Beyond Intuitive Eating - Total Confidence with Food, Body, and Life

<p><b>Are you ready to end the war with food, discover total confidence in your body, AND achieve your health goals? If your answer is “yes” but you’re a tad skeptical, then you’re in the exact right place. </b></p><p><br></p><p><b>A rising leader in the industry, Beth Basham MS, RD is a Registered Dietitian, Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and Liberated Body Coach. Beth helps women bridge food freedom with optimal health using principles of intuitive eating, emotional mastery, functional medicine, neuroscience, and dashes of spirituality. If you’re ready to break-free of the yo-yo diet cycle and elevate your physical and mental health to the optimal level from the inside out, now is the time and Beth can lead you there. </b></p><p><br></p><p><b>Every week you’ll learn new ways to break-free of chronic dieting, restrictive or binge eating, body hatred, and the overall madness of diet culture so you can start living your best and healthiest life in total confidence. If you’d like to work with Beth directly, visit </b></p>

36. 5 ways to embrace your present moment body

Join Beth Basham, registered dietitian, certified intuitive eating counselor, and liberated body coach, on this transformative episode of 'Beyond Intuitive Eating.' Dive into the world of body confidence with practical tips to embrace your present moment body. Learn to navigate societal pressures, challenge diet culture, and cultivate gratitude for your incredible self. Discover the power of buying clothes that fit, moving with joy, and finding a supportive community. Tune in for the top five...


35. How to overcome nighttime eating without losing your sanity

Struggling with nighttime eating? Join Beth in this solo episode where she dives deep into the whys and hows of nighttime cravings. Discover 5 practical tips to overcome this common habit without losing your sanity. From understanding emotional triggers to ensuring you're nourished throughout the day, Beth shares actionable advice with a focus on holistic health. Plus, get inspired to reclaim your 'me time,' find joy beyond food, and retrain your brain for lasting change. Tune in and transfor...


34. Overcoming body image and food concerns as a Team USA women's wrestler with Jenna Burkert

Explore the profound journey of a professional women's wrestler, Jenna Burkert, as she opens up about overcoming deep-seated body image and food concerns within the highly competitive world of athletics. You'll be amazed at the profound insight and discussion on the transformative power of intuitive eating and self-compassion, the pernicious pressures of weight and appearance in sports, and Jenna's personal evolution from an athlete under scrutiny to an advocate for positive change. This epis...


33. What is intuitive eating and what is it NOT?

We'll demystify the true essence of intuitive eating and dispel widely held misconceptions. Beth dives deep into the reality of intuitive eating, carefully dissecting what it entails and what it does not. She shines a light on the common pitfalls and myths that ensnare many who seek a more harmonious relationship with food, emphasizing that intuitive eating is neither a diet nor a free-for-all indulgence, but a nuanced journey toward attuning to your body's needs.SwellWomen Power of One Summi...


32. How to go shopping for clothes without having a meltdown

Navigating the challenges of clothes shopping can be a dauntingn thing for a woman learning more about food and body freedom, but have no fear, we're here to equip you with some actionable tips in this episode. Beth dispels the myths of dressing room deceit and equips listeners with strategies to shop with serenity and self-love. Beth covers everything from choosing the right shopping buddy, understanding size labels, and prioritizing comfort over cost. Tune in for transformational advice on ...


31. Healing body image concerns through the pelvic floor with Brianne Grogan

Join us on this transformative episode of 'Beyond Intuitive Eating' as host Beth Basham welcomes pelvic health expert Brianne Grogan to explore the deep connection between healing body image concerns and engaging with the power of the pelvic floor. Through their enlightening conversation, they shed light on the cultural and historical shame associated with women’s bodies, especially the pelvic area, and offer tangible steps towards reclamation and healing. Brianne introduces listeners to the ...


30. 3 reasons you eat when you're not hungry and how to shift it

Let's explore 3 reasons you might eat when you're not hungry - and then how to shift it (or decide if we even want to!). If you've ever felt guilt or shame at the call of an empty plate, this episode promises a gentle shift towards food freedom, ensuring that you leave nourished not just in body, but in heart and mind.CONNECT MORE WITH BETH! Loving the podcast? You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll prob...


29. How to raise kids who love food, their bodies, and themselves with Heidi Schauster MS, RD, LDN, CEDS-S, SEP

Unlock secrets on how to foster happy, food-loving kids and support their body image in this interview with Heidi Schauster, author and eating disorder dietitian! Discover the art of positive parenting, body positivity, and managing media influences. It's a must-listen for building self-compassionate families.Speaker bio: Heidi Schauster, MS, RD, LDN, CEDS-S, SEP is a nutrition and body image therapist, Somatic Experiencing (SE)™ practitioner, clinical supervisor, and Embodiment Warrior who s...


28. How to stop overeating in 3 steps

Let's stop overeating in 3 steps in this episode! Beth addresses the concerns and struggles that her clients face with overeating and unveils three steps to begin overcoming this behavior. Through the discussion, Beth emphasizes the importance of self-compassion, understanding the role of the nervous system in regulating eating behaviors, and cultivating mindfulness with food. As she expertly navigates the nuances of overeating, Beth provides valuable insights for listeners to explore their r...


