Barely Audible Whisper

Real. Fake. News.

Dr. Fauci Says: "Fuck It:" A Guideline Follower's Guide To Following Guidelines

This week Gas hording causes a gas shortage Anti-mask, Anti-vaxxers do the right thing for the wrong reasons Israel and Palestine fight like teenagers Dr. Fauci Finally says Fuck It And the insurrection is NOT tourism


Fart-Coin The Crypto Currency That Stinks as Bad as it Stinks

This week: A crypto currency based on a joke tanks based on a better joke Foxitus: A fake disease that comes from watching fake news A crazy cult that isn't the Republican Party A crazy cult that is the Republican Party And some more racist bullshit from Tennessee


Tasteless Jokes About Giuliani's Taint

This week Trump uses "Cyber Ninjas" to try and steal a 6 month old election Brett Kavanaugh screams D.C. Statehood Non sexualized gymnasts Horrifying Republican Boredom And Giuliani's taint 


Teaching Cops NOT Too Kill All the Black People

This week: Biden ends the endless war (Not Scary) Genetic Mosquito Mutations What passes as a reasonable Republican Kamala Harris (Just like Allie our Kamala Harris impersonator) Moves into a new home Vaccine pauses And teaching cops NOT to kill all of the Black People


The Many Differences Between A Gun and Not a Gun

This week: Gun kits Derek Chauvin's indefensible defense The University of Kentucky Golden Corral And The differences between a gun and not a gun


The Not-Timely-Enough Death of Tricky Dick's Dickiest Trickster

This week we commemorate the death of G. Gordon Liddy by tracing Nixonian corruption, through Reagan to Limbaugh to Fox to Trump to Matt Gaetz etc.


Voting in Georgia is Harder Than Getting A Million Dumb Points of Reference Out of a Canal

This week: Real voter suppression based on fake voter fraud The Vice President yells at an inept contractor Jury Selection in the George Floyd Murder Trial Godzilla goes for the gold Again with the anti-gun-control bullshit And the hilarity of a large ship stuck inside a small canal


Republicans, Racism, & Other Poop

This week: We reimagine classical theatre as the political theater of Republicans who accuse everyone else of political theater People who oppose legalizing marijuana have become the burnouts they oppose Covid Parties down at spring break We give mixed messages about Biden's "mixed messages" A medical shit sampling company is full of shit And we explore America's newly discovered very old history of anti-Asian racism    


Vaccine, Variant, and other Bad Names for Racehorses

This week "Barely Audible Whisper" explores President Biden's odd manners of speech. Analyzes the Republican degenerate gamblers bet of opening up too soon. Brings too much nuance to the nuance-less border debate. Un-confuses the Catholic Churches confusing same sex marriage statement. Springs forward the argument for Daylight Savings Time And Invents the Most Wrong Correspondent to explain how wrong anti-trans laws are    


Republicans, Assholes, And Gov. Cuomo's Penis

This week: Republicans attack potato cancel culture, but not covid Assholes talk out of their asses about vaccines Georgia Republican's don't want black people to vote Governor Cuomo is gross And Congress finally did something 


Cori Burns: A Dear Friend, A Comedic Genius, & The Opposite of Donald Trump

This is our first episode since our beloved cast member and cherished friend, Cori, died. It is a tribute, a eulogy, and a fragmented display of her comedic brilliance.   We love you Cori Burns


Improvised Feature: Voting Plans

Thanks to John Mihalik for taking this one over me.  


Where There is Boredom There is Hope AKA Shut the Fuck Up and Vote Biden

Amy Coney Barrett is scary, but not like the fun kind of Halloween scary Trump is a clown, but not a funny clown, like a scary Halloween clown May Coney Barrett continues to suck Christopher Columbus is a lot like Trump "Shut Your White Ass Up" A segment by white people for white people And Shut the fuck up and VOTE BIDEN


Attack of the Communist Kamala Monster

Joe Biden is too classy to run negative ads against Trump while he's sick; so we ran some for him. Also: It's time to talk about Pence. A brief word from the parts of the government that actually do governing MAGA commits treason to try a Governor for treason And Kamala Harris: Communist Monster


Amy Coney Barrett Spreads Crazy Christianity Even Farther Than She Spreads Covid

This was actually recorded right before Trump got covid; so it's like a refresher of the crises we forgot while dealing with that crisis.



Our comedic dedication to the life and legacy of the "Notorious" Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.


Trump is Even Worse for Science Than Science is for Trump

We recorded this before the tragic passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, so if you want some relief from the grief of that national tragedy, we invite you to enjoy laughing at how already tragic things were right before she died.


The Trump Who Cried Wolf

This Week Trump (of all people) gets nominated for the Noel Peace Prize Trump Supporters Boats Sink Faster than his Poll Numbers We try to be nice to MAGAs The Misfit Island of Former Fox Reporters Another Message from Biden/Harris And The Little Baby President Cries Wolf


Reality vs UnReality, Biden vs Trump 1984 vs 2020

This week we take a long look at the disturbing fact that this election isn't between two competing political philosophies; it's between two completely different versions of reality. I know that doesn't sound funny, but it is.


Jerry Falwell Jr. Watched Us Record This Episode From the Corner of the Room

This week: Capitalists get capitalist with other capitalists Trump ruined the career of one of his only black friends The Conway Family Soap Opera The History of the Post Office (Because we have to know about shit like that now) Very incremental racial progress And Jerry Falwell Jr. is gross 


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