Behind the '90s

Welcome to a podcast dedicated to the awesomeness of the '90s!Featuring host Justin Laudano and a different expert guest every week. Strap in because this time machine has no brakes!

'90s Snacks

Hold on to your dunkaroos for this episode! Myself and snack connoisseur Andrew Cudgma debate the best snacks of the '90s. We even give you a snack themed March Madness bracket. Tune in to see if your favorite snack takes home the crown!


'90s Hip-Hop

On this episode, we talk about the best rappers of the '90s! This episode features up-and-coming rapper Mindflip, who has an old-school style and tells us how the '90s legends influenced him as an artist.



Get your popcorn ready for this episode! We are rewinding back to every '90s kid’s favorite movie sanctuary- Blockbuster! We bring in Taylor Morden, the director of the hit documentary “The Last Blockbuster.” The doc highlights the last blockbuster in the world and how incredible the movie renting experience really was. Join us for new knowledge, needed nostalgia, and a few laughs!


Cup Stacking

In the '90s, a new sport emerged and took over gym classes everywhere- cup stacking! For this episode, we bring in team USA cup stacking champion Dan Klein to teach us about how this unconventional sport is still popular all over the world today!



The episode about nothing. Join us as we dive into the history and awesomeness of the '90s hit TV show- Seinfeld. We are joined by expert guest Dustin Lee, creator of the hilarious Instagram account “Costanzagrams.” Dustin also will provide our listeners with some Seinfeld trivia questions! Giddy Up!



Pokémon were a HUGE hit in the 90’s and still are today! Hear from Pokémon expert Jeffrey Surran as he takes us through the “evolution” of Pokémon throughout the years. Learn about Pokémon tournaments, culture, and more! You gotta catch this episode!


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