DiscoverBeauty and the Bittersweet with Miracle Laurie May
Beauty and the Bittersweet with Miracle Laurie May

Beauty and the Bittersweet with Miracle Laurie May

Author: Miracle Laurie May - Have Zen Will Travel, LLC

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A fun-loving and fiery podcast where we try to make a little more sense of the beautiful mess, that is life.  All thru breath, curiosity, presence and playfulness.  The joy is in the journey, we're better together, and the adventure starts now!  You ready?  You're the answer you've been looking for and your bliss is just a breath away...

40 Episodes
Honestly, what DON'T we cover in today's episode!?!?  ;)Please make some time for this one, my friends!  You don't want to miss the sweetness, the silliness, and the brilliance that was shared here - just by the presence of my dear friend, THEE Patton Oswalt coming into our Zen space, here on the show!It's an honor to call him friend, I am a big fan and I know you are too, and I feel so lucky that he made the time to talk with us here in our FINAL episode of Season 2 of Beauty and the Bittersweet.  xoxoGrab some popcorn, a glass of your favorite thing, and let's party! p.s.I honestly have no idea why I picked this image of him for the graphic, but I love it - so I'm keeping it!  ;)  ENJOY! Support the showContinued gratitude to Karl T. Wright, our producer.Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song.And Chris Collins for the meditation music.It's a good day for a good day, and I wish you a beautiful one. Miracle
Hey hey everybody!This week's brand new Mindful Morsel is about how things like presence and gratitude, even in tricky times - can bring us back to our joy.  (Or maybe help us find it for the first time. )We also talk about how it's okay to change our minds, and touch on the fact that we always have everything we need within us at all times.I'm so grateful to have you here with us, and I hope you enjoy the show!For more episodes, transcripts and services - please visit my website here: Big blessings to you! Support the showContinued gratitude to Karl T. Wright, our producer.Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song.And Chris Collins for the meditation music.It's a good day for a good day, and I wish you a beautiful one. Miracle
Scoot up friends!  We have a special one here today, as my beautiful friend, David DeLuise was kind enough to grace us with his presence, his heart, his wonderful mind, and priceless laugh!   We talk about the similarities between me and his beloved father, Dom DeLuise, we cover some grief and loss epiphanies, and choosing to focus on what is right in front of us, instead of what's done or what's to come.    And we discuss the power of the present moment and the gift of choosing where we place our attention each day.   You'll also get to enjoy learning more about literally every show he's ever been on, as we read the longest bio in the history of Hollywood Interviews!  ;)   Enjoy, friends!  This one's for you!  xoxo   For more info and episodes go to Special thanks to Karl T. Wright, Bobbo Byrnes and Chris Collins for their contributions to the show.Support the showContinued gratitude to Karl T. Wright, our producer.Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song.And Chris Collins for the meditation music.It's a good day for a good day, and I wish you a beautiful one. Miracle
Hey Darling One -     This week's episode is all about the power of Rest, Meditation & Self-Care.      (AKA "Maybe you just need a good night's sleep!"  LOL)     Here are a couple cool quotes from this episode, and I hope you enjoy it!  xoxo  (As always - you can grab the transcript here.  MUAH!)     "... Think of things like sleep and water and movement and nourishment and, and really being mindful of what you consume, you know, on the internet and all that kind of stuff too, right? Like all of these are loving acts of discipline and devotion to your full health and your happiness and your highest self, and your more rested self."     "Anything you think you want: claim it now.  Claim it by affirming all that you already have, and say thank you."     "I personally find the world much more enjoyable and enlightening, and empowering and satisfying when I connect with other people.  And so my hope with this show is that by talking about things that maybe people don't talk about, or in a more mindful, positive, beautiful, expansive place that you feel less alone, that you feel supported, that maybe you get some tips and tricks that help you in your life."  Support the showContinued gratitude to Karl T. Wright, our producer.Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song.And Chris Collins for the meditation music.It's a good day for a good day, and I wish you a beautiful one. Miracle
On this very special Interview Episode of the podcast, I was lucky enough to get some time with my good friend, Jeff Greenstein, who among MANY other things, is an Emmy Award Winning TV Writer, Performer, Artist, and just all-around lovely, sensitive, and inspiring human being!   I hope you enjoy this episode as much as we did!  As always, there's a meditation in there, we talk about the gift of grief and our path back to joy, we talk about how making art helps us to feel less alone, that it's okay to be yourself, and the importance of staying OPEN - even when life is challenging!   Here's to the weird ones, making stuff, being more than one thing, and finding the gift in all of it - as we follow the Muse for as many days as we're blessed to have in this life.   As Jeff said, we don't have an infinite amount of summers.  Soak it up, my loves!  It's a good day for a good day, because we said so!     Big love and gratitude to my friend for being on the show, and to all of you for your support!  xoxo  Thank you, thank you, thank you!   Support the showContinued gratitude to Karl T. Wright, our producer.Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song.And Chris Collins for the meditation music.It's a good day for a good day, and I wish you a beautiful one. Miracle
