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Bad Heroes
Author: Drea Silvertooth
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One evil queen, three deadly curses, and four bad heroes in over their heads.
Bad Heroes is a narrative-rich, character-driven Pathfinder 1E actual play podcast with a love of comedy, adventure, and the more charming forces of Hell.
Bad Heroes is a narrative-rich, character-driven Pathfinder 1E actual play podcast with a love of comedy, adventure, and the more charming forces of Hell.
68 Episodes
Our heroes hit the beach to scout a way into Desa. Ira gets graceful, Gydeon dabbles in the dark arts, Rihva sends a warning, and Tonreir wants to bring the storm.
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"Idle Session" and "No Time Left" – Monument Studios
"Morgana Rides" – Kevin MacLeod
"Sense" – Sergey Cheremisinov
"Solve the Damn Mystery" – Jesse Spillane
Sound effects from Monument Studios, BlinnSFX and
PimFeijen, Aleks41, DWOBoyle, AURIGATON, Benboncan, kyles, EminYILDIRIM, Artninja and kevinkace on
Use code BADHEROES for 10% off your order of coffee for game night and tea for the tabletop from Many Worlds Tavern.
Tensions rise as night falls at the Steelfire Forge. Gydeon questions loyalties, Tonreir loses his temper, Ira makes an impassioned plea, and Rihva picks a fight — with everyone.
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"Smoldering", "Laburnum", "Plague", "Cold War Echo", "Harbor" and "Great Expectations" – Kai Engel
"Bittersweet" and "Anguish" – Kevin MacLeod
"Innkeeper", "Grassland B" and "Solo Piano II" – Monument Studios
"Solve the Damn Mystery" – Jesse Spillane
Sound effects from Monument Studios and Yap_Audio_Production, SpliceSound, TRP, Greg_Surr, kyles and joedeshon on
Use code BADHEROES for 10% off your order of coffee for game night and tea for the tabletop from Many Worlds Tavern.
In a hidden sanctuary outside the city, our heroes learn the story behind Desa's collapse and just how much is on the line.
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"Darkest Child," "Bittersweet" and "Lost Time" – Kevin MacLeod
"Mercy" – Kai Engel
"Forgotten Civilizations" – KiestyleProductions
"Solve the Damn Mystery" – Jesse Spillane
Sound effect by hisoul on
Use code BADHEROES for 10% off your order of coffee for game night and tea for the tabletop from Many Worlds Tavern.
Gydeon, Ira and Rihva try to determine if Desa's guardian is friend or foe, while Tonreir unearths a hidden memory.
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"Cinematic Suspense Series Episode 009" – Sascha Ende (CC BY 4.0)
"Darkest Child" – Kevin MacLeod
"Fog" – Sergey Cheremisinov
"Downfall" – Kai Engel
"Tense Ambience" – Monument Studios
"Solve the Damn Mystery" – Jesse Spillane
Sound effects by leonelmail on, with additional sounds by Monument Studios.
This episode features a promo from The Storyteller Squad.
Use code BADHEROES for 10% off your order of coffee for game night and tea for the tabletop from Many Worlds Tavern.
Separated by a magical barrier, our heroes must find their courage to survive a ravenous undead horde.
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"Pre-Battle Theme," "They're Crawling," "No Time Left" and "Insidious" - Monument Studios
"Nothing" - Kai Engel
"Solve the Damn Mystery" - Jesse Spillane
Sound effects by TravieDoodle and szczur_banshee on, with additional sounds by Monument Studios.
Use code BADHEROES for 10% off your order of coffee for game night and tea for the tabletop from Many Worlds Tavern.
Outside the fallen city of Desa, our heroes contend with traps and each other as they push towards something terrible.
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Check out for art prints and new merch!
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"Hopeful," "Harp Waltz," "Conjuring," "They're Crawling" and "Insidious" by Monument Studios
"modum," "Plague," "Smoldering" and "Imminence" - Kai Engel
"Inexorable," "Night Vigil" "Darkest Child" and "Deep Haze" - Kevin MacLeod
"Solve the Damn Mystery" - Jesse Spillane
Sound effects by klankbeeld, leonelmail, Johnny2810, Rmutt, TRP, bree0701, kyles, felix.blume, joaomjaraujo, Manim8, J.R.Mythical, Andy19 and szczur_banshee on, with additional sounds by Monument Studios.
This episode features a promo from Shrimp and Crits.
Use code BADHEROES for 10% off your order of coffee for game night and tea for the tabletop from Many Worlds Tavern.
Before learning about the third and final curse, our heroes attend a royal audience full of deadly surprises. Tonreir fumes, Gydeon lies, Ira gets a timeout and Rihva puts it all on the line.
This episode contains content warnings. Visit for more details.
