DiscoverBeyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career
Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career
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Beyond the Rut: Create a Life Worth Living in Your Faith, Family, Career

Author: Jerry Dugan - The Work-Life Balance Leader, Author of Beyond the Rut, Redefining Success

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Do you feel like you’re stuck in a rut in life or in a dead-end job with no progression?

Welcome to Beyond the Rut, the podcast that offers you the motivation, inspiration, and practical tools to help you build a life worth living. Our show is here to help you break free from those limitations and find a path to success.

Join us as we share encouraging stories and actionable advice on how to get out of a rut in life and create a vision for your future. We’ll discuss the importance of mindset, setting goals, and taking actionable steps towards achieving your success.

Whether you’re looking for career guidance, personal development tips, or just need a boost of inspiration to get started on your journey, Beyond the Rut is the podcast for you. Join us each week as we help you discover the tools and mindset needed to create a fulfilling life and break free from the limitations holding you back.
445 Episodes
We tackle the challenges Christian men face in expressing their faith at work. Host Jerry Dugan delves into the top three concerns: fear of judgment, navigating secular environments, and balancing faith with professionalism. Jerry offers practical tips drawn from his personal journey and biblical wisdom. Discover how to excel in your job as a testament to your faith, embodying Colossians 3:23. Learn the power of deeds over words, reflecting the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). Embrace your secular workplace as a ministry field, just as Jesus did (Luke 5:27-32). Join us as we explore how to live out your Christian values authentically, impacting lives without being preachy. Remember, it's not about quoting scripture, but about reflecting Christ's character in your daily interactions. Tune in for practical strategies to integrate your faith seamlessly into your professional life.
Have you ever felt that nagging feeling that it might be time to move on from your job, but weren't quite sure? Naomi Hattaway is an expert in helping people navigate those tricky workplace transitions. She'll share her framework for leaving well, which covers everything from recognizing the signs that it's time to go, to ensuring a smooth knowledge transfer, and communicating your decision effectively. Whether you're an individual contemplating a change or an organization looking to improve your offboarding process, this episode is packed with valuable insights. So stick around! ---------------- This episode features a conversation between Jerry Dugan and Naomi Hattaway, who helps people and organizations navigate workplace transitions. Naomi shares her personal experience of leaving a job due to misaligned values, which led her to develop a framework for leaving well. They discuss the importance of knowledge transfer, open communication, and treating the exit process with as much care as onboarding. The conversation also touches on recognizing signs that it might be time to leave a job, and the importance of self-reflection in the decision-making process. For organizations, they emphasize the significance of stay interviews, clear communication, and operationalizing values to foster a positive work environment and mitigate the negative impacts of employee departures.
David Landis's journey highlights the transformative power of journaling in cultivating the right mindset for success. Despite having a fulfilling career as a professional firefighter and a balanced family life, David felt trapped and unfulfilled. Through journaling, he gained clarity on his desires and who he wanted to be, enabling him to take practical steps toward a more fulfilling life. This process of self-discovery through writing helped him realize that true contentment and success come from understanding and mastering one's thoughts. David Landis's message is clear: Possibility is personal. He challenges us to consider what we might be capable of achieving with the right mindset, emphasizing the importance of journaling in this transformative process.
In this insightful podcast episode, join host Jerry Dugan as he delves into the fascinating world of entrepreneurship and parenting with special guest Jason Galicinski. With a family of ten children, Jason brings a wealth of experience as both an entrepreneur and a dedicated father. Discover how Jason's journey through homeschooling his children allowed him to be a present dad and also provided unique opportunities to instill valuable life and business skills in his kids. From navigating the delicate balance between family life and business ventures to extracting parenting lessons from the world of entrepreneurship, Jason shares practical strategies and heartfelt anecdotes that resonate with any parent striving to excel in both realms. Gain valuable insights into fostering a family-centered approach to entrepreneurship while maintaining a strong connection with loved ones. Join us as we explore 'The Art of Balancing Entrepreneurship and Parenting' with Jason Galicinski.
Let's dive deep into the lies that hold us back and the truths that set us free. Have you ever felt stuck in a rut, unsure of how to break free and live the life you truly desire? In this episode, we'll explore the common lies that keep us trapped – from feelings of unworthiness to the belief that we don't have enough time or resources to pursue our dreams. But fear not, because we'll also uncover the transformative truths that can liberate us from these ruts and propel us towards a life of purpose and fulfillment. If you're ready to challenge the status quo, embrace possibility, and unleash your full potential, then join us as we unravel the ruts that bind us and discover the power of truth to transform our lives.
