DiscoverBible Stories 4 Kids
Bible Stories 4 Kids
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Bible Stories 4 Kids


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Telling great Bible stories to kids in their own language
33 Episodes
Miracles in Egypt

Miracles in Egypt


God did nine miracles in Egypt in order to release His people. But Pharaoh was still stubborn!
Moses Met God!

Moses Met God!


God came to Moses on Mount Sinai. What happened there?!
You are Not Too Small!

You are Not Too Small!


God wants to use everyone, including YOU!
Every child is loved by Jesus!
Jesus healed the servant of the Soldier
Jesus wants to save everyone. No one is left out of his life changing influence and power
Elijah & the Widow

Elijah & the Widow


God can take care of us anytime anywhere. He did take care of Elijah and the widow and her son in the midst of famine
Paul Met Christ!

Paul Met Christ!


Paul was attacking the followers of Christ because he believed that Jesus was just a deceiver. Then Jesus appeared to him!
When Dorcas got sick and died, widows and old women were weeping. Why? Dorcas was so good to them when she was alive.
Human beings don't normally walk on water. But Jesus and Peter did!
Elijah Went to Heaven!

Elijah Went to Heaven!


There was a man who went to heaven straight, without dying. That was Elijah!
Moses crossed the Red Sea along with the people of Israel
What does a young girl have in common with an older woman? They both experienced a miracle on the same day!
This man had not walked in a long time. His friends took him to Jesus. This story tells us what happened when they got to Jesus.
What is it like to see a man who waa born blind having his eyes restored again!
Running Away From God?

Running Away From God?


Is it possible for someone to run away from God? Let's find out in this interesting Bible story?
Early Years Of Moses

Early Years Of Moses


How and where did Moses grow up? Who was he after leaving his mother's home?
The Birth of Moses

The Birth of Moses


The beginning of Moses, the great prophet of Israel.
Why did God choose Abraham? Because God wanted to get human beings back in friendship with Him!
Do you want to communicate with Rev Tunde Amosun, the bible story teller? You can send him an email, Expecting to hear from you!