aka "Just take the damn gift, and say thank you!"  LOL  Honestly, this is one of my favorites so far!  xoxo AND I use the word 'malarkey" in this one, so... you're welcome!  ;)  Enjoy!     A couple excerpts for you from today's episode:     "Whatever it is you want more of, we gotta make space for it.  And we have to make space, because like we've been talking about so far this year, it is our job to show up in our fullness, as our whole selves.     Perfectly imperfect, infinitely divine, whole and complete exactly as we are, even as we still journey, and as we still learn and as we still grow.      We're perfect in every phase, every stage, every incarnation, every version of ourselves we're exactly where we need to be and who we need to be, to meet ourselves in this moment...     ...If the universe gave us a bunch of gifts, why would we turn our nose up at that? They're already here, by the way, also!  Like... they're already, we already have them.     You're already doing it. So just like… do it. Just enjoy being all of you. Enjoy the gifts you were given. Enjoy the gifts that are coming to you.     Enjoy the gifts that you give, and just really use all of those pieces to plug in and be your full, vibrant self, multi-layered, complicated, gorgeous, fabulous, fascinating self, that is here on purpose."     For the full transcript, click here.  To see our latest offerings, click here.  And thanks for being a part of the BATBS family!  Sending love!  xoxoSupport the showContinued gratitude to Karl T. Wright, our producer.Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song.And Chris Collins for the meditation music.It's a good day for a good day, and I wish you a beautiful one. Miracle
"What I think might actually be happening when we “successfully manifest” something is we're actually just listening to the wisdom that's there for us.  We're actually just tuning in to what is already ours."   This might be controversial in the "manifesting" sect of the woo woo community, but I honestly think I'm on to something here.   I recorded this over a month ago - and I JUST lived it, so...  LOL  Take a listen and let me know what you think.    Enjoy, my loves!  This is my favorite one yet, I think.     As always, you can grab the transcript here, and find out about current offers here.  Thank you for being a part of the HZWT Community! Support the showContinued gratitude to Karl T. Wright, our producer.Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song.And Chris Collins for the meditation music.It's a good day for a good day, and I wish you a beautiful one. Miracle
Hello Dear Ones -   Here's a little excerpt from today's show:   "We are just a hodgepodge of genetics and luck and circumstances and environment, you know, and really acceptance is key here when it comes to peace, when it comes to clarity, when it comes to contentment, when it comes to joy, when it comes to dealing with some of life's trickier moments.   ... and I hope you can really trust and see here that, you are on purpose. That you are perfect. That's why I say it all the time. Perfectly imperfect, infinitely divine. You know?  You are exactly as you're supposed to be or exactly where you're supposed to be because it's in service of the whole. It's in service of your greater good.   It's in service of all of us making magic together and you can just trust. Please, please, please trust that you are perfect and you are amazing. And the only thing to do, the only work to do is to love all parts of you. To love you fully and hard and loud and unapologetically, and to just be fully you."   I hope you enjoy the episode!  And remember: you can always grab the full transcript here and check out our current HZWT offerings here.     Until next time - I wish you a BEAUTIFUL day!  xoxoSupport the showContinued gratitude to Karl T. Wright, our producer.Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song.And Chris Collins for the meditation music.It's a good day for a good day, and I wish you a beautiful one. Miracle
This is a VERY special Interview Episode for me, as my beloved friend and former scene partner, Mr. Tahmoh Penikett joins us today!   We reminisce about old times, swap stories, memories and lessons, comment on our Industry as it is today - and what we hope it'll be in the future, and at the end he shares an AMAZING quote on life and its meaning, which I'm SO grateful for!   So if we have any DOLLHOUSE fans around here... specifically some "Paul and Mellie"  lovers - then scoot up a chair and enjoy, cuz this one's for you!   As always - you can grab the transcript here, and find out about our current HZWT offerings here.     Special thanks to my beautiful friend, Tahmoh, for making the time to do this; Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song, Karl T. Wright - our fabulous producer, and Chris Collins for the Meditation Music!    See ya next week, and until then - here's to finding the good in the bad, and choosing love at every turn!Support the showContinued gratitude to Karl T. Wright, our producer.Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song.And Chris Collins for the meditation music.It's a good day for a good day, and I wish you a beautiful one. Miracle
Welcome back, my loves - and HAPPY 2023!  Here's a little taste of today's episode for ya:   "I feel and foresee tremendous amounts of healing and growth and expansion for all of us, and that's gonna take tremendous courage. So that is my wish for you, this year.  Is tremendous courage, tremendous faith in yourself and the universe and trust that it's all worked out so far that in this moment if we are fully present, everything is perfect and nothing is wrong.   Cuz there's breath in our body, there's life in our being. And it's always a good day for a good day. So if we just choose to come back to this presence, to this breath, to this connection, to this community, to gratitude, to light, to love itself, which is always within you and always available, then truly, truly anything is possible."   Download the full transcript here and check out our latest offerings for this year here!  See you next week for a VERY special interview episode!  MUAH!Support the showContinued gratitude to Karl T. Wright, our producer.Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song.And Chris Collins for the meditation music.It's a good day for a good day, and I wish you a beautiful one. Miracle
First of all - I come in kinda hot on this one, so apologies in advance, and don't let it scare you!  LOL  This is a FANTASTIC episode, y'all - so tuck in!  xoxo     In this episode we explore the following ideas:     *why comparison sucks and judgment is lame     *a silly "reality check" moment I had in Zumba Class 12 years ago     *how to reparent ourselves and hold space for our own pain     *we discuss, yet again (#sorrynotsorry LOL) why GRATITUDE is the antidote to suffering     *and the gift we give ourselves when we learn how to let go        I kind of nonchalantly discuss some REALLY important things in this episode, and it might be one of the most important mindful tips I could ever give you, so I hope you enjoy the show!         As always - grab the transcript and find other episodes by going here: and submit questions or topic requests for future episodes here:         It's an HONOR to create this show for you, and I couldn't do it without the amazing Karl T. Wright and his gifts and guidance, and shoutout as always - to Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song, Effin' Groovy - available all places you find music, and Chris Collins for our groovy meditation tunes.         Blessings, ease and abundance to you all.  xoxo MiracleSupport the showContinued gratitude to Karl T. Wright, our producer.Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song.And Chris Collins for the meditation music.It's a good day for a good day, and I wish you a beautiful one. Miracle
This is gonna be a good one, my friends!  :)     On our very special 2nd Interview Episode this week, the lovely Sheila Botelho joins us to share her wisdom as a long time Wellness Coach and Self-Care Strategist, while we talk about all kinds of good stuff, like:     *How Having Fun is a Shortcut for Habit-Building *That Your Relationship to Grief Might Be Effecting Your Relationship with Abundance *When it comes to "making time" for self-care, we have to think of it like INVESTING!  $$$ *Just because each of our unique gifts come easily to us, doesn't mean they should be ignored (OR exploited). *The power of CHOOSING Joy in the face of any type of sorrow. *We do some gratitude, answer a question, and talk about the power of reading books under the shade of a big tree - and how the little kid in us is still here.     This is truly a beautiful episode, and I'm so grateful she took the time to CONNECT with us!  ;)  (See what I did there?  haha)     Here's the interview I did on HER podcast!   You can check out her show here: Her website here: And her freebie here:     Thank you, as always, to Karl T. Wright - Editor/Producer Extraordinaire, Bobbo Byrnes for our theme song "Effin' Groovy", and Chris Collins for the Meditation Music.     Check out past episodes, download the transcript, or submit questions for future shows here, and thanks for being in this community!  xoxoSupport the showContinued gratitude to Karl T. Wright, our producer.Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song.And Chris Collins for the meditation music.It's a good day for a good day, and I wish you a beautiful one. Miracle
"So we can look at someone and we go, "Wow! Their best sucks today!"  haha  We can have an opinion. We can be as judgey as we wanna be about it, you know?      We're not all gonna like each other all the time. I don't think that's the point. Can we love each other though?"     I LOVE today's question, asking, "how do we deal with people who annoy us?"  because who ISN'T annoying, btw?  LOL  We ALL are... especially after these last few years, but it's also human nature.  We drive each other crazy!     But there's an antidote to all of that, and it's PATIENCE... aka PRESENCE!  ;)  It's a form of love, y'all, so scoot up and take a listen!       Grab the transcript or find other episodes here, and submit questions for future episodes here.  MUAH!Support the showContinued gratitude to Karl T. Wright, our producer.Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song.And Chris Collins for the meditation music.It's a good day for a good day, and I wish you a beautiful one. Miracle
