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Be The Husband She Brags About

Author: Kings of Freedom

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Welcome to the podcast helping you be the high performing  husband your wife loves, kids respect and friends admire.

This podcast aims to end every man’s greatest fear that his best will never be enough to make marriage work, in the chaos of life’s overwhelming demands.

Join Masculine Mastery coach Mark Usher on a journey going from feeling frustrated, overwhelmed and incompetent  in marriage to being the confident, attractive and radically alive husband your wife will love, laugh and let loose with.

Better Husbands Today. Better World Tomorrow.
188 Episodes
In this episode we welcome in Tom Crate.   Tom attacked his three-month Heroic Husbands 1-1 coaching deep work with ferocious intentionality. His commitment brought about an immense inner healing and reconnection with his radical aliveness and authenticity…..and of course a beautiful marriage transformation as a bonus! Here's the story of what happens when a regular guy commits to doing irregularly deep inner men’s work. Let’s begin…. To connect with Mark: Ready to end years of guesswork and unnecessary struggle and Be The Husband She Brags About? Find out more about applying to join Heroic Husbands Men’s Circles here. Get your FREE “15 Simple Habits to Be The Husband She Brags About” e-book at I want to hear from you! Click the link to send me a 90sec voice message with questions or suggestions for relationship topics you’d love me to cover. Send Mark voice message Now To connect with Mark’s Queen and her incredible work: Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers podcast
In this special episode, Heroic Husbands Men’s Circle member Andrew, brings a question every husband on the planet wants the answer of: “How do I bring a consistent energy of aliveness, cutting out the highs and lows, into my life and my family home for those I love the most on a daily basis?” The answer is the Playbook you need to bring unlimited radical aliveness and freedom loving Wild Man energy back into your life and home for all to enjoy. Are you willing to pay the unknown and misunderstood entry price for unlocking unlimited radical joy and aliveness in your married life? Let’s find out…… To connect with Mark: Ready to end years of guesswork and unnecessary struggle and Be The Husband She Brags About? Find out more about applying to join Heroic Husbands Men’s Circles here. Get your FREE “15 Simple Habits to Be The Husband She Brags About” e-book at I want to hear from you! Click the link to send me a 90sec voice message with questions or suggestions for relationship topics you’d love me to cover. Send Mark voice message Now To connect with Mark’s Queen and her incredible work: Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers podcast
Most husbands on the marriage transformation path are doing their best but struggling to make real change happen. Until you make this one crucial change in approach, your Queen will be repulsed by your best efforts. Making this one simple shift in your approach, you become like two magnets who endlessly struggle to attract, then one magnet turns round and BINGO! Radical attraction naturally happens! If your best efforts don’t seem to be paying off yet, this episode’s for you. Let’s begin…. To connect with Mark: Ready to end years of guesswork and unnecessary struggle and Be The Husband She Brags About? Find out more about applying to join Heroic Husbands Men’s Circles here. Get your FREE “15 Simple Habits to Be The Husband She Brags About” e-book at I want to hear from you! Click the link to send me a 90sec voice message with questions or suggestions for relationship topics you’d love me to cover. Send Mark voice message Now To connect with Mark’s Queen and her incredible work: Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers podcast
Nothing in marriage is more common than a husband stuck in his head. Nothing in marriage is more repulsive to a wife than a husband stuck in his head. An over-thinking, stuck-in-his-head husband is one of the primary causes of divorces. This ONE simple practice, changes all that in 10 seconds flat! Virtually no other practice has a greater marital Return-On-Investment than this one! Let’s begin…. To connect with Mark: Ready to end years of guesswork and unnecessary struggle and Be The Husband She Brags About? Find out more about applying to join Heroic Husbands Men’s Circles here. Get your FREE “15 Simple Habits to Be The Husband She Brags About” e-book at I want to hear from you! Click the link to send me a 90sec voice message with questions or suggestions for relationship topics you’d love me to cover. Send Mark voice message Now To connect with Mark’s Queen and her incredible work: Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers podcast
Talking about sex with their wives is one of the toughest relationship challenges husbands face.    Passing Hell Week in Navy SEAL training is easy in comparison! If you struggle with this, it’s not your fault and you’re not alone. This episode gifts you the one secret mindset shift every husband needs to enter sex life conversations with natural ease. To connect with Mark: Ready to end years of guesswork and unnecessary struggle and Be The Husband She Brags About? Find out more about applying to join Heroic Husbands Men’s Circles here. Get your FREE “15 Simple Habits to Be The Husband She Brags About” e-book at I want to hear from you! Click the link to send me a 90sec voice message with questions or suggestions for relationship topics you’d love me to cover. Send Mark voice message Now To connect with Mark’s Queen and her incredible work: Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers podcast
96% of the time you can predict the outcome of a conversation based on only the first three minutes of the interaction! Introducing the “Sinking Ship Back to Port” Game. Gamify your arguments to become a master in the art of conflict de-escalation. It’s easy. It works. And it’s available to you NOW if you've 5mins to spare! Let’s begin…. To connect with Mark: Ready to end years of guesswork and unnecessary struggle and Be The Husband She Brags About? Find out more about applying to join Heroic Husbands Men’s Circles here. Get your FREE “15 Simple Habits to Be The Husband She Brags About” e-book at I want to hear from you! Click the link to send me a 90sec voice message with questions or suggestions for relationship topics you’d love me to cover. Send Mark voice message Now To connect with Mark’s Queen and her incredible work: Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers podcast
On your road to being a better husband you will have THIS ONE distinctly uncomfortable experience with your Queen many times. If you do not expect it or understand it when it happens, you risk losing all hope in your marriage. If you are expecting it and understand it’s sacred meaning, you can navigate any storm and build an amazing marriage. Thus, expecting and understanding this one experience is pretty darn important for your sanity and marriage!!! Let’s begin…. To connect with Mark: Ready to end years of guesswork and unnecessary struggle and Be The Husband She Brags About? Find out more about applying to join Heroic Husbands Men’s Circles here. Get your FREE “15 Simple Habits to Be The Husband She Brags About” e-book at I want to hear from you! Click the link to send me a 90sec voice message with questions or suggestions for relationship topics you’d love me to cover. Send Mark voice message Now To connect with Mark’s Queen and her incredible work: Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers podcast
Our humble eyes can kill or cure our marriage struggles. One attacking or avoidant glance kills intimacy. One loving soft direct eye gaze reconnects and starts rebuilding her trust in you. This super practical 5-minute lesson will help you unleash the connection superpower that lies in your eyes. Let's begin..... To connect with Mark: Ready to end years of guesswork and unnecessary struggle and Be The Husband She Brags About? Find out more about applying to join Heroic Husbands Men’s Circles here. Get your FREE “15 Simple Habits to Be The Husband She Brags About” e-book at I want to hear from you! Click the link to send me a 90sec voice message with questions or suggestions for relationship topics you’d love me to cover. Send Mark voice message Now To connect with Mark’s Queen and her incredible work: Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers podcast    
For fathers who find parenting difficult and challenging at times, Dan Peterson is the medicine to cure all our parenting woes. In Dan’s first episode on the podcast, he taught us the simple 3 Pillars approach to consciously parenting challenging children. It became one of the most listened episodes ever, so we had to get him back on! In this special episode, Dan coaches members of Heroic Husbands Men’s Circles how to overcome their greatest parenting challenges. Let’s begin…. Dan’s first episode on the podcast: Be The Husband She Brags About / The 3 Pillars of Consciously Parenting Challenging Children ( To connect with Dan: To connect with Mark: Ready to end years of guesswork and unnecessary struggle and Be The Husband She Brags About? Find out more about applying to join Heroic Husbands Men’s Circles here. Get your FREE “15 Simple Habits to Be The Husband She Brags About” e-book at I want to hear from you! Click the link to send me a 90sec voice message with questions or suggestions for relationship topics you’d love me to cover. Send Mark voice message Now To connect with Mark’s Queen and her incredible work: Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers podcast
With no training of your mind and how it works, it’s almost impossible not to have major struggles relating with your Queen in deep intimacy. Thinking, talking and taking action are our universal life creating  tools. The greatest skill you must develop is knowing how to consciously decide which thoughts to follow and which to disregard. This is how you develop Kingship level of mastery in this crucial life skill. Let’s begin….. To connect with Mark: Ready to end years of guesswork and unnecessary struggle and Be The Husband She Brags About? Find out more about applying to join Heroic Husbands Men’s Circles here. Get your FREE “15 Simple Habits to Be The Husband She Brags About” e-book at I want to hear from you! Click the link to send me a 90sec voice message with questions or suggestions for relationship topics you’d love me to cover. Send Mark voice message Now To connect with Mark’s Queen and her incredible work: Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers podcast