Step into the captivating story of digital creator and public speaker Ed Squire as he courageously reveals his journey of overcoming childhood trauma and discovering healing beyond the mask. In this compelling episode, Ed candidly shares the challenges of concealing his pain while chasing success and recognition. Through introspection and resilience, he embarked on a transformative journey, breaking free from the shackles of his past and embracing a path toward authenticity and wholeness. "Overcoming Childhood Trauma: Ed Squire's Inspiring Journey to Healing" delves deep into the human experience, highlighting the power of vulnerability and the resilience of the human spirit. Join us as we explore the profound impact of Ed's journey, offering hope and inspiration to those who are navigating similar paths. This episode is a testament to the possibility of healing and growth, reminding us that true liberation lies in embracing our truth beyond the confines of our masks.
Embark on a transformative journey with Jon McLernon, where authenticity meets mentorship in "Navigating Life's Path: An Anti-Guru Approach." In a world inundated with self-proclaimed experts, Jon stands out for his genuine connection and commitment to helping individuals live their best lives. Drawing from his experience in business leadership and personal development, Jon offers practical wisdom and insights that transcend traditional mentorship. He emphasizes the importance of authentic relationships and prioritizing personal fulfillment over financial gain. Through his own journey of faith and resilience, Jon embodies the values of compassion and love, guiding listeners toward a life of purpose and fulfillment. Join Jon McLernon on this inspiring podcast as he shares his anti-guru approach to navigating life's challenges and embracing new opportunities.
In the latest episode of our podcast, I had the privilege of sitting down with Robert and Kay Lee Fukui, the dynamic duo behind With their extensive experience as founders and authors of "Tandem: The married entrepreneurs’ guide for greater work-life balance," and hosts of the "Thriving in Tandem" podcast, they shed light on the intricacies of balancing career aspirations with a thriving marriage. Throughout our conversation, Robert and Kay Lee Fukui exemplified how intertwining career success with marital fulfillment is not only feasible but also enriching. By aligning their goals, communicating effectively, and embracing intentional practices, they've not only found success in their ventures but also nurtured a deeply fulfilling partnership. Their insights serve as a guiding light for power couples aspiring to strike a harmonious balance between their professional ambitions and personal relationships.
Welcome to a special episode delving into the overlooked alerts that shape our journeys to success. Join us as we unravel the intricate web of cautionary tales hidden within everyday products, exploring how heedlessly we navigate life's hazards. Jerry applies lessons learned from hiking in the spring and summer seasons to help you create that life worth living in your faith, family, and career. We uncover profound insights into risk assessment and the importance of vigilance in pursuit of our aspirations. While our tone may be theatrical, the message is clear: by heeding the seemingly insignificant signs, we equip ourselves with the tools necessary to navigate life's jungle and emerge victorious in our endeavors. Tune in for a captivating exploration of the unseen dangers that shape our paths to triumph.
Brett's realization of living without intentionality and alignment with his Christian values prompted a transformative journey, leading to the inception of Iron Deep. In a candid conversation with Brett Snodgrass, the founder of Iron Deep Ministry, his journey from a conventional entrepreneur to a purpose-driven leader unfolds. Discovery of Purpose Brett's entrepreneurial journey began with a profound realization – he was living a life devoid of intentionality and purpose. Despite his success in business, he felt a misalignment with his core values as a Christian husband and father. This discord propelled him on a quest to rediscover his purpose and align his life with his beliefs. Impact through Business Brett challenges the notion that impactful ministry is exclusive to clergy or non-profit endeavors. Instead, he advocates for leveraging one's profession as a platform for positive influence. As a businessman, Brett recognizes the potential for godly impact through everyday interactions in the corporate realm. Empowering Christian Entrepreneurs Iron Deep Ministry serves as a beacon of inspiration for Christian entrepreneurs seeking to integrate faith and business. Brett's vision extends beyond personal transformation; he aspires to empower fellow entrepreneurs to lead purpose-driven lives, catalyzing a ripple effect of positive change in their spheres of influence. Brett Snodgrass In 2021, Brett founded Iron Deep, a unique community for men who seek to merge their Christian faith with their entrepreneurial spirit. Composed of risk-taking, mission-minded male business leaders, Iron Deep encourages its members to prioritize significant purpose in Christ over simple business success. This community of imperfect, broken, and raw men fosters a strong desire for mutual encouragement and support. They root their identities in the "Father'sBusiness," allowing everything else to flow through that filter. To contact the author regarding speaking engagements, media inquiries or other questions, please go to
