DiscoverBeyond Sugar Freedom Podcast
Beyond Sugar Freedom Podcast
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Beyond Sugar Freedom Podcast

Author: Danielle Daem

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Are you ready to kick sugar cravings, create a lasting and healthy relationship with sugar, and ditch the guilt and shame for good? Join Holistic Nutrition Coach Danielle Daem (“Coach Dani”) on a journey and deep dive into the root causes and science of sugar addiction and dependency. Together we’ll dive into the inner work and spiritual healing that lies at the root of your unhealthy habits with food so that you can step fully into your power, feel energized every day, and get back in the driver’s seat of your health once and for all! The Beyond Sugar Freedom podcast is for women who are ready to build deep self-awareness and gain the mental and physical tools they need to heal their relationship with food from the inside out. After all, our relationship with sugar has nothing to do with sugar and everything to do with our relationship with ourselves. Much more than just another health podcast, we’ll be diving into conversations around mindset, beliefs, spirituality, emotions, sexuality, relationships, trauma, sugar addiction, natural healing, personal growth, and more! Find more information and a whole library of free resources on Dani’s website:

176 Episodes
The only constant in life is change.And change is one of the hardest things for many of us to navigate…Often leading us to binge on sugar or reach for other “comforts” to help us get through.So why is change so difficult when it’s inevitable in our lives?Why are we so resistant to change?And how can we navigate change with ease and love instead of sugar?Tune in to this episode for more.******************➠ Discover the unique ROOT CAUSE that is keeping you stuck on the sugar rollercoaster ever...
Have you been eating right and doing all the things to help regulate your blood sugar but nothing seems to work?Maybe you’re not losing weight or you notice you’re still suffering from those darn cravings. Well…You may have a thyroid issue sister.That’s right, your thyroid is directly linked to your blood sugar health - along with thousands of other processes in the body.And with rates of thyroid disease and dysregulation on the rise it’s more important than ever for us to get the facts ...
Integration is at least 80% of the work…This is a well known fact and saying among the psychedelic and medicine communities that I work in.And it applies to any and all big transformational work you may be doing… retreats, breathwork journeys, conferences, powerful yoga sessions, sound healings, bodywork sessions…When we go through BIG healing moments and shifts in our life this actual shift is only 10-20% of the “work”.So how do we actually integrate to make these shifts and healing last? Wh...
Could overcoming addiction be as simple as taking a pill?And what if psychedelics could be our gateway into healing mental health and obesity struggles?Today’s conversation is nothing short of fascinating.Join me and special guest Mark Haden and Adi Zuloff-Shani from Clearmind Medicine as we dive deep into the current landscape of psychedelics in the health and wellness space.They share about an incredible new molecule that is currently starting clinical trials and showing promising lasting e...
A recent 2021 study found that over 73% of women felt their needs were dismissed and felt unheard at their medical appointments.Why is this?What is going on and why does our voice no longer matters when it comes to getting support with our health?Today’s episode is inspired by my own recent needs to advocate for me and my baby during pregnancy. I’m currently getting met front and center with how difficult our system can sometimes be and how broken it is in actually supporting women to make in...
Even with the rise of technology and human advancements we seem to be getting sicker and sicker.But WHY? Shouldn’t we be healthier with all the advancements in science and medicine?But what if these advancements are actually what are making us more sick and slowly killing us.And what if the real answers to all of our health problems started with coming back to the land and growing our own food.Join us today for a powerful conversation with Michael Kummer as we dive into how we can come back t...
A long overdue full life update and all the juicy details on what you can expect on the podcast and with my work going forward.There are some BIG life changes happening over the coming months.Tune in today to find out:What’s changing with the podcastWhat options I’ll have to work with me over the next yearLife updates and future offerings on our new propertyPregnancy update - the ups and downs More!******************➠ Discover the unique ROOT CAUSE that is keeping you stuck on the sugar ...
Are you constantly feeling like you’re fighting against life and your body every monthDo you ever struggle to allow yourself to rest?Well sister, like so many women you may be ignoring the actual natural rhythms of your body each month.We’ve been taught our whole lives to go-go-go all the time> to do things just like Men do and to completely ignore our bodies.And it’s keeping you burnt out, anxious, stressed and binging on sugar to feel better or have energy to keep going.But what if INSTE...