Check out for art prints and this season's new merch!
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"Fog" - Sergey Cheremisinov
"Darkest Child" and "Past the Edge" - Kevin MacLeod
"Dimensional Rift," "Growing Whispers," "The Moment Before" and "Insidious" by Monument Studios
"Cold War Echo" and "Downfall" - Kai Engel
"Cliffs of Desa" - Koulnis
"Solve the Damn Mystery" - Jesse Spillane
Sound effects by craigsmith, fission9, Voices_of_Marz, bsperan, KevinT1001, josecruz98, joaomjaraujo and PimFeijen on, with additional sounds by Monument Studios.
This episode features a promo from Cosmopunk.
Back together at last, Gydeon, Tonreir, Ira and Rihva head to the royal armory and find mischief afoot — and for once, it's not their fault!
This episode contains content warnings. Visit for more details.
Check out for art prints and this season's new merch!
Subscribe to our new free Patreon tier at to get news and updates about the show.
"Harbor" - Kai Engel
"Thinking Music" and "Marty Gots a Plan" - Kevin MacLeod
"Solve the Damn Mystery" - Jesse Spillane
Sound effects by scarbelly25 on
This episode features a promo from A Couple of Characters.
Information in Vyer burns, bubbles, and lives on in undeath. The real question is, what will our heroes do with it?
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We have launched prints in our merch shop! Find them at
"Plague", "Cold War Echo", "Harbor", "Mercy" and "Downfall" - Kai Engel
"Investigations", "Umbrella Pants" and "Night of Chaos" - Kevin MacLeod
"Dimensional Rift", "Grassland B", "Forsaken Sanctum", "The Moment Before" and "Friendly Celeste" by Monument Studios
"Fog" by Sergey Cheremisinov
"Solve the Damn Mystery" - Jesse Spillane
Sound effects by Enri2991co, Osiruswaltz, tothrec2, GaryQ, Sirderf and MATRIXXX_ on
Beneath Vyer's capital, Tonreir and Ira strike dubious deals to further their causes.
This episode contains content warnings. Visit for more details.
We have launched prints in our merch shop! Find them at
"Dark Walk," "On the Shore", "Temple of the Manes" and "Tango de Manzana" - Kevin MacLeod
"Labyrinth" - Sergey Cheremisinov
"Trees in the Wind" - Daniel Birch
"Smoldering", "Cold War Echo", "Tumult", "Mercy" and "The Devil You Know" - Kai Engel
"Solve the Damn Mystery" - Jesse Spillane
This episode features a promo from Beyond the Furthest Stars.
As our heroes begin to reconvene in the capital, Tonreir faces his wolf and Ira takes Rihva on a much-needed night on the town.
This episode contains content warnings. Visit for more details.
We have launched prints in our merch shop! Find them at
"Smoldering," "Seeker," "Oecumene Sleeps" and "Plague" - Kai Engel
"Trees in the Wind" - Daniel Birch
"Umbrella Pants," "Wizardtorium," "Ossuary 1," "Dark Walk," "Netherworld Shanty," "Teddy Bear Waltz" and "Heartbreaking" - Kevin MacLeod
"Now You Are Here," "Fog" and "When You Leave" - Sergey Cheremisinov
"Solve the Damn Mystery" - Jesse Spillane
Sound effects by felix.blume, Cinetony,, Tomlija, TRP, sagetyrtle, bsperan, RaspberryTickle, Braxen, nickrandomsounds, not_yr, brunoboselli, ditnoka, oldedgar, kyles and Ev-Dawg on
This episode features a promo from Friend & Foe Adventure Co.
Tonreir and Gydeon test their skills, and on a secluded mountaintop, Gydeon's draconic origins make themselves known.
Note: This episode contains content warnings. Visit for more details.
Bad Heroes is made possible by listener donations — you can support us at and
"Great Expectations," "Snowmen," "Meekness," "November," "modum" and "Global Warming" - Kai Engel
"Long Note Three" - Kevin MacLeod
"Solve the Damn Mystery" - Jesse Spillane
Sound effects by lwdickens, univ_lyon3, CCCanary, Euphrosyyn, Nakhas, Vital_Sounds, oldmansmusic, kooust, JonasTisell, bajko, DeVern and waveplaySFX on
This episode features a promo from In Two The Dungeon.
Gydeon and Tonreir reunite in Silverscale and begin to set the board.
Note: This episode contains content warnings. Visit for more details.
Bad Heroes is made possible by listener donations — you can support us at and
"Harbor," "Global Warming," "Downfall," "Great Expectations" and "Mercy" - Kai Engel
"Solve the Damn Mystery" - Jesse Spillane
Sound effects by lwdickens, craigsmith, Reitanna, Sheyvan, BlackAtomProductions, tim.kahn, faxfaxfax, Denis Chapon, sterferny, e0fd96, Qat on
This episode features a promo from Deck of Many Aces.