Your mindless scrolling hurts your Queen’s heart. Your “just-a-glance” thinking hurts your Queen’s heart. Both kill your marriage. Marriages fly high with phones on airplane mode. Armed with these 3 easy-to-implement ideas, you will easily become her Hero of Presence again! Let’s begin….. To connect with Mark: Ready to end years of guesswork and unnecessary struggle and Be The Husband She Brags About? Find out more about applying to join Heroic Husbands Men’s Circles here. Get your FREE “15 Simple Habits to Be The Husband She Brags About” e-book at I want to hear from you! Click the link to send me a 90sec voice message with questions or suggestions for relationship topics you’d love me to cover. Send Mark voice message Now To connect with Mark’s Queen and her incredible work: Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers podcast
This 5-min high flame episode empowers you to become an unstoppable force on your marriage transformation journey. The 3 Pillars of Hope add the nuclear power plant of energy driving you forward to get what you want.   Let’s begin…..  To connect with Mark: Last application calls being taken now for Heroic Husbands Men's Circle May intake. Find out more about applying to join Heroic Husbands Men’s Circles here. Get your FREE “15 Simple Habits to Be The Husband She Brags About” e-book at I want to hear from you! Click the link to send me a 90sec voice message with questions or suggestions for relationship topics you’d love me to cover. Send Mark voice message Now To connect with Mark’s Queen and her incredible work: Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers podcast
These 4 relationship sins haunt the background of all struggling marriages. No shame needed. The ancient root of the word “sin” simply means “to miss the mark”.   This episode helps you see where you are missing the mark and how to re-aim so you hit the marriage bullseye! Let’s begin….. To connect with Mark: Don't miss the new intake into Heroic Husbands Men's Circles: book your free application call immediately. Find out more about applying to join Heroic Husbands Men’s Circles here. Get your FREE “15 Simple Habits to Be The Husband She Brags About” e-book at I want to hear from you! Click the link to send me a 90sec voice message with questions or suggestions for relationship topics you’d love me to cover. Send Mark voice message Now To connect with Mark’s Queen and her incredible work: Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers podcast
Introducing Heroic Husband Habits! Short 5min blasts of high leverage habitual ways of thinking, talking and taking action to become the Marriage Transforming Hero of your relationship. Have you had moments in marriage when no matter what you say, nothing lands? Moments when your best intended words drive your Queen into worse moods? 90% of our messages are communicated through body language. More than 90% of husbands struggle with communication in marriage. See the link?!!! Let’s begin….. To connect with Mark: Ready to end years of guesswork and unnecessary struggle and Be The Husband She Brags About? Find out more about applying to join Heroic Husbands Men’s Circles here. Get your FREE “15 Simple Habits to Be The Husband She Brags About” e-book at I want to hear from you! Click the link to send me a 90sec voice message with questions or suggestions for relationship topics you’d love me to cover. Send Mark voice message Now To connect with Mark’s Queen and her incredible work: Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers podcast
According to ex-Navy SEAL commander Jocko Willink, few leadership principles are as solid as High Ground. In a battlefield, High Ground literally refers to accessing the highest terrain available with view of the battlefield. As most marriages can feel like a battlefield at times, Jocko’s a good guy to seek advice from. This episode unpacks how you can use this simple perspective to become the trustworthy masculine leader she’ll follow into battle. Let’s begin….. To connect with Mark: Ready to end years of guesswork and unnecessary struggle and Be The Husband She Brags About? Find out more about applying to join Heroic Husbands Men’s Circles here. Get your FREE “15 Simple Habits to Be The Husband She Brags About” e-book at I want to hear from you! Click the link to send me a 90sec voice message with questions or suggestions for relationship topics you’d love me to cover. Send Mark voice message Now To connect with Mark’s Queen and her incredible work: Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers podcast
