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Being in Motherhood Podcast

Author: Kendra Fitzgerald & Nicole Coons

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Amidst the joys of a motherhood journey, there is an undercurrent of challenge unlike any other you’ll face in your life, requiring a different kind of strength than your pre-motherhood days. The current maternal healthcare system sets moms up to get weaker in pregnancy and start motherhood with a deficit of strength and energy. This means the vast majority of mothers are slogging through motherhood feeling weak and discouraged. It’s time for that to change. Each week, Pregnancy and Postpartum Exercise Specialists (and sisters!) Kendra Fitzgerald and Nicole Coons will bring you the deep conversations needed with the practical tips and knowledge moms need to make bold decisions, heal their bodies, and live their motherhood on THEIR terms.
22 Episodes
What IS the fourth trimester?In this podcast episode, we are beyond thrilled to be in conversation with the two magnificent women who created Fourth Trimester Foundations. Carly and Meg are registered nurses who work on the frontlines - they are present with moms in labor and delivery every day. They’re also moms themselves, and have experienced firsthand the many gaps in the healthcare system that doesn’t prepare people for the fourth trimester experience. In this episode you’ll learn about:...
In the previous episode, we talked about seven things Kendra wishes she knew sooner in motherhood. Today, it’s Nicole’s turn to share the secrets in her motherhood toolkit. (A teaser: childbirth can actually feel SATISFYING!)In those first few years, when we’re holding our newborns and are extremely fatigued, it can be hard to see the big picture. But what we want you to know is that this experience is helping you in ways you can’t see yet.We hope that you embrace parenthood as the hero’s jou...
Will I ever feel like myself again?It’s something you might contemplate in those early months (or years) postpartum. Today we’re here to tell you that you will.It will take less time if you get help (wink, wink) but it WILL take some time. Just like it takes time to grow a baby, it takes time to grow into your new identity as a mother.In the next two episodes, we’re talking about the 14 things we wish we knew earlier on in motherhood. In this one, Kendra tackles seven, and in the next, Nicole...
What actually IS diastasis recti?We talk about it a lot in our industry, but many pregnant or postpartum moms might be new to the idea of diastasis recti – abdominal separation that happens in pregnancy and postpartum. Did you know? One hundred percent of pregnant women get diastasis recti. So it’s not like something went wrong with your body! It’s a totally normal byproduct of pregnancy. The difference is how your body recovers from it and the degree of diastasis that you have.In today’s epi...
We often hear from postpartum moms that their yoga practice just doesn’t feel the same.Maybe they’re not feeling confident. Maybe the yoga practice they’re doing feels too fast, too long, or too exhausting. Maybe it’s that their own bodies feel foreign to them. Or maybe it’s that yoga just isn’t feeling as enjoyable. In today’s episode we’re digging into all of that and more, focusing on the 6 most-asked questions about getting back into yoga after having a baby, and how to adjust your practi...
Some people feel like they’re done with postpartum when they hit certain dates. Others feel postpartum drags on forever and is never done.It can be hard to know, since there’s a TON of conflicting information out there!In this episode, we’ll talk about the four distinct phases of recovery (which we developed after working with hundreds of moms in various stages of postpartum!) – and how to know when you don’t need postpartum-specific workouts anymore.Contrary to popular belief, healing your b...
Today’s episode features one of our clients, Stephanie Kramer, a self-proclaimed fitness fanatic whose resume includes work for Peloton and Equinox.At week 25, Stephanie’s doctor told her she needed to stop running. As a running addict, the news was devastating, to say the least.Instead of becoming totally inactive, Stephanie was able to maintain incredible strength and get back to running faster and longer postpartum. (In fact, she even just ran her first half marathon!)Her story is a great ...
Not all pain is created equal – especially in pregnancy and postpartum.We’ve worked with thousands of moms over the years, and this is something we know to be true. In today’s episode, we want to help you have more discernment and criteria to evaluate your pain.There are so many different kinds of pain you might feel during this time: muscle pain, spasms, joint pain, ligament pain, digestive pain, headaches, abdominal pain. One thing they all have in common? They can naturally lead to a lot o...
When you learned you were pregnant, did you worry about losing your fitness?This was true for one of our clients, Greta, who is an active duty Judge Advocate General (JAG). For her, fitness is not only an important aspect of her job – it's also something that makes her happy.When she had her daughter about a year ago, she faced a tough recovery and a strenuous job to return to. She’d put on 60 pounds during her pregnancy and afterward struggled with pelvic floor pain and connecting to her cor...
