Banter: A BMX Podcast

Banter: A BMX Podcast
Author: Jon Dowker & Anthony Berardi
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© 2025 Banter: A BMX Podcast
Join Jon Dowker (The Freestyle Connection BMX Stunt Team) and Anthony Berardi (Old School Rider) as they talk all things BMX. From the 80s to the present. From bikes to riders - we will cover anything and everything to do with BMX. Special thanks to Shaun Jarvis for looking after our socials.
28 Episodes
Send us a text Shawn White is a San Diego local originally from West Virginia. A designer, inventor, entrepreneur, actor, comedian and a lover of all things bikes. He’s the inventor of an early sealed freecoaster hub, Primo Jewels. He founded an iconic flatland brand called Bizhouse which came out with a myriad of flatland parts notably a revolutionary stem design. Special Thanks to Shaun Jarvis for handling our socials. Support the show
Send us a textUsually, I give a bit of the introduction bio for our guest here, but when it comes to Kevin Martin, who has been involved in major parts of the BMX scene for most of his life, I am going to leave you with a couple of lines from the stories he told Jon and I. The first is "They stuffed the engine with sausages". The second is "We created a public access show called 'Shut Up & Drink" and it won awards". If you love BMX this is a must listen!*Special Thanks to...
Send us a textKeith Trainor is originally from North Bergen, New Jersey but made his mark in Southern California. He rode for S&M bikes through most of the 90’s and had has own brand through S&M called Menstrual Cycles. He was featured in iconic 90’s films such as “Dirty Deads” & several early S&M videos such as “44 something” and “Feel my leg muscles I’m a racer”.Special Thanks to Shaun Jarvis for handling our socials. Support the show
Send us a textPLEASE NOTE:An Updated version was released at 7:30pm April 15, 2024 to fix an editing mistake. Bill Nitschke hails from Indianapolis, Indiana. He grew up riding with BMX Flatland legends Perry Mervar, Steve Mulder and Danny Meng. Inventor of the Whopper AKA "Hop Whip" as well as a bunch of other tricks. He rode for DK, TNT, Haro, Homeless Bikes, S&M, GT Bikes, Schwinn and Master Blaster Planet. Currently riding for Flatland Assasins. Special ...
Send us a textRobert & Reben Castillo are two very influential brothers, hailing from Austin Texas!Both gained recognition in the 80’s for there flatland abilities and they are still out there pushing the sport today! Look for Robert Castillo's BMX Freestyle Trick Team Mexican Tour (March 9-10, 2024)Ruben's Taco Jam is scheduled to run October 5th, 2024 in Austin, TexasSpecial Thanks to Shaun Jarvis for handling our socials. Support the show
Send us a textGary Pollak was part of the King of Prussia, Pennsylvania BMX scene and considered a quasi Plywood Hood. Featured in early Dorkin’ In York videos & known as a great all-around rider competing in both AFA and 2 Hip Vert & street comps. He is the inventor of the Pinky Squeak. He rode for CW in the mid-80's and toured with likes of Ceppie Mays, Dizz Hicks and MacGoo. He later rode for GT touring with Martin Aparijo, Josh White and trials rid...
Send us a textBrandon Fentonn is a flatland lifer. He has a huge bag of tricks and a myriad of difficult breakless maneuvers and multiple whiplash variations? He currently residing in Toronto and is a regular at the DunBat hockey rink. Brandon has A PHD in Philosophy and currently works as a victim’s rights advocate at Aboriginal Legal Services and as a course director at Conestoga College. Special thanks to Shaun Jarvis for handling our socials.Support the show
Send us a textJoin Jon and I as we talk BMX Freestyle with 3 ledgends of the sport Ron Wilkerson, Brian Blyther and Dave Nourie. Hear the inside scope from these iconic Team Haro members.Please click this link if you want to learn more about the Back For More In '24 tour and help support the cause.Special thanks to Shaun Jarvis for his work on the socials. Support the show
Send us a textFew people have done as much for Flatland BMX, as Effraim Catlow. He was: Competing as early as 1986Amateur world champion in 1991.Pro World champion by 1994. Competed X-games 7 times And recently judging flatlands return to X-games in Japan, 2022Effraim Catlow: 14 Years of Flatmattersonline! thanks to Shau...
