Balance Your Path

Sisters sharing a life journey of homelessness, trauma, recovery and healing. They discuss everyday life, as it happens, from a funny, informative and loving perspective. This podcast is not for the weak of heart. They get REAL and it shows in their passion, their message...and their language. Join in the laughter and shenanigans of these two strong, independent, professional and successful women as they dive deep into what really matters! They will share insights of how mindfulness and thought transformation has changed their lives and will share tools of how it can do the same for you.

Who is Balance Your Path?

Look around you. Everything you see, good or bad, began as a thought! We think, we act, we create. Our thoughts are the most powerful tool we have to creating the life that we truly desire. As certified Thought Transformationalists, we can help you stop damaging cycles of repeating bad habits, making poor choices and being unhappy with who you are and the life you lead. We will share our life of homelessness, trauma, seeking and healing and help you navigate your journey to becoming the best possible "You"!


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