BeThatHealingGirl Podcast

Listen up Girlies!! Healing isn’t just a (hot girl) walk in the park, it’s a damn journey. The BeThatHealingGirl Podcast is all about busting old school dating myths, breaking down our childhood traumas, unlearning our bad habits and healing your way to your DREAM LIFE! Let’s keep it real and begin to heal because honestly… eff that guy not texting you back, stop worrying about being liked, it’s time to let go of anxious attachment behaviors, start getting comfortable with being vulnerable and know your damn worth! So stop wishing you were her, join the journey and BE that healing girl.

Stop Overthinking Your Relationship (what you need to know!)

Today’s episode is ALL about stopping that pesky overthinking in your relationships. We'll tackle how to tell if you’re spiraling or actually thinking critically, recognizing when your nervous system is in freak-out mode and tips to go from overthinking to chill and confident vibes.  JOIN THE HEALING JOURNEY on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube HEALING FREEBIES: “If They Haven’t Texted” Flow Chart WORK WITH ME VIP 1:1 Session


How You're Ruining a Good Relationship with Self Sabotage

This week's episode is all about self-sabotage. Yep, been there, sabotaged that—especially with those sweet, secure types who just wanted to love us. If you've been wondering why things seem to implode just when they're getting good, you're not alone, and this episode is here to unpack all of that mess with you. We're talking about the signs, the whys, and how to finally stop self-sabotaging our love lives.  Plus, I'm sharing some super personal stories and client experiences that'll make you say, "Omg, that's totally me!" So if you're ready to kick those bad habits and start owning your love story, let's get into it! JOIN THE HEALING JOURNEY on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube HEALING FREEBIES: “If They Haven’t Texted” Flow Chart WORK WITH ME VIP 1:1 Session


Healing Anxious Attachment & The Important First Step

Hey Girlies! Today, we're diving deep into healing anxious attachment. In this episode, I’m unpacking my journey, sharing those “aha” moments that totally changed the game for me, and showing you how to find that chill vibe within yourself, no matter your relationship status. This is your survival guide if you're the type who’s crushing it in life but feeling like your love life is on a rollercoaster. I'm talking taking radical self-responsibility, cutting through the self-doubt, and turning those anxious vibes into total confidence. So, if you're ready to step up, tune in, and transform the way you think about love and yourself, this is for YOU.  JOIN THE HEALING JOURNEY on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube HEALING FREEBIES: “If They Haven’t Texted” Flow Chart WORK WITH ME VIP 1:1 Session


Attachment Theory Basics

Welcome back girlies! This episode is all about Attachment Theory basics. I’m breaking down everything you need to know and tips for navigating and healing your attachment style. If you’re new here, I’m Clare and I love helping overachieving, perfectionist girlies who are killing it in their careers but struggling in the love department. This episode is perfect if you’re looking to understand yourself and your relationships better. Grab a cup of tea or get ready for your hot girl walk because we're diving straight in! JOIN THE HEALING JOURNEY on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube HEALING FREEBIES: “If They Haven’t Texted” Flow Chart WORK WITH ME VIP 1:1 Session


Anxious and Avoidant Style of Fighting

If you find yourself picking little fights, having the same argument over and over, or maybe it's like clockwork where every two or three weeks there's a big blowout—this episode is for you! What’s actually happening in these cycles is deep-rooted in our conditioning and subconscious patterns. When you're in these repetitive cycles, it's like a glitch in your relationship's source code. One of the first steps to breaking this cycle is getting radically honest with yourself. I’m also thrilled to announce the relaunch of The Confidence Code, a program I designed to help you heal your relationship anxiety and anxious attachment. This program walks you through the exact steps to stop overthinking, trust yourself, and stop self-sabotaging.  JOIN THE HEALING JOURNEY on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube HEALING FREEBIES: “If They Haven’t Texted” Flow Chart WORK WITH ME VIP 1:1 Session


Relationship Intuition - What is Blocking Yours?

Hey girlies, welcome back! Today we're diving deep into relationship intuition and how you might be blocking yours. First, operating from a place of “should”—stop "shoulding" on yourself and let your intuition shine. Second, irritation—if you’re constantly irritated, it’s a distraction from your true feelings. And finally, overthinking—this is the biggest block. Overthinking takes you out of the present and away from your intuition. Ready to turn on your intuition? Join our Intuition Sprint to learn how to activate and trust your intuition in relationships. This closed group challenge is all about action, and I can’t wait to see you there! Let's turn on your relationship intuition on! Click here to signup:  


Is it Intuition or Are You Overthinking In Your Relationship

Have you ever found yourself wondering if that nagging feeling in your gut is real intuition or just another anxiety spiral? In this episode we're sorting out a massive mix-up: Is it intuition or just plain overthinking in your relationship? We're going to learn how to distinguish between genuine gut feelings and the noise of anxiety. And yes, there's a big difference!  Remember, your intuition is your superpower when you know how to listen. Let's turn on your relationship intuition on! Click here to signup:


How to heal your anxious attachment and enter your soft girl era

If you grew up in a home where the default was drama, you might feel like it’s hardwired into your soul to snap back. Healing your anxious attachment isn't about quieting your power—it's about rewiring those love life vibes from reactive to responsive. Choosing to be soft in a world that taught you to be hard is not just brave; it’s revolutionary. Press play and get ready to enter your soft girl era, where peace is the new power move!  JOIN THE HEALING JOURNEY on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube HEALING FREEBIES: “If They Haven’t Texted” Flow Chart WORK WITH ME VIP 1:1 Session


Communicating Your Needs & Common Mistakes

Today, we're unpacking all things miscommunication and diving into the do's and don'ts of expressing your needs without turning it into a full-blown drama series. If you've ever felt like you're speaking a foreign language when telling your S.O. what you need, or if the thought of having 'the talk' makes you giggle nervously because, let's be real, it's usually a disaster—then this episode is your new bestie. Let’s make sure you’re heard, understood, and totally in sync with your love life.  JOIN THE HEALING JOURNEY on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube HEALING FREEBIES: “If They Haven’t Texted” Flow Chart WORK WITH ME VIP 1:1 Session


Healing Your Anxious Attachment - Ways You're Hurting Your Healing Journey

This episode is all about turning relationship information overload into actual healing. We're cutting through the noise and getting down to the nitty-gritty of what works. Because let’s face it, collecting self-help tips without a plan is like expecting a Band-Aid to fix a broken leg—it’s just not gonna cut it. We’re diving deep into why your venting sessions might just be stirring the pot instead of serving the tea, and why all that advice you’re soaking up might not be the right shade for your personal palette. Plus, don’t miss out on the exclusive spring special I’m dropping at the end of this episode—limited spots for those ready to leap from learning to living their best life. 💖 💕Exclusive offer!💕 Use code “SPRINGFLING”, if the code no longer works all the seats are taken! JOIN THE HEALING JOURNEY on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube HEALING FREEBIES: “If They Haven’t Texted” Flow Chart WORK WITH ME VIP 1:1 Session


Meditation for Healing Relationships

If you told me six years ago I'd be a meditation queen, I would’ve LOL’d so hard! I was too booked and busy, convinced that meditation just wasn’t my jam. But girlies, let me tell you, hitting rock bottom with my relationships changed EVERYTHING, and now meditation is my secret superpower! Today, we’re diving deep into that magical “blip” - you know, that precious millisecond of peace between your turbo thoughts. It’s tiny but mighty, ladies! And if you’re thinking, "Clare, I’ve never meditated in my life!" then I’m so excited to be your first. Seriously, it’s an honor to pop your meditation cherry haha 🍒💥 P.s. don’t worry if you feel like you’re not doing it "right" – if you've meditated for 20 minutes and only found peace for a split second, that’s a win in my book!   JOIN THE HEALING JOURNEY on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube HEALING FREEBIES: “If They Haven’t Texted” Flow Chart WORK WITH ME VIP 1:1 Session


How To Stop Overthinking Relationships

This week we're diving into a topic that I know way too well, and I bet you do too: overthinking in relationships. You know the drill - analyzing texts, second-guessing feelings, and playing out scenarios in your head that haven't (and probably won't) happen. So, grab your headphones and gear up for your hot girl walk and let's get into it! Trust me, by the end of this episode, you'll be ready to tackle love head-on, with a clear mind and an open heart! 💖✨   JOIN THE HEALING JOURNEY on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube HEALING FREEBIES: “If They Haven’t Texted” Flow Chart WORK WITH ME VIP 1:1 Session


A Sneaky & Early Sign of Anxious Attachment

Hey Girlies! This week we're diving deep into the world of anxious attachment... we're uncovering those sneaky, early signs you've probably been overlooking. If you're the queen of overthinking every text (or lack of), constantly spiraling into a black hole of "what ifs," or just feeling that tug of insecurity in your relationship, then this episode is made for YOU! We're chatting about that early sign of anxious attachment I noticed in myself and my clients (and it's probably not what you're thinking!) 🚩 Plus, I'm dropping some real talk on how to shift from self-abandonment to putting yourself first (because you're the main character, babe!) Whether you're killing it in your career, entrepreneurship, or academics but finding love to be that one puzzle piece that's just not fitting, this episode is your must-listen.  JOIN THE HEALING JOURNEY on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube HEALING FREEBIES: “If They Haven’t Texted” Flow Chart WORK WITH ME VIP 1:1 Session


