Becoming You Podcast

It’s time to become YOU and turn your dreams into reality! Each week former corporate executive turned business and lifestyle designer, Rebecca Cafiero, will bring you inspiring guests, lifestyle and business tips and tools to empower you to BE your best, so you can design a life and business you love! Give yourself permission to BE who you are uniquely meant to be while taking massive action to live your passions!

Maximizing Life Beyond the To-Do List with Jill Staats

In today's episode, I chat with Jill Staats, founder and CEO of Fledgling Media. Jill's journey from Silicon Valley's HR manager to an entrepreneur focusing on life skill education is both inspiring and enlightening. She shares valuable insights on creating more space in our lives, tackling emotional labor, and the significance of forward planning. This episode is a must-listen, especially if you're looking to balance work, parenting, and personal aspirations effectively.   Key Topics:   1. Holiday Planning and Reducing Stress: Strategies for early planning and batching tasks to make holidays more manageable.     2. Emotional Labor in Women's Lives: Exploring the concept of emotional labor and how it disproportionately affects women, especially in parenting and household management.   3. Creating Spaciousness in Daily Life: Tips on achieving more 'me time' and how to use this space for greater personal fulfillment.   4. The Power of Forward Planning: The importance of planning ahead to prevent last-minute rushes and to create more meaningful experiences.   5. Party Planning Simplified: Easy-to-follow strategies for organizing parties that ensure enjoyment without the stress.   Questions to Consider:   1. How often do you find yourself overwhelmed with tasks that could be planned ahead or delegated?      2. In what ways does emotional labor affect your daily life, and how can you address it more effectively?   3. Are there aspects of your life where creating more space could lead to greater satisfaction and fulfillment?   It's clear that managing our to-do lists and embracing forward planning can lead to a more fulfilling and less stressful life. Remember, it's not just about completing tasks; it's about creating memorable experiences and enjoying the journey.    Resources:   Connect with Jill on LinkedIn   Jill Staats Website   About the Guest:   Jill Staats is the founder and CEO of Fledgling Media, a family of brands dedicated to bringing life skills education to people at every age and stage. Currently, she supports ambitious women who are passionate about both work and parenting by providing virtual personal assistant hiring, training, and management. As a former Human Resources Manager in Silicon Valley, Jill supported employees during their biggest life changes. Witnessing those changes inspired her to develop a business that provides not only emotional and mental support, but physical resources to make times of transition seamless, fulfilling, and stress-free. Today, she’s committed to infusing her passion for education for people of all walks of life with real life administration skills that help individuals prioritize their bucket list and leave a lasting legacy.     For more info on the host: Visit and follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccacafiero  and @becomingyoupodcast !!


Breaking Up with Busy with Marisa Hohaia

As we finish up the first month of the new year It's the perfect time to reassess our commitments and redefine our paths. Today's guest, Marisa Hohaia, known as the anti-hustle coach, joins us to explore the traps of busy culture and how to shift towards a life of intentional action and fulfillment.    Key Topics:   1. Defining 'Busy' and Its Impact:    Exploring different types of 'busy' and how they influence our lives. The contrast between being busy with fulfilling activities versus busy as a form of avoidance or self-validation.   2. The 11-11 Rule for Balanced Living:   Marisa’s personal strategy for achieving balance: focusing on one achievement, one act of contribution, one self-care activity, and one action for future self each day.   3. Manifesting Your Desires:   The significance of clarity, belief, and emotion in manifesting your goals. The importance of feeling joy and fulfillment in the manifestation process before it materializes.   4. Hustle Culture vs. Intentional Living:  How hustle culture damages our belief systems, actions, and emotions. The need to shift from constant production to meaningful, aligned actions.   5. Practical Steps to Break Up with Busy:    Tactics and strategies to move away from the busy trap and towards a life of mindful achievement and joy. Emphasizing self-awareness and understanding the underlying beliefs driving our 'busy' behaviors.   Questions to Consider:   1. In what ways might your own 'busy' behavior be a form of avoidance or tied to subconscious beliefs about self-worth? 2. How can you apply the 11-11 rule in your daily life to create a balance between achievement, contribution, self-care, and future planning?   3. Reflecting on your current lifestyle, what practical steps can you take to break free from hustle culture and align more closely with your true desires and values?    It’s clear that breaking up with busy isn't just about managing our schedules—it's about aligning our actions with our deepest values and desires. Remember, it's not about filling every moment with tasks but about choosing activities that bring us joy, purpose, and fulfillment.    Resources:   Marisa Hohaia Website   Marisa Hohaia Instagram    About the Guest:   Marisa Hohaia is the Anti-Hustle Coach, best-selling author, and mom to two boys. As the Founder + CEO of Break Up with Busy, she helps women who have lost themselves in the hustle of building an impressive life on paper, guiding them back to their truth, and showing them how to manifest what they really want (more joy, money, purpose and time) from a place of flow, not stress and sacrifice. Prior to answering her calling as a coach, she spent a decade as a top executive in global recruiting, working with Fortune 500 and high-growth startups including West Elm, Nestle, DHL, and Heinz. She holds a Bachelor's and Masters in psychology and is certified in life coaching, emotional intelligence coaching, reiki + spiritual coaching.   For more info on the host:   Visit and follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccacafiero  and @becomingyoupodcast !! 