In today's episode, we explore the following concepts:     *Trust/Faith/Surrender *Acting "as if" we CHOSE the thing that we find challenging *Using our breath as a powerful reset, even in our busiest of moments *Surrendering to the Truth of Who We Are *Reminding ourselves, that often we need to have a "breakdown" before we can have a BREAKTHROUGH! *And so much more...     This one feels big, important and timely to me... for all of us.  So I hope you love it!  Thank you for being here, and thank you to our amazing crew: Karl T. Wright, Bobbo Byrnes, and Chris Collins!  xoxo     Check out the transcript or other episodes here, and submit questions or topic requests for future episodes here.     Big love to you, MiracleSupport the showContinued gratitude to Karl T. Wright, our producer.Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song.And Chris Collins for the meditation music.It's a good day for a good day, and I wish you a beautiful one. Miracle
I don't know how I did it, y'all - but I was able to get a "Twilight" AND a "Dirty Dancing" reference into this one!  LOL  You're welcome!  ;)     In this week's episode - we discuss what's becoming one of my favorite topics these days: BOUNDARIES!     And how surprisingly little they have to do with other people.  ;)  PLEASE take a listen and let me know what you think.  Email me here: with your biggest takeaway!     As always, special thanks to Karl T. Wright, Bobbo Byrnes and Chris Collins.  Y'all are the best!     Grab the transcript here, and submit Questions or Topic Request for future episodes here.  YAY OM!Support the showContinued gratitude to Karl T. Wright, our producer.Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song.And Chris Collins for the meditation music.It's a good day for a good day, and I wish you a beautiful one. Miracle
"You are worthy of rest.  Just inherently as a human being. It's not something we have to earn.     So if you've been trying to go get this thing over here, and it's not working out, or you don't feel fulfilled, or something just isn't clicking... see what just being still and quiet opens up for you.     Because it always opens something up. There's always something to see, something to notice, something to release, and to receive.  So if you are going after a thing and it's not quite working, maybe choose rest as a strategy, see what happens and let me know." the showContinued gratitude to Karl T. Wright, our producer.Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song.And Chris Collins for the meditation music.It's a good day for a good day, and I wish you a beautiful one. Miracle
In this week's Q&A Friday episode, someone asked:     "How do I even know what my dream is?"     And I think sometimes we forget to just ask ourselves this question - from a quiet, aligned and intentional place - and see what happens next.  :)     If you try this practice, please let me know how it goes!  And know that I'm cheering you on!     In gratitude, Miracle     As always, you can grab the transcript and find past episodes here, and submit Questions and Topic Requests for future episodes here.       Big love to you all! Support the showContinued gratitude to Karl T. Wright, our producer.Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song.And Chris Collins for the meditation music.It's a good day for a good day, and I wish you a beautiful one. Miracle
I'm taking a big swing this week, y'all!  So let's get right to it: THE SECRET TO A HAPPY LIFE, IS THIS:     Lead with Curiosity, and Learn to Let Go.     If you practiced just those two things, you'd see your whole reality change for the better.  :)  If you wanna learn more, than this episode is for you!     You can download the transcript here, and submit questions and topic requests for future episodes here.     Thanks for being here, everybody!  Much appreciation to our fearless Captain Karl T. Wright - the producer and editor of this lovely show, Chris Collins for the Meditation Music, and of course - Bobbo Byrnes for our bad ass theme song.  xoxo     It's a good day for a good day, and I wish you a beautiful one.  - MiracleSupport the showContinued gratitude to Karl T. Wright, our producer.Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song.And Chris Collins for the meditation music.It's a good day for a good day, and I wish you a beautiful one. Miracle
"You want additive energy. You want to come together and make something better with the two of you."       "So whether that's a business partnership or romantic partnership, you're making a kid, you're building a business, starting a farm, I don't know - but you wanna build something together that's outside of the two of you. That's what you're doing."       "You're creating something as two separate people, creating a third magical, beautiful, empowered thing."     Support the showContinued gratitude to Karl T. Wright, our producer.Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song.And Chris Collins for the meditation music.It's a good day for a good day, and I wish you a beautiful one. Miracle
"It's Okay to change your mind, because that means that you're paying attention. That means that you're growing and evolving, which is the whole damn point." ;)     On today's Mindful Morsel we spend some time giving gratitude to our bodies, in whatever shape they're in. Support the showContinued gratitude to Karl T. Wright, our producer.Bobbo Byrnes for the theme song.And Chris Collins for the meditation music.It's a good day for a good day, and I wish you a beautiful one. Miracle
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