In the United States, once you hit 18, you begin surrendering your future to the weight of student loan debt. It's a burden that never seems to lighten, extending its grasp with mortgages, car loans, and credit cards as you journey through life. Then comes the awakening: despite appearing successful, you find yourself lacking in genuine happiness. Retirement feels like a distant dream, college for your children seems financially unattainable, and the repercussions of past financial choices loom ominously. But here's the silver lining - that's why you're here, seeking a different path, one where you can be unconstrained to live the life you want to live. Myles Wakeham is an expatriate Australian, who moved to the USA in 1989 and became a US Citizen in 2003 in Phoenix, Arizona. Myles lives in Scottsdale, Arizona much of the time, but spends a large portion of his year traveling the world with his wife and daughter, along with managing the building a large property & recording studio in central Mexico. He is a self-made, financially independent person who is the host of "The Unconstrained Podcast" ( and the author of the website It is Myles' goal to empower others to become financially sustainable. This is a methodology that he created and is in the process of codifying it in book form. Myles is known as a "Contrarian" in that he has found success doing the polar opposite of what the masses in society have done, and is proud of this title. In 2021, Myles and his wife purchased an acre of land in San Miguel de Allende, and began building a home & world class recording studio, in an attempt to return to his musical & sound engineering roots.
Mastering time management doesn't have to be an uphill battle - with just one productivity hack, you can revolutionize the way you work and reclaim control over your day. In today's fast-paced world, where distractions lurk around every corner and demands on our time seem never-ending, mastering time management has become a crucial skill for success.  For many, finding the right balance between tasks, responsibilities, and personal goals can feel like an insurmountable challenge. However, with the Pomodoro Technique, a simple yet powerful productivity hack, you can break free from the cycle of procrastination and inefficiency, and reclaim control over your time. In this episode, you will be able to: Leverage a prioritization exercise to determine your most important work for the day Master time management using the Pomodoro Technique to get more done with focus  Get a great deal on an upcoming in-person leadership development workshop
In a culture plagued by superficiality, Ray LaCara, Jr. champions the revival of genuine connection, empowering individuals to embrace their true identity with one powerful question: Who are you, really? Educator, author, and certified coach, Ray LaCara, Jr. is on a mission to help people identify what makes them who they truly want to be so they can live a life of authenticity. It’s said that 61% of adults feel stuck in a rut, but only 8% of them have goals and a gameplan to get out of it. Ray, as the founder of Authentic Embassy Consulting, is one of those lifelines who can help you get unstuck to live that life worth living in authenticity.
In the pursuit of personal fulfillment and resilience, Jon Mayo champions the ethos of Sisu to create a life worth living as both a mantra and a guiding principle. Shedding Compartmentalization with Relentless Action Have you heard these myths about unifying all aspects of life? Myth #1: You have to sacrifice one area of your life for another. Myth #2: Personal growth is a solo journey. Myth #3: Intentional living is only for the spiritually inclined. Jon Mayo will share the truth and help you achieve a unified and fulfilling life. If you're feeling frustrated and stuck in a cycle of self-improvement methods that aren't producing the results you desire, then you are not alone! You may find yourself constantly seeking guidance from self-help books, podcasts, or seminars, only to feel like you're still missing the mark. Instead of experiencing the unification of your personal, professional, and spiritual life, you may be feeling overwhelmed and disconnected. In this episode, you will be able to: Harness the importance of relationships and influence for personal empowerment. Unify all aspects of life to create a harmonious and impactful existence. Prioritize personal development and discipline to achieve your full potential. My special guest is Jon Mayo Joining Jerry Dugan on this episode is Jon Mayo, an army veteran, author, and podcaster. Known for his expertise as a waymaker, Jon guides individuals in redefining success and unifying all facets of life to achieve greater fulfillment. With his unique insights into intentional living, Jon brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the conversation, offering practical tools and inspiring stories that will resonate with those seeking to align their personal values with their daily lives.