Elevate Your Image: Dressing for Success with Abby Young

Today, we're diving into a truly transformative topic – the power of fashion in shaping not only how the world sees us, but also how we see ourselves. We're joined by the fabulous Abby Young, a fashion stylist extraordinaire, who's going to share her wealth of knowledge on dressing for the future you envision.    Key Topics:   1. The Art of Dressing for Future Success:   Abby Young's insights on dressing for aspirational goals rather than current status. The impact of clothing on first impressions and how they convey traits like competence and sociability.   2. Understanding Personal Style and Color Analysis:   The process of determining individual body shapes and face proportions for optimal dressing. The significance of color analysis in personal branding and enhancing one's appearance.   3. Transformations Through Fashion:   The changes and confidence boost seen in individuals who start dressing as their future selves. Abby Young's approach to integrating personal and brand styles.   4. The Importance of Details in Styling:   Focus on tailoring, accessories, and understanding silhouette for a polished appearance. How small styling details contribute to overall confidence and presentation.   5. Abby Young's Professional Journey:   Transition from teaching to fashion styling and founding of Abby Young Styling. Abby's philosophy in merging educational skills with her passion for styling.   Questions to Consider:   1. How does your current wardrobe align with the future self or professional goals you aspire to achieve?     2. Have you ever considered how the colors and styles you choose impact your confidence and the impressions you make?   3. In what ways can investing time and resources into your personal style and wardrobe elevate your professional and personal life? Remember, the way we dress speaks volumes before we even say a word. So, take this opportunity to align your wardrobe with your message and step confidently into the person you're becoming.    Resources:   Abby Young Styling Website   Abby Young Styling Instagram    About the Guest:   Abby Young is a fashion stylist certified by the Fashion Stylist Institute and Condé Nast College based in the San Francisco Bay Area, with speciality in personal styling, color analysis and runway, commercial, and editorial styling. She holds a Master's Degree and is a member of the AICI. She equips clients with the necessary tools to feel beautiful, confident, and have a positive self-image. Through her extreme attention to client needs and precise execution of clothing, Abby leads six & seven-figure professionals to achieve a powerful, elevated self-image through the power of their wardrobe and help curate a stylish, modern brand image for companies at any level. Her style expertise has been seen in PEOPLE Magazine, Brides Magazine, The Zoe Report, InStyle, Bustle, Business Insider, Real Simple and more.    For more info on the host: Visit and follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccacafiero  and @becomingyoupodcast !!


Capturing Impact: The Visual Storytelling of Business with Bernadette Marciniak

Welcome back, listeners! on today's episode of The Becoming You Podcast, we're thrilled to welcome Bernadette Marciniak, an expert in the art of videography and photography. As we navigate the digital era, understanding and harnessing the power of video has never been more crucial for businesses. Bernadette brings her wealth of experience to the table, discussing everything from ASMR-style videos to the effectiveness of video testimonials. You'll gain insights into simple yet powerful video strategies, overcoming industry challenges, and the journey from photography to videography. Get ready to unlock the visual voice of your business with us! Key Topics:   1. Transition from Photography to Videography Bernadette's shift from still images to moving narratives. Embracing video content for deeper brand engagement.   2. The Rise of ASMR-style Videos Using sensory experiences to captivate audiences. Innovative techniques in video creation for modern marketing.   3. Harnessing Video Testimonials Power of authentic testimonials in storytelling. Strategies for capturing and utilizing impactful client feedback.   4. Challenges in Video Production Navigating industry competition and evolving trends. Overcoming technical and creative obstacles in videography.   5. Building a Videography Business Bernadette's journey in establishing Soulhouse Media. Lessons learned and successes in a competitive landscape.   Questions to Ponder:   1. Have you considered using video content to enhance your brand's visibility? What steps can you take to start incorporating video in your marketing strategy?   2. Reflect on your business's current marketing efforts. How might incorporating video testimonials or engaging visual content elevate your brand's story and customer connection?   3. Think about your own reaction to video content. How does it affect your engagement with a brand, and how can you use this insight in your business? Listen in for an episode filled with visual inspiration and practical tips for bringing your brand's story to life through video. Catch the full episode of The Becoming You Podcast with Bernadette Marciniak now! Resources:    Website   Instagram   About the Guest:   Bernadette Marciniak has worn multiple hats — photojournalist, art director, graphic designer — but has found her true calling as a brand mediagrapher. A New Jersey girl turned Californian, she has found her home in the golden state.  Bernadette has a passion for helping small businesses and entrepreneurs amplify their message and gain visibility in their media branding. With her visionary talent, Bernadette knows how to connect with people, help her clients feel comfortable to tell their story, and translate their powerful message into visuals that will captivate an audience. Currently, Bernadette is based out of the Los Angeles and the NYC tri-state area. Bernadette’s mediagraphy can be found in The Restart Specialist, VoyageLA,  Pitchin’ and Sippin’ with Lexie Smith,  and others.  For more info on the host:    Visit and follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccacafiero !    Let’s connect on social media! Instagram: Facebook: Linkedin:


