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Bethel Elim Church

Author: Bethel Elim Church, Neath

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Messages shared from our weekly Sunday morning service.
269 Episodes
The title illustrates a simple yet important fact of life…we cannot wait until we are thirsty to begin digging a well. If we do, we will likely die of thirst before we get the water we need. We must prepare ahead of time, before the need arises. There are times of spiritual ‘thirst’ If we […]
Key Text: Matthew 25:1-13 Dave Wuyts brings a message to encourage us to a greater intimacy with God through Holy Spirit. A reminder that we cannot rely on something or someone but must seek the refreshing, renewing and power of Holy Spirit personally.
What can we do to cultivate those things in our lives that allow us to remain strong in the Lord, through the unexpected and uncertainties of life, even in the Valley moments of our lives.
Key Text: John. 2:1-11 Many think that the end of this account said, ‘But you saved the best for last.’ But that’s not what God’s Word says. It says 10b ‘But you have kept the good wine until now.’ No matter who He interacted with, no matter what He was doing, Jesus was always present […]
Key Text: Philippians 3:1-10 Everything listed here was an identity marker for Paul. If you asked him, ‘Who are you?’ these would have been part of his answer. Yet, we see in v.7, he now counts this ‘identity’ as loss/rubbish. His identity is now found in Christ. This is what he says in Galatians 2:20, […]
Finding Jesus For Yourself If you didn’t grow up around church or Christian stuff or speak ‘Christianese’ then you might laugh when people say, ‘I found Jesus’ You might then think ‘I didn’t know He was lost – So how did He get lost?’ Maybe you’re thinking, ‘So is Jesus hiding all over the place like […]
What Could Be (Avoiding Spiritual Apathy) Key Text: Ephesians 2:1-10 God wants us to live an inspired life. In other words, God wants us to be spiritually energised as we pursue the calling He has placed on our lives. And yet we all go through seasons of feeling the opposite. Apathy rarely appears overnight. It’s usually […]
Key Text: Matthew 7:12-20 In his letter to the Philippians Paul prays, that they will be ‘…filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ to the glory and praise of God’ Philippians 1:11 His reference to ‘bearing fruit’ is not incidental, His references to ‘bearing fruit’ in Philippians and elsewhere mines a deep seam […]
Key Text: Acts 16:1 -5  Acts 1:8 …you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth’ From v.8 the Bible tells us the account of how God’s fledgling church became His […]
Prayer 070724

Prayer 070724


Key Texts: John 1:43-51 and Matthew 6:5-6 God says I see you The Seeking Heart – Jesus first teaches us how NOT to pray. The word hypocrite is a theatrical term referencing trying to be something that you are not. Don’t try to be something that you are not before the Father. Found people, find […]
Born Again 300624

Born Again 300624


Born Again Key Text : John 3:1-14 What does the phrase ‘Born Again’ mean? Right from the start we need to be clear ‘Born again’ is not a phrase invented by the church or anti – Christian media. Jesus himself used the phrase as a description of what it really means to be a saved […]
Everything 230624

Everything 230624


Are You Willing To Give Everything? Matthew 7:12 So in everything do to others what you would have them do to you. (NIV) Matthew 13:46 Parable of the Pearl – When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it. (NIV) Matthew 18:26 Parable of the Unmerciful […]
In this Father’s Day message Mandla Dube one of our PAIS apprentices, shares how everyone who encountered Jesus had their life transformed because they had met with Him. That same life transforming power is still at work today and available to everyone without exception, that invites Jesus into their situation.
Living Temples 020624

Living Temples 020624


Key Text: 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 We used to have Cardiff City Temple, Swansea City Temple but both are now called ‘City Churches’. Because the word ‘Temple’ in this day and age has some negative connotations. The word may be negative to some but the idea of a temple is still very relevant to God. The […]
Pentecost 190524

Pentecost 190524


Key Text: Acts 19:1-10 The apostle Paul wrote Ephesians to the churches around Ephesus to display the scope of God’s eternal plan for all humanity for Jews and gentiles alike. The first three chapters focus on what Christians should believe: • The glorious riches of God’s grace in Christ. • Dead sinners are made alive […]
Faith Over Fear 120524

Faith Over Fear 120524


Fear does not necessarily indicate a lack of faith. Sometimes, it signifies a lack of feeling safe. Choosing faith over fear is a journey we embark on and cultivate as a discipline. Having faith in God over fear means trusting in God’s plan and provision, even in the face of uncertainty, difficulty or danger. Hebrews […]
Pressing On 050524

Pressing On 050524


Simplicity 210424

Simplicity 210424


Simplicity – When Less Is Better One of the biggest lies—Tell ourselves – More is better! Reflects the 1st Lie—Serpent told Adam/Eve—Garden. ‘Did God really say?’ Message was clear …What you don’t have is what you need to make you Happy, Fulfilled andContent. That’s the marketing strategy of the age. More is always better! More […]
When you lie … Who do you think you lie to the most? Boss? (Sick today)Children, Parents, Friends, Social Media Followers? May surprise you to know that through conclusive research the person we lie to the most is ourselves. Do it tomorrow, we won’t, Stop any time- we can’t, I’m fine -we’re not, Don’t care […]



Key Text: John 20:1-29 Jewish custom dictated a responsibility to mourn at the tomb of the deceased for three days. This is why we are told in John 11:17 it was the fourth day when Jesus arrived at the tomb of His dead friend Lazarus. Mary was not exercising faith in the belief that Jesus […]