Best of the Worst

Twice a week, join the Weisers (creators of "Myths and Legends" and "Fictional") as they take a look at all the wonderful, ridiculous characters from comic book history. Why should Joker, Thanos, Catwoman, and Magneto get all the love? Why not Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man, Uglyman, Kiteman, Asbestos Lady, and Condiment King? And yes, those are real characters. Originally a segment on chart-topping podcast Fictional, Best of the Worst is making household names out of the world's worst heroes and villains...just not for the reasons they'd want.

Marvel: Madam McEvil's Terrible Trio (enemies of Daredevil) SEASON TWO FINALE!

~~This is the last episode of season 2! Thanks for listening!~~ Why not name your budding team of criminals after a fast food franchise?  Madam McEvil was a techno monk martial artist who could move things with her mind, so she could probably name it whatever she wanted. Together with Angar the Screamer, living LSD factory, Ramrod...a guy who rams into things, and the Dark Messiah, a street-performer-turned-cult-leader, they...were not scary at all and were defeated almost immediately. Check out the (not-so-)terrible trio at


DC Comics: Prime Minister Blizzard (enemy of Wonder Woman)

If you take anything away from this episode, please know just how much Wonder Woman, one of DC's flagship characters, loooooooooves global warming. Want to see more?


Archie Comics: Cat Girl and Kree-Nal, Sea Circe from Space (enemies of Jaguar)

"Kree-Nal, Sea Circe from Space" might be somehow the most self-evident and yet most confusing name we've ever talked about on this podcast. Cat Girl is neither a cat nor a girl. They're both enemies of the Jaguar, a man with powers completely unrelated to a Jaguar who's not an actual jaguar but also sometimes is. It's a weird one. Ralph Hardy being, apparenly, irresistible and Christopher Reeve being an amazing actor:


DC Comics: Skyrocket (enemy of Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman)

With little more than several fireworks strapped to his body and a whole lot of confidence, Skyrocket - the man who uses fireworks to do supercrime - is making it work. Check out skyrocket and that snitch, Riddler at  


America's Best Comics: The Puzzler (enemy of the Black Terror)

The Puzzler's greatest nemesis wasn't the superpowered pharmacist who dresses like Superman if Superman was really into wearing a ton of leather. It was the Puzzler's weak ankles. Check out the Puzzler and the Terror Twins:  


DC Comics: The Big Gang (enemies of The Atom)

The big gang is a gang that's big that also only steals big things and fights the world's smallest hero. See what they did there? That's it. That's the joke. Want to see a bunch of grownups in spandex stealing giant items that are basically worthless?  


Marvel: Asbestos Lady (enemy of the Human Torch)

Asbestos Lady is a good example of why, when it comes to supercrime, you need to do more than drape yourself in asbestos fabric (and also absolutely not drape yourself in asbestos). for more of that asbestos content you crave.


Clue Comics: The Crane (enemy of Boy King and the Giant)

The Crane answers the age-old question: what if Inspector Gadget was a Nazi spy with a giant mechanical T-Rex? Pictures! Text! Cringy headers!  


DC Comics: Jasper Rasper, the Man who Hated Christmas (enemy of Superman)

Jasper Rasper hates Christmas and is on a quest to destroy his hated enemy: Santa Claus. This looks like a job for Superman. Yes, really. This is Superman canon. See CrossFit Santa:  


Marvel: Baron Blood (enemy of Namor and Captain America)

Baron Blood is a villain that checks all the boxes...if your problematic and troubling list includes an out of touch rich guy who dresses up like a bat and is also a vampire Nazi. Bleh! Check out the weirdness that is pictures of Baron Blood:  


Archie Comics: The Black Hand (enemy of Captain Flag)

Like if you get taken by a giant eagle to his mountain home you become a superhero, if you have a single diseased hand you do some supercrime. Both of those things happen in this episode. Sources! Pictures! Writing! Check it out:  


DC Comics: The Shark (enemy of Green Lantern)

What happens when a regular tiger shark's brain is hit with way too much radiation: we get a look at our future as bald, super-powered speedo-ed humanoids. Check out the show post (with pictures!)  


Marvel: Nuklo (enemy of the Avengers)

Why locking your kid in a lead capsule the moment they're born is a bad idea. Even if they are just a misshapen lump of radioactive materials. Want to read this? See some pictures?  


Prize Comics: Bloor, Dictator of Uranus (enemy of Power Nelson)

The year is 1982. The third world war has left the world in shambles. Tyranny has won with the Mongol Empire pulling the best sneak attack in history after lying low for 600 years. There are little green men living on Uranus. There's a lot going on. Bloor, the dictator of Uranus, first appeared in Prize Comics #6. Want to read this? See some pictures? -- Check out https://segway.segue/best for $500 off your first month of the Segway Segue!  


DC Comics: The Penny Plunderer (enemy of Batman)

How one man's obsession and resolve can strike fear in the hearts of countless individuals...and also there's Joe Coyne, the Penny Plunderer. We learn that you can make a vow and have an obsession, but when that vow is to do penny-themed might not be as scary as you hoped. Check out the post!  


Marvel: Leap-Frog (enemy of Daredevil, Spider-Man, and Iron Man)

How your dad jumping around JFK airport in a frog suit in the 1960s can lead to you joining the Avengers. It's the tale of Leap-Frog/Frog-Man. Leap-Frog first appeared in Daredevil #25. Want to read this and see some pictures??  


Feature Presentation: Black Tarantula

The Black Tarantula, Count Rorret, figured out a loophole so that he could live forever doing evil. He can make giant fire monsters, kill people and bring them back to life as thralls, and transform enemies to puppies. But, he has one weakness: an empty potato sack. The post on the site:


DC Comics: Ding-Dong Daddy (enemy of the Teen Titans)

Ding-Dong Daddy is just a local goateed* cool dude who gives high school dropouts the opportunities they need to succeed, gives back to his community, and straps miniguns to ice cream trucks to help supervillains do more crime. Ding-Dong Daddy first appeared in Teen Titans #3. Check out Ding-Dong Daddy at     Can I please stop saying "Ding-dong Daddy," now? *I know it's a Van Dyke beard.


Marvel: Egghead (enemy of Ant-Man and the Wasp)

Gimmicks can come in all shapes and sizes. For the super-smart, semi-traitorous "Egghead" that shape is egg and the size is very, very big. Egghead first appeared in Tales to Astonish #38 Want to read this and see some pictures?  


Marvel: Scarlet Beetle (enemy of Ant-Man and the Wasp)

The Scarlet Beetle is, surprise surprise, a red beetle. Like most beetles (who have been dosed with massive amounts of radiation), he's telepathic, super bitter, and can grow to the size of a city block. We also learn that all bugs are jerks and if they ever get it together we're all dead. The Scarlet Beetle first appeared in Tales to Astonish #39 Check out the post on our new site!    


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