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Beware The Moon Wraith: The Orb of Phoebe
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Beware The Moon Wraith: The Orb of Phoebe

Author: Louis Gutierrez on

Subscribed: 105Played: 944


An ancient artifact of unfathomable power.

An unseen enemy who knows how to wield it.

A hero who can manifest his special ability three nights a month.

A recipe for action and suspense or an open invention to a butt kicking? Find out in "Beware the Moon Wraith: The Orb of Phoebe", a ten part serial that pits the Moon Wraith, a vengeful ghost for justice, against cosmic forces contained within a sphere fashioned by the gods. Actually, a god. Okay, not a god but a titan, which is not quite a god but still pretty impressive. And the Moon Wraith is not really a ghost but a ....

Tell you what, just download it and find out for yourself.
10 Episodes
Orb of Phoebe 08

Orb of Phoebe 08


Orb of Phoebe 10

Orb of Phoebe 10


Episode 10: Madness in MetamorphosisPlans reach their fruition.  But whose will succeed?
Orb of Phoebe 09

Orb of Phoebe 09


Episode 9: Madness in MoistureThe truth is revealed, but it does not set Virgil free.
Orb of Phoebe 07

Orb of Phoebe 07


Episode 7: Madness in MetaphysicsOne confronation ends with victory, another ends with a draw, and still another starts with a bang.
Orb of Phoebe 06

Orb of Phoebe 06


Episode 6: Madness in the MorgueThe dead rise, a girl gets naked, and Mecias and the Moon Wraith get ready to rumble.
Orb of Phoebe 05

Orb of Phoebe 05


Episode 5: Madness in MinotaursBoth the Moon Wraith and Mecias have issues with being beaten up.
Orb of Phoebe 04

Orb of Phoebe 04


Episode 4: Madness in MeciasA new player enters and decides to hit the old town.  The old town hits back.
Orb of Phoebe 03

Orb of Phoebe 03


Episode 3: Madness in MythologyDr. Denton gives a history lesson.  And orders.
Orb of Phoebe 02

Orb of Phoebe 02


Episode 2: Madness in MotiveVirgil’s investigations lead to unintended consequences.
Orb of Phoebe 01

Orb of Phoebe 01


Episode 1: Madness in Moonlight. The party to unveil the Orb of Phoebe has an uninvited guest.