Marriage transformation can be a brutal spiritual dog fight requiring of you the deepest levels of resilience ever asked off you as a man. Imagine an emotional engine giving you an infinite supply of forward momentum to transform your marriage and life? Imagine no matter how black the situation feels, you had the constant power to drive forward to a better future. This episode tells you exactly how to access this power. Let’s begin….. To connect with Mark: Ready to end years of guesswork and unnecessary struggle and Be The Husband She Brags About? Find out more about applying to join Heroic Husbands Men’s Circles here. Get your FREE “15 Simple Habits to Be The Husband She Brags About” e-book at I want to hear from you! Click the link to send me a 90sec voice message with questions or suggestions for relationship topics you’d love me to cover. Send Mark voice message Now To connect with Mark’s Queen and her incredible work: Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers podcast
Sexual fire dies in the majority of marriages. So often that the most people assume loss of sexual desire is an unavoidable part of marriage. Yet in a small percentage of marriages, the fire burns brightly no matter how many years pass. This is their secret revealed. Let's begin.... To connect with Mark: Ready to end years of guesswork and unnecessary struggle and Be The Husband She Brags About? Find out more about applying to join Heroic Husbands Men’s Circles here. Get your FREE “15 Simple Habits to Be The Husband She Brags About” e-book at I want to hear from you! Click the link to send me a 90sec voice message with questions or suggestions for relationship topics you’d love me to cover. Send Mark voice message Now To connect with Mark’s Queen and her incredible work: Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers podcast
If there’s one thing you need to know, it’s that journaling is your secret weapon in winning the battle to save your marriage. Regular journaling isn’t worth a damn. This episode introduces you to the World’s 7 Best Marriage Saving journaling exercises proven to bring epic results. Let’s begin…. Access Your FREE “The 7 Most Powerful Journaling Exercises to Transform Your Marriage” PDF NOW! To connect with Mark: Ready to end years of guesswork and unnecessary struggle and Be The Husband She Brags About? Find out more about applying to join Heroic Husbands Men’s Circles here. Get your FREE “15 Simple Habits to Be The Husband She Brags About” e-book at I want to hear from you! Click the link to send me a 90sec voice message with questions or suggestions for relationship topics you’d love me to cover. Send Mark voice message Now To connect with Mark’s Queen and her incredible work: Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers podcast
Andrew Briggs came on to speak about his expertise in health and fitness.   What then happened was one of the most inspiring conversations Mark has experienced since beginning the podcast. Andrew tells his captivating story of heroically overcoming the childhood experiences of not having his father present, having his face savagely mauled by a neighbours dog and experiencing repeated sexual abuse. This is a masterclass in embodying masculine resilience as you smile in the face of hell on your way to becoming the King you were born to be. If you ever needed a shot in the arm of rocket fuel for your soul, this conversation is for you! N.B. Tiny background sound as Mark speaks that deep dive editing just couldn’t remove. Ouch! ; ) Forgive the glitch and receive the gold! Let’s begin…. To connect with Andrew:  Podcast: Holistic Motion ( Holistic Motion - YouTube To connect with Mark: Ready to end years of guesswork and unnecessary struggle and Be The Husband She Brags About? Find out more about applying to join Heroic Husbands Men’s Circles here. Get your FREE “15 Simple Habits to Be The Husband She Brags About” e-book at I want to hear from you! Click the link to send me a 90sec voice message with questions or suggestions for relationship topics you’d love me to cover. Send Mark voice message Now To connect with Mark’s Queen and her incredible work: Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers podcast
Setting up a Sacred Space is the highest leverage action you can take to help you transform your marriage and entire life. CEOs, billionaires, social reformers, world leaders, military commanders rise before those in their world awake to set their mind and body up to win. Success leaves signs behind. 60mins every morning over 365 days gives you 9.5 WORK WEEKS OF TIME in one year to train your mind and body to excel in self and tribal leadership. It's your soil, sun and water time for feeding the acorn of your badass Oak-like self to explode into life!!!    No morning sacred space practice – No right to bitch your married life is a struggle.    It’s Day One Always. F!ck Hitting Snooze. Time to Get To Work. This episode describes in detail the How, What-to-do and Why of this unmissable life hack. Let’s begin….    To connect with Mark: Ready to end years of guesswork and unnecessary struggle and Be The Husband She Brags About? Find out more about applying to join Heroic Husbands Men’s Circles here. Get Your FREE Heroic Husbands Guided Meditations Get your FREE “15 Simple Habits to Be The Husband She Brags About” e-book at I want to hear from you! Click the link to send me a 90sec voice message with questions or suggestions for relationship topics you’d love me to cover. Send Mark voice message Now
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