DiscoverBetween the Lines of the Book of Mormon
Between the Lines of the Book of Mormon
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Between the Lines of the Book of Mormon

Author: Between the Lines of the Book of Mormon

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Between the Lines of the Book of Mormon is a concise weekly podcast that reinforces the truthfulness of the scriptures, encourages faith, and inspires personal growth in testimony. Average episodes are approximately 20 minutes in length.

82 Episodes
Nephi, the son of Helaman, was so faithful to God, that he was given power over all the earth. Amazing. God must have trusted him without reservation.Tell us what you think!
There's tremendous turmoil in selecting the new Chief Judge. Nephi and Lehi, the sons of Helaman, serve missions to the Lamanites.Tell us what you think!
Moroni complained about the support he was getting from his home base. His letter was nothing less than scathing! How would Pahoran, struggling with his own problems, respond to Moroni's angry letter?Tell us what you think!
Who thought we could learn information about Moses from the Book of Mormon. It's the truth. And we'll discover the reason for a strange "sign of covenant" among the Nephite people. Join us.Tell us what you think!
Alma teaches his repentant son, Corianton, about the laws of Justice and Mercy. A powerful balance of power.Tell us what you think!
Alma wrote a letter to his son Helaman describing Alma's miraculous conversion to the gospel of Christ. In writing this beautiful letter, he didn't just scribble down his random thoughts but he composed this letter in ancient Nephite poetic form. Let's take a look.Tell us what you think!
Alma teaches the poor and desolate people who lived among the Mulekites. Faith in Jesus Christ is the first principle of the gospel. How do we gain and grow our faith?Tell us what you think!
Alma confronts Korihor, and then organizes a missionary excursion to redeem the wayward people of the Zoramites.Tell us what you think!
What's in a name? Let's explore possible titles for Lamoni's father and brother. Also, what's behind the naming of the converted Lamanite people, the Anti-Nephi-Lehies? Let's look between the lines.Tell us what you think!
The testimony of a young Lamanite servant girl changes the entire history of the Lamanite people. Come and join us.Tell us what you think!
Alma and Amulek preached repentance to the people of Ammonihah. How did the people respond? What can we learn from this tragic example?Tell us what you think!
The remarkable, faith-promoting story of Zeezrum, one of the Book of Mormon's most notorious, then faithful characters.Tell us what you think!
Alma preaches to two different groups of Nephites. Let's compare and contrast.Tell us what you think!
An ambitious individual can tremendously influence society, either for good or for evil. What influence did the preacher Nehor have on his people?Tell us what you think!
All of the different branches of the people of Nephi now return to Zarahemla. Alma the Younger and the four sons of Mosiah are converted to the Church, and none of the sons of Mosiah desire to become the next king, but rather want to dedicate their entire lives to missionary work.Tell us what you think!
The Nephites in the Land of Nephi are enslaved and persecuted by the Lamanites until they finally find a way to escape and return to Zarahemla.Tell us what you think!
Abinadi testifies to King Noah and his court. What insights can we get reading between the lines?Tell us what you think!
Some of the Nephites in the Land of Zarahemla were not happy. They wanted to return to their homes in the Land of Nephi. Against the council of the Prophet Mosiah, they packed up their belongings and ventured home again. Was this a wise decision?Tell us what you think!
King Benjamin's speech is focused on an essential gospel principle that is never specifically named. But, reading between the lines, it is unquestionably referenced.Tell us what you think!
Who were the Mulekites? Where did they come from? What tribe did they belong to? How well did they integrate into Nephite society? Let's look between the lines.Tell us what you think!