27. When diet culture destroyed my relationship to exercise: Reclaiming joyful movement

Unravel the tangled relationship between exercise and diet culture so you can reclaim a joyful relationship to exercise once again. If you're yearning to rediscover movement that truly feels good, this episode is your compass to navigating the complexities of post-diet culture exercise.CONNECT MORE WITH BETH! Loving the podcast? You are not alone! If you’re like most women, this podcast will kick off your journey and give you valuable insights, but you’ll probably find yourself wanting even d...


26. How do I navigate intuitive eating if I'm a diabetic? with Bonnie Giller, RDN, LD

Navigate the nuanced world of managing diabetes with an intuitive eating approach in this special episode, with guest, Bonnie Giller. Focused on flexibility and health without rigid restrictions, this episode sheds light on the art of blending gentle nutrition and self-care practices to regulate blood sugar levels in a holistic and individualized manner. We talk about how to embrace carbs, understand the diverse factors affecting blood sugar, and redefine success beyond the scale. Discover he...


25. Can I want to modify my body while I pursue food freedom?

Can I have body goals or want to modify my body while pursuing intuitive eating and food freedom? Beth explores the layers of this question, acknowledging that each individual's experience and desires are unique. She addresses the common fear and confusion around this topic, emphasizing the importance of holding space for all desires. Beth shares personal experiences and encourages listeners to explore their motivations for body modification, whether it's related to weight loss, health, or em...


24. 3 Steps for Releasing the Fear of Weight Gain

The most common fear of releasing diet culture and ending the madness around food is what will happen to my weight?! Fear is a built in response to the unknown and if we've been dieting most of our lives to maintain or lose weight, it makes sense that we would be afraid of changes if we loosen our grip. In this episode we navigate 3 steps for releasing this common fear, and embracing a new journey with ease and confidence. See you inside the episode! CONNECT MORE WITH BETH! Loving ...


23. Exposing the "war on childhood obesity" with Dr. Elizabeth Rathbun

We're exposing the “war on childhood obesity” with Dr. Elizabeth Rathbun,' an esteemed clinical psychologist and certified intuitive eating counselor. In this deep and enlightening conversation we delve into the contentious topic of childhood obesity, challenging traditional perceptions and the stigma surrounding body weight. Dr. Rathbun shares her expert insights on why the 'war on obesity' is misguided, focusing instead on the significance of emotional well-being, stress, nutrition, a...


22. The 5 stages of becoming an intuitive eater

Discover what the 5 stages of becoming an Intuitive Eater are and why you should know about them. Beth elucidates the often difficult exploration stage, where one tackles the emotional challenge of feeling out of control with food and the temptation to view the body as a faulty machine. Find out how deep thought and somatic work, along with the support of weight-neutral healthcare providers, can transition you to the subsequent stages with grace and ease. Don't miss out on this empowering epi...


21. Using the body (not the mind) to achieve food freedom and body acceptance

Use the body, not the mind, to achieve food freedom and body acceptance. Want to know how? In this episode we explore how our emotions impact our physical well-being and why our bodies are crucial in processing and regulating emotional states. Beth shares invaluable insights into the role of the nervous system in resisting change, advocating for an embodied approach to transform our relationship with food and our bodies. Learn how to sense into your body and process emotions using...


20. How Heather went from burnout to food and body freedom

Discover how Heather went from complete burnout with all things exercise and restrictive eating to complete and total liberation. She learned how to ditch the scale, embrace body trust, and create a positive impact on her family—especially teaching her young daughter to foster a healthy relationship with food. Beth reflects on the pervasive impacts of pursuing an unrealistic body ideal, highlighting her own story and the fallacy of excessive exercise for health. Join us as we delve into...


19. An unlikely mantra that will change your relationship to your body

Could one powerful mantra revolutionize your relationship with food and your body? With a focus on self-compassion and validation, Beth introduces the unlikely mantra as a tool to shift the inner dialogue and cultivate a sense of compassion for oneself and others. Through personal anecdotes and actionable steps, Beth explores the transformative impact of this mantra and how it can lead to self-acceptance and true health from the inside out. Join Beth as she guides you through the practi...


18. How to talk to the men in your life about intuitive eating with Jeff Ash

If you've ever had a hard time explaining intuitive eating or the non-diet approach to the men in your life, this show is for you. In an interview with Jeff Ash, we explore this question from the male perspective. So whether your partner doesn't quite understand intuitive eating or it doesn't feel like they are fully supportive, you'll gain some insight by listening in so you can embark on your own food freedom journey with less resistance from your partner. Jeff is a nutritionist...


17. When nutrition matters on the food freedom journey

In episode 17 of Beyond Intuitive Eating, host Beth Basham delves into the intricate dance between food freedom and nutritional sensibility. Titled 'When Nutrition Matters on the Food Freedom Journey,' the episode offers listeners practical insights into balancing the intuitive eating principles with individual dietary needs. Beth, a registered dietitian and certified intuitive eating counselor, explores the effects of blood sugar stabilization on our food choices, illustrating how to enhance...


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