Following the Pendant of the Seeker, Ira embarks on a wild adventure in search of what he's lost.
Note: This episode contains content warnings. Visit for more details.
Bad Heroes is made possible by listener donations — you can support us at and
"Brand New World" - Kai Engel
"Manly Nunn Steps Out" - Doctor Turtle
"Terminal", "Thinking Music", "Sneaky Adventure", "Deep Haze", "The Pyre", "Oppressive Gloom", "Long Note One", "Long Note Three", "Hush", "Movement Proposition", "Nightdreams", "Evening Fall (Harp)" and "Evening Fall (Piano)" - Kevin MacLeod
"Solve the Damn Mystery" - Jesse Spillane
Sound effects by PuzzleAudio, DanGasior, greysound, Liancu, DeVern, BenjaminNelan, Duophonic, Noted451, itsmrjack, Daphne_in_Wonderland, rucisko, Danjocross, harveyism, kasjura, maryannem, briankenny, FunWithSound, reci77, FlyingMarmot, D.jones, craigsmith, GojiS.O.S., AdminMP, cliftonmcarlson, Escapop, colorsCrimsonTears, IENBA, andersmmg, Merrick079, NachtmahrTV, aerror, brennanium135, roman_cgr, Podcapocalipsis on
This episode features a promo from The Lucky Die.
Time's up. Rihva is forced to face the monsters of her past, both figuratively and literally.
For a written recap of this episode, click here.
Note: This episode contains major content warnings, including abuse, manipulation, suffocation, extreme fear and panic. For a complete list, visit
Bad Heroes is made possible by listener donations — you can support us at and
"Inexorable", "Nervous Piano", "Shadowlands 1 - Horizon", "Shadowlands 2 - Codex", "Unseen Horrors", "Right Behind You" and "The Escalation" - Kevin MacLeod
"Cold War Echo" and "Plague" - Kai Engel
"Solve the Damn Mystery" - Jesse Spillane
Sound effects by MaxDemianAGL, bouncyblueball, ultraaxvii, shelbyshark and JPolito on
This episode features a promo from Ballad of the Seven Dice: Escaping Carcosa.
Tonreir's heart leads him home, to a changed forest holding memories, magic, and unexpected messages.
Note: This episode contains content warnings. Visit for more details.
Bad Heroes is made possible by listener donations — you can support us at and
"September", "Cobweb Morning", "Laburnum", "Smouldering" and "Great Expectations" - Kai Engel
"Folk Round", "Long Road Ahead", "Magic Forest", "Night Vigil" and "Rites" - Kevin MacLeod
"Solve the Damn Mystery" - Jesse Spillane
Sound effect by duckduckpony on
This episode features a promo from The Monster's Playbook, a Monster of the Week actual play podcast.
High in the mountains of her ancestral home, Gydeon has a tense family reunion and plays a game of strategy.
Note: This episode contains content warnings. Visit for more details.
Bad Heroes is made possible by listener donations — you can support us at and
"November", "Harbor", "Great Expectations", "Global Warming", "Downfall" and "modum" - Kai Engel
"Solve the Damn Mystery" - Jesse Spillane
Sound effects by craigsmith and chris5s on
After our heroes go their separate ways, Rihva's debt leads to some risky business. Meanwhile, Ira rekindles a connection and tells an important tale.
Note: This episode contains content warnings. Visit for more details.
Bad Heroes is made possible by listener donations — you can support us at and
"The Wilderness I Want" - Jim Rooster
"Night of Chaos" - Kevin MacLeod
"A Robust Crew" - Darren Curtis
"Plague" and "Brand New World" - Kai Engel
"Solve the Damn Mystery" - Jesse Spillane
Hidden under the city, our heroes grapple with new information and a course of action that could impact the fate of Vyer, their homes and the world.
Note: This episode contains content warnings. Visit for more details.
Bad Heroes is made possible by listener donations — you can support us at and
"Temple of the Manes," "Darkest Child" and "Unholy Knight" - Kevin MacLeod
"Homeroad" - Kai Engel
"Solve the Damn Mystery" - Jesse Spillane
In her castle of obsidian and steel, Queen Sephira grants our heroes the answer to one question. For a glimpse into the secrets of Vyer... they'd better choose wisely.
Note: This episode contains content warnings. Visit for more details.
Bad Heroes is made possible by listener donations — you can support us at and
"Labyrinth" and "Fog" - Sergey Cheremisinov
"Trees in the Wind" - Daniel Birch
"Darkest Child" - Kevin MacLeod
"Homeroad" - Kai Engel
"Solve the Damn Mystery" - Jesse Spillane
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