Join us as we delve into the powerful world of vulnerability and storytelling with a parent who faced the challenge of teen substance abuse. When faced with the difficult journey of her child's addiction, she discovered the transformative power of sharing her story, but will she find the strength to overcome the obstacles ahead? My special guest is Marsha Vanwynsberghe Marsha Vanwynsberghe's journey is a powerful testament to the resilience and courage required when facing the challenges of teen substance abuse. Her story highlights the profound impact of vulnerability and storytelling in navigating through daunting circumstances. Marsha's candid account lays bare the isolation and stigma often associated with such experiences, emphasizing the vital role of empathy and understanding within a community. Her realization that she wasn't alone in her struggles, upon discovering a supportive network of 100,000 parents in a Facebook group, ignited a passion to advocate for change and offer solace to others in similar situations. RESOURCE: American Addiction Centers, Teenage Addiction Guide for Parents of Addicts: Part I By embracing vulnerability and sharing her story, Marsha not only found healing but also became a beacon of hope for those seeking guidance and connection. Her journey serves as a poignant reminder of the transformative power of storytelling and the profound impact it can have on building a community of empathy and support. See the full show notes at Music Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by
Welcome to a transformative episode of Beyond the Rut! Joined by fitness coach, Yuri Doroshuk, we dive into the journey towards sustainable weight loss and lifestyle changes. For many men, navigating fitness while juggling family and career can be challenging. Yuri is a suburban dad with four kids who shares his personal insights on how to effectively escape the “dad bod” rut. Understanding that fitness is not only about shedding extra pounds but creating a healthy mindset, this episode uncovers a fascinating approach to long-lasting transformations. It challenges common misconceptions about weight loss, arguing against temporary and unsustainable diets. Instead, it advocates for the cultivation of healthy habits and routines for a permanent lifestyle shift. Learn about the role of accountability and community in your weight loss journey with the introduction of Yuri's 'Health Changer Academy' concept. This innovative course promotes the importance of 'winning streaks', a chain of small successes that reinforce commitment to healthier living. From avoiding the "start tomorrow" mindset to celebrating every small win, this episode features life-changing advice and motivation to help you embark on a successful fitness journey. The focus is not just on becoming a fitter version of yourself, but a healthier and happier one too. Tune in to start your journey towards a healthier, fitter lifestyle today!
Are you ready to rewire your mindset and achieve your goals? Join us as we explore the power of somatic coaching with Jay Fields, and discover how tuning into your body's intelligence can lead to personal growth and transformation. But what happens when your nervous system overrides your mental awareness? Tune in to find out. In this episode, you will be able to: Rewire your mindset for personal growth and success. Achieve your goals with effective somatic coaching techniques. Enhance your relationships through improved body awareness. Align your behavior with self-empathy for greater fulfillment. Discover the power of somatic coaching for mindset, goals, and growth. Jay Fields, a somatic coach with a rich background as a yoga teacher and a contracted wilderness guide for a university, brings a unique blend of expertise. With over 20 years of experience, Jay is passionate about helping individuals tap into the mind-body connection to foster personal growth and transformation. Her approach revolves around integrating body awareness into mindset rewiring, offering a holistic and effective way to achieve self-awareness and set meaningful goals. Jay's extensive experience in nature and mindfulness practices adds depth to the conversation on somatic coaching for mindset rewiring. Fields' journey into somatic coaching began with a parallel pursuit of yoga teaching and leading outdoor expeditions in early adulthood. This dual experience instilled a profound appreciation for the impact of physical presence on mental and emotional well-being. Embracing the concept of somatic coaching, Jay recognized the significance of incorporating bodily experiences and sensations to foster personal growth and mindset rewiring. By leveraging the body's wisdom and its influence on one's nervous system, Jay embarked on a mission to guide individuals toward sustainable transformation. Through Jay's narrative, we gain insight into the profound influence of somatic coaching, offering a pathway to liberation from ingrained patterns and beliefs. Jay's story illuminates the potential of somatic coaching in cultivating heightened self-awareness and holistic personal development, empowering individuals to embark on a journey of profound inner transformation. Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show
