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Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff
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Bible Answer Man Podcast with Hank Hanegraaff

Author: The Christian Research Institute

Subscribed: 2,195Played: 61,333


Welcome to the podcast of the Bible Answer Man broadcast with bestselling author and CRI President Hank Hanegraaff! On the Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers your questions with well-reasoned answers to equip you in the essentials of the historic Christian faith and strengthen your walk with the Lord. When it comes to the essentials of Christianity, there must be unity: "In essentials, unity; nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, charity."
2527 Episodes
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the question that many skeptics use against Christianity: can God create a rock so heavy that He cannot move it?Hank also answers the following questions:Is it okay to refer to God as He or She? Sharon - Seattle, WA (3:47)My pastor endorses T.D. Jakes, what are your thoughts on his teachings? Deion - Freemont, CA (6:48)Are there actual mansions in heaven that we will be living in? Moses - Chicago, IL (15:13)Can you address the Mormon doctrine of preexistence? Joe - Denver, CO (17:09)Can you explain what you mean when you say our resurrected bodies will be organizationally different? Doug - Daily City, CA (23:24)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (09/06/24), Hank describes the tremendous contributions made by scientists who held to a biblical worldview, and how science and philosophy without theology, lead to ignorance.Hank also answers the following questions:What is the order of Melchizedek? Where did he come from? How is he related to Jesus Christ? Brian - MO (5:33)What is the difference between Baptists and Christians? Jacquelyn - Manhattan, KS (15:12)What are your thoughts on the rapture? Deidra - Raleigh, NC (18:17)My granddaughter says that she sees ghosts. Can you give me some advice on how to handle this? Rhonda - IL (23:01)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (09/05/24), Hank answers the following questions:Can you explain Luke 9:62, and what it means to put your hand to the plow and look back? Is Jesus addressing backsliders? Robert - Baltimore, MD (1:18)Will we recognize our loved ones in heaven? Whitney - South Haven, MS (3:42)Was Paul a homosexual? Helen - Madera, CA (5:40)What are your thoughts on the teaching of Joseph Prince? Sheila - Garner, NC (8:03)Are Mormons Christians? Is Mormonism a cult? Shirley - Farmington, UT (15:10)Does God still permit Satan to harm people as He did in the life of Job? Irving - Tucson, AZ (22:58)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (09/04/24), Hank answers the following questions:What is your opinion of The Gideons International? Ian - Oklahoma City, OK (1:23)Can you be a political liberal and still be a Christian? Ian - Oklahoma City, OK (2:57)I’ve been dealing with debilitating back pain; how can I find hope in God and a sense of purpose? Isabella - MI (4:22)Can you address the prophecies of St. Malachy concerning the Popes? Andy - Nashville, TN (15:11)Did our souls preexist our bodies? How would you interpret 1 Corinthians 2:7 in this regard? Carl - Fort Worth, TX (17:47)Is the music in worship as important as the lyrics? Ray - Marshall, TX (23:10)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (09/03/24), Hank answers the following questions:Why was Satan allowed into God’s presence in Job 1? Elmer - Turlock, CA (0:58)How can I comfort my sister who lost her daughter to suicide? Lisa - Raleigh, NC (2:54)What are the signs of a good house church? Sarah - Kansas City, MO (8:34)Can you explain Supernova 1987A, and why that is proof of an old earth? Travis - NE (15:12)In Genesis, where did the other people besides Adam and Eve come from? Reagan - OK (20:20)Did God have a beginning? Susan - Ocean Springs, MS (21:27)
Labor Day 2024

Labor Day 2024


On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (09/02/24), Hank wishes all of you a happy Labor Day and details the Labor Day holiday that God gave us long before the government did—our Sabbath Day rest. Just as we rest today on Labor Day, the Lord commands us to rest on the Sabbath each week. “Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath to the Lord your God. On it you shall not do any work, neither you, nor your son or daughter, nor your male or female servant, nor your ox, your donkey or any of your animals, nor any foreigner residing in your towns, so that your male and female servants may rest, as you do” (Deut. 5:13-14 NIV). So our Labor Day holiday according to God is our Sabbath Day rest, which begs the question: why do Christians rest from their labor on the first day of the week (Sunday), rather than the last day of the week (Saturday)? The answer, says Hank, is encapsulated in just one word—resurrection. Hank also discusses something else that comes to his mind when he thinks about the word labor, and that is what Paul says in 1 Corinthians chapter 3, that each person will be rewarded according to their own labor. In other words, what we do now in this life counts for all eternity. Hank uses the illustration of his invitation to play Cypress Point, which he claims to be the most spectacular golf course on Earth. For months he beat his body into submission while dreaming of the day he would experience walking its fairways. Without his strenuous preparations, he would have still experienced the same breathtaking views, however, all his hard work added immeasurably to his experience. That is what heaven will be like. As phenomenal as Cypress Point is, it pales in comparison to what paradise restored will be. Hank spent one day at a golf haven; he will spend an eternity in God’s heaven. It stands to reason, therefore, that he would put a lot more labor into preparing for an eternity in heaven with God than he did for playing eighteen holes of golf.
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions:How can I convince someone that the Bible’s prohibition of homosexuality isn’t hate speech? Matt - Denver, CO (0:51)Can you address Unitarian Universalists and give me an overview of their teachings? Dwayne - Newton, MA (2:28)What is your view of the rapture? How is it different from the second coming of Christ? Lori - El Dorado, MO (4:43)Why exactly are Jehovah’s Witnesses not Christians? Is it only because they deny the deity of Jesus or are there other reasons? Josephine - Wichita, KS (15:44)What are your thoughts on Orson Pratt’s view of the Trinity? How does the Mormon view differ from Christianity? RC - Kansas City, MO (17:31)What happens to Christians who commit sins such as murder or divorce? Fred - Chattanooga, TN (20:48)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (08/30/24), Hank answers the question that many skeptics use against Christianity: can God create a rock so heavy that He cannot move it?Hank also answers the following questions:Is it okay to refer to God as He or She? Sharon - Seattle, WA (3:46)My pastor endorses T.D. Jakes, what are your thoughts on his teachings? Deion - Freemont, CA (6:47)Why are the genealogies in Matthew and Luke different? Josephine - Wichita, KS (15:14)Could God have used a controlled form of evolution to create biological life? Derrick - St. Louis, MO (19:11)What is the difference between sins that are an abomination to God, and those that are not? Robin - St. Louis, MO (22:58)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (08/29/24), Hank answers the following questions:What can Christian parents do about teen promiscuity? Jo - Kansas City, KS (1:01)What are your thoughts on tithing? What does Scripture say about it? Michael - Tulsa, OK (16:00)When Muslims build mosques in my area, is it a violation of the First Commandment? Steve - Edmonton, AB (20:50)My supervisor doesn’t want me to share the gospel with coworkers. What should I do? Dan - Sioux City, IA (23:48)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (08/28/24), Hank answers the following questions:What happens to children when they die? Do they go to heaven? Paul- Trenton, NJ (0:47)What is the biblical teaching on drug addiction? Doug- Edmonton, AB (3:21)As a father who did not raise my children in the Christian faith, how can I witness to them now? Ray - Fort Worth, TX (5:32)I caught my wife in an affair. What is the biblical teaching on how to reconcile and move on? Chad- Greensboro, NC (15:13)Can you address Jesus only baptism? Dave - Santa Rosa, CA (20:11)Why does it seem that Christians are more likely to object to transsexuals than homosexuals? Stephanie - Lebanon, MO (23:28)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (08/27/24), Hank answers the following questions:I am struggling with employment choices and thinking about changing careers. How can I listen to God’s voice in this circumstance? Carolyn - Kansas City, MO (0:55)How can I answer my friend who holds to the gap theory in Genesis? Nick - St. Louis, MO (5:05)Are there actual mansions in heaven that we will be living in? Moses - Chicago, IL (15:13)Can you address the Mormon doctrine of preexistence? Joe - Denver, CO (17:09)Can you explain what you mean when you say our resurrected bodies will be organizationally different? Doug - Daily City, CA (23:24)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (08/26/24), Hank answers the following questions:Do you need to pray for the salvation of someone who claims to be a Christian but doesn’t pray, read the Bible, or go to church? Steve - Nashville, TN (0:45)My pastor told me he does not believe in the inerrancy and infallibility of the Bible, prophecy, or a historical Adam and Eve. How should I handle this? David - San Antonio, TX (6:14)In Matthew chapter 4, was Jesus tempted or just tested by the devil? James - NC (18:30)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, we present an episode of the Hank Unplugged podcast. Hank’s guest is Dr. Craig Evans, Distinguished Professor of Christian Origins at Houston Christian University and a featured scholar in the documentary film, Fragments of Truth: Ancient Documents, New Discoveries. Hank and Dr. Evans discuss if we can trust the Bible, how archeology supports the authenticity of biblical narratives, how Misquoting Jesus inspired Dr. Evans to correct Bart Ehrman’s misrepresentations of biblical manuscripts, if the claim by Bart Ehrman that the Bible has been altered is true, and the problem of historical and biblical illiteracy.
