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Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff
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Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff

Author: The Christian Research Institute

Subscribed: 2,215Played: 65,667


Welcome to the podcast of the Bible Answer Man broadcast with bestselling author and CRI President Hank Hanegraaff! On the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers your questions with well-reasoned answers to equip you in the essentials of the historic Christian faith and strengthen your walk with the Lord. When it comes to the essentials of Christianity, there must be unity: "In essentials, unity; nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, charity."
2639 Episodes
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (01/14/25), Hank answers the following questions:My husband is in jail for spousal abuse and rape. Should I divorce him? Sharon - St. Louis, MO (1:25)How do we harmonize dinosaurs and the Bible? Troy - Detroit, MI (4:10)How do you interpret 1 John 5 on the sin that leads to death? Ray - Vancouver, BC (8:30)What do you think about Jimmy Swaggart’s teaching? Josephine - KS (15:10)Are the Jewish people living in Palestine today the real Jews? Julia - Orange Park, FL (17:13)What is your opinion of Theophostic counseling? Valarie - Winfield, KS (23:09)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (01/13/25), Hank answers the following questions:Do we as Gentiles have the same favor as the Jewish people in God’s eyes? Jamie - St. Joseph, MO (0:51)Where did the Old Testament saints go when they died? Did they go directly to Heaven? Darlene - Memphis, TN (5:25)Were Cain and Abel born of the union with Eve and Satan? Jason - Odessa, MO (7:04)I grew up in the church, but I wasn’t really saved until recently. How do I tell my testimony to my family and friends? Caleb - City, MS (8:44)Is there a difference between a soul and a spirit? Caesar - Brownsville, TX (15:11)My Aunt said that Mormons get a better place in heaven based on what they do down here. What is the Mormon view of heaven? Cathleen - Edmond, OK (16:07)My husband struggles to be the spiritual leader of our home. How can I help him with this? Joy - Fort Dodge, IA (17:28)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank discusses the importance of knowing what we believe and why we believe it as our world moves toward postmodernism.Hank also answers the following questions:Do you believe in the Rapture? When do you think it will take place? Michael - Lafayette, GA (3:12)Is it ok for Christians to use Yoga for exercise so long as they are meditating upon and praising Jesus? Sheila - Omaha, NE (6:20)What is your opinion of George M. Lamsa’s translation from the Peshitta? Jared - El Paso, TX (9:05)Is Jesus cursing the fig tree referring to the inability of the temple to cover sins? Arthur - Springfield, MO (15:11)What was the first Bible? I was told the Bible we read was not the first Bible. Virginia - Queens, NY (18:29)When was incest stopped? Virginia - Queens, NY (20:06)What is your opinion of the Dake’s Reference Bible? What is monasticism? Is monasticism biblical? Ross - Salt Lake City, UT (20:47)Can you give me Scripture passages that support worshipping on Sunday? Thomas - Saint Joseph, MO (22:23)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (01/10/25), Hank asks listeners to think about their prayer life and encourages developing the discipline of listening for God’s voice.Hank also answers the following questions:Why do we need to pray if God already knows what we need? Zachary - Oakland, TN (3:44)Does the peace symbol have any connection to the occult? Would it be appropriate for our Youth Group to use the peace symbol? Harris - Philadelphia, PA (9:16)I recently lost my fiancé, and I struggle with grief. Are there any passages of Scripture that can give me comfort through this process? Joyce - Greensboro, NC (15:12)Why would God plan for people to have hardened hearts and to be condemned to hell like Judas? K.C. - Pinedale, WY (22:22)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (01/09/25), Hank answers the following questions:Does the commandment to make disciples in Matthew 28:19-20 contradict the gospel going out into the world in Matthew 24:14? Rick - Oklahoma City, OK (0:59)What is the time frame of the time of distress in Daniel 12:1? Richard - Braselton, GA (7:52)Where was Paul (then Saul) during Jesus’ ministry? Would Saul have been the first to see what was happening with Jesus? Don - Oklahoma City, OK (15:11)Can you clarify your comments on John Hagee? Does he preach the gospel as it should be preached? Wanda - Campbell, MO (21:44)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (01/08/25), Hank answers the following questions:Will there be Christians left on earth during the Tribulation? If so, are they the 144,000? Virginia - Queens, NY (0:41)I have Jewish clientele in my line of work. How do I verbally witness to my Jewish clientele? Robin - Memphis, TN (4:58)I am reading through the Bible. The “high places” are mentioned a lot. What does “high places” refer to? Georgia - Bloomfield, NM (15:11)I think Judas went to hell for his betrayal of Jesus. Did God predestine Judas to do this? Did Judas have a choice? Nicole - Preston, MO (18:22)My church refuses to pray for Christian soldiers because soldiers kill. What is the right thing to do? Harold - Dayton, OH (21:15)I live near Amish. What exactly do the Amish believe? Rebecca - Atlanta, MO (23:57)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (01/07/25), Hank addresses the question of whether abortion should be permitted in the case of rape or incest.Hank also answers the following questions:Where do unborn babies go when they die? Grace - Edmonds, WA (4:39)Do our pets go to heaven? Grace - Edmonds, WA (6:54)Is it unbiblical for the husband to not be the main “breadwinner”? My wife is the breadwinner while I homeschool our children. Hamilton - San Diego, CA (8:24)How was the world populated from Adam and Eve? Mike - Topeka, KS (15:11)Who were the Nephilim in Genesis 6? Ken - Knoxville, TN (18:25)What is the Word of Faith movement? Todd - Redmond, WA (20:42)My brother wants to become a woman. He attends a church that says transsexuality and homosexuality is perfectly fine with God. Can you advise me? Hannah - White City, KS (23:33)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (01/06/25), Hank points out that most Americans are drowning in debt, so he addresses the question: what does the Bible say about debt?Hank also answers the following questions:Does the Bible say that if we don’t tithe and care for God’s house, He won’t care for ours? Kim - Detroit, MI (3:10)I like to use horoscopes because it is fun. My mom says this shows that I lack faith in God. Is it ok to use horoscopes just for fun? Kathleen - Edmond, OK (8:55)How do you resolve the apparent contradiction between Jesus coming in judgment and Luke 16, which suggests they have already been judged? Tracy - Knoxville, TN (15:59)What is acceptable sexual behavior in a marriage according to 1 Corinthians 6:9? Priscilla - Tampa, FL (22:02)Should I continue to attend a church that doesn’t observe Communion? Amy - Topeka, KS (24:18)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank shares on prayer, because Christians all too often neglect the power and the privilege of prayer.Hank also answers the following questions:What is your position on the age of the Earth and the days of creation? Chris - Park Rapids, MN (4:23)I’ve heard you say that Judas performed miracles and cast out demons, but I can’t in Scripture where he did these things Genova - St. Louis, MO (15:13)How is it possible that Saul could conjure up Samuel’s spirit? Frank - Farmington, NM (19:12)The Bible says a thousand years on Earth is like a day in heaven, does that mean that in our time the Earth was created in 6,000 years? Frank - Farmington, NM (21:52)My wife is reading a book about pleading the blood of Jesus for protection and healing. Is this teaching biblical? Larry - Hudsonville, MI (23:51)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (01/03/25), Hank answers the following questions:Is polygamy directly prohibited by God? The Bible seems to condone polygamy. Valerie - Jacksonville, TX (0:50)What do you believe is the mark of the Beast? Jerry - Nashville, TN (6:36)Is Jesus cursing the fig tree referring to the inability of the temple to cover sins? Arthur - Springfield, MO (15:11)What was the first Bible? I was told the Bible we read was not the first Bible. Virginia - Queens, NY (18:29)When was incest stopped? Virginia - Queens, NY (20:06)What is your opinion of the Dake’s Reference Bible? What is monasticism? Is monasticism biblical? Ross - Salt Lake City, UT (20:47)Can you give me Scripture passages that support worshipping on Sunday? Thomas - Saint Joseph, MO (22:23)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (01/02/25), we continue Hank’s message from Colonial Presbyterian Church in Kansas City, Missouri on the art and science of biblical interpretation.
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (01/01/25), we present a riveting message given by Hank Hanegraaff at Colonial Presbyterian Church in Kansas City, Missouri. In this message, Hank lays out the essential principles of biblical interpretation every Christian needs to know to rightly understand God’s Word.
The Serpent, and Q&A

