Based Amy

Episode 1 of: 'Europaische WirtschaftsGemeinschaft' or the (origins of the), 'European Economic Community'. Due to the controversy and propaganda madness of Brexit, I have decided to broadcast my reading of a very disturbing document I came across a very short time ago, which I believe will explain EVERYTHING to do with the EU. Our country has been sold-out to foreign powers - and after reading this I now know why... I invite everyone to listen and share this podcast, because the more people find out, the sooner everything MUST change.

Anna Soubry MP's (PERJURED), WITNESS STATEMENT Against me, (Based Amy)

Anna Soubry MP - has taken action against me - accusing me of 'Harassment', which I refute wholeheartedly.  I say that there is a HUGE difference between someone 'feeling' harassed and someone 'BEING' harassed.. With my video footage for my defense - I will prove this vile woman's actions against me have been nothing short of CRIMINAL!  It should be considered as nothing short of vexacious litigation. My day in court is tomorrow - I will PROVE MY COMPLETE INNOCENCE and PROVE HER AS A VEXACIOUS LITIGANT!


Episode 5: 'Europaische WirtschaftsGemeinschaft' aka The 'EEC', 1942

Part 5 starts out a bit loud - but I can't edit it as the 'Desktop' version does NOT have this option....I will attempt to edit it once I've uploaded the version to You Tube, but I'll only know if it works once I've done it! The continuation of the lecture by the German Nazi economist Dr Horst Jecht, (Professor at the Berlin School of Economics).  His views were very, very revealing and could have been spoken by Merkel today!


Episode 4: The 'Europaische WirtschaftsGemeinschaft' (EEC), 1942. The ORIGINS OF THE EU.

Episode 4 of my reading of the document entitled The Europaische WirtschaftsGemeinschaft in English: The European Economic Community, which was written in 1942.   Developments towards the European Economic Community by Dr. Horst Jecht, Professor at the Berlin School of Economics Pamphlet #02


The TRUTH About The 'EU'... The Europaische WirtschaftsGemeinschaft, 1942...Episode 3

This is the second part of the lecture by Walther Funk, who was the Economic Minister and the President of the German Reichsbank in 1942, which exposes the level of contempt the Germans felt for England.


The 'Europaische WirtschaftsGemeinschaft' (EEC), 1942. Part 2

This is part 2 of my reading of the Nazi document of 1942 titled, the 'Europaische WirtschaftsGemeinschaft' the translation is:  the European Economic Community or EEC for short.  This part is titled:  'The Economic Face of the New Europe' by Walther Funk, Reich’s Economic Minister and President of the German Reichsbank.  Funk speaks of the domination of England economically and how he sees the potential for the countries on the European mainland to work together and become a unit.


Part 1 - The Europaische WirtschaftsGemeinschaft, (EEC), 1942

This is the first reading of a shocking document, published in Berlin in 1942, which I came across in my research about the history of the EU, called 'Europaische WirtschaftsGemeinschaft' or the 'European Economic Community' later known as the 'EEC'.  It is a series of lectures by various renowned German economists concerning the plans to create a 'European Economic Community' in the guise of the Western European nation states working together for the 'greater good', but which, (in fact), was a secretive master plan to destroy Great Britain, economically, through stealth, with the end result of creating a type of 'Greater Germany'.... Episode 1:  The explanation of what the lectures were about and the Introduction to the document by Professor Dr Heinrich Hunke, who was the Economics Committee Advisor and President of the Society of Berlin Industry and Commerce.


Episode 3

Review of the DFLA March Against All Extremism. The Policing was DISGUSTING!(Video on 'Based Amy'


Episode 2

Clarifying Speakers’ Corner & Soho incidents..


Speaker’s Corner Policing & Soho Incident!

Thoughts....on speaker's Corner 9/9 Police/Mob vs me & 'Tan' Episode!


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