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (08/23/24), Hank answers the following questions:In Acts chapter 1, was choosing Mathias to replace Judas a mistake? Carrie - Overland Park, KS (1:01)What did Jesus mean when He said He came to fulfill the law? Jen - Sylvan Lake, AB (2:52)Can you explain when we are to turn the other cheek? Sarah - Kansas City, MO (5:09)What happens when we die? Do we go directly to heaven? Arley - Nebraska City, NE (7:17)Is the Millennium the time you suggested that heaven and earth will converge? Arley - Nebraska City, NE (16:42)Is homosexuality a choice that people make, or is it something they are born with? Keith - Topeka, KS (20:44)Can you explain the first resurrection mentioned in Revelation 20? Brian - Baxter, TN (23:48)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (08/22/24), Hank answers the following questions:How can I convince someone that the Bible’s prohibition of homosexuality isn’t hate speech? Matt - Denver, CO (0:51)Can you address Unitarian Universalists and give me an overview of their teachings? Dwayne - Newton, MA (2:28)What is your view of the rapture? How is it different from the second coming of Christ? Lori - El Dorado, MO (4:42)Are those saved during the tribulation the guests at the marriage supper of the Lamb? Will this take place after the battle of Armageddon? Lucien - Vallejo, CA (16:00)How do I determine whether the songs at my church are glorifying to God or just worldly entertainment? Beverly - Clarksville, TN (18:14)What are the biblical grounds for divorce and remarriage? Is there anything wrong with enjoying being single? Lori - Oakland, CA (23:39)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (08/21/24), Hank answers the following questions:Is Ezekiel 13 relevant for us today? Are there still prophets today? Maureen - San Antonio, TX (0:56)How can I help Mormons understand the significance of the cross? What is the best way to witness to them? Tyler - Salt Lake City, UT (6:40)Is it possible to see ghosts? Stacy - La Vergne, TN (8:30)Is the phrase “lovers of self” in 2 Timothy 3:2, referring to masturbation? Reginald - Bedford, OH (15:11)Will calling someone a fool send you to hell according to Matthew 5:22? Leslie - Fair Play, MO (17:04)I am having strange, repetitive dreams. Can you help me interpret them? Are these warnings from God? Tim - San Jose, CA (20:44)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (08/20/24), Hank answers the following questions:Do the genealogies give us the age of the Earth? Scott - St. Louis, MO (1:12)Since Christ was raised physically, can you help me understand where He is now? Tony - KS (3:59)Did non-Jews living in the times of the Old Testament have a chance for salvation? Zach - Cameron, MO (6:20)What is your view of The Message Bible? Colin - Atlanta, GA (9:23)Why exactly are Jehovah’s Witnesses not Christians? Is it only because they deny the deity of Jesus or are there other reasons? Josephine - Wichita, KS (15:44)What are your thoughts on Orson Pratt’s view of the Trinity? How does the Mormon view differ from Christianity? RC - Kansas City, MO (17:31)What happens to Christians who commit sins such as murder or divorce? Fred - Chattanooga, TN (20:47)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (08/19/24), Hank shares his thoughts on the many problems inherent in the Neo-Darwinian paradigm. Hank relates his struggle with creationism as a boy and how at the age of 29 he finally embraced a Christian worldview.Hank also answers the following questions:Can you clarify your comments on a letter you read on the air recently concerning God’s chosen people? Jannette - Chicago, IL (4:40)How old is the earth? Natalie - AK (15:39)Will children who die before being old enough to confess and believe in Christ go to hell? Brendon - Kearney, NE (20:57)What’s your view on the doctrine of election? Brendon - Kearney, NE (22:58)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast, Hank answers the following questions:Jeremiah 7:31 says, “…nor did it come into my mind.” If God knows everything, why does He make statements like this? Sarah - Erie, CO (0:50)When I pray, how do I separate what the Word of Faith teachers call faith and true biblical faith? Can a person command God in prayer? Gloria - BC (5:32)Why did God create us if He knew we would fail? Karen - Kansas City, KS (15:13)Can a Christian be a Democrat? I’m conflicted because Republicans don’t seem to support Christian values like helping the poor. Josie - El Paso, TX (18:32)Can you explain Jesus’ words on the cross, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” Wasn’t He pointing to the Psalms? BJ - OK (23:42)
On today’s Bible Answer Man broadcast (08/16/24), Hank discusses how some people misuse the Bible to promote racism, highlighting a letter he received from someone who claims that the Negro—or Hebrew Israelites—are God’s chosen people and uses Scriptures out of context to make their claim.Hank also answers the following questions:What are your thoughts on William Branham? Was he a false prophet? Ken - Springfield, MO (6:56)Should Christians attend the Broadway musical The Book of Mormon? Laura - San Antonio, TX (15:12)Are there any extra-biblical accounts of what Stephen said about the destruction of the Temple in Acts 6? Christopher - Northville, MI (17:32)Did those living in the New Testament times expect Jesus to return in their lifetime? Christopher - Northville, MI (20:25)Was the parable of the rich man and Lazarus in Luke 16 a true story? Is there a literal hell? Louis - Detroit, MI (23:56)
Comments (3)

Todd. H.

If Paul never advocated "relationship", why do so many today make it their test for orthodoxy?

May 23rd

Kelly Petruzzi-Hiller

why do we need to count on deceased saints to pray 4 us when we have the earthy body of Christ here to pray?

May 23rd

Just an Opinion...

Who cares? One of the best arguments against religion is seeing how many people are worried about dogma and doctrines from a time when people believed that the universe revolved around earth. They didn't know about germs, scientific knowledge or even what causes lightening. And yet millions of people take advice and seek wisdom from iron and bronze age cultures. Unbelievable!

May 21st