How to “cope” with Relationship Anxiety

If you've ever found yourself overanalyzing every text, fretting over their social media activity, or just feeling that constant worry about your relationship, this episode is your new best friend! This week I'm debunking the myth that marriage or finding "the one" magically cures relationship anxiety plus real talk on why "coping" might be holding you back from the relationship of your dreams. Whether you're climbing the corporate ladder, running your own empire, or just rocking it in your field, yet find love to be the final frontier, this episode is a must-listen. Let's explore how to move from anxiety to assurance, from fear to freedom in love!! JOIN THE HEALING JOURNEY on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube HEALING FREEBIES: “If They Haven’t Texted” Flow Chart WORK WITH ME VIP 1:1 Session


What To Do if They Are Not Ready for a Relationship

We're diving into the heartache and confusion of hearing "I'm not ready" from someone you're falling for. Inspired by the rollercoaster of emotions from Love is Blind Season 6 (no spoilers, promise!), this episode is a deep dive into what to do when they're not ready for a relationship, marriage, or moving in together.  Whether you're a high-flying entrepreneur, a corporate ladder climbing girlie, or just killing it in your career but feeling stuck in your love life, this episode is your sanctuary! Let's unravel these challenges together and find our path to love and fulfillment. JOIN THE HEALING JOURNEY on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube HEALING FREEBIES: “If They Haven’t Texted” Flow Chart WORK WITH ME VIP 1:1 Session


What To Do When Your Anxious Attachment is Pushing a Good Person Away

If you've ever felt like you're pushing a good person away because of your anxiety, or if you're caught in the same argument cycle every few weeks, this episode is a must-listen. Whether you're dating, in a relationship, or even married and finding those anxious triggers popping up, I'm here to guide you through it.  If you're a high-achieving, overthinking girly who's slaying in every area of your life except romantically, then you're in the perfect spot. Let's navigate these choppy waters together and turn your relationship anxiety into a source of strength. JOIN THE HEALING JOURNEY on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube HEALING FREEBIES: “If They Haven’t Texted” Flow Chart WORK WITH ME VIP 1:1 Session


What are healthy dating and relationship expectations

Ever find yourself wondering if your needs are too much? Or maybe you're second-guessing every move because you're not sure what's reasonable anymore? Well buckle up honey because we're about to get real about what expectations are valid and which ones might just be holding you back from true love. We're talking about the fine line between healthy expectations and those pesky ones that sneak up and sabotage our love lives. Plus, stick around to the end where I'll share my top expectations you SHOULD have when navigating the murky waters of dating and relationships. JOIN THE HEALING JOURNEY on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube HEALING FREEBIES: “If They Haven’t Texted” Flow Chart WORK WITH ME VIP 1:1 Session


Love is Blind Season 6 Relationship Coach Breakdown

If you're as obsessed with Love Is Blind as I am, then you're absolutely in the right place. We're diving deep into the drama, the love, the tears, and, of course, the icks of this season's couples. We're not just watching the show; we're dissecting the dynamics, unraveling the emotional unavailability, and maybe, just maybe, seeing a bit of ourselves in the pod. Inside This Episode: My no-holds-barred opinions on the cast of Love Is Blind Season 6  Deep dives into the relationships forming and storming on screen  A special focus on Chelsea: Anxious attachment in the wild?  Plus, my personal advice on what I'd do if I were in the shoes of some of these love-seekers  I'm sharing some insights into how societal expectations shape our emotional landscapes, especially for the men out there. (Looking at you, Matthew.) JOIN THE HEALING JOURNEY on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube HEALING FREEBIES: “If They Haven’t Texted” Flow Chart WORK WITH ME VIP 1:1 Session  


Are you anxious when he's out of town?

We all know that distance can turn our minds into a wild rollercoaster of "what ifs." In this week's episode I'm here to guide you through it. We're diving deep into the heart of our anxieties, unpacking those bags, and learning how to trust in our relationships—and ourselves. Get ready for the art of honest convo: How to express your feels without sounding like a true-crime podcast host. Reality Check 101: Separating fact from fiction in the stories we tell ourselves. PLUS you'll get my ultimate zen secret for when the anxiety hits hard (Spoiler: It involves sunshine and zero cell service). Let's navigate this journey together because at the end of the day, it's not about surviving his trips away—it's about thriving in your own fabulous life, with or without him in the same time zone. JOIN THE HEALING JOURNEY on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube HEALING FREEBIES: “If They Haven’t Texted” Flow Chart WORK WITH ME VIP 1:1 Session


How to NOT be disappointed on Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day just around the corner and I know, the pressure is on. You're probably overthinking what he's planning, dreaming up scenarios, and maybe setting yourself up for disappointment. This episode is all about flipping the script on Valentine's Day expectations. We're unpacking the danger of absolute thinking and setting unrealistic expectations for one day plus how to communicate your desires without setting yourself up for disappointment.  Whether you're single, dating, or in a relationship, this episode is a must-listen to navigate Valentine's Day with grace, confidence, and zero disappointment!! JOIN THE HEALING JOURNEY on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube HEALING FREEBIES: “If They Haven’t Texted” Flow Chart WORK WITH ME VIP 1:1 Session  


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