Becca Explains the Occupation

<p>Welcome to 'Becca Explains the Occupation.' I'm your host, Becca and I have been working with Israelis, global Jewish communities, and the international community for over a decade to educate on how the system of occupation functions. In a moment when biased and inaccurate information is easily spread online and in person, my goal is to bring clear, well-sourced information and quality in-depth education to my communities so that we can bring an end to the occupation and work towards a just, dignified, and equal future for Palestinians and Israelis. This podcast connects between the Israeli politics and the material reality of the occupation - through the lens of an Israeli educator and organizer. </p><p>Follow along as well on Instagram: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" href=""></a></p><p>Support this podcast and work at: <a target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer nofollow" href=""></a></p>

Smotrich's Decisive plan and Current West Bank Violence

Smotrich's 2017 Decisive plan - what is it, how are Minister Smotrich's current government roles relative to advancing it and how it is being used as a roadmap for current settlement building, expulsions of Palestinian communities, and violence in the West Bank?Map of Nahal Heletz: of Meitarim and Zenuta: along at this podcast at:


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