Batman: The Long Halloween - Audio Drama

Batman: The Long Halloween is a 13-issue comic book limited series written by Jeph Loeb with art by Tim Sale. This is a fan made audio adaptation of that series. CAST Batman/Bruce Wayne: Omri Rose Harvey Dent/Two Face: Ray Bullock Cptn. James Gordon: Rex Anderson Carmine 'The Roman' Falcone: Andrew Kallen Salvatore Maroni: Jason Rivers Gilda Dent/ Poison Ivy: Jeannie Mcguiness Selina Kyle/Catwoman : Natalie Winter The Joker: John Curcio The Riddler: Chris Groundsell The Mad Hatter/Alfred/Solomon Grundy/Richard Daniel: Stephen Chesterton The Scarecrow: Shaun Morton Calender Man/Alberto Falcone/Milos/Johny Vitti: Thaddeus Gilmer Barbara Gordon: Sarah Langton Carla Viti: Dara Seitzman Music composed by Declan Gillgalon Adapted and edited by Karl Dutton This is a non-profit fan project with no affiliation to DC Entertainment or Warner Bros.

Chapter 13: Punishment

Happy Halloween everyone! The Long Halloween reaches it's dramatic conclusion. All the questions are answered and there is a new Two-Face in Gotham.


Chapter 12: Labor Day

The search for Harvey Dent begins.


Chapter 11: Roman Holiday

Sal "the Boss" Maroni is brought to trial to testify against "the Roman", but he has more in mind for Harvey Dent than a statement.


Chapter 10: "Independence Day."

Holiday takes a different kind of victim, Scarecrow and the Mad Hatter strike and Sal Maroni is persuaded to 'do the right thing.'


Chapter 9: Father's Day

While Bruce Wayne is on trial for collusion with "The Roman", he remembers his father, and the choice he made that has placed Bruce behind bars.


Chapter 8: Mother's Day

Enter the Scarecrow.


Chapter 7: April Fool's Day

Who IS Holiday?


Chapter 6: St. Patrick's Day

Life is good, in the green.


Chapter 5: Valentine's Day

Batman finds himself torn between two women, one of which is poison in more ways than one.


Chapter 4: New Year's Eve

While Batman tries to stop the Joker from killing thousands, Harvey Dent is given new evidence and Holiday takes one more victim.


Chapter 3: Christmas

The Joker has escaped, and he is not at all happy with all the attention "Holiday" has been receiving.


Chapter 2: Thanksgiving

It is Thanksgiving in Gotham City and James Gordon, along with Batman, interrogate Mickey Sullivan about the bomb delivered to the Dent's home.


Chapter 1: Crime

Jeph Loeb's tale begins as Batman takes on crime boss Carmine "The Roman" Falcone, finding allies in Captain James Gordon and D.A Harvey Dent.


Seyed Yasin Niroomand Hosseini

Magnificent Work Absolutely entertaining 😁 I would be nice if you guys make Cast for other famous Comics As well. sincerely yours a fan

06-06 Reply

KamenRider Sutan

won't let me listen. it says you (Kar Dutton) have exceeded your podomatic bandwidth.

12-31 Reply

Gino Marino

Why is there two of every episode? Much love from the 216

06-14 Reply

Rick Pruden

Batman and related characters aren't copyright Warmer Bros. They are copyright DC Comics. maybe you should know who's copyright you're infringing before you make claims that you don't intend to infringe on any copyright.

09-22 Reply

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