Send us a textPaula Marie is a Canadian, flatlander that hails from Southern Ontario. She spent a few years living and riding in British Columbia, She's a member of the Women of Freestyle. Has an impressive bag of tricks, Has traveled to numerous events and competed all around North America, Currently living in Georgian Bay Ontario and a mother of two little girls. Special thanks to Shaun Jarvis for handling our socials. Support the show
Send us a textJody Temple is a flatland rider who's been a long time resident of Athens GA. He is one of the early. members of the Athens Family BMX crew. He's been featured in many videos over the years, but notably has some killer parts in the "Same thing dailey" video series by Dane Beardsley. He also has some stand out entries for the "Master of creativity" contest. He's baVled some health problems that kept him off his bike for long durations but has managed to come back & persevere....
Send us a textBill Batchelor was an avid BMX rider during the early 80s, participating in racing and followed by freestyle. He was also interested in photography from a young age with black & white images being his preferred style. Talented behind the camera and a world-class skate park in his hometown he documented 80s BMX with some amazing images. After sitting in a box for decades many of these images have come to light for the first time in his book Concrete and Smog.&nbs...
Send us a textMaurice Meyer started riding BMX in the mid-70s. In the 80s he was a part of the epic Golden Gate Park freestyle scene and a rider on the infamous Curb Dogs BMX/Skate team founded by the late Dave Vanderspek. He rode for Kuwahara in 82/83 and started riding for Skyway in 1984. As a factory Skyway rider, he participated in both the US and European tours along with Vanderspek and Robert Peterson. He placed 2nd to Dennis McCoy in the 1985 - 17 and over class...
Send us a textKip Williamson is a Flatlander originally out of Angola Indiana, an AFA competitor in the 80s, and a Fat House member. He was known in the 90s as the “Video Guy”. He created “Juvenile Trickery”, “Alternative Forms of Transportation” and UGP videos such as “Face Value” & “Mission of Nonsense”. As well as the GT Bicycles flick “Direction”. A GT team tour announcer and held many other positions at GT such as Contest Team Manager & Freestyle Division co...
Send us a textThis episode was sparked by the recent passing of Andrew Wickham. Andrew was a talented flatlander and a friend of Jon’s. If you take away one thing from this episode, please reach out to a friend or family member you haven’t heard from in a while. Here is a living list of whom we have tragically lost from the BMX world. Please feel free to contact Jon Dowker or Anthony Berardi to add names to the list.Andrew WickhamJason BrownDickie SandersDon SlepskyDav...
Send us a textDave Nourie hails from California, has been riding and even competing in flatland for nearly 40 years! He rode and toured with the iconic 80's Haro team including Brian Blyther, Ron Wilkerson, Dennis McCoy, and Matt Hoffman. He participated in the Haro reunion show in Cologne Germany in 2009, was featured in the classic Eddie Roman film "Ride like a man". He has invented iconic tricks such as the Gumbee, NourieStand, and Miami Hopper Spin. He recently en...
Send us a textScott Powell is a pro flatland rider from North Olmsted, Ohio, He is one of the original “Chenga” crew of riders known for their extensive bag of tricks and super long parking lots. An X-games contender from 1997 to 2001 until flatland was eliminated. He is one of the co-founders of the legendary Chenga skatepark in North Ridgeville, Ohio, and the current owner of the latest Chenga Skate Park located in Brook Park Ohio. Special Thanks To Shaun Jarvis for his on...
Send us a textJason Holmes hails from Oshawa Ontario and was arguably one of the most advanced riders to come out of Ontario in the early ’90s. He performed demos for promoter Rick Davis and was a regular on the Welches Grape Stunt Team. He was instrumental in getting freestyle BMX back into the Toronto Bicycle show after the 1990 hiatus. These days Jason lives in Barrie, works for Honda as a Robotic Automation Technical Supervisor. Married 25 years Jason has two kids, 19 and 16.&...
Send us a textPerth Australia's Shaun Jarvis has been riding for 40 years! Shaun has 6 children, is an animal rights activist, and has owned and operated the longest-running BMX demo team on earth. (Freestyle Now) established in 1986. That's 35 years of BMX radness.!Support the show
Send us a textRIck Allison was a staple in BMX in the 80s. He rode with the Curb Dogs in Goldengate Park including Vanderspeck, Maurice “Drob” Meyers, and Hugo Gonzales. He ended up factory-sponsored with GT, Mongoose, Hutch, and later on, co-sponsored by Haro. He was featured on the cover of the January 1988 issue of BMX Plus! He has done 1000s of shows for Perfection on Wheels, solo shows for Nancy Reagans “say no to drugs” program, as well as shows for SeaWorld, D...
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