Today we’re tackling a question we get a lot:How soon can I get back to exercise after birth?Our short answer? You can begin as soon as day one postpartum – so long as you do it the right way. We’re conditioned to think of postpartum exercise as all-or-nothing - like I can’t do my usual core weightlifting or yoga routine, so I’m just going to relax and wait. But often we see moms lose several weeks or even months of fitness. When they start back up, they feel behind – or, they jump into thing...
So often, during the third trimester of pregnancy, people stop working out.A lot of moms are in conservation mode, feeling the weight of the baby on their pelvis. They’re fatigued, uncomfortable, lacking motivation, or they’re afraid, not sure what movement is safe for them and their babies.But it’s important to keep moving in the third trimester – just at the right pace, with the right intensity. This is Part II of our behind-the-scenes look at the fitness program we created for the Dai...
One of Kendra’s biggest frustrations during both her pregnancies was how EASY her prenatal programs were. She often felt she was being treated like a delicate flower.This made her angry because pregnant people are strong, and because she was getting ready to give birth - one of the most physically challenging things she would ever do.Today, we’re talking about exercises you can safely do in your second trimester of pregnancy and pulling back the curtain on our fitness program Baby Bump & ...
No one is immune to trauma.There are different kinds: acute (resulting from a single incident); chronic (repeated and prolonged); and complex (layers of trauma over a long period of time). We won’t go deeper than that in this episode, but let’s just agree that it’s pretty likely many of us will experience trauma as it relates to a mother’s experience. What’s important to note: trauma isn’t defined by WHAT happened, but how we EXPERIENCE what happened. This topic is so important...
Birth is a HUGE event. Yet, so often we overlook that birth is going to have an imprint on our bodies, hearts, minds, and souls for life.In today’s episode, we’re talking about birth stories. Specifically, why healing yours is crucial to your success as a mother. We’ll cover four tools to help you heal your story and tell some success anecdotes illustrating what can happen when you do!Humans connect through storytelling. What we need most in motherhood, when we’re processing our birth, i...
In this episode, we’re talking about six mindset shifts to prepare for birth and avoid a traumatic experience. It might be one of the MOST IMPORTANT topics we cover in this podcast, because what happens in your birth stays with you or the rest of your life.Your role in birth is just as important as the lead character in a show. And if you haven’t practiced and prepared, you’re going to feel lost, scared, and start making uninformed decisions on the fly.Listen to this episode on repeat if you ...
In today’s episode, we’re talking about pelvic floor physical therapy versus corrective exercise. What are they? And why would you need either one? This is a really important discussion to have because this information is not being adequately shared with new moms. Some doctors might dismiss postpartum hip pain, stomach pain, rib pain or shoulder pain, or try to minimize them. And many won’t mention things like physical therapy or corrective exercise unless you ask about it – and of ...
Today, we’re turning up the heat and talking about postpartum ANGER.Maybe you have frustration with your body and the process of recovery. Maybe you’re angry about your birthing experience, your doctors, your family, or the loss of your old identity. Anger has the connotation of being a negative emotion, and a lot of times, we’re encouraged not to express it — but it’s important to listen to the anger when it swells up, because it’s trying to tell you something really important.In this e...
Sometimes, new moms suffer from what we call “help fatigue.”While in postpartum, we DEPEND on the help of other people, and so when it comes to physical recovery, some women hesitate because they know it means they’ll need help – hands-on help, help watching the kids, or maybe just emotional support.Or, maybe they hesitate because they think their partners won’t get it. Maybe they feel guilty taking time for themselves. Or, maybe they get pushback from their partners! It’s not that bad. You d...
Many moms struggle figuring out where (and when!) to start getting back into exercise postpartum.Even people like Kendra who THOUGHT they knew a lot about fitness will find they’re in a whole new playing field post childbirth. The first question you might be asking: when even IS postpartum? In a recent survey we conducted in our community, 75% of moms said they thought postpartum was between six months and a year. The truth? Postpartum is indefinite. Once postpartum, always postpart...
What if we told you that, if you take the right steps, giving birth can actually be an ECSTATIC, empowering experience? That it can actually feel GOOD?Today’s episode focuses on Nicole’s story. Nicole is the mom of a 13-year-old daughter and 10-year-old son. She’s also a trauma-informed yoga facilitator, birth and postpartum educator, and our resident pregnancy and postpartum yoga expert and mindset ninja. She used her disappointing first birthing experience to have an ecstatic second on...