Beliefs of the Heart: Reflections

A reading of Beliefs of the Heart weekly article, followed by a reflection: the reason behind the article, comments from readers, or other versions that were edited out. Live comments by author Sam Williamson. You can find more of Sam's writing at: Special thanks to Keith Medley for his FANTASTIC 27 string guitar background song, Ancestors. You can find more of Keith's music at:

Is Modern Therapy Serving Up Spiritual Malnutrition?

Almost every person I speak with is suffering, or has suffered. And the world has a boatload of answers for our problems. Many of them are fine, helpful even; but many are dangerous and against God.What are we to do? I suggest we keep remembering that all therapy deals with how we humans can flourish, how can we live blessed lives? And that answer to those questions is always about SOUL therapy, understanding the condition of our souls. And even secular thinkers are beginning to see the dange...


The War of the World

For two thousand years, believers have prioritized the importance of “spiritual warfare” for Christian health. Heck, I was raised Presbyterian, and even Presbyterians taught it.The battle comprises three enemies: the World, the Flesh, and the Devil. While most teaching mentions these three enemies, the spiritual warfare enemy most frequently publicized is the Devil. (Though some churches emphasize the Flesh.)But Scripture warns us of the perils of the World one hundred times more than the Dev...


Inward Trials

Almost every person I speak with has suffered. We hear, "For to those who love God, everything works out for the good," but it doesn't work for us, or at least we have very different ideas of the "the good" is. What is God up to? How good really is that "good"?A reading and commentary on this article: These Inward Trials - Beliefs of the Heartby Sam Williamson.And very special thanks to Keith Medley for his FANTASTIC 27 string guitar background song, Ancestors. You can find more of ...


How Do We Handle the Evil Done to Us?

Almost every person I speak with has suffered some sort of betrayal from parents or teachers or bosses or spouses. And it affects us on so many levels, most of which we can't see--but our friends can.We are imprisoned.How do we handle the evils do to us?A reading and commentary on this article: The Evil Done to Us - Beliefs of the Heartby Sam Williamson.And very special thanks to Keith Medley for his FANTASTIC 27 string guitar background song, Ancestors. You can find more of Keith's musi...


Talking With God - Just Like A Friend

This podcast describes what is the single greatest lesson (and invitation) that God has been speaking to me about for the last five years.Maybe ten.A reading and commentary on this article: by Sam Williamson.And very special thanks to Keith Medley for his FANTASTIC 27 string guitar background song, Ancestors. You can find more of Keith's music at: the Show.


Controlling God

Three years ago, I dedicated the year to meditating on thinking of Jesus as LORD. Not just savior, not just friend, not just confidante, not as rabbi. But mild Jesus, JESUS AS LORD. And these are my thoughts.A reading and commentary on this article: by Sam Williamson.And very special thanks to Keith Medley for his FANTASTIC 27 string guitar background song, Ancestors. You can find more of Keith's music at: http://www.k...


When Helping God Is Lethal

We so often work directly against God in our greatest attempts to help Him. And our efforts wreak havoc in our lives and in the lives of our families and friends. What are we to do?A reading and commentary on this article: Sam Williamson.And very special thanks to Keith Medley for his FANTASTIC 27 string guitar background song, Ancestors. You can find more of Keith's music at: t...


I Was Mortified

Oh My Goodness! I've been mortified, humiliated, and embarrassed many times in my life (and some of you know those other times), but this was a double mortification: what it said TO me and what it said ABOUT me. Join me in rehashing my mortification.A reading and commentary on this article: Sam Williamson.And very special thanks to Keith Medley for his FANTASTIC 27 string guitar background song, Ancestors. You can find more of K...


The Measure of Our Lives

A friend's dissatisfaction with "I only have 6 million dollars to my name" led me to think more about how the world creeps into how we measure our lives.A reading and commentary on this article: Sam Williamson.And very special thanks to Keith Medley for his FANTASTIC 27 string guitar background song, Ancestors. You can find more of Keith's music at: the Show.


