
Author: Mimi G.
Subscribed: 680Played: 11,000Subscribe
Business S.H.E.T is a weekly podcast hosted by Mimi G. founder of Mimi G Style, Inc. and Sew It Academy. Mimi G has built a million-dollar business from her hobby and now shares her experience in starting, building and growing a business in a no fluff, straight-up approach. The podcast will discuss topics of business and self-development that Mimi G wished someone had told her before she leaped into the world of self-employment. Using life experience, business highs and lows and candid commentary Mimi G will be providing actionable insights you can implement to grow your business and change your life.
32 Episodes
Hi Guys! Today is storytelling day. I get asked about how and when I decided to quit my job 6 years ago to blog full time. It’s always a difficult decision to make and when you grow up with no[...]
The post S3 Ep. 04: Oh Shit I Quit My Job appeared first on .
Hi Guys! Today I am chatting with my dear friend and award-winning teacher of financial education, Tiffany Aliche. She has made it her mission to empower women and provide them with access to the tools and resources needed to create a better[...]
The post S3 Ep. 06: Get Your Money Right appeared first on .
Hi Guys! Today I am sharing a few stories on how I became a public speaker and how I almost passed out! Being a public speaker was the last thing I had ever thought I would become being an introvert[...]
The post S3 Ep.05: Just Breathe & Don’t Pass Out appeared first on .
Hi Guys! I have a special guest joining me today. My daughter Chastidy is back to chat with me about life’s unexpected and not so great moments and how we deal with them. Sometimes no matter how positive you are,[...]
The post S3 Ep. 03: It Is What It Is appeared first on .
Hi Guys! I had the chance to sit and talk with my friend Audrey McLoghlin an amazing and powerful entrepreneur who is continuously inspiring me. Audrey is the founder of Frank & Eileen which was born out of the idea to take[...]
The post S3 Ep. 02: It takes Grit appeared first on .
Hi Guys! I am back for another season and today I am catching you guys up and talking about what you can expect this season. I am also chatting about new year resolutions and how ridiculous they are! ACTIONABLE TO[...]
The post S3 Ep. 01: I’m Back! appeared first on .
Hi Guys! Today I am doing a follow-up episode with guest Mary Alice Duff, owner of Alice|Alexander to get an update on her indie fashion business since her last appearance on the podcast and to announce the launch of our[...]
The post S2 Ep 10: Running an Indie Fashion Line: Follow Up appeared first on .
Hi Guys! Today I am discussing the misundersatnding between motivation and discipline and how you can learn to self motivate in order to get shit done consistently. ACTIONABLE TO DO Do something small, feel good about it, then do that[...]
The post S2 Ep 09: You Don’t Lack Motivation You Lack Discipline appeared first on .
Hi Guys! Today I am discussing the differences between a single-member LLC and a Sole Proprietorship. I hope this will help you better understand your options when deciding on your business structure. ACTIONABLE TO DO: Download the PRINT OUT and[...]
The post S2 EP 08: The Difference Between an LLC and Sole Proprietorship appeared first on .
Hi Guys! Today I am continuing my talk on anxiety and answering some questions you guys asked in regards to my experience that I did not cover. I got so many emails about how that episode helped you and stories[...]
The post S2 EP 07: Just Move! A Continuation To Dealing With Anxiety appeared first on .
Hey Guys! Today’s episode is Dealing With Anxiety: I Can’t Breath! I am discussing my experience with anxiety and how difficult it became to deal with everyday tasks. This is a serious issue which needs to be shared and talked[...]
The post S2 EP 06: Dealing With Anxiety: I Can’t Breath! appeared first on .
Hey Guys! Today I am talking about imposter syndrome, aka feeling like a fraud when you think you lack formal education, have been told you’re not enough, or are afraid to put yourself out there. Grab your notebook and take notes.[...]
The post S2 Ep 05: I Don’t Feel Worthy appeared first on .
Hey Guys! I am back. Thank you for your patience over the last few months. I am starting with an update on life after the wedding and also answering some listener questions. We are now back on track an ready[...]
The post S2 Ep 04: Girl Where You Been? Update appeared first on .
Hi Guys! Today we are talking with Mary Alice Duff, designer and owner of Alice Alexander a size inclusive, sustainable and ethically made fashion label on what it takes to run an indie fashion brand. ACTIONABLE TO DO: Find your[...]
The post S2 Ep 03: Running An Indie Fashion Brand With Mary Alice Duff appeared first on .
Hi Guys! Today we are talking about how to price your products and services. I hope through a series of questions and examples I can help guide you and take the fear out of pricing. ACTIONABLE TO DO: Play with[...]
The post S2 Ep 02: You Said It Costs How Much!? appeared first on .
Hi Guys, Happy New Year! and welcome to Season 2 of Business SHET. I am so excited to be back and I hope you guys are ready for another great season. We are going to start the new season with[...]
The post S2 Ep 01: An Interview With My Daughter appeared first on .
Hi Guys, We have reached the end of season one and I couldn’t be more proud of how Business Shet has done so far. I am thankful to all of you for the support. Today’s episode is a bit of[...]
The post S1 Ep 16: Catch Up And See You In 2019 appeared first on .
Hi Guys! Today we are chatting about minding your money and learning from my experience. I am sharing a story in hopes that you will learn from my mistakes and start making smart choices the second you go into business[...]
The post S1 Ep 15: Mind Your Money appeared first on .