Gratitude, Growth, and the Corporate Shift with Michelle King

Welcome back to The Becoming You Podcast. Today we're thrilled to have Michelle King with us. As a two-time bestselling author with over 25 years of corporate experience, Michelle brings a wealth of knowledge in transformational habits and wellness integration in the corporate world. In this episode, we explore how to make transformational habits a part of our daily routines, the impact of gratitude in our lives and workplaces, and the power of wellness practices in enhancing professional and personal growth. Join us as Michelle shares her journey and insights, offering practical tips for leading a more fulfilled and balanced life.   Key Topics:   1. The Transformative Power of Gratitude:  Insights from Michelle King on how gratitude practices can revolutionize personal and professional life. Practical tips for incorporating gratitude into everyday routines.   2. Michelle King’s Corporate to Creative Transition:  Her journey from corporate America to becoming a bestselling author and wellness advocate. Lessons learned from navigating significant career and life transitions.   3. Revolutionizing the Corporate Environment:  The growing importance of holistic wellness practices in the workplace. Strategies for integrating mindfulness and well-being into corporate settings.   4. The Role of Wellness Practices in Personal Growth:  Michelle’s approach to using wellness practices for enhancing personal and professional development. The impact of practices like meditation, sound healing, and breathwork on decision-making and productivity.   5. Intentional Alignment Masterclass:  An overview of Michelle’s annual Masterclass and its focus on setting individuals up for success. The benefits of attending immersive workshops for personal and corporate growth. Questions to Ponder: 1. Reflect on your daily routines. How can you more effectively integrate transformational habits like gratitude into your life, ensuring they become consistent practices?   2. In what ways have you experienced or observed the power of gratitude in enhancing your workplace environment or personal relationships?   3. Consider the balance between your professional and personal growth. How can you better align your wellness practices to support both areas of your life? Don't miss this episode full of actionable wisdom and transformative insights. Resources:    Website   Instagram   About the Guest:   Michelle King has had a 25+ year HR career in Silicon Valley, and has built a thriving Leadership Development and coaching business. Michelle is a true believer in radical accountability and holds transformative self-mastery retreats to support people on their journey to achieving their goals and dreams.  She helps executives, high performers, and entrepreneurs harness, navigate, and create impactful change that leads to true fulfillment, freedom, and symbiotic co-creation between individuals and organizations alike. For more info on the host:    Visit and follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccacafiero !    Let’s connect on social media! Instagram: Facebook: Linkedin:


Wellness Reimagined: Lindsay Kirby’s Strategy for Business Growth

Today, we're joined by Lindsay Kirby, a registered nurse and the visionary founder of Sculpt Wellness. Lindsay’s story is not just about building a thriving business; it's about challenging norms, embracing wellness, and empowering others through her journey. From her innovative approach to wellness and beauty to tackling stigma around weight loss and beauty treatments, Lindsay's insights are a treasure trove for anyone seeking to align their health with their values. Join us as we delve into the transformative power of sunlight, the balance of aesthetics and healthcare, and Lindsay's personal journey of growth and empowerment. It's time to redefine wellness on your terms!   Key Topics:   1.Lindsay Kirby's Transformational Journey: Overcoming imposter syndrome to become a confident business leader. Growth of Lindsay's business, Sculpt Wellness, and its innovative approach to bridging healthcare and beauty.   2. The Role of Public Relations in Business Growth: How PR played a crucial role in doubling Sculpt Wellness's revenue. The impact of effective communication strategies in promoting Lindsay's vision and services.   3. Understanding and Navigating Wellness Myths: Addressing common misconceptions about weight loss and health treatments. Lindsay’s dedication to providing accurate information and dispelling stigma in the wellness space.   4. The Healing Power of Sunlight and Grounding: Lindsay's advocacy for the health benefits of sunlight and grounding activities. Practical tips for incorporating these elements into everyday life for improved health and stress reduction.   5. Personal Growth and Its Influence on Business Success: Lindsay’s journey of self-discovery and how it shaped her entrepreneurial path. The role of personal development in enhancing business strategies and customer relationships. Questions to Ponder:    How do you perceive the balance between your personal brand and your business offerings? Are there aspects of your personality or values that you could more effectively integrate into your business model?    What wellness practices have you integrated into your routine? Are there new methods, like grounding or light therapy, that you’re curious to explore?   In your field, what are some prevalent misconceptions or stigmas? How can you contribute to a more informed and open dialogue around these topics?   Join us in this empowering discussion with Lindsay Kirby on The Becoming You Podcast, and let's redefine what wellness means in our lives and businesses.  Resources:    Website   Instagram   About the Guest:   Lindsay Kirby is a Registered Nurse turned health coach who has always been passionate about health and wellness — specifically, how to feel good in our bodies. After 12 years in nursing, Lindsay realized she was “stuck”. She knew that her body, mind, and motivation were not in the alignment that she needed. Lindsay launched Sculpt Tri-Cities to help women jumpstart their path to feeling confident in their bodies and re-engaged with healthy habits.    Sculpt Tri-Cities won “Business on a Roll” Award by Tri-Cities Regional Chamber of Commerce in 2022, The CryoCon “Rising Star Award,” and has been featured on NBC News as a leading female business.  For more info on the host:    Visit and follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccacafiero !    Let’s connect on social media! Instagram: Facebook: Linkedin:


Harnessing the Power of Play with Jennifer Stalley

Join me as we welcome Jennifer Stalley, the founder of Mimsy Magic, an innovative sustainable sensory toy company. We delve into Jennifer's journey from identifying a market gap in inclusive and sustainable toys to establishing her own business. Discover how she balances entrepreneurship with motherhood, addresses criticism, and turns her compassionate nature into a business strength.   Key Topics:   1. Jennifer Stalley's Business Genesis: The origin story of Mimsy Magic, inspired by Jennifer's desire for sustainable and inclusive toys. Challenges faced in the early stages of starting the business. Jennifer's approach to creating sensory toys that foster inclusivity and environmental responsibility.   2. Balancing Parenthood and Business: Jennifer's experience of managing work and parenting during the pandemic. How sensory play helped her daughter's speech development and inspired her business focus. Strategies for juggling the demands of motherhood and entrepreneurship.   3. The Path to Commitment: Jennifer's year-long contemplation before fully committing to her business. The turning point that motivated her to take the leap into entrepreneurship. Overcoming initial fears and doubts to pursue her passion.   4. Creating Diversity in Toy Lines: The significant impact of a grandmother's comment on Jennifer's decision to offer diverse toy options. Jennifer's dedication to represent all children in her products. The importance of diversity in the toy industry and how Mimsy Magic addresses this need.   5. Business Growth and Partnerships: The evolution of Jennifer's business plan and her partnerships with major brands. Lessons learned from mistakes and challenges along the way. The intention behind partnering with a non-profit warehouse employing neurodivergent individuals.   Questions to Ponder:   1. How can you transform your personal challenges into opportunities for growth or business ideas? 2. In what ways can you contribute to creating a more inclusive and environmentally conscious industry in your field?   3. How can balancing life's roles, like parenting and working, lead to innovative solutions and business ventures?   Resources:   Website About the Guest: Jennifer Stalley is a pandemic parent who genuinely wants to help a mother out! As the Founder and President of Meemzy Magic, a for moms, by a mom company, she has set out to bring sensory play to children around the world and help moms take a load off.  Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, she spent 15 years in the entertainment industry marketing the biggest entertainment releases of the year, in theaters with Fox and Sony Pictures, streaming at home with Hulu, and in video games at PlayStation. She is a big believer in the power of play, for all ages, on screen and off.    For more info on the host:    Visit and follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccacafiero !    Let’s connect on social media! Instagram: Facebook: Linkedin:


Embracing the Full Spectrum: Gratitude, Grief, and Growth

In today’s episode, I'll be sharing a personal narrative of a day filled with profound joy and deep sorrow. I'll talk about the essential nature of embracing every emotion, from overwhelming gratitude to profound grief, and how this spectrum of feelings shapes our human experience.   Key Topics:   1. The Human Experience of Emotion: Navigating the complexity of mixed emotions in our daily lives. Addressing the guilt associated with feeling gratitude during times of grief. The significance of acknowledging and processing our emotions rather than avoiding them.   2. Harnessing Emotions for Positive Change: Transforming our emotional energy into constructive actions and positive outcomes. My personal approach to managing emotional overwhelm and maintaining equilibrium. Effective strategies for channeling emotions in empowering ways.   3. Action Steps for Positive Impact: Three concrete actions I've taken in response to my recent experiences of gratitude and grief. A call to listeners to consider how they can utilize their resources and platforms for meaningful impact. The power of our actions in creating ripples of change. Questions to Ponder:   1. Reflect on a recent experience where you felt conflicting emotions. How did you navigate this, and what did you learn about yourself?   2. Consider a time when you turned a powerful emotion into a positive action. What was the outcome, and how did it make you feel?   3. In what ways can you use your platform or resources to respond to your feelings of gratitude or grief and make a positive impact in your community or beyond? About the Host: Rebecca Cafiero is an intl. Forbes business and PR strategist, TEDx Speaker and top ranked podcast host, 4x bestselling author and mother of two. As the Founder + CEO of the Pitch Club, a for women, by women company, she has worked with hundreds of female entrepreneurs growing + scaling small businesses and teams to increase their credibility, visibility and profitability in business.  Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, she spent 13 years in Corporate America leading sales and marketing teams.  She is a frequent speaker on online business strategy, creating credibility + visibility, productivity  and personal optimization. As a sought after media source, Rebecca’s tips have been featured in NBC News, ABC News, BIZ TV and publications including Forbes, Reader’s Digest, Women's Health, US News and World Report and more. Connect with Rebecca Cafiero:   Visit and follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccacafiero  and @becomingyoupodcast !! 


Embracing the Unexpected: The Journey from Software Engineer to Creative Entrepreneurship with Emily Kim

In this episode, we're joined by Emily Kim, a remarkable trailblazer who transitioned from the tech world of computer science into the realm of creativity and business strategy. We'll explore Emily's inspiring journey, her revolutionary experiences with hypno-breathwork, and her successful leap into entrepreneurship. Whether you're a fellow Enneagram six or just someone seeking inspiration for a career pivot, Emily's story offers invaluable insights into embracing change and finding fulfillment in your work. Get ready for an episode brimming with creativity, courage, and transformative strategies!   Key Topics: 1. From Code to Creativity: Emily's Story    - Emily's background in computer science and her pivot to a creative business.    - The challenges and learnings from working in a male-dominated field.   2. The Healing Power of Hypno Breathwork    - How hypno breathwork transformed Emily's approach to managing emotions and anxiety.    - The role of this practice in personal and professional growth.   3. Empowering Creatives with Business Strategy    - Assisting creatives with back-end logistics and boosting confidence.    - Tips for enhancing online presence through photography and videography.   4. The 'Iteration Over Perfection' Philosophy    - How embracing this mindset impacts Emily's creative process.    - Advice for creatives struggling to balance perfectionism and productivity.   5. Mentorship and the Journey to Coaching    - Emily's passion for teaching and helping others monetize their skills.    - Balancing creativity with effectiveness in her coaching business.   Questions for the Audience to Ponder: 1. Reflecting on Your Pivot:  In your own journey, have you faced a moment where you felt compelled to shift from a familiar path to a completely new direction?  2. Balancing Creativity and Strategy:  Think about your current role or business - are you integrating your creative instincts with strategic planning effectively? How might you enhance this balance to optimize your success and satisfaction?   3. Embracing Growth and Change:  Consider a recent challenge or a significant change in your life or business. How did you adapt to it, and what lessons did you learn about yourself in the process?   Resources:   Website About the Guest: Emily Kim is a former software engineer turned creative business strategist based in Boston, MA. Over the last five years, she’s helped 100+ entrepreneurs revamp their online presence through brand photography & videography. Now, Emily is combining her business expertise from her MBA, corporate experience at a Fortune 5 company, and her years of experience in photography to consult other creative business owners on how to build sustainable, profitable businesses.   For more info on the host:    Visit and follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccacafiero !    Let’s connect on social media! Instagram: Facebook: Linkedin:


Mastermind Magic: Strategy, Soul Care + Support

Today I'm thrilled to delve into the transformative world of masterminds. Join me as I share the magic and impact of these powerful groups, particularly for women in business, and how they've played an integral role in my own entrepreneurial journey.   Key Topics:   The Essential Role of Masterminds in Growth: My personal experiences over four years with various masterminds. Reflecting on the year I skipped joining a mastermind and the consequent absence of growth and accountability. Understanding the crucial support system masterminds provide for personal and business development.   Ten Compelling Reasons to Join a Mastermind: Building a supportive community and network. Gaining diverse perspectives for enhanced business insights. Ensuring accountability for steady progress. Opening doors for collaborations and partnerships. Learning from others' experiences, successes, and failures. Boosting confidence and encouraging risk-taking. Providing emotional and moral support in the entrepreneurial journey. Enhancing problem-solving through group brainstorming. Focusing on personal growth and leadership development. Accessing a curated selection of resources, tools, and tactics.   The Energetics of Mastermind Groups: Exploring the collective energy and its influence on individual and group success. The unique retreats and immersive experiences that deepen the mastermind journey.   Why My Mastermind Stands Apart: Specific deliverables of my mastermind, including brand development and authorship strategies. The impact of personalized strategy sessions with me. Highlighting tangible outcomes such as brand photos, videos, and logos.   Questions to Ponder:   1. Reflecting on Your Support System:  Consider your current support network. How might joining a mastermind enhance your personal and professional growth?   2. Evaluating Mastermind Benefits: Which of the ten reasons to join a mastermind resonates most with you, and how could it address a current need or goal in your life or business?   3. Personal Growth and Masterminds:  Think about your own journey of personal and professional development. How could the unique environment of a mastermind accelerate your progress and transformation? About the Host: Rebecca Cafiero is an intl. Forbes business and PR strategist, TEDx Speaker and top ranked podcast host, 4x bestselling author and mother of two. As the Founder + CEO of the Pitch Club, a for women, by women company, she has worked with hundreds of female entrepreneurs growing + scaling small businesses and teams to increase their credibility, visibility and profitability in business.  Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, she spent 13 years in Corporate America leading sales and marketing teams.  She is a frequent speaker on online business strategy, creating credibility + visibility, productivity  and personal optimization. As a sought after media source, Rebecca’s tips have been featured in NBC News, ABC News, BIZ TV and publications including Forbes, Reader’s Digest, Women's Health, US News and World Report and more. Connect with Rebecca Cafiero: Visit and follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccacafiero  and @becomingyoupodcast !!


Unlocking Your True Potential: The Journey of Inner Work

Welcome back to the Becoming You Podcast! In today’s episode we delve into the transformative power of inner work. From my personal revelations to the blend of science and spirituality, we'll explore how deep self-awareness can unlock your fullest potential and lead you to a life of fulfillment.    Key Topics:   1. Inner Work for Vision Achievement:    - Necessity of inner work to realize big visions and dreams.    - Breaking the myth that strategy alone leads to success.    - How inner healing contributes to sustainable growth.   2. Personal Development Journey:     - My own path of self-discovery through various healing modalities.    - The role of therapy in revealing deeper layers of self.    - Embracing discomfort in personal growth.   3. Healing Modalities and Self-Understanding:      - Exploring diverse healing practices and their impacts.    - The significance of understanding one’s genetic traits.    - Merging scientific insights with spiritual growth.   4. Continuous Nature of Inner Work:      - Inner work as a lifelong, evolving process.    - Gaining wisdom, patience, and self-knowledge through this journey.    - The evolving joy in deep personal work.   5. The Ripple Effect of Deep Self-Awareness:      - How inner work enhances relationships and overall happiness.    - Inner work as a tool for self-acceptance, not perfection seeking.    - The influence of self-awareness on life quality.   Questions to Ponder:   1. Vision vs. Action:  When you had a big vision, what inner obstacles did you face in taking action, and how did you overcome them?     2. Tools for Obstacles: What specific strategies or tools have been most effective in overcoming personal or professional hurdles?     3. Role of Personal Development:  Can you pinpoint how inner work has significantly impacted your personal and professional journey? Tune in for an episode filled with personal insights, practical advice, and transformative thoughts. Don’t forget to share your journey with us – we're all in this together.    About the Host: Rebecca Cafiero is an intl. Forbes business and PR strategist, TEDx Speaker and top ranked podcast host, 4x bestselling author and mother of two. As the Founder + CEO of the Pitch Club, a for women, by women company, she has worked with hundreds of female entrepreneurs growing + scaling small businesses and teams to increase their credibility, visibility and profitability in business.  Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, she spent 13 years in Corporate America leading sales and marketing teams.  She is a frequent speaker on online business strategy, creating credibility + visibility, productivity  and personal optimization. As a sought after media source, Rebecca’s tips have been featured in NBC News, ABC News, BIZ TV and publications including Forbes, Reader’s Digest, Women's Health, US News and World Report and more. Connect with Rebecca Cafiero:   Visit and follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccacafiero  and @becomingyoupodcast !! 


Unpack to Uplevel: The Post-Mortem Magic for Your Next Big Leap

In today’s episode of The Becoming You Podcast, we're going to unpack the concept of a post-mortem analysis and how it can be a magical step towards your next big uplevel in life and business. A post-mortem isn’t just about examining what went wrong; it’s a powerful tool to spotlight successes, learn from challenges, and create a clear path for improvement. So if you’ve ever wondered how to take the lessons from past experiences and transform them into actionable steps towards your growth, this episode is for you.   Key Topics:   1. Objective Analysis: Assessing clarity and achievement of your goals.   2. Spotlighting Success: Identifying and understanding what worked well.   3. Learning from Challenges: Transforming obstacles into lessons for future strategy.   4. Communication and Decision Evaluation: Reviewing the effectiveness of your communication and decisions.   5. Actionable Takeaways: Creating and implementing steps for improvement. Questions to Ponder:   1. Reflect on your recent objectives—did the results align with your initial goals, and what does that say about your direction?   2. Can you think of a recent success and identify the key actions that led to that outcome?   3. When considering the challenges you’ve faced, how have they shaped your decision-making moving forward?   Tune in to transform your past experiences into fuel for your future growth. Let's dive into the magic of post-mortems together! About the Host: Rebecca Cafiero is an intl. Forbes business and PR strategist, TEDx Speaker and top ranked podcast host, 4x bestselling author and mother of two. As the Founder + CEO of the Pitch Club, a for women, by women company, she has worked with hundreds of female entrepreneurs growing + scaling small businesses and teams to increase their credibility, visibility and profitability in business.  Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, she spent 13 years in Corporate America leading sales and marketing teams.  She is a frequent speaker on online business strategy, creating credibility + visibility, productivity  and personal optimization. As a sought after media source, Rebecca’s tips have been featured in NBC News, ABC News, BIZ TV and publications including Forbes, Reader’s Digest, Women's Health, US News and World Report and more. Connect with Rebecca Cafiero:   Visit and follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccacafiero  and @becomingyoupodcast !! 


