury, it’s freedom of speech when it comes to inviting Charles Murray to campus to highlight white supremacy, but when it comes to a professor documenting her experiences of racism at your institution its an issue?? Do better, Middlebury. Our stories will be heard.
In this episode, Megan and Destini reflect on the last couple of months. These past few months have been traumatic and draining, to say the least with COVID-19 putting the world on pause and with the murders of George Floyd, Breonna Tayler, Elijah McCain, and unfortunately, the list goes on. This harsh reality for unarmed black people continues and as two black women, Megan and Destini are trying to find answers.
In this episode Megan spoke with her friend Tanzania. who junior psychology major at Howard University.They met over the summer while they were both working at Howard and have kept in touch since. Tan told her story during COVID-19, dealing with the stress of having to leave campus, return home, and then find a new place to stay. Everybody, we need y'all to send blessings and prayers to her! She deserves it.
We’re in about week 4 of “social distancing” during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this week’s episode, we interviewed Leila, Megan’s best friend who is all the way in Paris, France during the pandemic. She’s a junior at the American University of Paris and lives in Paris year round. She told us about some nice coping mechanisms that have been helping her and also told us a story about an encountering with the police that gave us insight on being in a foreign country. It was nice to catch up and hear she was safe and healthy in Paris… Lets send some positive energy to her all the way in France!
Hello! Megan and Destini decide to speak to their best friends to check in on them during these unprecedented times. In this episode, Destini is joined by her best friend, Claudia Theagene, who speaks to her experience about leaving campus and going back into the place that is now the epicenter for COVID-19 in the United States. Stay tuned for Megan’s episode chatting with her best friend! We hope everyone is taking care of themselves, reaching out to loved ones and friends, and trying their best to stay as sane as possible during these times! We’ve got this!
In this episode, Destini and Megan speak about how they’re holding up with COVID-19 and all that it brings. Destini touches on the anxiety that these online classes will bring, the role of the media during these times and the unknown of what the future will hold. Megan shares similar sentiment about online classes, speaks to her summer internship getting canceled and the chaotic mess this pandemic is bringing on premed students. We both acknowledge the anxiety that all these changing dynamics bring and hope everyone is remaining as safe and sane as possible!!!
College campuses are suspending classes and telling students to leave during the COVID-19 outbreak. Students are scrambling to go back home in the middle of the semester but some don't have a steady living situation to go to or the remainder of the semester. In this episode, Megan speaks about the struggle of having to leave Middlebury and find somewhere to stay while school is out of session.
Episode 43 - COVID-19

Episode 43 - COVID-19


HELLO! In this episode, you get a quick inside scoop into Destini’s and Megan’s thoughts as they try to navigate COVID-19 and what that means for college students nationwide.
After a month of returning home from Brazil, Megan came to a few realizations that let her ease her nerves about going back to Middlebury for the spring semester. She realized how much bigger the world is beyond Middlebury and the stress that comes along with it.
In this episode, I’m joined by Ethan Sherman who is a junior here at Middlebury College. He speaks about his identities and how he navigates them through Middlebury. Thank you so much for sharing Ethan!
In this podcast Megan opened up about her hair journey in Brazil. Being away from home and away from her normal routine made her try something new - going completely natural. No heat, no perm, no anything. It’s also almost time to go home... Megan and Amanda have a few more days left in Brazil. Thank you guys for being on this journey with us!