DiscoverBernie Glassman at Upaya
Bernie Glassman at Upaya
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Bernie Glassman at Upaya

Author: Upaya Zen Center

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This podcast features Roshi Bernie Glassman's teachings at Upaya over the years and is a memorial series honoring his profound Zen teachings and socially engaged work in the world.
32 Episodes
Part 5: “I live my life according to experiences, not according to the commentary.” This last half of the final panel traverses: projection in student-teacher relationships; how Roshi Joan’s and […]
Part 4: A song and questions. After Alan leads everyone in song, the panel takes open questions and jams. They consider: are there any restrictions on what people do with […]
Part 3: Dialogue ensues! The question of feeding hungry spirits what they want versus feeding them what they need engages many voices. This leads on to: what is the difference […]
Part 2: Feeding everyone. Bernie explains the inner logic and dramatic progression of the liturgy’s several pieces. It proceeds through loving invitations and invocations, magic work to actualize energies and […]
Part 1: An open-hearted overhaul. Bernie spins a lively history of the Gate of Sweet Nectar liturgy, from an early version (mythically attributed to Shakyamuni) to Menzan’s tantric innovations to […]
Part 8:  “Everything is opinion.” In this last dialogue, Bernie — with a little help from Roshi Joan and Sensei Alan — fields questions about whether the view that “everything […]
Part 7: Q&A. The teachers complete the Q & A session.
Part 6: Feminism, liturgy, and clown noses. After a song led by Sensei Alan, the panel conducts a Q & A period to close out the day. Topics covered include […]
Part 5: The practice of zazen. Concluding the third session of the retreat, Roshi Bernie continues his dialogue with retreatants, answering questions about the stages of “bearing witness,” telling stories […]
Part 4: Bearing witness retreats. Roshi Bernie describes the Zen Peacemakers Order and the approach of “Bearing Witness Retreats” with homelessness in New York and genocide at Auschwitz and in […]
Part 3: Listening without preconception. In the second part of the session, Roshi Bernie talks about the actualization of an “Indra’s Net” connecting impoverished communities by responding to the various […]
Part 2: Indra’s Net. After Sensei Alan Senauke opens the session with a guided meditation song, Roshi Bernie offers his opinions on “non-dual communication” on interdependence and Indra’s Net, reincarnation, […]
Part 1. Nonduality. Bernie-Roshi reflects on three periods of his life, each marked by stepping beyond limited “clubs” into ever wider and less sure circles of caring engagement. He speaks […]
“Have you seen The Big Lebowski?” In this final session, Bernie continues to answer questions posed by the retreat participants. One person asked: “How can one go about distributing homemade soap to […]
Being on the street. This session continues where the previous left off, with Roshi Bernie taking a number of questions from the participants. The first question concerns Indra’s net, which […]
Amazing stories of forgiveness. In this Saturday afternoon session, Roshi Bernie discusses forgiveness using the Rwandan genocide as a backdrop. During a 100 day period starting in April of 1994, […]
Bearing witness retreats. In this session, Roshi Bernie answers questions from the audience. Questions include: “Are there Bearing Witness Retreats in Hiroshima or Nagasaki?” “What is the status of the […]
Rejoice! In this Saturday morning session, Roshi Bernie opens by answering a couple of questions posed by the audience. “What is the most important element in bringing about change?” “What should […]
Honoring the interconnection of life. During the second half of the final retreat session, Roshi Bernie invites the gathered retreatants to share what they will take away from their time […]
Bearing Witness. The session begins with Roshi Joan Halifax informally reflecting on her deep affection and respect for Roshi Bernie Glassman and their long collaboration in the dharma. Roshi Bernie […]