Join me as I recount my journey from leaving a corporate job to becoming an entrepreneur. From valuable lessons in marketing and networking to the challenges of stretching savings and facing setbacks, my story will inspire and challenge you. But will I be able to make my business thrive and help leaders create thriving cultures? Tune in to find out. In this episode, you will be able to: Explore Jerry Dugan's entrepreneurial journey for valuable insights and inspiration. Discover the importance of aligning work with personal values for career fulfillment and success. Understand the common challenges and setbacks in entrepreneurship and how to overcome them. The key moments in this episode are: 00:00:00 - Setting the Stage for 2024  00:05:52 - The Turning Point  00:07:25 - Family Matters  00:09:53 - Health Struggles  00:11:53 - Embracing Change  00:12:32 - Self-Help Allegory in Real Life  00:15:22 - Financial Stretch  00:16:31 - Business and Book Launch  00:20:13 - The TENT Framework  00:25:51 - The Journey to Entrepreneurship  00:29:41 - Dealing with Setbacks  00:33:30 - Business Purpose and Mission  00:36:24 - Trailblazing into the Future  Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show
Discover how Scott Maderer challenges individuals to live authentically and make choices aligned with their values, despite the challenging and fast-paced world they live in. Do you want to live a life that reflects your true values and make decisions that are in alignment with who you are? Scott Maderer will be sharing the key to living authentically and making choices that resonate with your core beliefs. Discover how to ensure that your actions and decisions are a true reflection of your innermost principles and beliefs. Learn how to make choices that are in harmony with your authentic self. In this episode, you will be able to: Aligning faith, family, and career for a fulfilling life. Mastering time and money for a balanced lifestyle. Living authentically and making aligned choices. My special guest is Scott Maderer Scott Maderer, known for his coaching expertise and background in teaching, brings a wealth of experience to the podcast. With a passion for helping Christian men align their time, talents, and treasures to live out their calling, Scott's insights resonate with those seeking to live authentically and make choices aligned with their values. From founding a lawn mowing business at the age of twelve to climbing the corporate ladder and then transitioning to a successful coaching business, Scott's journey is one of entrepreneurial spirit, resilience, and finding purpose in life's transitions. His grounded approach and relatable experiences make him a valuable guest for this episode. The key moments in this episode are: 00:01:03 - Aligning Time, Talents, and Treasures  00:09:53 - Working from Home and Remote Work  00:12:41 - Financial Struggles and Mental Health  00:16:08 - Root of Financial Challenges  00:19:21 - Budgeting for What Matters  00:23:27 - Leadership Mindset Shift  00:25:32 - Finding Inspired Stewardship  00:27:34 - Simple vs. Easy  00:31:39 - Impactful Living  Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show
Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel, Oakland McCulloch, strives to prioritize well-being and excellence, facing the challenge of building a lasting leadership legacy with servant leadership. With a career rooted in the military, Oakland McCulloch's leadership journey took an unexpected turn that reshaped his understanding of success. Through personal anecdotes and pivotal lessons, he discovered the profound impact of prioritizing well-being and fostering trust in his team. As he delves into the emotional and relatable aspects of his narrative, Oakland's journey offers valuable insights for aspiring leaders. Join us as we uncover the twist that transformed Oakland's leadership approach, leaving a lasting legacy that continues to inspire. In this episode, you will be able to: Discover the keys to building a lasting leadership legacy that inspires and motivates others. Learn how servant leadership prioritizes the well-being of your team, leading to trust and excellence. Uncover the secrets to setting and maintaining high standards in leadership, driving continuous improvement and growth. My special guest is Oakland McCulloch Retired Lieutenant Colonel Oakland McCulloch brings a wealth of experience in military leadership to the table. With a career spanning over multiple decades, Oakland has led in combat zones and deployed in peacekeeping operations, providing him with invaluable insights into the essence of leadership and building a lasting legacy. His journey from West Point to the ROTC program and his diverse roles in the military showcase his commitment to fostering trust, excellence, and well-being within his teams. Throughout his career, Oakland has embodied the principles of servant leadership, prioritizing the needs of those he had the privilege to lead. Oak's dedication to understanding and connecting with people on a personal level has been pivotal in establishing trust and achieving mission success, making him an invaluable resource for leaders seeking to leave a positive, enduring impact. Chapters 00:05:01 - Pivotal Leadership Advice 00:08:18 - The Three M's and Emotional Capital 00:10:22 - Building Trust and People-Centric Leadership 00:12:58 - Building Emotional Capital 00:14:45 - Delegating and Empowering Teams 00:17:40 - Legacy and Integrity 00:24:58 - Impact of Leadership Actions 00:25:32 - Leading by Example and Setting Standards 00:29:21 - Building Relationships and Taking Care of People Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the showMusic Hopeful Camping Folk | Camping by Alex-Productions | Music promoted by Go to for your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Click on to claim your free 14-day trial and see for yourself. Support the show