Imagine There's No Heaven

Lennon's haunting, beautiful, whimsical song has always fascinated me and frustrated me. It's delightful music sucks me into a vortex of lies and death. It is really a deadly song.A reading and commentary on this article: by Sam Williamson.And very special thanks to Keith Medley for his FANTASTIC 27 string guitar background song, Ancestors. You can find more of Keith's music at:


When Salvation Isn't Enough

I once observed a man--A Christian man!--desperately trying to gain approval from work colleagues, and it got me thinking about the breadth of God's salvation. Is there a heaven, a kind of heaven, that God wants for us today?A reading and commentary on this article: by Sam Williamson. And very special thanks to Keith Medley for his FANTASTIC 27 string guitar background song, Ancestors. You can find more of Keith's musi...


The Pimps and the Prostitutes Are Closer to Heaven Than We Are

We don't let Jesus offend us enough. When he says things like, "The pimps and prostitutes are closer to heaven than you are," we should be shocked. But mostly we just miss his point, or don't even think about it.But Emmanuel Kant WAS offended, so much so that he completely, 100%, rejected the Gospel of God in favor of the gospel of self-deceit. A reading and commentary on this article: by Sam...


Is It Dangerous to "Hear God" Outside of Scripture?

A friend recently corrected me for writing my book, "Hearing God in Conversation," by saying any kind of hearing God outside Scripture is dangerous and usually just wrong. And she was convincing. But I think she was wrong as well. A reading and commentary on this article: by Sam Williamson. And very special thanks to Keith Medley for his FANTASTIC 27 string guitar background s...


When Success Fails

We want success, impact, significance. Right? But our success is not always the best thing for our friends. Not that they are jealous but that we are sometime insufferable without suffering. A reading and commentary on this article: by Sam Williamson. And very special thanks to Keith Medley for his FANTASTIC 27 string guitar background song, Ancestors. You can find more of Keith's music at: http://www.keithmedleymusi...


Dregs of Culture

I am ashamed to admit my participation in a kind of humanistic viewing of evangelism prospects. We called it "Selective Evangelism, and this is my story. by Sam Williamson. And very special thanks to Keith Medley for his FANTASTIC 27 string guitar background song, Ancestors. You can find more of Keith's music at: the Show.


Can A Light Switch Really Disprove Supernatural Activity?

Too many people try to "save" Christianity by choosing to ignore core elements. One modern "salvation" attempt is to eliminate the supernatural. How important is the supernatural to Christianity? To you? by Sam Williamson. And very special thanks to Keith Medley for his FANTASTIC 27 string guitar background song, Ancestors. You can find more of Keith's music at: ...


Counterfeit Spirituality

The world gives us false answers to our problems. Initially, they sound good and God's answer seem week. But in the long run, the answers of the world are counterfeit spirituality, even when preached from the pulpit. Adapted from this article: by Sam Williamson. And very special thanks to Keith Medley for his FANTASTIC 27 string guitar background song, Ancestors. You can find more of Keith's music at: ht...


Why Can't We Admit the Evil Within?

The world tells us to cling to something inside us for significance; God says there is a better way.Adapted from this article: by Sam Williamson. And very special thanks to Keith Medley for his FANTASTIC 27 string guitar background song, Ancestors. You can find more of Keith's music at: the show ( the Show.


Fearing Go[o]d

The spiritual necessity of fearing God; and why doesn't our culture like this?Adapted from this article: by Sam Williamson. And very special thanks to Keith Medley for his FANTASTIC 27 string guitar background song, Ancestors. You can find more of Keith's music at: the Show.


When God Seems Silent

God is always speaking, and one of the ways he speaks most powerfully is in His silence. Learn to recognize this amazing and comforting voice of deeds.Adapted from this article: by Sam Williamson. And very special thanks to Keith Medley for his FANTASTIC 27 string guitar background song, Ancestors. You can find more of Keith's music at: the Show.


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