
Bhāvanā is to cultivate, to develop, to produce, or to call into existence. This series of recordings is dedicated to sharing tools acquired & insights gained by myself and others so that you may develop into the BEST version of yourself.Let go of your old patterns to create space for who you want to be.Call into existence everything that you are capable of becoming.

Bhāvanā 8 | Awakening Your Awareness

If you’re here, you’ve already taken a HUGE step on your personal transformation journey. In this podcast, you’ll learn about Awareness, Reality, and a technique called Awakening Awareness that has had a huge impact in my journey. This is a sample of my new 30-Day Virtual Meditation Retreat, called The Freedom Meditation Program.If you want to be among the first to join this tribe, then enroll by following this link: me on social @robertbilljr #bhavanapodcast #bhavanameditation #awakeningawarenessBhāvanā is to cultivate, to develop, to produce, or to call into existence. This series of recordings is dedicated to sharing tools acquired & insights gained by myself and others so that you may develop into the BEST version of yourself.Let go of your old patterns to create space for who you want to be.Call into existence everything that you are capable of becoming.Please share this with those around you who are ready to evolve. Share this with those around you who might enjoy it. Share it with those around you who will be resistant to it, but need to hear it.Ultimately, I use this podcast to share my inspiration in order to help YOU. If you have questions that you’d like answered, if you’re looking for help, seek me out @robertbilljr.


Bhāvanā 7 | Welcome to Transformation

If you’re here, you’ve already taken a HUGE step on your personal transformation journey. In this podcast, you’ll learn about my motto for meditation, for training, and for life. You’ll learn about life and control. You’ll learn about how stress can impact your health and cause DIS-ease.You’ll learn that you’re not alone. There is a system for taking control, and this is it. My dream for you is to become a Freedom Meditator. Learn to meditate free of tools and technology, using only the unimaginably complex technology that is your own human body.If you want to be among the first to join this tribe, then pre-enroll by following this link: me on social @robertbilljr #bhavanapodcast #bhavanameditationBhāvanā is to cultivate, to develop, to produce, or to call into existence. This series of recordings is dedicated to sharing tools acquired & insights gained by myself and others so that you may develop into the BEST version of yourself.Let go of your old patterns to create space for who you want to be.Call into existence everything that you are capable of becoming.Please share this with those around you who are ready to evolve. Share this with those around you who might enjoy it. Share it with those around you who will be resistant to it, but need to hear it.Ultimately, I use this podcast to share my inspiration in order to help YOU. If you have questions that you’d like answered, if you’re looking for help, seek me out @robertbilljr.


Bhāvanā Meditation: Bliss Breath

We live in unprecedented time. Join in this short meditation. Today's practice begins with the Bliss-Breath (short inhale, long exhale) followed by a short period of silence.Download link: a comment to share the after effects of this practice. Tag me on social @robertbilljr #bhavanapodcast #bhavanameditationBhāvanā is to cultivate, to develop, to produce, or to call into existence. This series of recordings is dedicated to sharing tools acquired & insights gained by myself and others so that you may develop into the BEST version of yourself.Let go of your old patterns to create space for who you want to be.Call into existence everything that you are capable of becoming.


Bhāvanā 6 | Being an Avatar

Today, I share my thoughts on how awesome the game FABLE was for XBox. This game taught me a lot when I was in High School, and I hope that you learn just as much.Ultimately, I use this podcast to share my inspiration in order to help YOU. If you have questions that you’d like answered, if you’re looking for help, seek me out @robertbilljr.


Bhāvanā 5 | What Meditation Is

Meditation is not what you think it is, and yes, even YOU can do it. My intention is to empower you to be able to practice without the assistance of any technology based applications or devices. You can take your practice anywhere.


Bhāvanā 4 | The Myth of Time-Management

You’ve heard people say it so many times, “you have to make time for the things that are important to you.”Well, I think this is B.S. This episode is about managing your actions, not your time.


Bhāvanā 3 - Taking Dream-Affirmative Action

To accomplish your dream, you have to let go of the aspects of your personality that are no longer serving you. You must let go of the things that are holding you back. Last episode, you made a list of these behaviors. This episode is about examining those behaviors, and turning them into dream affirmative actions. I also discuss the Four Doctors approach for progressing towards your dream objective: Movement, Diet, Quiet, and Happiness.


Bhāvanā 2 - How To Change Your Current Reality

Resolutions are not just for the new year. I cast my intention to the universe on a daily basis, and I do this with added repetition and intensity at the time of the New Moon.This is Part 2 on setting a resolution and following through on it. You will have to let go of old ways of being in order to become everything you are intending to become.


Bhāvanā 1 - The New Year’s Resolution

Resolutions are not just for the new year. I cast my intention to the universe on a daily basis, and I do this with added repetition and intensity at the time of the New Moon.This was recorded right around New Years, but is relevant at all times. If you’re tired of failing after you’ve set your best resolutions, then this podcast is for you.


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