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Bathroom Chronicles

Bathroom Chronicles

Author: Kimberly Van Der Beek & Peggy Rometo

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Honest, hilarious, revealing conversations women have in the bathroom - in a podcast.

World-renowned intuitive healer, psychic medium & author Peggy Rometo, and entrepreneur & mother of six Kimberly Van Der Beek wanted to create a safe place for raw, authentic sharing, so they did away with any pretense and started a podcast in the rustic bathroom cabin on Kim's property in Texas. Mystics, doctors, friends, luminaries, men, women and anyone who defies a label all show up for a cathartic deep dive where it's okay to laugh, cry, celebrate, or just know you're not alone in the world.
60 Episodes
#030 LisaBeth Thomas

#030 LisaBeth Thomas


LisaBeth Thomas, acclaimed speaker, producer, and marketing maven, joins Kimberly and Peggy in a powerful discussion that's both eye-opening and heart-wrenching. At the helm of the groundbreaking project "Not On Our Watch," LisaBeth is on a mission to shed light on the unsettling issue of child sex trafficking in Texas. Prepare to be awakened to a stark reality and inspired to be a beacon of change.
#028 Luke Storey

#028 Luke Storey


Luke Storey, writer, meditation guru, and mastermind behind the top-rated The Life Stylist Podcast, delves deep into the intersection of primal health, ancient spiritual practices, and groundbreaking healing modalities. With two decades dedicated to creating the pinnacle of wellness lifestyles, Luke has transformed not just his own life, but those of countless devotees across his myriad platforms and speeches. In this raw conversation, Luke unravels his battles with drug addiction, the profound impact of his family's ties with India, the heart-opening journey through Kundalini yoga, and the nuanced dance with spiritual egoism. Prepare for a riveting exploration into the psyche of a man who’s harnessed both age-old wisdom and modern innovation to curate a life of depth and meaning.
#027 Arash Jacob

#027 Arash Jacob


Arash Jacob
#026 Peyton Callahan

#026 Peyton Callahan


A very beautiful conversation with our dear friend and transition doula Peyton Callahan. We talk about the birth and death portals, the magic of a red tent ceremonies and sisterhood.
#025 Dr. Cass Naumann

#025 Dr. Cass Naumann


Dr. Cass Naumann, DACM, LAc, Acupuncturist, Herbalist, Medical Qigong profession and Daoist Priestess comes on for a lovely conversation about healing from anemia, plant dietary, following the psychic breadcrumbs and a powerful breath-work meditation. This is a potent episode to reactivate your healing processes.
#024 Elle Lorraine

#024 Elle Lorraine


Finally!!! Actress and sister from another mister Elle Lorraine makes it to the bathroom cabin for some lively (and always real) talk about her inspiration growing up, how she got her start in the industry, womb wisdom, and finding wholeness within oneself.
#023 Karena Dawn

#023 Karena Dawn


Founder of Tone It Up, mother of five, and mental health advocate Karena Dawn comes through for a moving discussion about growing up with a schizophrenic mom and how to unwind trauma in the body and connect to your intuition.
#022 Becca Tobin

#022 Becca Tobin


Actress, The Lady Gang co-host and New York Times best selling author Becca Tobin joins us in the Bathroom Cabin for a good laugh. With a light heart we talk Mom guilt, surrogacy and losing a loved one. Becca even teaches us what a snail trail is. If you don't know you've got to listen to find out!
#021 Emma Slater

#021 Emma Slater


James’ dance partner on DWTS (and honorary Van Der Beek family member for life) Emma Slater comes to the ranch to talk dance, life as a highly sensitive person, and we all talk about recognizing the mystical signs that appear in our lives as ordinary objects, numbers and animals (especially spiders).
#020 Shiva Rose

#020 Shiva Rose


Alchemist, author, soul sister, and Creator of Shiva Rose Beauty, the one and only Shiva Rose takes time away from her own ranch in Texas to talk about everything from the sun as medicine, to escaping Iran as a child, to chemicals in beauty products. Lot of laughter shared with this singular beauty we’re lucky enough to call our dear friend.
#019 Ali Tate-Cutler

#019 Ali Tate-Cutler


Plus-sized model, self-love coach, and type A+ personality Ali Tate talks about designing the perfect birth plan…and then surrendering it. Then we get into body positivity, cosmetic surgery, and even talk about ridding her home of entities. It's a fun one.
#018 Alyson Charles

#018 Alyson Charles


Our soul sister drops in for a healing conversation. Bestselling author of the ANIMAL POWER book (and card deck), host of the “Ceremony Circle” Podcast, shaman, and dear friend Alyson Charles visits us straight out of a meditation ceremony to dive deep into abusive relationships, spiritual awakenings, and how to begin recognizing the unique individual codes that lie within each one of us. Animal Power Book
#017 Jenn Kennedy

#017 Jenn Kennedy


Jenn Kennedy is a spiritual guide disguised as a business mentor. We break down the different relationships women have with money and how to begin a healing process to welcome more in.
#016 Nicole Trunfio

#016 Nicole Trunfio


The founder and CEO of Bumpsuit drops in for a lively romp that covers everything from selling her toys as a child to buy groceries, to a successful (but reluctant) modeling career, to what it was like becoming the poster child for public breastfeeding.
#015 Belldon Colme

#015 Belldon Colme


A health scientist’s take on food! Renowned health scientist and founder of Nutritional Fitness Belldon Colme shares how he healed himself from heart disease and multiple heart attacks by changing what he ate, reveals what a calorie ACTUALLY is when viewed through the lens of cellular biology, and clears up the all-too-common misconceptions around how metabolism really works.
#14 Danny Morel

#14 Danny Morel


Danny Morel, host of The Higher Self Podcast talks about his dark night of the soul, healing parental wounds, and the feminine and masculine aspects of oneself.
#013 Suzy Batiz

#013 Suzy Batiz


Evolutionary futurist, founder of Poopourri, and all around bad-ass visionary Suzy Batiz lifts the veil on the gap between certainty… and reality. Part entrepreneur master class, part consciousness workshop, our first sponsor drops a treasure trove of wisdom no money can buy.
#012 Odette Annable

#012 Odette Annable


Friend and actress Odette Annable talks about how sisterhood got her through the shut-down, her miracle baby, and how she was able to navigate back from the brink of divorce by doing the deep work of learning to be with herself. Watch Odette on "Walker"
#011 Gen Padalecki

#011 Gen Padalecki


Actress, wife, mother and founder of TOWWN (Take Only What We Need) visits from her own ranch in Texas to discuss births, boundaries, and talks publicly for the first time ever about her explant surgery.
#010 Jason Pickard

#010 Jason Pickard


Jason Pickard retired as a partner from one of the word’s top hedge funds to train his laser focus on all things spiritual in a search for true abundance, and how to teach it to others. He talks mini-meditations, the magic of rhythm and ritual, and how to utilize dreams to unlock your best life.