Yes, you are SPECIAL

Today, in this heart-to-heart BE Moment, I am going to share a part of my journey I've never shared on this podcast before. One of the magic and specialness within all of us that often gets overshadowed by societal molds. Let's dive deep and embrace our unique magic!✨   Key Topics:   1. Childhood Memories: reminiscences on feelings as a young girl.   2. Societal Challenges: How society can sometimes dim our unique shine and push towards conformity.   3. Personal Passion: The art of harnessing and celebrating what sets us apart.   4. Empowerment Through Support: The beauty and power of a supportive environment that fosters individuality.   5. The Ripple Effect: Rebecca’s mission to amplify specialness and spark a global wave of self-love and acceptance.   Questions to Ponder:   1. Have societal expectations ever made you doubt your own magic?   2. How often do you pause to recognize and celebrate what makes you, YOU?   3. Can you recall an experience where embracing your individuality led to an unexpected positive outcome? About the Host: Rebecca Cafiero is an intl. Forbes business and PR strategist, TEDx Speaker and top ranked podcast host, 4x bestselling author and mother of two. As the Founder + CEO of the Pitch Club, a for women, by women company, she has worked with hundreds of female entrepreneurs growing + scaling small businesses and teams to increase their credibility, visibility and profitability in business.  Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, she spent 13 years in Corporate America leading sales and marketing teams.  She is a frequent speaker on online business strategy, creating credibility + visibility, productivity  and personal optimization. As a sought after media source, Rebecca’s tips have been featured in NBC News, ABC News, BIZ TV and publications including Forbes, Reader’s Digest, Women's Health, US News and World Report and more. Connect with Rebecca Cafiero: Visit and follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccacafiero  and @becomingyoupodcast !!


Money Breathwork and Breakthroughs with Alessandra Sollevare

Today, we're exploring the potent intersection of breathwork and money with the insightful Alessandra Sollevare. Dive into her transformative journey as she employs breathwork to redefine her relationship with money and shatter business ceilings. With Alessandra, we navigate the mesmerizing world of breathwork, unpack its profound implications on success, and grasp how to harness it to birth the version of ourselves we're yearning to become. Alessandra even graces us with a rejuvenating breathing exercise and a treasure trove of resources.  Key Topics:   1. The Origins of Money Breathwork: Alessandra's personal transformation with breathwork to realign her money mindset.   2. Practical Breathwork Exercise: Experience a curated breathing session to tap into abundance and clarity.   3. Energetics in Business: Grasping the unseen forces behind success and aligning our energies for optimal outcomes.   4. Shattering the Glass Ceiling: Alessandra's insights on facing and overcoming inherent barriers in personal and business growth.   5. Manifesting Through Breath: Leveraging breathwork as a powerful tool for manifesting your authentic self and desired outcomes. Questions to Ponder:   1. Which mental barriers, especially concerning money, have you recognized within yourself, and how do they shape your personal and business decisions?   2. How might breathwork or other introspective practices assist you in challenging and redefining these barriers?   3. In your journey, where do you sense you're nearing a 'glass ceiling', and what steps might you take to break through it?   Resources:   Instagram   Website   Breathwork About the Guest:   Alessandra Sollevare is a bestselling author, founder of Money Breathwork™, and a therapist turned business coach who helps female entrepreneurs make more money, increase sales in their business, and own their bigness through strategy and action. She leads breathwork workshops and sessions, courses, and events so that busy professionals can tap into wealth and prepare for expansion. For more info on the host:  Visit and follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccacafiero !    Let’s connect on social media! Instagram: Facebook: Linkedin:    


Vision to Reality: 5 Magical Takeaways from Weekend @ the Pitch Club

This episode holds a special place in my heart as we journey through the unforgettable memories and transformative moments from our Weekend at the Pitch Club. From my serendipitous encounter with Lori Harder to the sheer magic of genuine connections, dive in as we uncover the essence of transformation and the beauty of turning visions into reality.   Key Topics:   1. Vision and Faith: The captivating journey from being an attendee to creating the event, underscored by the significant encounter with Lori Harder.   2. Power of Genuine Connections: Revel in the energy and wisdom of our event speakers and the unmatched value of authentic relationships over mere titles.   3. Human First Approach: A deep dive into the ethos of prioritizing individual humanity over business roles, crafting a holistic transformative experience.   4. Environment as a Catalyst: How meticulously designed, aesthetic spaces play a pivotal role in amplifying transformation and fostering growth.   5. Your Invitation to Growth: A heartfelt call to action for listeners to immerse themselves in the next Pitch Club weekend, stepping into spaces that truly celebrate evolution.   Questions to Ponder:   1. Reflecting on your life journey, when have you experienced the shift from vision to reality? What were the key elements fueling that transformation?   2. How often do you prioritize genuine connections over professional accolades? How has this choice influenced your personal and business growth?   3. In your transformative moments or endeavors, how instrumental has your environment been? Do you consciously curate spaces that resonate with your growth trajectory? About the Host: Rebecca Cafiero is an intl. Forbes business and PR strategist, TEDx Speaker and top ranked podcast host, 4x bestselling author and mother of two. As the Founder + CEO of the Pitch Club, a for women, by women company, she has worked with hundreds of female entrepreneurs growing + scaling small businesses and teams to increase their credibility, visibility and profitability in business.  Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, she spent 13 years in Corporate America leading sales and marketing teams.  She is a frequent speaker on online business strategy, creating credibility + visibility, productivity  and personal optimization. As a sought after media source, Rebecca’s tips have been featured in NBC News, ABC News, BIZ TV and publications including Forbes, Reader’s Digest, Women's Health, US News and World Report and more. Connect with Rebecca Cafiero:   Visit and follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccacafiero  and @becomingyoupodcast !! 