Hi Guys! Today I am answering questions from our Talk Your Shet segment. If you have a question, want advice or just want some guidance please email us at Thanks for listening and remember in order for your business[...]
The post S1 Ep 14: Questions and Answers appeared first on .
Today I am clarifying some important information about Episode 11 in regards to the sponsorships and the relationship between brands and influencers. It’s a relationship that has to be respected on both sides and understanding how to navigate that can[...]
The post S1 Ep 13: Imma Need You To Get Paid appeared first on .
Hi Guys! Today I am sharing all my tips on how to successfully launch your product. It takes more than having a product and putting it up for sale on your website. So much happens before, during, and even after[...]
The post S1 Ep 12: How To Successfully Launch Your Product appeared first on .
Sponsorships and collaborations are the number one topics I get asked about. Whether you are a brand or an influencer you need to know both sides of the sponsorship relationship. Today I cover how to best position yourself as an[...]
The post S1 Ep 11: Size Doesn’t Matter appeared first on .
This is a personal episode but one I felt I needed to share. Sometimes we find ourselves in situations that seem hopeless, sometimes we go through struggles we are hesitant to share out of fear, and many times we are[...]
The post S1 Ep 10: Survival and Gratitude appeared first on .
Trying to decide on a business idea can be daunting and scary. So how do you choose? and how can you set yourself up for the best possible chance of succeeding? Actionable To Do: START AN IDEA JOURNAL! Your mind will[...]
The post S1 Ep 09: Get Your SHET Right appeared first on .
Today I am sharing my thoughts on building self-confidence and how it’s directly related to how you allow people to treat you, what you believe you are worth and how successful you will be. Actionable To Do: Be and Stay[...]
The post S1 Ep 08: Is Your Confidence Failing You? appeared first on .
The hardest thing about being an entrepreneur is learning to have patience and trust in the process. Today I share all my previous entrepreneurial attempts that failed and what I learned from each experience. I also clear up misconceptions about[...]
The post S1 Ep 07: Patience Sucks Ass appeared first on .
Hey Guys! Welcome to Ep. 06 of Business SHET. Social media is a long game and you have to make sure you are doing all the right things in order to grow your following and not be affected by the[...]
The post S1 Ep 06: Social Media: You’re Doing It Wrong appeared first on .
Being authentic in both your personal and business life seems to be a no-brainer but so many people get this wrong. It can be hard to follow your own path when other people have expectations of you. Today I am[...]
The post S1 Ep 05: Are You Going Along To Get Along? appeared first on .
“If you don’t figure out how to make money while you sleep you will work until you die” Serious Entrepreneurs Should Have 2 Goals: Passive Income and Multiple Streams of Revenue! Today’s episode is focusing on the different types of passive[...]
The post S1 Ep 04: Passive Income & Multiple Streams Of Revenue appeared first on .
Yes, I wrote bout! Today’s episode is about money and how we are conditioned to think about it. Money habits are handed down from our parents or life experiences. It takes practice to learn how to change that narrative and[...]
The post S1 Ep 03: Stop Talking Bout You Broke! appeared first on .
Hey Guys! Welcome to episode 02 of Business Shet, Today’s topic is “It Aint Always Peaches & Cream, It Can Be More Like Shit & Flies. Deciding to become an entrepreneur takes courage and faith. I decided to walk away[...]
The post S1 Ep 02: It’s Not Always Peaches & Cream appeared first on .
Hi Guys! Welcome to the first episode of Business S.H.E.T. This first episode is an intro to me, the podcast, what you can expect to hear, and why you should listen. In four short years I have developed my own line[...]
The post S1 Ep 01: Introduction To Business Shet appeared first on .
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I am so hooked with your podcast! Yes, it's 2021 but dont matter! You are mesmerizing! "You have to match your hustle with your thoughts" 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
This really spoke to me. Thanks so much for sharing, I know your openness has helped many people and will continue to do so. ❤️
SHET it's an acronym.
This episode was so hard to listen to. I felt everything you were feeling. Thank you for sharing with us.
Why am I just seeing this?!
Thank you for the Great episodes, I learned so much. I'm ready season 2!
Oh my! When you spoke on give and take relationships and spoke on not being a great friend, you spoke to ME! I love my friends and family but just don't express myself well. Great podcast, thank you.
Thank you for sharing! Your transparency is not only helpful but SO awe inspiring!!!
you are a warrior! a true gem Mimi. I appreciate your vulnerability and transparency. continue pushing and making YOURSELF proud! #foreverasupporter
This was very insightful. I had started listening to a more recent episode and decided to start from beginning. i am glad I did. thanks for the gems
I just finished listening to this podcast...Mimi you are such an inspiration. I love hearing you stories, ideas, experiences. I'm over hear crying with you...not only hating that you had these things happen in your early life, but that you are a true definition of a strong inspirational woman. i am a fan and follower for life. Keep shining and may the Lord continue to Bless you. 🙏💗
my girl sent me this as I've just been made redundant after 21years and attempting to start my own business..but seem to becoming anxious and lacking in my confidence ..this has been a great motivator...Will keep listening ..
I love how you keep it so real. You are absolutely like Nike..."Just Do It".
Mimi's podcasts have been really motivating me to work harder at having the business I want AND to not settle for "just enough" , but to think bigger, want more, and know that I deserve it all. thanks Mimi!
Amazing podcast! Content is great and I love how honest and straight to the point Mimi is.