The Serpent, and Q&A


On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (12/31/24), Hank lays out the reason why Genesis presents Satan as an ancient serpent.Hank also answers the following questions:If demons don’t have creative power, how did Satan approach Eve, was it in thought? Pam - Due West, SC (5:34)Why does the account of Jesus’ anointing at Bethany in John differ from the accounts in Matthew and Mark? Was Jesus’ feet or head anointed? Chris - Lincoln, NE (8:24)When did we start to use the birth of Christ as the reference point for everything in history? Jim - Woodway, TX (15:11)I heard that we get a new name in Heaven, but we will not know that name until then. Is this true? Dee - Darlington, MO (16:40)Is there going to be a pretribulation rapture? Maria - Hutchinson, KS (21:29)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (12/30/24), Hank discusses the importance of knowing what we believe and why we believe it as our world moves toward postmodernism.Hank answers the following questions:Do you believe in the Rapture? When do you think it will take place? Michael - Lafayette, GA (3:09)Is it ok for Christians to use Yoga for exercise so long as they are meditating upon and praising Jesus? Sheila - Omaha, NE (6:17)What is your opinion of George M. Lamsa’s translation from the Peshitta? Jared - El Paso, TX (9:01)What is your take on the reports of archaeological finds of Sodom and Gomorrah? Dennis - London, England (15:51)I saw a program that said the remains of Pharaoh’s army had been found. Is this fabricated? Dennis - London, England (17:28)Can you identify the two anointed ones and the two olive branches in Zechariah 4:11-14? Mark - Oklahoma City, OK (21:28)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions:What will our glorified body look like? Brenda - Nashville, TN (0:46)I recently lost my husband. Will we know each other in heaven? Brenda - Nashville, TN (2:36)What is your interpretation of 2 Corinthians 2:14? Does this passage refer to Paul saying that we are triumphant in Jesus? Greg - Kansas City, MO (4:16)Does 2 Corinthians 2:14 lend weight to prosperity gospel teachings? Greg - Kansas City, MO (7:03)How can I control unclean thoughts? Should I be careful about the media I consume? Chad - Salem, VA (9:15)What can you tell me about the Baha’i faith? Colin - Shiprock, NM (15:13)What does the Bible have to say about depression? Was Jesus ever depressed? Jovannie - Toronto, ON (18:14)Do our sins pass on to our children? Jovannie - Toronto, ON (19:49)Does the Apostle’s Creed deny that Jesus was Creator? Stan - Woodridge, VA (22:12)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (12/27/24), Hank shares on prayer, because Christians all too often neglect the power and the privilege of prayer.Hank answers the following questions:What is your position on the age of the Earth and the days of creation? Chris - Park Rapids, MN (4:14)How do you address Mormon friends who believe in the baptism for the dead? How do you tell them that God is against it? Martin - Barrhead, AB (15:39)If Mark 16:9-20 is not found in the oldest manuscripts, does that have an impact on the validity of the post-resurrection appearances of Christ? Terry - Jackson, MS (18:17)What does it mean to pray in the Spirit? Mildred - Memphis, TN (23:58)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (12/26/24), Hank answers the following questions:Genesis tells of Adam living over 900 years old whereas today 100 years would be a long life. Does the Bible address this change in lifespan? Jim - Jackson, TN (0:45)How can I know whether a preacher is teaching truth? Christopher - Fort Campbell, KY (4:20)Why are there no angels today who are rebelling against God like those who rebelled with Satan? LeeAnn - Fayetteville, NC (7:02)I’ve heard you say that Judas performed miracles and cast out demons, but I can’t in Scripture where he did these things Genova - St. Louis, MO (15:13)How is it possible that Saul could conjure up Samuel’s spirit? Frank - Farmington, NM (19:12)The Bible says a thousand years on Earth is like a day in heaven, does that mean that in our time the Earth was created in 6,000 years? Frank - Farmington, NM (21:52)My wife is reading a book about pleading the blood of Jesus for protection and healing. Is this teaching biblical? Larry - Hudsonville, MI (23:51)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (12/25/24), Hank begins this special Christmas Day edition by recapping this week’s special editions of the Bible Answer Man that featured his acronym, CHRISTMAS. Hank also poses the question: do you have the Christmas spirit? In fact, what is the Christmas spirit? More than the feeling of happiness experienced when we receive a gift or a bonus. The true spirit of Christmas is a spirit of selfless giving, like the Lord Jesus Christ who humbled himself for our sake and gave us the greatest gift of all.