Leaving Room for Magic: The Power of Creating Space

Today, we dive into a topic close to my heart: the transformative art of creating space in our lives. Through my own rollercoaster of experiences, I've uncovered the undeniable magic that emerges when we intentionally make room for what truly matters. Whether you're on the brink of a major life event or simply craving deeper connections and moments of stillness, this episode holds treasures for you. Join me, and let's explore the nuances and strategies of crafting space that breeds magic.   Key Topics:   1. The Weight of Space: Why intentional space is pivotal for life-altering growth and personal evolution.   2. A Walk Down Memory Lane: Reliving moments of missed magic due to not creating space, from work-life imbalances to the chaos surrounding milestone events.   3. Gearing Up for the Big Days: A behind-the-scenes glimpse into my preparation for the Pitch Club Event, with emphasis on holistic well-being.   4. Blueprint for Room: Practical tools and strategies you can employ to declutter, organize, and champion the art of creating space.   5. Presence over Everything: My personal journey towards cherishing undistracted, quality moments with my loved ones, and the steps taken to ensure I'm truly 'there'.   Questions to Ponder:   1. Reflecting on your own journey, when was a moment you wished you'd created more space for yourself or a significant event?   2. How often do you feel truly present in your daily interactions, and what distracts you the most from achieving this presence?   3. Can you recall an instance where setting clear boundaries enriched your personal or professional experience? About the Host: Rebecca Cafiero is an intl. Forbes business and PR strategist, TEDx Speaker and top ranked podcast host, 4x bestselling author and mother of two. As the Founder + CEO of the Pitch Club, a for women, by women company, she has worked with hundreds of female entrepreneurs growing + scaling small businesses and teams to increase their credibility, visibility and profitability in business.  Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, she spent 13 years in Corporate America leading sales and marketing teams.  She is a frequent speaker on online business strategy, creating credibility + visibility, productivity  and personal optimization. As a sought after media source, Rebecca’s tips have been featured in NBC News, ABC News, BIZ TV and publications including Forbes, Reader’s Digest, Women's Health, US News and World Report and more. Connect with Rebecca Cafiero:    Visit and follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccacafiero  and @becomingyoupodcast !!   


Brewing Success: How Coffee Chats Can Transform Your Network and Net Worth

Welcome back to The Becoming You Podcast! Today, I'm brewing something extra special for you - the incredible potency of Coffee Chats in amplifying business connections. I first discovered this gem in a business networking group and it has transformed how I connect and collaborate. Prepare to explore how genuine coffee-time conversations can brew success in business and life.   Key Topics:   1. Setting Intentions: Understanding Coffee Chats and their purpose. Dive into my journey of integrating it and the striking outcomes in business and personal connections.   2. Best Practices: The art of selecting the right people, managing your time, and the all-important post-chat follow-up. Time to perfect your coffee etiquette!   3. Coffee Chat Format Decoded: We'll break down the optimal chat structure from setting goals to effective follow-ups, ensuring each chat is as rich as your morning brew.   4. Deep Dive into Coffee Chat 1: Crafting that first impression! Unpack the essentials of initiating the conversation, understanding motivations, and fostering genuine interest.   5. Harnessing the Benefits: Wrapping up the 'whys' and 'hows' of Coffee Chats and the transformative shifts they can bring to your business dynamics.   Questions to Ponder:   1. How have your networking practices been influencing your business till now? Is there room for deeper, quality interactions?   2. In what ways do you presently nurture your professional connections? Is there a consistency and genuine interest?   3. As you ponder on integrating Coffee Chats, which potential collaborations or connections spring to your mind first? About the Host: Rebecca Cafiero is an intl. Forbes business and PR strategist, TEDx Speaker and top ranked podcast host, 4x bestselling author and mother of two. As the Founder + CEO of the Pitch Club, a for women, by women company, she has worked with hundreds of female entrepreneurs growing + scaling small businesses and teams to increase their credibility, visibility and profitability in business.  Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, she spent 13 years in Corporate America leading sales and marketing teams.  She is a frequent speaker on online business strategy, creating credibility + visibility, productivity  and personal optimization. As a sought after media source, Rebecca’s tips have been featured in NBC News, ABC News, BIZ TV and publications including Forbes, Reader’s Digest, Women's Health, US News and World Report and more. Connect with Rebecca Cafiero:    Visit and follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccacafiero  and @becomingyoupodcast !! 