Do you or someone you know struggle with thyroid issues?What is your Thyroid and why is it so important to your overall health?Thyroid issues and challenges in women are ON THE RISE and it’s no wonder we’re all struggling with exhaustion and sugar cravings.Today’s episode and guest helps us peel back the layers of understanding our thyroid while also deeply diving into what it really means to holistically heal.Our bodies are not JUST ONE THING (physical, emotional, spiritual).. They are all c...
Welcome to the brand new exciting “Tough Love Thursdays” segment here on the podcast!Each week I’ll be delivering a short tough love truth in just 10 minutes or less to support you in opening your mind, diving deep and facing the truth on your sugar freedom journey.Come prepared with an open mind and a willingness to look at your life and habits with food through a new lens.Enjoy!Join the Simply Balanced Health Facebook Family to tune in live each Thursday:
Are you struggling to transition gracefully into the second half of your life?Maybe you’re frustrated that your body no longer responds the way it used to to food and exercise… you can’t get away with what you could when you were 20.But DOES midlife have to be such a terrible time?Not at all.And with the help of today’s guest you’re going to be revived and re-ignited about the incredible years you have ahead.In fact your 40s, 50s and onward may actually be the BEST years of your life - if you...
Welcome to the brand new exciting “Tough Love Thursdays” segment here on the podcast!Each week I’ll be delivering a short tough love truth in just 10 minutes or less to support you in opening your mind, diving deep and facing the truth on your sugar freedom journey.Come prepared with an open mind and a willingness to look at your life and habits with food through a new lens.Enjoy!Join the Simply Balanced Health Facebook Family to tune in live each Thursday:
Are you stuck feeling like you’ll never be able to go off sugar?Maybe you’re starting to notice some health issues creeping in but still feel a strong resistance to giving up the white stuff?Perhaps you’re deeply worried about losing your best friend…Or terrified to live without your only source of comfort and joy…You’re not alone in this!Our guest Netta Gorman is here today to share her powerful story through hitting rock bottom with her health and finally taking the leap into her suga...
Did you know that your body is made up of more microbes than actual human cells???Meaning that you’re more bacteria than you are human!The scary truth is that over the last 100 years we’ve dramatically LOST and depleted many important and health supporting strains of bacteria in our soil and bodies..At the same time, we’re getting sicker and sicker.And more “superbugs” are developing every year. Clearly it’s time now more than ever to pay attention to our microbiome and make changes to our di...
Did you know that the real reason you haven’t been able to build a healthy and happy relationship with food is that you probably haven’t done the deep inner work yet?Most women I see have been trained by society and the diet industry to look in the WRONG Places for the answer to their struggles with sugar.Going only surface deep in their healing…Well sister there’s MUCH MORE TO IT.As you know by now my passion is helping women uncover and do the DEEP inner work and healing that’s necessary to...
Welcome to the brand new exciting “Tough Love Thursdays” segment here on the podcast!Each week I’ll be delivering a short tough love truth in just 10 minutes or less to support you in opening your mind, diving deep and facing the truth on your sugar freedom journey.Come prepared with an open mind and a willingness to look at your life and habits with food through a new lens.Enjoy!Join the Simply Balanced Health Facebook Family to tune in live each Thursday:
Did you know 90% of the women I work with have no idea how to FEEL their emotions?They have spent their lives ignoring emotions and stuffing them down with food for a whole list of reasons.Can you relate?Are you holding back and just toughing it up when life gets hard?Then it’s no wonder you’re still stuck in your unhealthy habits with food and sugar.Our relationship to our emotions is a direct connection to our relationship with sugar.Once you understand the link and the importance of needin...
Welcome to the brand new exciting “Tough Love Thursdays” segment here on the podcast!Each week I’ll be delivering a short tough love truth in just 10 minutes or less to support you in opening your mind, diving deep and facing the truth on your sugar freedom journey.Come prepared with an open mind and a willingness to look at your life and habits with food through a new lens.Enjoy!Join the Simply Balanced Health Facebook Family to tune in live each Thursday:
Are you a late night snacker? Do you find yourself reaching for something “sweet” after dinner or “needing” a snack to relax after a tough day?Well sister, you’re not alone! And I’ve got news… that late night snacking habit is almost NEVER about the actual need for food.So why do we late night snack even after having had a big dinner?What’s really going on and how can we shift out of this unhealthy habit?That’s what we’re diving into in today’s episode PLUS an exciting announcement I’ve been ...
Welcome to the brand new exciting “Tough Love Thursdays” segment here on the podcast!Each week I’ll be delivering a short tough love truth in just 10 minutes or less to support you in opening your mind, diving deep and facing the truth on your sugar freedom journey.Come prepared with an open mind and a willingness to look at your life and habits with food through a new lens.Enjoy!Join the Simply Balanced Health Facebook Family to tune in live each Thursday: