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Bible Book Club

Author: Susan Merrill & Heather Rubio

Subscribed: 604Played: 8,416


The Bible. It’s been the #1 book sold since the day it was written, but have you read it? And if you read it, did you understand it? In the Bible Book Club podcast, we read every word of the Bible for you. In fact, Heather Rubio and Susan Merrill will do it all for you—read, discuss, and explore the only book ever written that can change your life forever. All you have to do is listen. Just join the club! Start in the beginning with Season 1: Genesis or choose a book. Available Seasons include Season 1 Genesis, Season 2 Exodus, Season 3 Leviticus, Season 4 Numbers, Season 5 Deuteronomy, Season 6 Joshua, Season 7 Judges, Season 8 Ruth, Season 9 1 Samuel, Season 10 2 Samuel Season 11 1 Kings 

209 Episodes
Welcome to the club! Whether you have read the Bible multiple times or have never read a word of it, start your journey with us. Our first stop, for our first episode, is Genesis 1:1-2 with an overview & surprise appearance of Jesus. In just 2 verses, we lay the foundation. We're visual learners. If you are too, make sure to take a peek at the show notes below! Show Notes BlogOld Testament PrintableNew Testament PrintableThe TaNakh Books Printable Patr...
Welcome back! In this episode, we deep dive into Genesis 1, otherwise known as the story of creation. Susan provides us with a fresh, out-of-this-world perspective on an age-old passage. We're visual learners. If you are too, make sure to peek at the show notes below! Show Notes BlogEarthrise ImageApollo 8 Christmas Eve Recording Earthrise Video Stimulation Image and video source: NASA Show notes are also available to view on We love feedb...
Welcome back, clubbers! We are three weeks into the journey of Genesis. We are up to Genesis 2 where...(drum roll, please)... God created us! This is where we begin. God was so intimately involved in the creation of man and woman, but what was His purpose? All things we could spends hours discussing, but we will keep it to half an hour. In our book club, we're visual learners. If you are too, make sure to take a peek at the show notes below! Show Notes Blog Show n...
Genesis 3 (aptly named "The Fall") is where our world starts to crack. It's where we meet a new and horrible character: Satan. Join Susan and Heather as they analyze where it all went wrong and how we can avoid the same mistakes today. Make sure to take a peek at the show notes below as it really helps with this week's episode! Show Notes BlogThe Path to Good or Evil Printable Show notes are also available to view on We love feedback, but can't reply without y...
We said it before: the Bible has it all--romance, history, comedy, suspense, murder. Well, Genesis 4 starts, and we, unfortunately, see the first murder take place. A brother vs brother comparison leads to a dark path for Cain and long-lasting consequences to his sin. Join Susan and Heather as they dig deeper into the story of Adam and Eve's children. Make sure to take a peek at the show notes below as it really helps with this week's episode! Show Notes BlogThe Path to Good...
Moving on from the murder last week, in Genesis 5, God provides hope through the new line of Seth. If you usually skip genealogies you will want to stay tuned. Susan and Heather become quite the historians this week as they get up close and personal with all ten generations from Adam to Noah. Be ready for Bible benders galore because there is a lot more to this genealogy than a list of names! Make sure to take a peek at the show notes below for all the visual learners out there. Show Notes ...
From Murder (Genesis 4) to Hope through a new line (Genesis 5) to the mysterious Nephilim (Genesis 6), Genesis provides it all. Susan and Heather provide 3 explanations for who 'Nephilim' could be in this episode. I wonder, where will you land? But that's not all. From there, we get introduced to Noah, a hero with an Ark. Settle in with us as well ride the wave that is Genesis 6. Make sure to take a peek at the show notes below for Hayley's recap! Show Notes BlogShow notes are also a...
Even if you don't know the Bible, most people know the story of Noah and the flood. If you grew up in church, you probably remember the cute children's story that focused on the animals making their way into the Ark. In today's episode, Susan and Heather walk through the details of the rather epic tragedy of the ark--with no kid glasses on. Settle in for Chapter 7 and part of 8. Make sure to take a peek at the show notes below for Hayley's recap! Show Notes BlogNoah's ChiasmusShow notes (li...
Trips make an impact on us, for better or worse and the year on the ark is no different. In these chapters, we see the aftermath of the Ark. After such a big year for Noah's family, God provides direction to Noah through a sweet covenant. Settle in for Chapter 8 and part of 9. Make sure to take a peek at the show notes below for Hayley's recap! Show Notes BlogModern and Middle East MapResources for those with unwanted pregnanciesShow notes (including detailed notes on the Noahic Cove...
We are back on dry land and now we get a glimpse into Noah's family--especially his three sons: Ham, Shem, and Japheth. Listen in on Heather's reading of Chapter 9 and 10--the chapters where 3 sons become 70 nations. Psst! This week we also get the pleasure of Buck the editor's thoughts on the fertile crescent. Make sure to take a peek at the show notes below for Hayley's recap! Show Notes BlogThe Table of NationsModern and Middle East MapWorld History EncyclopediaShow notes are also avail...
Genesis 11 describes the Tower of Babel of the Babylonians. Listen as we uncover the purpose for the Tower and what remains of it today. Don't miss out as Susan points out how this attempt of the Babylonians to elevate their name provided a great contrast to Jesus, "the temple" in the New Testament. Make sure to take a peek at the show notes below for Hayley's recap! Show Notes BlogSome Very Compelling Evidence the Tower of Babel was RealArcheologist Doug Petrovich: Site of Tower in EriduOve...
Genesis 12 starts the second half of Genesis. The first 11 chapters covered primeval history and were about God and the World. Chapters 12-50 cover the patriarchal history, which is about God and Abraham's family. Who doesn't love a good family story? Let's see what God has planned for Abraham. Make sure to take a peek at the show notes below for Hayley's recap! Show Notes BlogThe Migration of AbrahamThe Bible Project: The Book of Genesis Part 2The Bible Project: Overview: Genesis 12-50S...
Ever took a trip that had lost-lasting effects? Abraham could relate. Abraham's detour to Egypt had quite a few consequences. Heather and Susan review them and the rest of Chapter 13 in this episode! Make sure to take a peek at the show notes below for Hayley's recap! Show Notes BlogThe Path to Good or EvilShow notes are also available to view on We love feedback, but can't reply without your email address. Message us your thoughts and contact info! Contact Bible Book ...
What story would be complete without a battle? Chapter 14 brings us Abram's first battle and quite the rescue mission. This chapter has many confusing names as we see 9 kings battling each other for territory over an important trade route. Don't let the names get to you-- Heather will read them and Susan will break it all down for us. Make sure to take a peek at the show notes below for Hayley's recap! Show Notes BlogAbraham in CanaanShow notes are also available to view on
Abraham's journey is a rollercoaster of trust and doubt. In chapters 15 and 16, Abraham is blessed with a covenant from God but he still experiences doubt and tries to have a child his own way. Get on the ride as Susan and Heather take you on Abraham's rollercoaster. Make sure to take a peek at the show notes below for Hayley's recap! Show Notes BlogThe Blessing of IshmaelShow notes are also available to view on We love feedback, but can't reply without your email ...
In Genesis 17, we move ahead 13 years to where Abraham is 99 years old and baby Ishmael is now a teenager at 13. God speaks to Abraham and tells him that the child that will fulfill the blessing is coming. Also in this chapter, Abram and Sarai get a name change, and all the men in Abraham's family get a physical reminder of this covenant. Make sure to take a peek at the show notes below for Hayley's recap! Show Notes BlogShow notes are also available to view on We lo...
Genesis 18 brings some visitors to Abraham with some long-awaited news! Abraham and Sarah react to the news and visitors differently. (Which reaction do you think you relate to more?) Tag along as Susan and Heather shows that there is nothing random when it comes to God. We are happy you are part of the club. Make sure to take a peek at the show notes below for Hayley's recap! Show Notes blogShow notes are also available to view on We love feedback, but can't reply ...
We continue this week with the stranger angel conversations in the rest of Genesis 18 and the start of Genesis 19. The angels alert Abraham of the upcoming destruction of Sodom--the land in which Lot lives. Tag along as Susan and Heather discuss how questioning God when your heart is in the right place is welcomed by the Lord. We are happy you are part of the club. Make sure to take a peek at the show notes below for Hayley's recap! Show Notes blogShow notes are also available to view on S...
The rest of Genesis 19 sees the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah take place. Susan and Heather discuss Lot's reactions to the impending judgment and how righteousness can protect us. We are happy you are part of the club. Make sure to take a peek at the show notes below for Hayley's recap! Show Notes blogDavid's Wars of ConquestShow notes are also available to view on We love feedback, but can't reply without your email address. Message us your thoughts and contact in...
In this episode covering Genesis 20 and 21, we see Abraham and Sarah get their fulfilled promise in the form of baby Isaac. Susan and Heather discuss everything from Ishmael's leaving, Sarah's mama bear moment, and even a new alliance. We are happy you are part of the club. Make sure to take a peek at the show notes below for Hayley's recap! Show Notes blogIshmael, Isaac, Jesus and God: yesterday, today and tomorrowReligion and the Israel-Palestinian Conflict: Cause, Consequence, and...