The Power of a Life Scrapbook: Documenting Your Why

In this episode I unravel the transformative essence of a life scrapbook. It's not just about cherishing memories—it's about anchoring our purpose and combating self-doubt. Journey with me through my personal revelations, and discover how this compelling tool can amplify your clarity and determination. Together, let’s harness the power of reflection, remember our impact, and, most importantly, rekindle our 'why'.   Key Topics:   1. Defining the Life Scrapbook: More than memories - capturing essence and motivation.   2. Combating Self-Doubt: How revisiting our life scrapbook can be a beacon during challenging times.   3. Discovering Your 'Why': My personal quest for clarity and the lessons learned.   4. Building Your Life Scrapbook: Tangible steps and creative ways to document moments that matter.   5. The Transformative Impact: Shifting from external validation to internal affirmation and how a life scrapbook serves as a catalyst. Questions to Ponder:   1. When doubt clouds your vision, how do you find clarity? Could a life scrapbook be the compass you've been seeking?   2. How does your current 'why' align with the journey you’ve embarked upon in life and business?    3. Think about the most transformative moment in your life. How have you memorialized it, and how often do you revisit that memory for motivation? About the Host: Rebecca Cafiero is an intl. Forbes business and PR strategist, TEDx Speaker and top ranked podcast host, 4x bestselling author and mother of two. As the Founder + CEO of the Pitch Club, a for women, by women company, she has worked with hundreds of female entrepreneurs growing + scaling small businesses and teams to increase their credibility, visibility and profitability in business.  Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, she spent 13 years in Corporate America leading sales and marketing teams.  She is a frequent speaker on online business strategy, creating credibility + visibility, productivity  and personal optimization. As a sought after media source, Rebecca’s tips have been featured in NBC News, ABC News, BIZ TV and publications including Forbes, Reader’s Digest, Women's Health, US News and World Report and more. Connect with Rebecca Cafiero:   Visit and follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccacafiero  and @becomingyoupodcast !! 


Master the Media: Secrets to Pitching Success with Media Coach + PR Expert Lynya Floyd

Today we're diving into the art of pitching with media guru Lynya Floyd. From understanding the essence of urgency to shining under the spotlight, Lynya unveils tips and personal insights to get your voice heard and your stories published. Let's delve into the art of capturing media attention!   Key Topics:   1. Timeliness in Pitching: The compelling power of now and its allure to gatekeepers.   2. Leveraging Expertise: Using knowledge as your golden ticket to media attention.   3. Embracing the Spotlight: Lynya's journey of seizing opportunities and its influence on her success.   4. Pitching with Confidence: Overcoming hesitations using Lynya's Mediacoach guide.   5. Value of Asking & Self-care: Identifying needs, practicing self-care, and the potency of seeking help. Questions to Ponder:   1. How has your understanding of timeliness impacted your pitches or presentations?   2. In what ways can you harness your expertise to generate interest in what you do or offer?   3. How do media endorsements amplify your personal or brand visibility? Resources:   Instagram   Website About the Guest:   Lynya Floyd is an award-winning journalist and sought-after media coach for corporate clients and entrepreneurs. She has two decades of experience working on staff and as a freelancer for glossy titles like Oprah, Glamour, Essence, Money, Health and Cosmopolitan. As a health expert who is also a nationally certified health and wellness coach, Lynya has appeared on The Today Show, FOX, NPR and more. Drawing from her expertise on camera and behind a microphone, she helps clients shine when they step into the media spotlight. Lynya has also been able to help her entrepreneur clients land media in prestigious outlets like Business Insider, Well & Good, Fast Company, The Huffington Post and more. She lives in New York City but loves traveling the globe. For more info on the host:  Visit and follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccacafiero !    Let’s connect on social media! Instagram: Facebook: Linkedin:


Reaching New Heights - Lessons from a Free Fall!

Hello, everyone! Today, I'm whisking you away on a high-flying adventure from my recent experience at a high ropes leadership course. This journey—from the grit of scaling a rock wall to the exhilaration of a free fall—revealed deep insights about business, life, and our innermost selves. Ready to dig deep, uncover hidden strengths, and soar to new heights together? Let’s leap in!   Questions to ponder before tuning in:   1. When was the last time you truly stepped outside your comfort zone in life or business? How did it make you feel?   2. Think about your reactions when faced with daunting challenges: Do you retreat or rise? What drives that choice?   3. As a leader or aspiring leader, how do you think your actions and decisions influence those around you?   Key Topics:   1. Stepping Out of Comfort Zone and Facing Challenges     - Embracing new environments for growth.     - Merging personal growth with professional challenges.     - Confronting fear and discomfort head-on.     - Being an example to motivate others.   2. Lessons from High Ropes Leadership Course     - Deep dive into the high ropes course elements.     - Rock wall climbing: setting goals and overcoming them.     - Tackling the unfamiliar: tightrope and free fall.     - Using micro-goals to conquer looming challenges.   3. The Power of Micro Goals     - Demystifying the 'micro goal' concept.     - Contrasting the rock wall and free fall experiences.     - Decomposing a major challenge into digestible bits.     - The joy in celebrating progress over perfection.   4. Leadership and Responsibility     - The ripple effect of a leader's actions.     - Inspiring others through personal accomplishments.     - Merging external expectations with internal motivations.     - The potency of leadership during adversity.   5. Celebrating Progress and Doing Your Best     - The art of acknowledging small wins.     - Encouraging self and others to venture into the unknown.     - Pushing limits while honoring self-awareness.     - Valuing the journey irrespective of the destination. About the Host: Rebecca Cafiero is an intl. Forbes business and PR strategist, TEDx Speaker and top ranked podcast host, 4x bestselling author and mother of two. As the Founder + CEO of the Pitch Club, a for women, by women company, she has worked with hundreds of female entrepreneurs growing + scaling small businesses and teams to increase their credibility, visibility and profitability in business.  Prior to becoming an entrepreneur, she spent 13 years in Corporate America leading sales and marketing teams.  She is a frequent speaker on online business strategy, creating credibility + visibility, productivity  and personal optimization. As a sought after media source, Rebecca’s tips have been featured in NBC News, ABC News, BIZ TV and publications including Forbes, Reader’s Digest, Women's Health, US News and World Report and more. Connect with Rebecca Cafiero:    Visit and follow Rebecca on Instagram @rebeccacafiero  and @becomingyoupodcast !! 


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