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (12/24/24), as we arrive at Christmas Eve, Hank concludes his special series on his acronym CHRISTMAS, detailing the final three letters of the acronym. The “M” in CHRISTMAS represents Miracles. Modernity has left many with the false impression that the virgin birth is nothing more than ancient superstition. But, in reality, miracles are not only possible, they are absolutely necessary in order to make sense of the universe in which we live. The “A” in CHRISTMAS represents Advent. The term Advent literally means “coming.” As such, Advent is a season in which the Christian church celebrates the coming in flesh of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The final letter in the CHRISTMAS acronym is “S”, which represents Salvation. On Christmas Eve, it is time to turn our hearts toward the primary reason for the Incarnation of God in Jesus Christ—namely, the salvation of sinners. The very name—Jesus—embodies salvation, as it is the Greek form of the Hebrew name Joshua, meaning “Yahweh saves” or “Yahweh is salvation.” This Christmas season and throughout the coming year, may you be ever mindful of the reality that God has condescended to use you as the means through which the free gift of the water of life is dispensed to a parched and thirsty world.
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (12/23/24), Hank resumes his special series leading up to Christmas Day featuring his acronym CHRISTMAS. Today he covers the next two letters in the acronym: “S” for Santa Claus, and “T” for Traditions. Believe it or not, even Santa can be saved! Far from being a dangerous fairy tale, Santa Claus in reality is an Anglicized form of the Dutch name Sinter Klaas, which in turn is a reference to Saint Nicolas, a Christian bishop from the fourth century. According to tradition, Saint Nick not only lavished gifts on needy children but also valiantly supported the doctrine of the Trinity at the Council of Nicea in A.D. 325. This Christmas as you celebrate the coming of Christ with a Christmas tree surrounded by presents, may the story of selflessness on the part of Saint Nick remind you of the Savior who gave the greatest gift of all. Moving on to the “T” in CHRISTMAS; it has become commonplace to hear Christians condemn trees adorned with ornaments as idolatrous while abusing Scripture to make their point. While the passage Jeremiah 10:2-4 may sound to modern ears like an uncanny description of Christmas trees, the historical and biblical context precludes this anachronistic reading of the text. This passage is in reference to wooden idols, not Christmas trees. In fact, Christmas trees originated in Christian Germany, from two Christian traditions that merged over time into the present Christmas tree tradition. As such, the Christmas tree began as a distinctively Christian symbol and can still be legitimately used by Christians today as part of their Christmas festivities.
Comments (3)

Todd. H.

If Paul never advocated "relationship", why do so many today make it their test for orthodoxy?

May 23rd

Kelly Petruzzi-Hiller

why do we need to count on deceased saints to pray 4 us when we have the earthy body of Christ here to pray?

May 23rd

Just an Opinion...

Who cares? One of the best arguments against religion is seeing how many people are worried about dogma and doctrines from a time when people believed that the universe revolved around earth. They didn't know about germs, scientific knowledge or even what causes lightening. And yet millions of people take advice and seek wisdom from iron and bronze age cultures. Unbelievable!

May 21st